The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, April 19, 1935, Image 5

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    -and son Buddy, were callers of Mr. and
given at ‘her home
“+ Mrs, Stanley Elston of Beaumont nad
-over the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kester spent
the week-end at Tunkhannock. Mrs.
Kester is the former Miss Mary ‘Stalh-
man, a teacher in the Dallas Township
Addisen Woolbert Sr, and Fred
Youngblood attended the Mail Carriers’
meeting at Wyoming won Saturday
night. 8
Mrs. Margaret LeBar and daughters
Helen spent Saturday in Wilkes-Barre.
The Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Fire Co,
are planning a White Elephant Sale
sometime in May.
Mr. and Mrs. Royal Love spent Sun-
day in Contor.
Mrs. F. H. Billings, mother of Mrs.
Addison Woolbert and who has been
ill, is somewhat improved.
Mrs. Clyde Lapp has been confined
to her home with the grippe.
Walter Billings of Trucksville was a
Dallas caller on Sunday.
The Junior and Senior Classes of
the Township School held a surprise
party at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Claude Cooke in honor of Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Kester, Many useful gifts were
presented to Mrs. Kester, who before
marriage was Miss Mary Stahlman.
Mr. and Mrs. Addison Woolbert at-
tended the funeral of Gramt Scott of
Lehman on Monday ‘afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wheaton Lee
‘will soon be occupying the Monk home
on Lake Street. :
Mrs. Robert ‘Shannon of Claude
Street spent the week-end in Benton.
Mrs. Shannon was the former Miss
- Reba, Stevens.
Members of the Epworth League of
the Methodist Episcopal Church of Ide-
town will present an Easter play, Sun-
day night at 8 o’clock.
The Ladies’ Aid Society of Methodist
Episcopal Church of Idetown held a
supper on Wednesday night of this
Mr. and Mrs. Thad Watson and son
Donald; Mr. and Mrs. Leon Sharack,
Mrs. Robert Freshar on Sunday.
Mrs. Dave Morris was taken to the
General Hospital of Wilkes-Barre, on
Tuesday. for treatment.
Stanley Elston of Beaumont is build-
ing a new house at Kunkle,
_ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Frisbie had as
their guest over the weekend, Miss Ann
Brew of Kingston.
On Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Olin Cease
and daughter Peggy of Plymouth visit-
ed with Miss Helen Frisbie for the day.
"The condition of Mrs. Emma Baird
of Dallas is unchanged.
‘Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Frisbie of Forty
ort on Sunday visited their aunt, Mrs.
Emma Baird.
‘Miss Frances Hess was guest of
honor at a surprise birthday party
Friday evening,
guests were Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Howell
and daughter Geraldine, of Fernbrook,
Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Hess and daughter
Doris and Janet, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy
Hess and children Nile, Harold, Robert
anr Wilma, Mr, and Mrs. Russell Hon-
eywell and Russell Jr, Miss Franges
Hess and Mr. S. J. Hess.
‘Oliver Ide is confined to her home with
rheumatic fever.
Mrs. Albert Kunkle spent Saturday
in Wilkes-Barre.
Mr. Clinton Sayre and family enter-
tained at dinner on Sunday, Mr. and
Mrs. James O’Boyle and son James of
Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Howell and
daughter Geraldine of Fern Brook
spent Sunday with Mr. Wheeler Hess.
Mr. Russell Honeywell of Philadel-
phia spent the weekend with his family
Mrs. Addie Welter and son Arthur of
Nescopeck were recent visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Elston.
as her guests at dinner on Wednesday,
Mrs. Dorothy Johnson, Mrs. Edna Den-
mon, and Mrs. Caroline . Scovel and
Miss, Agnes Denmon all of Beaumont.
Mr, and Mrs. William Miers and chil-
dren were the guests of Mrs. Chester
Gates recently.
Mrs. Wheeler Hess and son will leave
Sunday to spend two weeks with her
mother at White Plains, N. Y.
Miss Doris Herdman of Hempstead,
L. I, is spending the Easter vacation
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W.
