The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, August 23, 1935, Image 4

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    daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Whitesell of Lehman, and Joe Ells.
, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Ellsworth of Meshoppen; was announced.
ss Whitesell is a graduate of Lehman High School.
Mr. Ellsworth is a
ayel Smee State Teachers’
He is a teacher at Fubuey
Miss Betty Stull of Courtdale, who
appeared before the guests with a
oat bearing an owl, read the an-
ouncement from a scroll which was
nder the owl's wing.
hose who attended the party were:
tty Jane Stull, Mrs. Howard Stull,
orothy Major, Louise Brown, Stella
~ Johnson, Katherine Stolarick, Madeline
arfoss, Grace Ide, Muriel Zimmer-
an, Louise Lamoreaux, Mrs. Joseph
ytheway, Myrtle Major, Mrs, Carl
randon, Mrs. Lewis Ide, Mrs. Thomas
Boas, Mrs. Kenneth Rice, Mrs. H. A.
Brown, Mrs. J. A Hildebrant, Mrs. F.
uggles, Mrs. Oliver Whitesell, Vera
, Celia Whitesell.
5 % *
Frantz-Wall Nuptials
ss Rose Frantz, daughter of Mr.
Mrs. Charles Frantz of Carverton
The Reverend George
nes "performed the ceremony. Miss
erine. Welitchko of Dallas and Au-
dinner at the home of the bride]
f llowed the ceremony. Mr, and Mrs.
all will reside at 548 West Eighth
>t, Wyoming.
% *
Mary Joseph Weds Arthur Evans
The marriage of Miss Mary, Joseph,
eph of Shavertown, and Arthur Evans
of Wilkes-Barre, took place on Satur-
day morning at 8 o'clock at the Second
Welsh Presbyterian Church, Wilkes-
Barre. The Reverend ‘Stephen Jones
performed the ceremony. Miss Alys
Joseph, sister of the bride and Gwyn
Evans, brother of the groom, were the
Following the ceremony a reception
r the immediate families was held at
Miss Joseph has been employed as a
eacher in the Chester Street School,
Kingston. Mr. Evans is with the Glen
Alden Coal Company.
After a short trip to New York and
Atlantic City the couple will reside at
4 Winola Avenue, Kingston.
: Miss Ethel Casterlin, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Casterlin of 103
Bast Hoyt Street, Kingston, was mar-
ried to Ernest A. Gay, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Gay of Orange, Friday
night, August 9, in the parsonage of
the First M. E. Church at Asbury
Park, N. J. Reverend Paul McCartney
erformed the ceremony. The couple
ill spend the rest of the summer at
ake Louise, Orange,
Word has eon ih from J. B.
cott, Dallas, that he hag undergone
slight operation at the St. Vincent
ospital, New York City. Mr, Scott
was taken ill while he and his wife
ere visiting friends in New York. His
condition is good and he expects to
return home soon.
+ * *
Attorney and Mrs. J. Seiber, Trucks-
lle, saileq Monday for a cruise to
Nova Seotia, mt 8 ge ia |
pam | % 0% TE
Rev. and Mrs. F. M. Sellers and!
family of Shavertown, are spending |’
‘some time at Darlon’s Point, East
t Nothwaln, Conn. Rs A
#4 4 Bh ey
Miss Rosalie Frank, Dallas, has had
her guest Miss Muriel Rice of New
ork City.
~The Culp Family reunion will be held
at Benion Bark on Sprang August 25.
the summer at Orange, has gone to
Cape May, N. J. to visit her mother, |
(Mrs... IK. Gran o
Mr. and Mrs. ons Bevan, York,
Pa, have been visiting at the home of
Mr. Bevan’'s parents in West Pittston. |
in Dallas.
The Ladies’ (Aid Society of the East:
Dallag M. E. Church held their annual
picnic at Evans Falls last Thursday.
& % +
Mrs, Homer Teall, Dallas, has
‘turned from Moosehead Lake, Maine.
