The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, May 03, 1935, Image 4

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A surprise birthday party was held
* at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Charles
Kinsman, Monday evening in honor) of
their daughter, Mrs, Joe. Bytheway, by
members of the S. S. Class. Games
were played and lunch served to the
following: Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ide,
Mr. and Mrs. James Jones, Mr. and
Mrs. Elwood McCarty, Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Major, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Rog-
ers, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bytheway,
Mr, and Mrs. Charles Kinsman, Helen
Kinsman, Charles Kinsman, Dean Ide.
The Shavertown branch of Nesbitt
‘Memorial hospital will hold their an-
nual luncheon on Friday at Trucksville
M. E. Church. Make reservations with
Mrs. G. L, Howell.
Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Clarke of Wilkes-
Barre spent a day with Mr. and Mrs.
Clifford Ide.
Archie Waltman, 14-year old son of
Samuel Waltman of Binghamton rode
a bicycle from Binghamton to Noxen to
his grandfather, C. F. Bigelow, from 7
o'clock A. M. to 2 o'clock P. M. and
. stopped and rested for one half hour.
"He came Wednesday and left on Friday.
i ‘Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shupp spent
" Thursday at Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Bige-
Mr and Mrs. Raymond Space have
~~ moved to Dallas.
: Those attending the Dallas Women’s
Club dance which was held at the Trem
Temple Country Club last Friday even-
ing report that it was one of the most
‘enjoyable affairs of the season.
Mr. Lloyd Richards, Miss Ruth Rich-
_ ards and Miss Eleanor Jurd of New
Jersey spent Sunday with Miss Marie
The Junior Mechanics initiated a
laree class of candidates on Tuesday
~ Mrs. Elmer Parrish was called to
eb: Rohrsburg due to the illness of sher son
iio Albert.
Clinton Bollinger is recovering from
the grippe.
Much confusion was caused the bus
drivers and teachers of the Townshin
schon! an Mandav morning due to the
Daylight saving time.
Mr. and Wirs. Nesmaid
2 at Tunkhannock.
called an Mr and Mrs. Addison Wool-
, bert Sunday.
: Mr. Addison Woolbert has heen hean-
tifvino hie’ hama
with red ash walks.
The Woman's club
the annnal mother and dsughter han-
anet to he held on May 15, at the Su-
burban Inn.
Addison Wiolbert, Jr.,
Gonld attended the moving
Hotel Redington, Tuesday evenine,
J. R. Hildehrant who is quite
is mot much improved.
~~ Hotel Sterling, Monday.
Mr, and Mrs.
family visited Mr.
Bush of Factoryville.
Miss Tettie Lee spent the week-end
in Philadelphia.
i. Mr. and
and Mrs,
spent Sunday at Mehoopany.
Llovd Drake
at Mehoopany.
from the Nesbitt Hospital.
©. M. B. Coolbaugh is able to be
ont and around after several week’s ill-
‘week’s visit with her mother in Balti-
After Tuna 1st the .Tunior Mechanics
Sl ~ at the Harvey's Lake Picnic Ground.
; Mrs. Pobert Shannon spent the week
end at Benton.
Mrs. Leonard O'Kane snent Monday
evening with Mrs. John Frantz.
Miss Janet Smith has returned home
after spending her Easter vacation with
_ her aunt Mrs. Lutes Beisel.
Guy A. Smith who has served as
manager of the Laikawanna Dis-
+ trict of the Metropolitan Life Insurance
Co., for the past 5 vears has been
transferred to the Wilkes-Barre Dis-
trict to succeed Mr, W. O. Washburn
who has retired,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moore spent
Friday evening with Miss Dorothy
Beisel. |
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Frantz of Orange
spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and
Mrs. John Frantz.
Mrs. Grace Britton has returned
home ~fter spending some time in New
j2 © York .City,
Dr. and Mrs. Frank McNeal are oc-
cupying their summer home at West
fide? Dallog,
Frederick Kirkendall was a Dallas
caller on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Blodwin Roe of
; caster spent the Easter vacation with
~ the former’s mother, at West Dallas.
