~HE WEDDING of Mrs. Arlene 0 clock i in the First Reformed Church, r bridesmaid, and Fred M. Kiefer, son of the groom, best man. The bride’s gown was made of beige repe, trimmed with a cape of galyak fur. Her hat was a brown felt and she wore a corsage of orchids. Mrs. David wore a dusty pink crepe trimmed with grey fox and a matching hat of pink felt. Mrs. Kiefer's ensemble was of n with a corsage of orchids. Following the ceremony a breakfast as served at the Keifer home. After a five week's trip to the Gat- neau Rod and Gun Club, Maniwaki, anada, the couple will reside at ; $ % % HY Miss Crossley Marries Lloyd Cease - Saturday night at 8, in the Truck- ville Methodist Church, Miss Winifred ossley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. hn J. Walsh of DeMuns Road, Dal- as, became the bride of Lloyd Cease, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Cease of havertown. Reverend Rolland Cromp- on performed the ceremony, Mrs. Lloyd P. Hughey of Trucks- lle, the bride's sister, was matron of 10m0T, and Clifford Howell, Shaver- be own, best man, Ushers were Doug- He as Crossley, brother of the bride and ‘a Cease, brother of the groom. ~ The bride who was given away by r brother, Eric Crossicy of Philadel- ly wore a gown of white mousseline “de soie and a large white felt hat. She arried a Colonial bouquet of white ses. Mrs. Hughey wore a gown of naise and carried talisman roses. A reception for about fifty guests llowed at the home of the bride's rents. After a short trip to Asbury ark the couple will reside at Trucks- + * >» Ilene Jackson Married Announcement has been niade by Mr. and Mrs. J .B. Jackson, Sweet Valley of the marriage of their daugh- ter, Ilene, to Garfield Goodman of Nanticoke, which took place December 0, 1934 at Downsville, Md. The cere- ony was performed by Reverend C. 3 - # 0» 0% ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Blanchard Carr of ‘rucksville are vacationing at Spring Lake, N. J. v7 * + * Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Reynolds of rucksville had as their week-end guest, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Reynolds and hildren of Pittsburgh. ~ Honoring Mrs. Adam P. Keifer, the ‘ormer Mrs. Arlene S. Baldwin of Chi- go, Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Keifer en- tertained at a dinner party at their residence at Shrine View, Tuesday ha F * * X Mr. and Mrs. Fred Belford of Sha- rtown have returned from a motor ip to Buttale atid Niagara Falls. L 3 % 8 Cunninghams To Move zone to California to take up their re- sidence permanently. Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham's son, Peyton, a former teacher of Kingston Township School, ‘a member of the faculty of Califor- ‘nia State College. AK * * ~ Mr. and Mrs. Newton Ness and chil- en of Shavertown spent the week- nd as guests of Mr. Ness’s father, York, Pa. ‘ * * % ‘Miss Evelyn Culver, Margaret ‘Thompson, Flora Jean Stock, Margaret Badman, Ruby Coon, Stanlea Thomp- | son, Wilma Stock, Rachel Risch, and Dorothy Guyler, of Carverton, have re- turned from Queen Esther Camp, Ox- Bow Lake. y ¥ 0» 0% Mr. and Mrs. David Arnold, Leh- man, are spending thelr vacation in Atlantic City. Kiefer of Shrine View, Dallas, took place Wednesday morning, at 10 he Reverend Homer Skyles officiated. 3 ~ Mrs. Charles S. Davol of Providence R. I, Lr of honor, Mrs. Fred M. Kic#®- “of New York University. Mr, and Mrs. C. E. Cunningham have el are spending their vacations with Mr. Road, Dallas. | Camp, S. Baldwin of Chicago and Adam P.. South Franklin Street, Wilkes-Barre. sister of the bride, was CROWDS ATTEND FLOWER SHOW AT ' COUNTRY CLUB Easily the most elaborate flower show ever held in this section, the Community Exhibit sponsored by Wyoming Valley Garden Club, Women’s Club and Wilkes-Barre Junior League attracted throngs to Irem Country Club yesterday. The range of exhibits