¥ * &
Miss Frances Keeler of Trucksville is
‘the guest of Mrs. Leslie Boone, North
& *
Mrs. Wesley Himmler and Miss Hel-
‘en Himmler, Dallas, are vacationing
in Asbury Park and Atlantic City.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kester, Dallas,
attended the eighth annual reunion of
the Kester family at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. C, N. Kester, Tunkhannock,
August 10, a
Mr. ahd Mrs. C. B Hoyt, Trucksville,
recently entertained for Mr and Mrs.
Edward Mould, North Tonawanda, N.
oY, at a dinner party.
aduate of Meshoppen High Schoolé—
daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John D. Jo-.
; Mrs, H. B. a el is spending |
Mr. and Mrs. Bevan, formerly resided |
re- |
Mr. and Mrs. John Dana, Carverton
Road, announce the birth of a daugh-.
ter in the Wilkes-Barre General Hos-
wid, Thursday, Aug pugs:
* Mr. and i Louis Siperko, Center-
moreland, announce the birth of a son
in. the General Hospital, August 8.
i WR
Announcement has been made by
town, of the birth of a son at Nesbitt
West Side Hospital August 14,
Mr. and Mrs. James Cawley, Shaver-
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Carey of Shaver- |
town, announce the birth of a son, Au-
gust 16. P35
| ® * *
town, announce the birth of a son in
the Mercy Hospital, August 14.
‘Mr. and Mrs, Russell Scuoll are the
guests of Miss Ruth Raudenbush or
* *
Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGuire, Sha-
vertown, entertained at a steak roast
Tuesday night, at Fernbrook Park in
honor of their house guests, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank eT of Frederick, Md.
* \
Friends and relatives of Mrs. Wil-
home, Sweet Valley, to celebrate her
tractive gifts. »
Ruth Kintz, Gertrude Kintz,
beth Gray, Dallas, are
Camp Onawandah, White's Ferry.
! * + + :
at the home, of
Lehman, Monday night.
* E3 +
Robbins of Trucksville, ghussday night.
Td *
Miss Pearl
Grace Morris,
Irma Baker,
Anthony, and Clyde Bracem,
gue Convention at Sidney this week.
oo ;
Mr. and Mrs.
Reverend and Mrs. Richard
mour of Fernbrook are spending sev-
eral days at Fleetwood, N. J.
$ % % %
Mr. and Mrs.
Shavertown ‘have as their guests Wil-
* *
Mrs. John Lowe, Fernbrook, who has
been visiting in Philadelphia, has re-
turned home. She has as her guest
Walter Hunting of Philadelphia.
* + *
of Jersey City.
Mr. Richard Williams, Fernbrook,
who has been yisiting William Freder-
ick in New York City, has returned
home. wo Ere
& 4 0%
Robert Tempkins who has been the
guest of his mother, Mrs. I. A. Tomp-
kins, Dallas, has returned to his home
in Boston, taint con
emg % B Tih
Dr. and Mus: Swaetd, Dallas, have
as their guests Mrs. Swartz's parents,
Mr, and Mrs. C. (H. Miller of Colling-
wood, N. J.
%O% %
Morris is entertaining
Howard: Caperoon of
Mrs. Frank
| Mr. and Mrs.
. % 0 %
Miss® Joan Blackman, TIdetown,
spent last week-end as guest of Miss |
liam O. Jones recently gathered at her
seventieth birthday anniversary. Mrs.
Jones received many flowers and at-
registered at
Many members and friends of the
Dallas Y. P. B. attended their picnic
Raymond Searfoss,
The Dallas W. C. T. U. held its an-
nual picnic at the home of Mrs. Maude
Trucksville and Ruth Hoffman, Marion
town, are attending the Epworth Lea-
Paul Laux, Shaver-
town, have as their guest Mrs. Laux’s
mother, Mrs. D. H. Farrell of Milford.
¥ 0% 0%
Kenneth Cobleigh,
liam Teeter and Miss Dorothy Teeter |
The tundra of the Arctic plains—
‘Stretched treeless forth,
To meet the sky-ship that had dared—
The skirted fog; the unblazed trail.
