| ‘Chocolate Syrup Wheaties Evap. Milk ‘Sandwich Sprea AMERICA’S GREATEST ==1| (offee Values 0"Clock « 1 Mild and ~ Mellow Coffee 7c Red Circle Rich and Full Bodied + 19¢ Almost Everyone Knows That to Have Really Fresh Coffee You Must Have It Ground at the Moment You Buy It. All A&P Coffee Is Rushed ! Fresh From the Roasting Ovens to A&P Stores Still in the Bean With ; All the Flavor of Freshly Roasted Coffee, and Ground Before Your Eyes. Coffee OUR FANCY FRESH CREAMERY TUB Sweet SILVERBROOK =: PRINT BUTTER 2 [3c Bartlett Pears With every purchase packages you = rece Shirley 2 dish. White House, Salad Dressing Her- shey's Iona Brand Rajah Brand Rajah Brand 3 = 25¢ ve 33¢ 2lc 20c 35¢ 23¢ f two 2 pkgs 3 tall cans quart jar pint jar Large Square Can Sliced or Halved Del eis Asparagus 15¢ Tall Cans 23¢ |2-25¢ Del Monte Peaches 2 big = 35 Sunnyfield Rice Wax Beans sai’ Palmolive Soap Evap. Apricots Window Screens iL 4 ah 3 »= 20¢c 2 “ 25¢ 3-13¢c * 19¢ ; 35C 3; 39¢C Si GRANDMOTHER'S RB E = RD Sw | ) d bIéd oe for Saturday Only 8c Be Loaf THE LOWEST PRICES OF THE FINEST FRESH CAUGHT CHESAPEAKE BAY FRESH SHAD Buck Shad wu. 12¢ *Fillets of Haddock *On Sale in Our Meat and Grocery Stores 2-19¢| SEA FOOD SPECIALS IN OUR MEAT DEPTS NEW LOW PRICE ' puffed | Rice THE YEAR FOR Roe Shad uw. 17¢ 2250 : | Wilkes-Barre visited their Two From College Win High Honors College Misericordia receiv ed tv notable tributes this week. Sister M. Loretta of the college was named vice-president of the Catholic Education Association of Pennsylvania at its Pittsburgh meeting and Sister M. Crescentia was awarded a $1,000 Win- throp Fellowship by the Catholic Uni- versity of America. Sister Crescentia’s fellowship entails research work in bio-chemistry and will treat with one phase of the effect of alcohol on the human body. The award is for oné year and may be renewed. To Form Scout Troop A scout troop will be formed at Trucksville M. E. Church, according to plans made this week at a meeting of the Men’s Club at which John Hewitt, scout executive, was speaker. Russell Weaver will be scoutmaster. The first meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 8, in the church. SOCIAL NEWS (Continued from Page 5.) T. R. Pine made a business trip to Philadelphia. on Monday. Miss Lettie Lee spent the week-end in Philadelphia. Little Billy Thomas is spending some time with his grandparents in Media. Mr, and Mrs. John Titus of Wilkes- Barre visited Mrs. M. Hildebrant last week. J. B. Hildebrant is very ill at her home on. Norton Avenue, Miss Lettie Lee entertained at a party before the Dallas Women’s Club Dance. Guests numbered eighteen. Miss Ruth Worthington spent Friday with her sister Mrs. Eugene Fiske. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Cave were Dallas visitors last week. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Fiske and fam- ily were among those who attended the Conference at Binghamton on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. C. A. Frantz entertained at a dinner at Irem Temple Country Club on Sunday in honor of Dr. Her- bert Spencer who is visiting from Cali- fornia. Mrs. Myrtle Isaacs has been visiting in Scranton for the past few days. Miss Charlotte Hildebrant motored to State College recently. Mr. and Mrs. John Hildebrant spent the week at Binghamton where they attended the Methodist Conference. Mrs. Sara Schmerer were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jewell. Mrs. M. Hildebrant, Thomas Robin- son, William Thomas, and Margaret Thomas visited Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Thomas of Kingston recently. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kocher spent the week with friends at Endicott. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Andrews Shavertown visited’ Mr, and Mrs. Kocher. : Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis visited friends and relatives at Vestal, N. Y. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Karns and Mrs, Walter Davis motored to Scranton on | Monday. Mr. Nelson of A. Brace and Roan Landon of Kunkle. The J. A. B. parlors, Friday night, members present time was had by all. The Dallas Borough Council meet Tuesday night May Tth. Mrs. Ford, Mr, Ginty visited Mrs. Sunday. A | | family of [and Mrs. 'W. aunt, Mrs. | | Class met at the church | with thirty-five | leave shortly ) and an enjoyable [they will spend some time. [ and Mrs. R. E. Mec- | visited friends in Florence Park on week. Chee Crted Legion Post Here (Continued from Page 1.) The scholarship will be awarded to the Senior who writes the best 600- word essay on the subject “How Youth Can Best Serve American Citizenship”, The essays will be judged first by the high school judges in each school and when a winner has been selected there it will be forwarded for State-wide competition. Youthful Orator In Demand As Speaker Robert Fleming, a Senior at Dallas Borough High School, has been in de- mand as a speaker since he won first prize in Luzerne County’s oratorical contest. Robert spoke Friday before the Tunkhannock Rotary Club. On Monday night he spoke at the Men's Brotherhood meeting in the Shaver- town Lutheran Church. On Wednesday morning he addressed the student body of Newport Township High School and on Wednesday afternoon he spoke at the Pittston Rotary meeting. Mrs, Louis Williams called on friends in ‘Wilkes-Barre on ‘tuesday, Mrs. Silas kveland is able to be around again after a two week's ili- ness, mrs, Roan Landon has reccvered af- ter being confined to her home tor some time. Mrs. Bessie Wendal and son Sheldon and Mr. and Mrs. David Benscoter and family of Bloomingdale spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Garringer were recent visitors in Dallas. Mrs. Florence Roberts and daughter Hope and Mrs. Eleanor Kocher visited at Noxen. Mrs. Scott Van Horn visited her mother, Mrs, Glanville of Nanticoke. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Welch enter- tained Mrs. Forcey, and Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey and family of Hudson Sunday. Mrs. Charles Stookey entertained her card club Wednesday afternoon, Those present were Mrs. Handel Thomas, Mrs, Scott Van Horn, Mrs. William Jones, Mrs. Van Buskirk, Mrs. James Worrall, Mrs. A. Woolbert, Mrs, W. Wilson, Mrs. Magseman and Mrs. Stookey. The Swimming pool at the Country ‘| Club is being repaired. Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Crosby and children called on R. Montross, Monday evening. Mildred Munley of Archibald spent spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Au- gustus Verfaillie, Helen Czuleger spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. August Czu- legar. Mr. and Mrs. Henry, and son Arthur of Falls, spent Sunday with Mrs, John Sullivan. Dorothy Johnston is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Burt Lewis of Cemetery Street. Mr. rand Mrs. Henry Welch visited Mr, and Mrs, T. Bowen of Wyoming. The Breakfast club presented, Miss Brown with a beautiful clock last week, Mrs. Beatrice Walp and son, Ralph motored to Stroudsburg Sunday. Albert Elkins spent Sunday with Mr. Neimeyer. Irving Thomas was a recent caller in Dallas, | Mrs, George Ayre and daughter, will | for Atlantic City where Mrs. Ralph Brickel has been confined will | to. her home with a severe cold. Vivian of Fernbrook Wilkes-Barre last Mrs. William Many friends of Mrs. James ‘Worrall Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Downing vis- | gathered at her home Friday evening ited Mr, and Mrs. James Park on Sun- to celebrate her birthday. She received day. Mrs. Florence. Whipple has been en- tertaining her sister-in-law, for the past week. land Mr. many lovely gifts. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Kocher enter- tained Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Space and Mrs. Arthur Kibler. SPECIALS IN OUR QUALITY MEAT DEPARTMENTS LEAN—JUICY CHUCK POT ROAST . 10¢ LEAN ROUND STEAK 37¢ FANCY— FRYING CHICKENS Up To 3 Lb. 1b. 29¢ ROLLED SHOULDER LAMB Cut From Genuine 1935 Spring Lamb 21° Fresh Fruits and Vegetables SOLID—RIPE TOMATOES 21bs 19¢ FANCY—RIPE STRAWBERRIES, qt. basket 19¢ FANC STRING BEANS 2 Ibs 15¢ FANCY CALIFORNIA CARROTS 2bhchs1le a | Run, were guests of Mr. i : day Evening. £ Red Cross Plans Direct Roll Call Local Leaders Named In Drive To Enlist 13,000 Members (Continued from Page 1.) year in the United States there were almost 4,000,000 members who gave the | Red Cross nearly $2000,000 with the |’ work. From this amount, $1,800,000 was spent on 103 disasters in thirty-eight different states. In addition to this the Red Cross assisted in the relief work in¢ certain vicinities, where FERA funds were not available. Its work for disabled veterans, its public health activities in rural sections, and the reg- ular peacetime program cost the Na- tional organization about $2,000,000 in addition to the disaster fund. Township Directors Award Coal Contract A contract for coal was awarded to Cobleigh Brothers of Shavertown at a special meeting of Dallas Township School Board on Friday night. The Shavertown firm was low bidder. The regular board meeting will be held next Monday night. On the fol- lowing night a special meeting will be held to discuss plans for the addition to the high school. . Outlet Bible Tabernacle ® Services this week will be as follows: Sunday at 11:00 (E. S. T.) Morning Worship, Harry E. Rundell, Noxen, speaker. Sunday evening, 7:30, Gospel Meeting, Robert L. Sutton evangelist, subject, “Who Will Be Saved During the Tribulation?” Mrs. T. H. Kennedy and daughter, Lois of Kingston are visiting Mrs. Ken- nedy’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Frisbie, Miss Mildred Devens, Misses Lois and Alethia Landon Mr. Landon visited Olive Frisbie, Sunday. Marjorie Kitchen, Elsie Garinger and Glen Kitchen visited Allen Montross on Sunday. Miss Olive Frisbie has returned to Kingston after spending the Easter va- cation with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Black, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Frisher, Mr. Tom Young, called on Mr. and Mrs, Robert Frasher Sun- day. Ted Parrish, Lillian Spencer, Mar- jorie Ide, called in Allen Montross on Sunday evening. Miss Julia Spencer from a recent illness. Mr. D. A. Wright of West Dallas is visiting in Noxen, Mr, and Mrs. Frasher, Mr. and Mrs. Williams and family spent Tuesday in Ashley Mr. and Mrs. Robert ¥rasker of West Dhllas visited relatives in Lehighton. Mrs, Fred Miller of Endicott, N. Y. is visiting her sister, Mrs. Robert Frash- er, Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Truax and daugh- ter Jannette called on Mrs. Eipper, on Sunday evening, Mrs. Rice and her daughter were recent visitors in Dallas, Mr. ‘Robert J. Eipper and Miss Hel- en Frisbie recently motored to Laurel and Mrs. Sam- is recovering Glen uel Truax. Mr. Wesley Daddow is confined to his | home with the grippe. Mr, and Mrs. Zigmond Harmond and family, Mrs. Frisbie and son Donald, spent Sunday at Harvey's Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stritzinger cele- brated their wedding anniversary on Monday. Kenneth