and the wide territory represented by the exhibitors was unusual. The show opened at noon and continued un- til late last night. Members of Wyoming Valley Junior Woman's Club served luncheon from 12 to 1 to workers and exhibitors. Many prominent club women from Dallas and vici- nity played prominent parts in the affair. Announcement has been made by Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Woolever, Orange, of the marriage of their son, George, to Miss Kathleen Smith, Ves- tal, N.Y. * + % Mr. and Mrs. Arch Woolbert, Trucks- ville, spent the week end at Lake George, N. Y. + * % Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stevens of Trucksville have moved to Endicott, N.Y: * * % Donald Stewart Millman, son of Dr. and Mrs. Howard Millman, Trucksville, who submitted to an emergency ap- pendicitis operation on Sunday, is out of danger, : * * * Morris J. Williams, Shavertown, has gone to Detroit where he has accept- ed a position. He will move his family there next month. * % *% The class reunion of the class of 1927 of the Kingston High School was held at “Chim-Nee-Inn, Carverton, last Wednesday night, + + * Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bell and daugh- ter Marjorie, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Steltz, Shavertown, spent last week on: a fishing trip 2 heer Cownity. * The Ladies’ a ctm of the M. E. Church of Trucksville made plans at their meeting last Thursday to serve meals on the day of the primary elec- tion in the Firemen’s Hall. * *% a Mr. and Mrs. Harry Siegal, and children, have returned to Shavertown from their cottage 2 Harveys Lake. “Miss: ze oR teacher in the Kingston Township Schools, hag re- (turned from New York City where she was a ‘student at the summer school * * Plans have been completed by the | Keller Bible Class of the Shavertown {M. E. Church for their corn roast which will be held on the Sky Top Quoit Club Grounds Wednesday, Sept- ember 11. *% % * Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Egan of Trucks- ville are spending their vacation in the Thousand Islands. . * * % Miss Deborah Jeter and Miss Fran- ces Armine, South Dakota, students at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Center Hill and Mrs. John T. Jeter, * * * Orns Ana R (This is the second of a series of Greens and reds are unquestionably the key colors of the Fall and Winter Season with Brown and Blue playing a very prominent part in the color scheme for day time wear. Of course there is an almost unending variation of shades in the colors being used and Black still continued to perform the duty of stabilizer. Red varieties of shade range from bright red to deep wine tones with American © Beauty the outstanding choice, while the pastel shades and white are almost missing. ; The shades and combinations most prominent in the creations of the World's leading designers are as fol- lows: ‘Worth, Lelong and Bouslogue have used American Beauty. Paquin—Raspberry. Mainbocher and Rochas—Fuchsia, a purplish shade of red. Bouslogue—Soldier Red and Dubon- net, Schaparelli—Chocolate Paper Red. Worth and Lavine—Brick. Molyneaux, Patou and Chanel—Pale and Azalia Pink. Green shades are a bit less vivid than the reds but avoid the pastel in- fluence very carefully, Lavin, Moly- neux, Paray and Schiaparelli use many shades of green—Bluish, Verouse and Olive predominating while both Chanel and Bouslogue confine themselves to Reseda as a base with a generous use of#Mint, by the former, and Ming Green by the latter in minor color combinations. Very few of the outstanding Design- ers are using Orthodox Brown but the eds Key Colors Decreed By Fashion Experts By FANNY FERN fashion articles being prepared ex- clusively for The Dallas Post by Fanny Fern.) Rust and Ginger shades are fairly well represented in day dresses. Chanel, Rouff, Rouslogue and Creed show a few gowns in Rust and