Mrs, Jane Mann spent the week-end
with relatives in this place.
Mrs. C. W. Fisher entertained a few
friends at a quilting on Friday.
Miss Doris Hoyt accompanied a party
of friends from Noxen to Washington
Mr, and Mrs. C. A. Sweezy and chil-
dren Phyllis and Barbara of Shaver-
town visited their parents on Sunday.
Russell Honeywell of Philadelphia
spent the week-end with his wife,
Helen, of Kunkle.
The work being done on the Goering-
er pump, Shavertown, is nearly com-
pleted. It is a large pump which will
take care of the residents on the Toole
Plot. Earl H. Monk is in charge of the
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Gregory of Mill
Street entertained on Sunday, Mr. and
Mrs, Marion Garinger and Mr. and
Mrs. A. N. Garinger.
Mrs. Helen Honeywell of Dallas spent
the week-end in Wilkes-Barre with her
sister Mrs. Minnie Smith,
Corey Gray has been appointed over-
seer of the poor replacing A. D. Mayer
who resigned last month.
Miss Dunn was elected to teach at
the Laketon High School after a heated
discussion. The votes were cast 4 to 1.
Mr. Oney objected. :
Miss Neufeld of College Misericordia
is training a group of girls for a con-
cert, The girls will enter a contest
with 5 other High Schools. ,
The Past Councillers of Mt. Vale
Council, No. 222, Daughters of America
will attend the Past Councillor's Asso-
ciation at Kingston, on Wednesday.
Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Davis of Wilkes-
Barre were week-end guests at Colon-
ial Inn.
Fred C. Rhodes of Fernbrook who
has been ill for the past week is able
to be about again.
Mrs. Patrick Healey spent the past
week. with Mrs. D. P. Honeywell who
has returned to her home in Wilkes-
Mrs. Bertha Pealer and daughter,
Irene, have moved to Elmira, N. Y.
ton is Mrs. R. L. Brickel’s sister.
Colonial Imm had its opening night,
Saturday, April 13.
Irving Thomas and Ralph Walp, Jr.,
of Trucksville spent the week end at
Maryland and Washington, D. C.
Mr, and Mrs. James Gansel returned
home Wednesday from Daytona Beach
Miss Marjorie Kitchen, of Harvey's
Lake, is recuperating from an appen-
dicitis operation,
Mrs, Barbara Kiefer of Shrineview
who has been visiting in Florida for
the past two months has returned
home. ’
Mrs. George Hofmeister of Shrime-
view, visited friends in Wilkes-Barre,
on Thursday.
Mrs. George Hofmeister gave ag
Beano ' party, Wednesday evening.
Those present were. Mr. and Mrs, Wil-
liam Hofmeister, Mrs, Catherine Haas,
Charles Haas, and Miss Mildred Eunice
of Wilkes-Barre. ° ;
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Warner, Mr.
anl Mrs. Kenneth Oliver, Mrs, Helen
Honeywell, Mrs. Margaret Thomas,
Mrs, Dall Shaver, Mrs. Ruth Cair], Mrs,
Evans, 'Mr. and Mrs. George Hofmeis-
ter, and Alberta and George Jr.
Mrs, Margaret Zimmer, of Wilkes-
Barre, a sister of Mrs. Barbara Kiefer
of ‘Shrineview is suffering from a frac-
tured hip.
Mr. and Mrs. William Hofmeister of
Wilkes-Barre, visited at the home of
George Hofmeister, Wednesday night.
Arthur Tucker and daughter Ruth
of Allentown, spent Sunday with Mr,
and Mrs, Raymond Warner of Shrine-
Mr. and Mrs. George Tucker ond sos:
of Wilkes-Barre spent Monday wits |
M M R. on arnex,
Jane Tder/daughter-of Meant Meg 28d Mis Raymong Werner,
Mr, and Mrs. Albert Split of Cease-
town spent Wednesday evening with
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Warner.