Mrs. Stanley Elston entertained a
number of friends at a birthday party
in her honor on Thursday night, Guests
were: Mrs. Jacob Condon, Mrs. Ralph
Elston, Mrs. William Weaver, Mrs.
Frank Hess, Miss Agnes Denmon, Mrs.
~~ Ralph Ashburner, Mrs. William Brace,
‘and Mrs, Ralph Hess and daughter
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Taux of Vernon
~ announce the birth of a son, Arthur
Mrs. Frank Smaltz has returned
‘home after spending several days with
“her sister, Mrs. Earl Monk.
Mrs, Oscar Culp, who underwent an
' operation in the West Side {Hospital
last week is improving.
4 Kester spent
~ the week-end with the former's parents
Mr. Georeoe Williams of Wilkes-Rarre
on Norton Avenue
is planning for
and Thomas
snonenrad hv the Mnf Refinine Co. at
The Atlantic Refining Co. experts to
beein work an a new services station
‘at Oliver's Used Car Lot within a few
John Durbin and Mrs. Malcom
Thomson attended a meeting of the
‘Federation of Woman's Clubs held at
John Hildebrant and
and Mrs. Judson
Mrs. Royal Love -and Mr.
Fred Howell and son Glen
spent the week-end
Mrs. Oscar Culp has returned home
Little Tane Taoev has returned from a
will hold their Saturdav night dances |
; Mrs. Corey G. Wilson.
Mrs. Henry Isaacs of Shavertown and
Mrs. W. S. Kunkle visited at the home
of their sister, Mrs. Sarah Morgan of
Miss Vivian Rogers of Vernon enter-
tained a number of friends at her home
Friday night. Guests were: Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Sickler, Florence Fremp-
ter, Leo Hawke, Jr, David and Nor-
man Carleton Rogers, Mr, and Mrs.
George Rogers, Doris and Bobbie and
Shirley Sickler.
Florence Kelly was removed from the
General Hospital to her home in Cen-
termoreland last Wednesday after an
appendicitis operation.
Leo Hawke Jr., of Forty Fort spent
a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
George Rogers of Vernon.
Vernon school closer for the term
last Monday.
Marian, Wilma and Frances Gay
spent Thursday might at the home of
their grandmother, Mrs. Clarence Best-
eder, *Centremoreland.
Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Gay spent
Thursday evening visiting frineds at
The Ladies’ Aid of*the M. E. Church
will hold its monthly meeting at the
home of Mrs. Amanda Yaple, May 9th.
Missionary Society meets at the
home of Mrs. William Cairl of Ceme-
tery Street, Tuesday, May 7.
The Women’s Bible Class will meet
at Mrs. Blocksage's home, Wednesday
May 8th.
Mrs. Ellen Heal of West Wyoming
called at the home of Mrs, Viola Schu-
man recently.
Miss Emily Honeywell attended the
graduation exercises of the Empire
Beauty College at the Hotel Sterling on
Thursday afternoon.
Miss Grace Honeywell, who is a stu-
dent at the Empire Beauty College, at-
tended the dinner dance for graduates
at the Hotel Sterling Thursday even-
Mr. Joseph Beval, U.S.
delphia recently spent a
the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
wiiss Grace Honeywell
M. C. Phila-
few days as
Fred Hoeray-
‘was a over-
Luzerne, last Thursday might.
Mrs. Russell Honeywell and Russell,
Jr., returned last Thursday
from Philadelphia where they were the
guest of First Sergt, and Mrs.
U. S. M. C. for a few days.
Corp. R. D. Honeywell returned to
on duty at the fire house, Friday morn-
members of her club Wednesday after-
recent illness.
at cards at her home on Pioneer Ave-
nue on Wednesday afternoon,
Members of the Craft Club were en-
tertained by Mrs.
Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. Lavaou will entertain
friends &t luncheon on Wednesday.
Mrs. John Newton and family are oc-
Terrace Street.
Mrs. Russell Case will entertain on
Fridav in honor of her cousin, Mrs.
Vincent Mulvilhill, of Juneau, Alaska.
Mrs. Mulvilhill and her daughter, Max-
ine, are spending four months here.
Mrs. Kenneth Cobleigh and son Ken-
neth hae returned home after a three
week visit with her father in Jersey
Mrs. Tewis Stritzinger entertained
Mrs, David Evans, Mrs. Charles Ren-
nallack, Mrs. Henry Randall, Mrs.
George Cohleich, Mrs. Kenneth Cob-
leigh, Mrs. Beniamin Densmore. Mrs.
Fdwarda. Mrs. George Shaver,
Tuesday afternoon,
* f~rewel] recention in honor of Rev.
ama Mrs R. Nichols will be held in
the church dining room Tuesday even-
ine. May Sth. The affair is in charge of
Mrs, BR. Densmore, Mrs. Lewis ‘Stritz-
inger and Mrs, Charles Bennallack,
Mrs. J..F. Randall has returned home
from the General Hosnital where she
underwent an operation
Mrs. Fred Riley and Mrs. Harry An-
derson spent Thursday with Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Rineman of Trucksville.
Mrs. Howard Lewis and daughter
Diane spent Friday with Mrs. Stewart
Mrs. Rose Sorber, and Mr, and Mrs.
Charles Watkins and family of King-
ston called on Mrs. Avery of Claude
Street, recently,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rineman of
Trucksville called on Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Riley on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. MacNayr of Goodleigh
Farm visited friends in Benton on Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter Sands of
Tunkhannock spent Sunday with Mrs.
Avery of Claude Street,
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Boston and
daughter Charlotte and Mr. and Her-
bert Boston and daughter, Virginia
visited the former’s mother at Nanti-
coke on Sunday.
Miss Margaret O’Boyle has been
spending some time in New York.
Mrs. Alex Neeley is ill at her home
in West Dallas,
Mr. and’ Mrs. Wesley Ace of Wap-
wallopen spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Davis at the
Ryman home Sunday,
Mrs. Reginald Williams and son Da-
vid are visiting at the home of her
mother, Mrs. John Morgan of Tunk-
Mr. and Mrs. (Henry Isaacs of Sha-
vertown were the guests of Mrs. John
night guest of Miss Jean Urban of
Philadelphia Navy Yard, where he, is
Mrs. James Harfman entertained the
Mrs. Farl Craid has recovered from a
Herbert Lundy will entertain
Zigmond Harmond
Little Mildred Ann Jones is rapidly
recovering from a mastoid operation
performed at the Taylor Hospital in
cupyving the Seymour apartment on
Temple, Woodlawn Dairy, Times-Lead-
Fiegler Purchases
2,000 Old Tires
Turned In By Contestants,
The Tires Will Be Re-
treaded At Pittston
More than 2,000 used tires, collected
by contestants during the Trade Ex-
pansion Campaign conducted by local
merchants, were sold yesterday to
Michael Fiegler, of the Hillside Tire
Service company, Thurcsville. Mr.
Fiegler will salvage all of the used
tires with unbroken casings and in
good ‘condition and will have them re-
treaded at his Pittston plant. The re-
mainder which cannot be retreaded will
be sold for junk.
This is believed to be one of the
largest single purchases of its kind for
re-tread purposes ever made in Luz-
erne county. The Hillside Tire Ser-
vice company has a reputation for ex-
cellent workmanship in this line of
Mr, Feigler has been located in this
region for a number of years and last
vear purchased the former Weidner
Gasoline station at Trucksville. Since
that time his company has taken on
the distribution of Dupont and Kenyon
tires for Luzerne county and has also
become associated distributor for Gulf
Refining company products.