Grey wounded wings, aspiring’ heights
Where falls the night and Northern Lights.
Poor wings! Once so pindaric ’gainst the blue,
Settled to earth—which claims all things
Save souls who seeth with longing
For the freedom of the open road.
Pioneers, kindred of spirit,
Cemented with a bond of love—
For that which hides itself
From the ken and sight of man.
Brave hearts, unscared by fear's red brand,
Encased in armour of the Faith.
“Within His hand, God holds all things.”
Though pilgrimage be brief,
Attempt! ‘
Virginia Harding,
Miss Emma Shaver,
Will Hold Garden Exhibit
The garden class of the Shavertown
Girl Scouts invite the children of the
district to a garden exhibit to be held
‘Mr. and Mrs. James Cawley, Shaver- |,¢ 1c ot pauls Lutheran Church on
August 80, 1935.
wishing to enter flowers or egetahlen)
raised by himself or any other mex
ber of the family, please bring them in
own containers with name
product and entrant attached.
The gardens of the Shavertown Girl
Scouts’ Class will
early part of next week.
Mrs. Margaret Turner has returned
to Wilkes-Barre after
Barbara Keefer, Shrine View.
Lutherland, - Pocono Pines, where she |
was elected a reporter for the staff of
the Congregational Chwren Conference.
+ *
and Mrs.
family, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Scott and
family, Margaret Culp,
vin Culp, Dallas,
Herbert. Boston, Ruggles, attended the
Swire Family reunion at Pike's Creek)
Mr: and Mrs.
daughters Irene and Eleanor have re-
turned from Linden, N. J., where they
spent the last two weeks with Mr. and
met for a covered dish luncheon at the
spending several days with a former
classmate in Virginia.
Sunday evening the Orpheus glee
Club of Wyoming Valley presented the
members of the Irem Temple and their
guests on the
Temple Country Club, Dallas.
The Wilkes-Barre Police Department
held a clam bake and corn roast at
the “It'll Do Farm”, Dallas, on Tuesday.
+ * + }
The Trucksville Athletic Association
held a lawn
lawn, Harris Hill
evening. Glenn Billings was chairman
of the committee. The proceeds will be
nged to pay the expenses of the quoit
and baseball teams.
been vacationing at Ocean Grove, have
returned home.
Mr. Wesley Himmler,
x x
Misses Ann and Frances
who have been touring
Any child
* * *%
guests Mr.
ter Angela of Rochester,
‘ 5 + 5
be inspected the
7 : las, are spending a week
* County.
* oct
* * *
visiting Mrs.
visiting her aunt and uncle
spending her vacation at
have as their guests their ni
Thomas Swire and, oo ladelphis. :
‘Warren Cal- Harry Garrahan
and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs.
eral days in Millville.
+ +=
Fred Belford and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Ge
meister and son George
daughter Alberta,
the week-end in Allentown
¥* * *
concert of the season for
* #
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jame,
Ronald, Emma Oram,
pavilion of the Irem
twenty-third annual
Rustay family at Croops Gle
+ * +
Hold Lawn Social ‘
spent the week-end with
Mrs, Fred Kirkendall at Dall
Miss Jean Sylvester,
on the Robbins’
Road, Wednesday
ing Harvey Jr., Dallas.
= * 2
Georgia Straw, Dalla
TT TE en)
patient at the General Hospi
he is under observation.
2 ® % 0%
Dallas, is enter-
spent several days in New York City
have returned to their
Shrine View,
, Dallas,
in New Eng-
home in
Mrs. Peggy Dunn, Dallas, has as her
Neal Mack and his daugh-
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Oliver, Dal-
in Pike's
Miss Marjorie Howell, Shavertown 1s
, Mr. and
| Mrs. Clarence Boston, Tunkhannock.
* *
Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Fleming, Dallas,
ieces, Miss
Mary Jane and Miss Louise Fleming,
and Mrs.