Ginger. Lelong, Patou and Piguet—Chestnut and the darker shades while Bouslo- gue has used Marigold in a striking model for formal afternoon wear. The Blues used are strikingly like the jewel of that color. Dilkusha, Le- long and Molyneux have selected Tur- quoise and Lapis-lazuli. Schiaparelli, Rochas and Bouslogue—Cobolt, Royal and Sapphire. : It is interesting to note some of the outstanding color combinations em- ployed by these great designers, and after all color combinations play al- most as important a part in the dis- tinctive effect of a gown, as does line and decoration. Daring in the use of color combination is hardly the word. I think courageous more fittingly ex- preses the quality of character dis- played this year and you will agree I am sure after reviewing this summary, Dynamite Black and Ming Green—- ‘“Bouslogue”. Rust and Green—“Chanel”, American Beauty and Royal Blue— “Lelong”. Soldier Red and Sky Blue—“Boslo- gue”. Cornflower “Schiaparelli”. Rust and Scarlet—“Patou”. And so you see you may be gay this season with the use of a limited num- ber of colors that will easily permit of a continuous interchange of accessor- ies among your gowns without fear of clashing color schemes. Blue and Fuchsia — Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Paul Huey of Trucksville spent the week-end at As- bury Park. A * + * Mrs. Samual Oliver, Shavertown, én- Mrs. Alva Case entertained at her home in Sweet Valley recently Mr. and Mrs. George Lewis of Markeuik. Misses Elsie and Sarah Pfahler, Trucksville, spent a few days last week tertained last week Miss Caroline Sha- ver of Pittsburgh. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jahn were | guests of honor at a corn roast Fri- | day night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Hess of Kunkle. Mr. and Mrs. Jahn are visiting Mrs. Jahn’s mother, Mrs. Ella Shaver of Shaver- town. i * * 0% Mrs. Mary Grey and sons, Carl and Frances, and Philip Rowley spent last week-end in Philadelphia. y ¥ o¥ 0% Mr. and Mrs. John Cortright, Sha- vertown, entertained over the holiday Mrs. Willard Engler of Washington. * * 3 Reverend Gertrude Ross, pastor of the Dallas Free Methodist Church, is visiting her brother in Vermont. Mrs. Ruth Archibald, Wilkes-Barre, is stay- ing at the parsonage during Miss Roth’s absence. “ 0% 0B i Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Chaite enter- tained at a series of corn roasts at their home in Trucksville last week. < + * * Walter Rau, Dallas, spent last week end in Waverly, N. Y. oe * Fi Mr. and Mrs. Crispell entertained a number of friend at a corn roast at their home in Dallas Thursday. * * *% John Nesbitt Conyngham, Hillside, who has been a patient at the General Hospital, is much improved. + + * In honor of her son Russell Jr., Mrs. Houser entertained at a party Satur- day, at her home in Shavertown. * 0% * Mrs. Malcolm Borthwick, Shaver- town, entertained for her sister, Miss Ethel Casterline, who will be a Sept- ember bride, Wednesday evening. in New York City. OB * Mrs. James Wagamore, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Cieorgia |’ |Straw, Dallas, has returned to her horte ‘at Attleboro, fass. ® 0% 0% William Lord Conyngham, scn of Mr. and Mrs. William Coryngham, Hilldale, is enrolled at the Hotchkiss School for the coming year, * * * Robert Lohman, Trucksville, will re- turn to State College, where he is a student, about the middle of Septem- ber. CE TE Miss Clare Brown of Trucksville en- tertained over last week-end her niece Miss Ruth Parry of New York City. } * * * Friday night the Silver Leaf Club of Kunkle held their meeting in the Kun- kle Community Hall. * % * Miss Helen Jeter, Dallas, has gone to Caldwell, N. J., where she will be a student in the Caldwell High School for the goming winten Mrs. Edna Howell and daughter Marjorie of Shavertown, spent the holiday week-end as guests of