The Junior class of Dallas Township
High School will present the play “Lis-
ten to Leon”, May 1, at Dallas Borough
High School Auditorium,
The Senior Class of Dallas Township
High School, held a surprise party on
April 11th,
Donald Kester; who were recently mar-
ried. The party was held at the home
in honor of Mr. and Mrs.
of Miss Betty Jane Cooke.
Mr. and Mrs. George Metz of Car-
verton entertained at bridge on Satur-
day evening. Lunch was Served to the
following: Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Yeisley,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl H. Monk, Mr. George
Hunt, and Mr.
and Mrs. Metz.
— NOTICE ~-~
Business going on as
usual under the manage-
ment of Mrs. William
Krause durir,” the illness
of her husband.
Spraying Materials,
Lime, Fertilizers,
Farm Machinery Parts.
Wm. Krause
Church Street
At My Stock Yards at Briar Creek on
Main Road between Bloomsburg and
k, on
MON DAY, APRIL 22, 1935
At 12 o'clock Noon — No Postponement on Account of Weather,
30 Head — Express Load Ho
This will consist of Geldings and Mares,
1200 to 1500 lbs. each.
before the sale and on day of sale.
have been in the horse business for the
six hundred horses a year,
vou may return it and have the full pu
Gentle and broken.
places when in need of a horse or mule.
[s6S and Mules — 30 Head
aged from 4 to 8 years, weighing from
I hitch and show all horses the day
e is no use wasting your time at other
Follow the big crowds to Shaffer's, I
past twenty-nine years. I handle over
Everyone guaranteed to be just as represented or
rchase price refunded. Anyone having
horses, mules, cattle or hogs to dispose of can turn them in same as cash. Let
me know what you have before my sale and I will see you and your stock.
All horses being bought on day of sale
truck, no matter
will be delivered free in an enclosed
where you live.
TERMS—One-half to be paid on day of sale or on delivery; balance 60 or 90
days with interest from date. If full am
in cash, there will be a
RUNYON and TROY, Auctioneers.
ount for horse or mule or team is paid
discount of 2 per cent.
3 {Brodmarckles, Plymouth.
Mrs. Agnes Hamilton returned to her ¥
in Parsoms from the Jefferson
Hospital in Philadelphia. Mrs. Hamil-!
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Glase and son son
and brother and wife of Allentown will
spend Thursday with Mr, and Mrs. Roy
Adam P., Kiefer of Shrine View, who
has returned from Florida after spend-
' ling eleven weeks with his family, be- |
came interested while in Miami in the |
New Moving picture project that they
expect to develop there. He was noti-
fied on Saturday by wire of his elec-
tion on the board of directors of Cab-
owa, Incorporated, a holding company.
It may be necessary for him to return
to Miami very shortly to attend the or-
ganization meeting and take up his
new duties. 3
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ashburner and
sons, Ralph and James, visited at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. Mark Kunkle of
the home of Mrs. Julia Kunkle of Kun-
Earl H. Monk, Dallas, K. G. Laycock,
and Mr. George Hunt . Shavertown have
entered a bridge tournament at the
home of Mark Michaels, Plymouth, on
April 12.
Jack Austin of Wilkes- Barre Spent
Sunday with Edward Harkins of Pine-
crest Avenue. ;
Mrs. Caroline Rineman; is Seeding
‘the week with her daughter, Mrs. W. E,.
William H. Ritter of Forty Fort vis-
ited Mr. and Mrs. P. J: Ritter of Fpunis:
ville Street on Sunday.
Mrs. Harry Sweezy visited Mrs. C.
‘W. Fisher on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Johnston visited |
During the past week Earl H. Monk
has completed the installation of the
new and up-to-date equipment in
Schindeler’s bakery.