Yesterday the company opened its
new gasoline storage plant, formerly
owned by the Tydol company, on Old
River road, Wilkes-Barre. The com-
pany operates four stations in Wyom-
ing Valley and also does a large whole-
sale business handling three tank cars
of gasoline each week.
W. T. Roberts of Virginia Terrace,
Forty Fort, for fifteen years local rep-
resentative of the Gulf Refining com-
pany is now a partner in the firm,
Miss Lois Mosier visited Ruth Shap-
pel: in Kingston on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Truax and daugh-
ter, Jeanette, and Mrs. John Snyder,
Mrs. Lester Culver entertained Fri-
day evening in honor of her sister Miss
Thelma Thompson.
Miss Edna Billings student nurse at
nesday afternoon at her home in
Miss Jean Billings, student nurse at
Nesbitt Memorial Hospital spent
Miss Eleanor McAlpine of Wilkes-
Barre was a recent caller. t
Mr. and Mrs, Wiliam Cobleigh, Ed-
ward Cobleigh and Miss Ella Crispell
spent the day recently with their for-
mer’s daughter and family, of Troy,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Buckman spent
Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cob-
leigh of Posten’s Farm.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Truman Evans of
I. Roe on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Phillips of
Tunkhannock spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Shupp.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hoyt, Ruth and
Alfred Hoyt spent Sunday at Bing-
hamton with Mrs. Fred Totter.
Mrs. Daisy Hoyt, Ruth and Stanley,
spent Monday with Mrs. Wiliam Rod
day at Ashley.
Mrs. John Morrett, Miss Viola Mor-
rett, and Miss Emily Shoemaker spent
Sunday at Shickshinny.
Mrs. Marilla Hoover's friends will be
glad to know she is feeling much bet-
Miss R. Eliza Breckenridge was a
dinner guest of Misses Eliza and May
Johnson of Wilkes-Barre on Thursday.
Mr. William Ritter of §orty Fort
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, P. J.
Ritter of Franklin Street.
Harold Bulford Elston of Huntsville
spent the week-end with his cousin R.
Eliza Breckenridge.
Doris Dierolf spent Friday with her
mother Mrs. John Dierolf of Wilkes-
Miss R. Eliza Breckenridge had din-
ner with her aunts, Misses Ella and
Christine Breckenridge of Kingston,
Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Harvey and Miss
R. Eliza Breckenridge spent Monday
with friends in Pittston.
Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Smith of Jack-
son spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
O. L. Harvey
Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Kear were guests
of Dr. and Mrs. Ashley of Jackson.
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Andrews of
Kingston spent Sunday with Mrs. Car-
rie Ryman,
Mr. Raymond Wilson of Noxen visit-
ed his father and mother at Dallas last
Elwood and Bruce Spencer spent the
week end with friends in Wilkes-Barre.
Mrs. C. G. Wilson and Mrs. Helen
Thuardary affarnoOsn with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Billings ot
Mr and Mrs. J. A. Martin spent
Tuesday evening at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Hicks.
Miss Edna Billings visited friends in
Mt. Zion, Sunday afternoon.
Miss Arlene Frantz of Huntsville
visited Miss Lois Elston recently.
Mr. and Mrs. William Gregory and
famil yspent Thursday evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Cease.
Miss Thelma Thampson and Erich
Vhierle were married Monday evening
at the Dana Street Evangelical Parson-
age at Wilkes-Barre. 7
Mrs. Jane Lohman was a Wilkes-
Barre caller on Tuesday.
Mrs. Royal Lynn spent several days
at Binghamton.
Mrs. Libbi eJohnson of Chase spent
Saturday and Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Yorks.
Mrs. Blanche Sands of Berwick is
visiting at/ the home of her brother
Bruce Long of Trucksville.
The Trucksville Fire men are puild=
ing a Quoit Course, and expect to make
a good showing in the league this sea-
The Trucksville Fire Men’s Baseball
team play Outlet team, at Outlet Sun-
day afternoon.