David Buker, Dallas, are spending sev-
Ove Gh Mrs. Amy De Wolfe, Dallas, is en-
tertaining Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Da-
Mr. Burke Hammond of Atlantic)” i pe LE itis
City is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Yenpart ad daughter, Virginia, o
liam Chappel, Shaveriom. > % * 2
: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith and
daughters have returned from a motor
trip through New York State.
& %
A _ Plans Recreation Program
Mrs, Belforgs son, Byerett Mrs. William M. Galvin of Washing-
Sint ton D. C., has been spending some
The Woman's Home Missionary So- time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
ciety of the Trucksville M. E. Church| yo " ‘qpopnera, Dallas. Mrs. Galvin 1s
connected with the Federal Emergency
home of Mrs. Ethel Olver, Mt. Green- BE Rot ann 5h
wood Road Stora. 2 x mapping out a State Recreational
? . .|Program for the forty-eight states.
Miss Harriet Parks of Dallas, is gram ter & ¥ 2
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Warner ana
orge Hof-
Jr., and
Tem ain oy
Ss and son
Loretta Miller,
Albe Rundle, Mertle and Sterl London
of Trucksville recently attended the
of the
Mrs. William C. Frick of Danville
Scranton, spent
last week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Lan-
ev nen Mrs, s, has as
Professor and Mrs. J. A. Martin and {her guest, her daughter, Mrs. James
family, Shavertown, have returned |yyigamore, of Boston,
from New York City where Mr. Mar- : % 0% 0%
tin was enrolled at -the summer Ses- Miss Lettie Lee spent last week-end
sion of Columbia University. visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lewin,
* Lake Winola.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bertram and * » are dn
daughter of Shavertown, who have] Mr. Harry Wertman of Kunkle is a
tal awhere
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cook of Sha-
Clare Haddock, Glen Summit. ‘taining her son and daughter-in-law, vertown, are spending several weeks
! #% #* * [ Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Shaver and her at Seaside Park, N. J.
| Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Mosier, Jean !8rand children ‘of Philadelphia. Bo
[A Majer, Clifford Ruggles, Melvin Mosier * * * Mrs. Lewis Evans of Shavertown,
| Jr., were recent visitors at Bushkill| Mrs. John Conyngham of Hayfield |entertained last week Mr. and , Mrs.
Falls, Pike County. House, who has been in ‘England, has Donald Graham and children Marilyn
oF + +
Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Marshall, have
returned from Harrisburg where they
|attended the funeral of Richard E.
| Robinson.
0% 0&2 i
Lee Scott, Jr., and Herman Johnson,
|of New York City, arrived
[to spend a week at the
Sunday to
[former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee |
| Scott, Sr., at Dallas.
+ * %
Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Kent of
Huntsville attended the races at Sara-
toga last week.
The condition of Mrs. Benson Ander-
son, Sweet Valley, who is ill at the
of her . daughter, Mrs. Earl
remains unchanged.
The Frank Martz “It'll Do Farm” en-
|tertained the members of the Fairlawn
| Stores Association on Wednesday,
xr i oH A
Miss Lois Mosier of Dallas, has re-
turned to her work at General Hospi-
Main Street, Dallas
We aiso specialize in round, baked raisin bread, and Rye Bread.
s Special
Telephone 34
home of the
left to spénd some time in Paris.
and Donald Jr,
Mrs. W. L. Tracy and Mr. and Mrs. | Mr. Curtis Montz, Truckgville, spent
R. M. Scott of Mt. Greenwood are tour- last week end in New York City.
ing in New England. | * *
* * * i Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hartman of |
Miss Doris Linker of Trucksville is | hit. Greenwood are spending their va-
entertaining Miss Betty Peters and | {cation in Atlantic City.
Miss Edythe Roberts of Wilkes-Barre. | ok
N o 2 = { The Dallas All Stars quoit players |
gie Prutzman,
Monday from Ocean Grove.
onzo Prutzman and Miss El- |were defeated by the
| : ,
Shavertown, returned [players with a score of
| evening,
5 to
Harvey's Lake |
3 Monday |
A Musical Production Worth Traveling Miles To See
With :
on BROADWAY | “nay”
e ENTI 3-7-9 p. m.