Mrs. Howell's father, Dr. C. L. Boston, at | Noxen. wi #8! ® 0% 0% { Mrs. W. S. Bender, Noxen, has had | as her guest for the last few weeks her sister Miss Emma Hidleman of Cumberland, Md. *% * * Mr. and Mrs. Harold Laux and fam- ilf of Trucksville, changed their resi- dence to 297 Chapel Street, Luzerne this week. * * * William and Charles Malkemes, sons of Miss Catherine Malkemes of Sha- vertown, have resumed their studies at Girard College. Miss Ruth Blackman, Idetown, who has been enrolled at the Fenimore) Cooperstown, for the summer, has returned. ¥% + + Mr, John H. Miller, Boston, spent Re + * Enters Trainina School Miss Evelyn Culp, Dallas, has been iccepted by the Homeopathic Hospital as a student nurse in their September class. Miss Culp was graduated in the class of 1934 of the Lehman High School. g | + + * Miss Eva Hepler of Shavertown has ‘gone to Fort Allegheny where she has accepted a position as teacher for the coming term. * * * Mis Patricia Reynolds, who was be- ing treated at the General Hospital for injuries received when she fell from a horse, has returned to her home at ~ Goodleigh Farms. ‘New Low Prices | & F Growing Mash RS $2.30 : B&F | | Laying Mash .......... $2.00 | B&F milk Ration 17%, ...... $1.40 B&F Dairy Ration, 229, ~ $1.65 Distiller’s Grains, 309, .. $1.55 Rye for seed, extra nice. \ Brown & Fasset Fernbrock ‘Where your money goes furthest last week-end with Mr. and Mrs. C. B. D. Wood, Harvey's Lake, Mr. Miller { ic the son- n-law of Mr. and Mrs. | Wood. 1 * 0» 0% { Mr, and Mrs. David Emmanuel, i (Orange, had as their guests recently Mr. and Mr. John Emmanuel and son | | | | Fir-t National Bank | PUBLIC SQUARE | WILKES-BARRE, PA. $ 2,250,000 $12,412,000 {| Capital—Surplus Resources United States Depository OFFICERS: | Wm. H. Conyngham ..... President || Francis Douglas .... Ex. Vice-Pres. || | Chas. F. Huber ..... 1st Vice-Pres. || M. G. Shennan Vice-Pres. & Cashier DIRECTORS: iH Chas. N, Loveland Fred O. Smith Wm, XH. Conyngham Richard Sharpe C. F. Huber Francis Douglas T. R. Hillard Edward Griffith Wm. W. Inglis M. G. Shennan Safe Deposit Boxes For Rent 2% Per Cent Interest On Savings. BOROUGH Vote For These Candidates SLATE oF 0%. Ladies’ Aid Plans Activities The Ladies’ Aid Society of the Glen- view Primitive Methodist Church, Fern brook, at their meeting last Friday night made the following plans for the month’s activities: September 14, a Ibake sale will be managed by Mrs. Os- car Dymond, Mrs. Kenneth Cobleigh, and Mrs. George Shaver; September 17, and 18, a committee made up of Mrs, Lewis Stritzinger, Mrs. J. F. Ran- dall, Mrs. Zigmund Harmond, Mrs. Ed- ward Sowers and Mrs. George Shaver will conduct a rummage sale; Septem- ber 21, a bingo party will be held at the home of Mrs. Zigmund Harmond. Miss Verna Lamoreaux will assist Mrs. Harmond. - ow = . Mr. and Mrs, Charles Wilner, Sha- vertown, entertained over the week- end and Labor Day Miss Marjorie Wil- ner of New York City. FX - Mrs. Walter Sayre and children, Muncy, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Walter Risley, have re- turned home. LAA Mr. and Mrs. David Spry ot Shaver- town had as their week-end guests Mr. anod Mrs. William S077 of Berwick. * * Mrs. J. B. Howell, Shavertown, en- tertained oven the week-end and holi- day Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Tamblyn and son of Rutherford, N. J. + * + Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Worrall, who for- merly resided at Davenport Street, Dallas, have taken up their residence in Kingston. * * Mr. and Mrs. William Chapple of Shavertown had as house guests over the holiday Mr .and Mrs. Charles Cos- lett of Rochester. * * * George and Robert Race have re- turned to school at Hershey after vi- siting their mother, Mrs. Laverne Race of Dallas over tae Wegheend. Mr. and Mrs, William Jones, Trucks- ville, attended the 5th annual reunion of