Mrs. John James has returned to her
home in Wilkes-Barre aiter visiting
at the home of her daughter Mrs. H. E.
Devens of Trucksville,
Miss Alma Robbins entertained Miss
Ruth Schooley and Miss Mary Fedor
at lunch on Thursday.
Rev, and Mrs. J. Roland Crompton
returned to the Trucksville M. E.
Church for another year.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Parsons and
family spent Sunday at Binghamton.
Mr. and Mrs, William Lohman have
moved to Dallas Borough.
Mr. and Mrs. Forest Still an fam-
ily have changed their residence from
Trucksville to Dallas Borough.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hicks and son
spent Sunday afternoon at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. Sheldon Williams.
Clarence Myers and Arnold Cease are
on a business tri pto North Carolina.
Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Martin and family
are occupying the Phfaler cottage at
Mrs. William Gregory and son Rich-
ard and Mrs. Harold Yorks spent Wed-
nesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.
D. Cease.
The Senior Class of the iKngston
Township High Schol held their an-
nual banquet on Tuesday night at the
Shavertown M. E. Church.
Mr. and Mrs. Bowman Douglas who
have recently returned from Honolulu
called on Mr. and Mrs. George J. Kir-
kendall on Friday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gregory and
sons of Johnson City, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mayer,
Dr. Sarah D. Wycoff and mother
have opened their cottage on Center
Hill Road,
held at the home of Mrs. Gordon Had-
Miss Elizabeth Parks and Mrs. P. H.
Parks called on Mrs. James Thomas at
Church Street, Wilkes-Barre recently.
Mrs. Claude Agnew entertained at a
birthday surprise for her son Leslie
Agnew on Tuesday.
William Parks and family visited at
Tunkhannock Sunday,
Mrs. Thomas Park and children
| visited the former's parents at Ruggles.
, On Saturday the Freshmen Class of
Dallas Borough High School journeyed
to Wilkes-Barre where they were
shown through several of the important
buildings. Among them were the Irem
and Brooks
Nelson was in
er, Osterhout Museum,
Stock Exchange. Mr.
charge of the students.
Miss Reba Smaltz of Hughestown is:
The weekly prayer meeting will he |
Smith attended the “Beantown Choir”
play which was presented by the Dallas
Chepter'of O. E. S.
Mrs. Welters and son, Arthur visited
Mrs. C. G. Wilson recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph of Dallas spent
Saturday with his parents at Kingston.
Glen H. Spencer and Mrs. Wilda
Fritz motored to Williamsport last
Sunday. ¢
Miss Julia Spencer, who has been ill
the past few weeks, is slowly improv-
Mrs, Clarence Spencer of Idetown ‘is
slowly improving.
Jacob C. Gosart of Idetown is now
finishing up his home with all the
modern improvements,
"Allen Montross is taking. over the
farm work on his father’s farm this
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearson and
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Taylor and son
Charles of Kingston called on Karl An-
‘|derson on Sunday last.
Peter Bertram is spending some time
with his daughter, Mrs. Robert Suther-
land at Avoca.
Miss Mary Armstrong of New York
is spending some time with her sister
Mrs. G. Ridgeway.
Dewey Mitchell
Masters Sunday.
Mrs. Howard Gelslicht entertained
her parents from Berwick on Sunday.
Miss Dorothy Van Campen is visit-
ing friends in Johnson City.
Dorothy Van Horn spent the week-
end at Nanticoke.
Mr, and Mrs. Carl Knapp and son
Billy and Mrs. Jack Page of Scranton
called at the home of E. R. Parrish on
visited Mrs, Chet
Mr. Harry Rood is visiting Mrs. Flor-
ence Park.
Miss Phoebe Krewson of Philadelphia
is visiting the home of Elmer Hoover.
There’s one sure way to make
your dinner a success. Serve
crisp, fresh rolls and fresh-baked
bread from our ovens... and
then, for a tasty climax, surprise
your guests with a cake or some.
pastries from our wide selection.