Cobleigh of Shavertown spent the week-end at Jersey City. Miss Helen Freeman and Paul Terry of Reading were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Detrick, A farewell party was given in honor of Miss Phyllis Evang at the home of Mr, and Mrs. B. Densmore recently. Miss Evans will move to Plains this week. Mrs. Carl Gerlach and children, Carl and Ellen, of Wilkes-Barre visited with Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Stritzinger during the week. A handkerchief shower was eiven Mrs. Charles Detrick in honor of her birthday on Wednesday. Guests num- bered ten, The TLadies’ Aid of the Primitive Methodist Church was entertained at the home of Mrs. John H., Thomas Fri- Fourteen members were present, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Starr and family have moved to Bidlack Street, Forty Fort. Mrs. Lee Jones entertained the fol- lowing on Thursday afternoon: Mrs. Ed Sowers, Mrs. Earl Layaou, Mrs. Corey Crispell, Mrs. Joseph Randall, Mrs. Russell Case, Mrs. Zigmond Har- mond, Mrs. Oscar Dymond, Mrs, Henry Rolison and Mrs. Charles Detrick. A Mother Day’s program will be pre- sented in the Primitive Methodist Church Sunday Evening, May 12th, un- der the direction of Mrs. Lewis Stritz- zinger, Mrs, George Cobleigh and Mrs. | E.. Sowers. Mrs. Oscar Dymond of Main Street, Shavertown, is entertaining her moth- er, Mrs. Dodson, of Hanover, Pa. Rev. S. R. Nichols is attending the annual conference of the P, M. churaa- es at Girardsville. Mr. and ‘Mrs. George Shaver and family have moved from Main Street, Shay ertown to Fern Brook Ave. Fern Brook, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Johnston, Alice and Elsie were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Gay, Sunday night. Mr. Payne Brace of Fern Brook was a recent caller at the Landon Residence of Kunkle. Mr, and Mrs. Evans of Beaumont called on Mrs, Waman Cease on Sun- day. Mrs, W. A. Frisbie has been notified of the death of her aunt, Miss Jennie Van Horn. Mr, and Mrs. Hunt, Miss Emma Hunt of Beaumont were recent callers on Mr. and Mrs. Wayman Cease of Jackson. Lois Kennedy is recovering from a recent operation. Allen Montross and Glen Spencer were fishing at Stull. They returned with a fine catch. Idetown Epworth League held an ice crea msocial, Wednesday evening. —Kunkle— Mrs. Olin Kunkle visited her aunt, Mrs. Mary Huston of Dallas on Tues- aay, . Mrs. F. P. Smith, Miss Gertrude Smith and Eleanor Kunkle called on Mrs. Mathers ot Warden Place on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Giles Wilson were cal- lers at the Olin Kunkle home on Sun- aay, Mrs. Clarence Roote and son Bebbie visited Mrs. margaret Alien of Wyom- ing on Monday. ; Rev. W. S. York who has been pastor of the Alderson charge for the past’ten years, has been transferred to Bennett Memorial Church in Wilkes-Barre, Mr. York has made a host of friends dur- ing his pastorate here, who regret his departure, and wish him success in his new charge. The Silver Leaf Club held a delight- ful supper meeting at the Grange Hall on Monday evening. Small tables were arranged around a central larger _one and were tastefully decorgted. Follow- ing the supper games and music were enjoyed. Present were: Mrs. Ray Hen- ney, Mrs. Victor Rydd, Mrs. Palmer Updyke, Mrs. Leroy Hess, Miss Fran- ces Hess, Mrs. Russel Miers, Mrs. Charles Wertman, Herbert Wertman, Mrs, Harold Smith, Mrs, Ralph Elston, Mrs, Edgar Nulton, Mrs. William Wea- ver, Mrs. Kenneth Martin, Mrs. Ernest Martin, Mrs. Jacob Klimach, Mrs. Wil- liam Miers, Mrs. Ralph Hess, Mrs. Ralph Ashburner, Mrs. William Brace, Miss Gertrude Smith, Mrs. Olin Kun- kle, Hannah Miers, Mrs. Frank Hess, Mrs. Clyde Hoyt. Hostesses were Mrs. Edgar