the Jones family at Harvey's Lake recently. * * * Mrs. William Thomas, Noxen, has as her guest Miss Ruth Newell of New York City. *% * * Miss Mary Louise Turrell of Noxen has returned from Europe where she spent the summer, * * * Mrs. Thomas Him and daughter Bet- ty of Dallas are spending two weeks with relatives in Richmond, Va. * * a Marion Dana Funeral Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dana and fam- ily attended the funeral of their daughter-in-law Mrs. Marion Dana, at East Orange, N. J., Tuesday afternoon. The deceased was fatally injured in an automobile accident near Kingston, N. Y., Friday. She was the wife of BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Edward Babcock, Sha- vertown, announce the birth of a daughter, Mrs. Babcock was the for- mer Misg Ethel Remelv: [3 Born to Mr. ro on 'Rusell Achuff, Shavertown, August 30, in the General Hospital, a son. : + * *% Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jones of Mt. Airy Road, Dallas, announce the birth of a son at Nesbitt Memorial Hospital, August 31. * * + Born, August 30, at Wilkes-Barre General Hospital, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Patton of Noxen. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gruner, Trucks- ville, announce the birth of a son at Wilkes-Barre (General Hospital on September 1. * * * Born to Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Morris of Trucksville September 2 at Wilkes- Barre General Hospital, a son. * * Mr. and Mrs. Harry Greener of Trucksville announce the birth of a son, September 1, at the Wilkes-Barre General Hospital, \ Miss Alice Oberst, Dallas, has re- turned from Atlantic City and Mt. Top. + * * Mrs. Joseph Jewell and Mrs. Leo- nard O'Kane, Dallas, are visiting Mrs. Sarah Schmerer at Lakewood, N. J. * *% * Mrs. L. A. Tompkins of Dallas, has ag her guests Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Tom- kins and Reverend and Mrs. Alva Tompkins and daughter, Mahy Alice of Chicago. * * + Mr. and Mrs, Millard Keen and son Harold Freas Keen of Trucksville at- tended the Keen Reunion at Benton Park last week. * * * Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Shaver have re- turned from Washington to their home in Shavertown. £3 + * , James M. Scott is spending the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Lee Scott, Dallas. * * + Miss Marion Anthony, Trucksville, is visiting her grandmother, Mrs, Humel of Espy. + * * Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kent enter- tained Mr. and Mrs. Neil Chrisman of Wilkes-Barre last week-end. Oppose Official Oligarchy! vote GEORGE E. GWILLIAM Independent Republican Reverend Francis Allan Dana. For County Commissioner—(adv.) @ Let’s Look at the Recor \ Competent - QUALIFIED EDWARD B. FARR ATT TT a Willlam1 S. McLean, Jr. | They are interested solely in your town — not in politics — They are opposed to outside domination and interference. SCHOOL DIRECTOR Clyde Lapp COUNCIL James Ayre William Davis John Durbin Warden Kunkle JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Ira Cooke John Jeter CONSTABLE Leonard O’Kane HIGH CONSTABLE Joseph Jewell OVERSEER OF THE POOR Mrs. Bertha Thomas William Baker eMember pioneer Wyoming County Families eLife long resident of Wyoming County es Educated at Mansfield State Normal School eReveived pre-law training at State College s Law course University of Pennsylvania Law School e Admitted to Wyoming County Bar April 1903 eAdmitted to Pennsylvania Superior Court e Admitted to Pennsylvania Supreme Court eAdmitted to United States Courts «Thirty-two years practicing attorney eServed nine years as District Attorney eMember American Law Institute eMember Executive Committee Penna. Bar Asso. eTrustee Pittston Hospital ePast Trustee Mansfield Normal School - oe Trustee Dickinson Law School eTrustee Keystone Academy oe Trustee Presbyterian Church FARR 7 JUDGE