Our truck will be passing your
way if you telephone Dallas 34.
Main Street Dallas, Pa.
spending the week with Mr. and Mrs.
Morgan, Tunkhannock, Sunday,
Earl H. Monk,
« Honor Roll »
Wilkes-Barre were guests of Mrs. J.|
The following students have been
placed on the Honor Roll in Dallas
Borough Schools, for the second sem-
12th Grade—Frank Matuskowitz.
11th Grade—Hazel Baer, Mary Wallo,
Ethel Maltman, Madge Space, Cath-
erine Davis,
10th Grade—Jane Knecht,
9th Grade—Alice Turner,
‘Wallo, Jane LeGrand.
8th Grade—Thelma Gregory, Eliza-
beth Him, Doris McCarty, Evan Brace,
Chester Tutak, James Davies.
7th Grade—George Race, Alvah Jones
Francis Freeman, Alfred Davis, Eva
Maculloch, Beverly Wagner.
6th Grade—Doris Henson, Eloise
Hunt, Alma Nelson, Nancy Ayre, Fran-
cis Polachek, Robert Niemeyer, Albert
Gould, John Jewell, Stanley Davies,
5th Grade—Jane Ayre, Dorothy Dorn,
Ruth Fiske, Jay Gould, Lois Howell,
Louis Kelly, Helen LaBar, Loren Mc-
Carty, Betty Pittman, Margaret Jones,
William Wagner, Blaine Wilson.
4th Grade—Irene Blessing, John Da-
vies, Robert Moore, Marjorie Evans,
Doris Stookey, Janet Garinger.
3rd Grade—Margaret Karns, Betty
Jones, Clinton Brobst, I. D. Garinger,
Norman Waters, Frank Kuehn.
2nd Grade—Robert Allen, William
Blessing James Besecker, Paul Clemow,
Wanda Culp, Ruth Drake, Lydia Galey,
Wilma Gay, Doris Monk, Victor Mec-
Carty, Jack Nelson, Peter Roushey,
Ralph Templin, Malcolm Thomson.
1st Grade—James Waters, George
Grause, Walter Schultz, Billy Wallo,
Eugene McCarty, John Manning, Helen
Stoeckel, Thelma Cundiff, Helen Stook-
ey, Peter Clark, Claudia Shaver, Jack
Roberts, Barbara Henson, Regina Monk
Betty Wagner.
Mrs. Charles -3%500th of Kingston was
a call>® zx Trucksville yesterday.
.wvan Jenkins, son of Bert Jenkins,
underwent an operation for appendi-
Arthur Rodick of Carverton road is
moving to Wilkes-Barre,
Dr. and Mrs. Mendelson have moved
to Ciliffside Avenue at Trucksville for
the summer.
Mr, and Mrs. Albert Elterich were
callers at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
Fred Perrin at Cliffside.
Frank Wheing of Cliffside has pur-
chased a farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Jones of Kingston have
moved in to Harry Post's house at
Mr, Salsburg has purchased the homé
of Louis COhen an Carverton road at
Neual Kester is building a rock gar-
den in the rear of his home,
Dr. Howell observed his 50th birth-
(day this week.
Mr. Fred Booth observed his 79th
birthday last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Gensel had as
their guests on Sunday, Miss Dorothy
Frey, Miss Millie Cairl and Olin Cairl
of Plymouth.
Mrs, Millie Cease, son Fred and
daughter Millicent of Plymouth visited
the former's brother and hig wife, Mr.
and Mrs. Pete Gensel of Dallas on
Sunday. :
Mrs, Harry Howell of Main Street
entertained on Thursday for dinner,
Mrs. Burt Brace, Mrs. Walter Brunges,
Mrs. C. M. Gay and Mrs, A. I.. Misson.