Stain ENTERTAIN ERS | ®siy
Radio Comedian of The National Feen-A-Mint Program
Supported By A Cast Of
Wyoming Valley Boys
And Girls In The Biggest
Local Production Ever
Staged Anywhere.
Nell Makinson of Forty Fort, who
was visiting at the Olin Kunkle home
for a week went with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Makinson to Harvey's
Lake for a few days before returning
Frank Smith and Elwood Martin
motored to Delaware recently where
they visited the latter’s grandmother,
Mrs. Marshall Martin and other rela-
tives for a few days.
Misses Lois Landon, Althia Landon.
Emily Honeywell, Grace Honeywell,
Dorothy Elston, and Eleanor Kunkle
are spending the week in a cottage at
Harvey's Lake. £
Fred Smith was painfully injured on
Monday of last week when he! was
thrown from the mowing machine he
was riding at Irem Country Club. He
fell on the cutter bar of the machine
and his legs were badly lacerated be-
tore he could throw himself out of the
way of the knives. The team ran away
but was caught before doing any
damage. Mr. Smith is recovering at his
home here.
Doris Hess is spending a, few days
with GeraMine Howell of Fernbrook.
Mrs. Jane Mann and Jane and Re-
becca Herdman returned this week
from a visit with Miss Doris Herdman
at Hempstead, I. I.
Harry Wertman of Nanticoke 'who
had been spending some time with his
son Charles Wertman and family was
Mrs. William S, Hart of Brooklyn
submitted to an appendicitis opera-
tion at the Nesbitt West Side Hospi-
Ital, and has been the home
of her father
George T. Kirkendall,
* ¥ +
John Nesbitt Conyngham, son of Mr.
and Mrs. William H. Conyngham, is ill
at his summer home, Hillside,
* *® *
Mrs. John A. Watson, Trucksville,
has as her guest, Mrs. Norman Lang-
ford, West Pittston.
+ + +
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Royer, Trucks-
ville, entertained at a picnic supper at
their home, Wednesday night.
* * a
At the close of the summer session
of Pennsylvania State College, Profes-
sor Harry C. Wood, Principal of the,
Noxen School, received his doctor’s de-
& * Lh
Mrs. Susan Pethick, Mt. Greenwood,
had as her week-end guests, Mr. and
Mrs. James Davies, Sr. -and Mr. and
Mrs. James Davies Jr., of Elmira, N.Y.
% * % ¢
Miss Alberta Hoffmeister, Shrine
View is the guest of Mrs, Thomas
Arner, Scranton. .
AL * #*
Meet In Golf Matches
The following ‘local . residents took
part in the annual golf championship
matches at the Trem Temple Country
Club this week: Mrs. C. W. Lee, Dal-
las, defeated Mrs. E. L. Pierson, King-
ston, 5 to 4; Mrs Harold. Titman, Dal-
las won by default over Mrs. Leo
Cleon Schultz; Mrs. F. H. Kroll won by
default from Mrs. Lloyd Kear, Shrine
View; Mrs. H. H. Adamy defeated
Mrs. Homer Teal, Dallas, 4 to 3.
and equipment busy.
turned home. Mr.
taken to General Hospital last week |
for observation and treatment. ;
Mrs. James Dillon, Mr. and Mrs.
James Brader and children of Wilkes- |
Barre and Mrs. John Brader of Par-
|sons visited, Mrs. Clarence Roote on
| Wednesday of last week,
Miss Gertrude Smith who has been
visiting her niece, Mrs. Stephen Moss
of Loyalville the past week has re-
Moss submitted: to
an operation at General Hospital on
Friday and is making a good recovery.
‘Robert Beader of Parsons is spenad-
ing a few days with his aunt, Mrs.