Nulton, Mrs. William Weaver, and Mrs, Kenneth Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Steel and son Jun- ior called on Mrs. C. W. Kunkle and family on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs, Carlson Lozo of Shick- shinny and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lozo and children June and Jackie, called on Mr, and Mrs. Charles Herdman and family Sunday. Mrs. Ray Henney entertained on Sat- urday in honor of her little son Ro- bert’'s fifth birthday. Guests were Mrs. Edward Nelson and children, Elmer, Jack, Billie and Buddy of Dallas, Miss Francis Sweezy, Mrs. Charles Herdman and Mrs. Victor Rydd. Stanley Elston is building a new house on his father’s farm on the Dal- las road and will soon become a resi- dent of Kunkle. The frame of the new house is nearly completed. Leon Race is also preparing to build on a lot re- cently purchased from Lewis Nulton. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Kunkle, Mrs. J. S. Kunkle, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ash- burner and children Bobby and Nelson spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Mark Kunkle of Orange. Miss Margaret Kunkle who has been ill the past week is able to be out again. . Mr, and Mrs. S. R. Durland, of Wyo- ming and Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Makinson of Forty Fort were callers at the Olin Kunkle home on Friday evening Miss Pearl Wells of Wilkes-Barre and Mrs. Van Horn of Kingston called on Mrs. F. P, Kunkle on Sunday. Oliver Ellsworth had the misfortune to lose his best horse with an attack of colic on Monday. The following were entertained at a dinner party at the home of Mrs Stan- ley Elston of Beaumont on Thursday given in celebration of Mrs. Elston’s birthdav: Mrs. William Weaver, Mrs. Ralph Elston, Mrs. Ralph Hess, Mrs, William -Brace, Mrs. Ralph Ashburner, Mrs, Frank Hess, Mrs. Jacob Conden. The Kunkle Ladies’ Aid Society will hold their meeting and serve dinner on Wernesday, May 15 instead of their re- gular date, May 8. Mrs. Minnie Kunkle called on Mrs. Stanley Durland of Wyoming on Mon- day. Hospital Auxiliary A covered dish luncheon will be held by Shavertown Branch, Nesbitt Mem- orial Hospital Auxiliary, today at Trucksille M. E. Church in connection with its luncheon. There will also be annual election of officers. Members of the nominating committee are: Mrs. S. P. Frantz, W. L. Tracy, and Mrs. F. Gobel. CLASSIFT ED WANTED — Small, fur- nished home or cottage «for summer months, in or near Dallas; Telephone Dallas 300. FOR SALE—FORDSON TRACTOR, Stewart” range: row boat, ‘Raymond Carlin, Dallas, 316-R-23. Fernbrook- Ransom Road. 5-3-1t. Wanted home for male kitten eight monthg old, Call Dallas 148 4-26-1t. STOMACH ULCER, GAS PAINS, INDIGESTION victims, why suffer? For quick relief get a free sample of Udga, a doctor's prescription, at Kuehn’s Drug Store. 5-3-10t FOR RENT—Lot, 50x150 for garden use, Call Dallas 272-R-2, 5-3-1t. General Houseworker Wanted; Ap- ply Mrs, Sol Heller, Trucksville. 5-3-1t. Gardens plowed; reasonable cost; "Phone 298-R-13; Leslie Spencer. 4-26-2t FOR SALE — Shaw Duall Garden. Tractor; Call Dallas 337-R-19. George Sayre, Kunkle, Pa. 4-26-2t, FOR RENT—House;. All Improve- ments, $25.00 per month—Lehman een- ter; Inquire G. Harold Wagner, Phone Dallas, 72. "SALESMAN WANTED — To run Heberling business in Luzerne Coun- ty. Sell direct to farmers. Many make $40 to $50 weekly—year round work— no lay off. Write today for free book- let. G. C. HEBERLING COMPANY Dept. 2259, Bloomington, Ill. © 5-3-1t, FOR SALE—Baby chicks, heavies 8c, lights 7e. Also 2-3-4 week old chicks. Order today and avoid disappointment. ‘Phone 156, Nescopeck Poultry Farm SN ——— ¥