- Beverly Wagner attended a birthday
party at the home of William Snyder
on Saturday evening, April 13. Games
were played and refreshments were
served to the following: Florence Mil-
ler, Dorothy Allen, Gertrude XKintz,
Rhoda Thomas, Beverly Wagner, Au-
drey O’Kane, William Snyder, Donald
Dix, George-Race, Jack Ruggles, Lewis
LeGrande, Alfred Davis and Harry
William Schindeler spent the week-
end with William Monk of Pinecrest
Avenue. ;
Mrs. Earl VanCampen, and daughter
Patricia, spent Sunday with Miss Ruth
Him, of Mill Street.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred ‘Austin of Wilkes-
Barre spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
WwW. J. Yeisley of Overbrook Avenue.
Mrs. Edward Harkins of Pinecrest
Avenue visited relatives in Pittston last
Sunday. ’
Miss Florence Dempsky of Center-
moreland spent Monday with Mr. “and
Mrs, ‘Eaward Toiak of Pinecrest Ave-
nue, al
Miss Caro yn Klug, of Philadelphia
‘visited “her ‘mother, Mrs. Maude Klug,
of Main Street over the week-end. Misg
Klug is a student nurse at the North-
eastern Hospital.
Cu B. ‘Williams
from Harrisburg.
Mrs. Jay, Fernbrook, is much im-
proved, after several day’s illness.
returned Tuesday
‘School Addition
(Continued from Page 1.)
Junior Prom, May 17. Class Night,
Friday, May 31; baccalaureate sermon,
Rev. G. Elston Ruff, St. Paul’s Luther-
an Church, Sunday, June 2; commence-
ment exercises, Tuesday, June 4.
A resolution was adopted authoriz-
ing the loan of $400 from Luzerne Na-
tional Bank.
Arthur Parrish, grandson of Mr. and
Mrs, Elmer Parrish ig quite ill at his
home in Benton,
The boys who intend to compete in
the Times-Leader Marble Tournament,
have started practicing. Mr, Nelson,
Physical Instructor, is constructing a
practice ring for the boys.
A surprise birthday party was given
to Mrs. J. M. Rood of Dallas, on Sat-
urday night, April 13. Since Mr. Rood’s
birthday anniversary is only one week
from Mrs. Rood’s the celebration had a
double significance. The following at-
tended: Mrs. A. Weid, Mrs. Rebecca
Monk, Mrs. G. H. Kerr, Mrs, D. Block-
sage, Mrs, Higgins, Mrs. Jessie Rymag,
Mrs. Mary E. Honeywell, Mrs. Estella
Whitebread, Mrs. Ellsworth, Mrs. Ben-
nett, Mr. and Mrs. Yaple, Mrs. W. R.
Garringer, B. F. Mott, E. M. Honeywell,
Mrs Al Misson, Miss Lillian Rool, Mrs.
Harold Rood, Clarence Whitebread,
Ralph Whitebread, Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Finch, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Rood, Mr.
and Mrs. F. A. Berry, Mr, and Mrs. C.
A. Frantz, Miss M. Frantz, Mr. and
Mrs v. L. Brickel, Miss Stella Misson.
Club Will Dance
At Country Club
The West Side Junior Woman's Club
of Kingston will have its annual Easter
Ball at Irem Temple Country Club, Dal-
las, on Saturday might, April 20. 5
Final preparations are being made
by a committee which has as members
Miss Mary Bittenbender, general chair-
man; Mrs. Dorothy Bittenbender, music
chairman; Miss Carol Fry, patroness
chairman; Miss Leila Shewan, ticket
chairman; Miss Dorothy Boone, press
The club hopes to make the dance
one of the most brilliant affairs of the
Spring season, Easter decorations will
be used and Ralph Paul's orchestra
will play.
Celebrate Silver :
Wedding Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cross of Shaver
Avenue, Shavertown, observed their
twenty-fifth wedding anniversary last
week at d dinner given in their honor
by their children. About thirty per-
sons were present,
Mr. and Mrs. Cross were married in
1910 at Dalton-In-Furness, Lancashire,
England. They have had "ten children. li
Five are living, Mrs. Benamin Bordon
and Mrs. Walter Wiscavage of Luzerne,
and Victor, Thomas, and Bert at home.
Mr. Cross is emploved as a fire boss
at the East Boston Coal Co.
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