Clarence Roote,
A birthday dinner was given for
Mrs. John Isaacs at the home of her
sister, Mrs. Kiler Richards on Mon-
day. Dinner was served on the lawn,
the tables being attractively decorat-
ed with flowers. Those present were:
Miss Frances Brace, of Mount Zion:
Mrs. Carrie Ellsworth, Mrs. Guy Wool-
bert, Eleanor and Ruth :
Trucksville; Miss Mary Still of Dallas:
Mrs, Sherman Wardan, Miss Elizabeth
Wardan -of Shavertown; Mrs. George
Bronson, Sweet Valley: Mrs. Roannah
Landon, Mrs, Joseph Shoemaker, Roa-
nah Shoemaker, Mrs. M. C. Miers, Mrs.
John Isaacs, Mrs. Ralph Elston, Mrs.
Jane Mann, Mrs. Cragg Herdman, Mrs.
A. L. Kunkle, Miss Margaret Kunkle,
Mrs. Olin Kunkle, Mrs. Julia Kunkle,
Mrs. Minnie Kunkle, Mrs. Annie Ross,
of Detroit, Mich.; Mrs. Palmer TUp-
dyke, Mrs. Ralph Lutes, Richard Lutes,
and Mrs. Kiler Richards.
Owen Jones returned last week from
a trip to Dubois and Pittsburgh.
“Mrs. C. W. Kunkle entertained her
Sunday School Class with a lawn par-
ty at her home on Tuesday of last
week. The children enjoyed out door
games and lunch was served to Jane
Ide, Mildred Boston, Margaret, Ethel
Boston, Stella Elston, Doris Hess,
Martha Kunkle, Eleanor Sayre, Fran-
ces ‘Sayre, Emma. Campbell, Helen Els-
ton, Lena Elston, Caroline Brace, Nel-
lie Honeywell. Visitors: Henrietta
Spencer, Janine Sawyer of Fernbrook.
The Kunkle Ladies’ Aid Society held
their Annual picnic at Viola Park on
Thursday of last week. Those attend-
ing were Mrs. C. W. Kunkle, Mrs. J.
Isaacs, Mrs. William Brace, Mrs.
Ralph Ashburner,
Mrs. Ralph Hess, Janet Hess, Mrs.
Owen Ide, Mrs. M. K. Elston, Mrs.
Charles Herdman, Mrs. Victor Rydd,
/Mrs, A. C. Devens, Mrs. Russel Miers,
Mrs. Charles Wertman, Felice Miers,
Calvin Miers, Jerry Miers,
Wertman, Herbert Wertman, Margar-
et Kunkle, Gertrude Smith, Mrs, Olin
Kunkle, Mrs. J. S. Kunkle, Mrs. Annie
Ross, Mrs. Minnie Kunkle, Eleanor
Kunkle, Nell Makinson, Robert Ash-
burner, Nelson Ashburner, Jane Ide,
Donnie Ide, Caroline Brace,
Devens, Philip Kunkle and Stella Els~
ton, i pi 1 Pe Sra
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boston and chil~
dren, Inez, Gilbert, Margaret, Mildred;
and Charlotte, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bos~
ton, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Boston and’
children, Robert, Glen, Henry, and Vir-
ginia attended Patterson Grove Camp
meeting: on Sunday. On their return
they called on Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Boston of ILoyalville, who, with their
children, accompanied them home to
spend the evening. : *
Mrs. Alice Robinson of Meshoppen,
is spending the week with Mr. and
Mrs. John Isaacs and other friends
ummer Prices
On Printing
HY DO EXPERIENCED buyers of printing,
have a great part of their work done during
the Summer? Because their experience has taught
them to expect more careful work and better prices
during the slack summer months when printers
make extra concessions in order to keep their men
More than that, the season is the best one for
checking over office supplies and staticnery and
printed forms to fill in exhausted lots and prepare -
for the busy fall months . .. so that when Septem-
ber rolls around the decks will be cleared for pro-
fitable action.
Why not have your Iletterheads, business
cards, office forms or other kinds of printing done
now when you have the time to give them your fuil
attention and when we can make it economical for
you to have your printing
done in quantities which
will lower your costs. Why not have us give you
prices on your printing.
“Just Call Dallas 300”
rr a Sk pa SA EE
‘Woolbert, of 3
Mrs Frank Hess, -
: 4
3 4