Mrs. Kenneth Hessler of Wyoming
visited her sister Mrs. Elmer Hoover
Mrs. Claude H. Cooke of Fernbrook
|entertained his teacher and friends on
his seventh birthday, Thursday, April
25th. Those present were: Reba Ste-
vens Shannon, of Dallas, Emily Gold-
smith of Demuns, Marylin Morgan of
Benton, Lily Ann McCabe, of Wilkes-
Barre, Louise and Allan Kunkle of
Kunkle, Dolores Osborn, William Grif-
fith, Kermit Griffith, Mary Ann Hoff-
man, Claudia Ruth. and Betty Jane
Cooke, James J. Lloyd, and Charles H.
Harry Kresge, manager of Brown and
Fassett Mill, Fern Brook, moved "his
family to Centermoreland recently, 7
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Gay and family
spent Thursday evening at the home of
Glenn Smith at Noxen,
Mrs. John Hopper of Center More-
at her home, of a heart attack, she was
well-known throughout that section as
she conducted a large green house.
Mrs. Herbert Brunges, who has been
critically ill of pneumonia, is slowly im-
Mr. and Mrs. Spurgeon Crosby and
family visited Howard Crosby and fam-
ily on Sunday.
Ernest, George, Ruth and Florence
Montross spent the week-end in New
York City.
An epidemic of measles is reported
at Centermoreland and surrounding
Mr, and Mrs. Neual Kester of 64 Car-
verton road, Trucksville, entertained
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Valentine and
daughter Gertrude of Plymouth last
Arthur Roderick and family have
moved from 66 Carverton Road Trucks-
ville, to Carlisle Street, Wilkes-Barre.
Don Finney and family have moved
from Carverton Rotd to Holly, Trucks-
Mrs. A. S. Culbert has been called to
her sister, Mrs, Edgar Bishop.
The Young Woman’s Missionary So-
ciety will meet at the home of Jennie
Brown of Parrish Street, Tuesday
evening, May 7th.
Emma Elston spent Monday in
Mr. and Mrs. Forester Still of
Trucksville moved on Davenport street.
Mr, and Mrs. John Nulton have
moved their family to Parrish street.
Mr. J. B. Hildebrant is seriously ill.
Beatrice Shotwell spent Sunday with
her sister Mrs. Race of Demuns.
Mr, and Mrs. M. J. Brown visited
friends at Plymouth.
Morgan Thomas spent Thursday with
friends at Plains.
Mr, and Mrs. Hoyt Nelson, Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Goode and George Stultz
were entertained at the home of Mrs.
Beatrice Walp Friday evening.
Mrs, Henrietta Evans and sons Jack
and Dick and Bud Kane visited Mr. and
Mrs, James Harfman of Fernbrook.
Mrs, Vivian spent Tuesday at Dallas.
Mr. William Niemeyer and Morgan
Thomas spent Monday with Mr. Bern-
hart Gebler, of Wilkes-Barre,
Ralph Ramsey of Wilkes-Barre was
a caller at the home of Mr. H. ‘Welch.
spent last Friday in Wilkes-Barre,
Jean Hadsell, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Hadsel of Idetown, who
has been seriously ill in a Philadelphia
hospital where she was training, is re-
Mrs. Harry Alling of Baltimore is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Del-
bert Husted of Shavertown.
The Serving and Waiting Class of
held an all day quilting at the church
house on Thursday.
(Continued on Page 5.)
Your Old
them like new.
Best service, quality, and traction.
use them.
Ad Woolbert
Bunny Service Station
Don’t Throw Away
Drive in and let us re-tread
All Work Guaranteed-
Big stock to select from.
New Tires, Too.
Duponts and Kenyons
20% lower in price than any other standard first line tire of same quality.
Frank Uter Service Station
Hillside Tire Service
Hillside Gas Company
Trucksville, Pa.
Tires -
Ask your friends and neighbors whe
Brace Service Station
Cragle Service Station
Charles H. Cooke, son of Mr, and °
land died suddenly on Monday night \
ay on account of the illness of *
Mrs. Sandel Hunt and Norma, Knecht
. yh