The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, December 14, 1934, Image 3

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    parents they left on a motor trip. They
Plans for the annual distribution of
Lehman will play Trucksville in re-
mt ; and Mrs.
the Tabernackle this week. Robert Sut:
copal Auxiliary Elects Officers
e auxiliary of the Prince of Peace
‘Episcopal Church met at the home of
Mrs. Arthur Towlson, Shavertown re-
centl /yvand following the regular busi-
ess session the annual election of of-
ficers was held. The results: President,
‘Mrs. Stanley Frederick; secretary,
~~ Mrs. Edward Avery; assistant secre-
tary, Mrs. A. S. James; treasurer, Mrs.
Chales Anderson; purchasing secetary,
Mrs. Eugene Considine.
Those present: Mrs. Edward Avery,
Mrs. Charles Anderson, Mrs. Eugene
Considine, Mrs. B. F. Hightower, Mrs.
(A. 8. James, Mrs. Heuer, Mrs. Arthur
Toulson, Ms. Catherine Thomas.
United In Marriage
Miss Helen Hacker of Fernbrook,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
united in marriage to Howard Hoptz of
Sweet Valley at the Sweet
Church of Christ parsonage, T
morning, December 6, by Rev. W
stripe. The couple were unattenred.
Following a reception at the grooms
are at home now on Fernbrook Street,
Name Officers
Mrs. John Eck was elected treasurer
of the Woman's Auxiliary of Shaver-
~ town Lutheran church for the eighth
consecutive year. Mrs. Charles Dressel
was named president, Mrs. Kathryn
~ Lemke, vice president, and ‘Mrs. M. J.
Girton, secretary.
Association To Meet
‘Shavertown Improvement Associa-
‘tion will meet tonight at Shavertown
“school hous efor its regular meeting.
Officers will be named at this time.
baskets to the needy at Xmas time will
also be made. :
; New Arrival.
Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Ockenhouse of
. Shavertown announce the birth of a
y daughter at General Hospital on Wed-
nesday, December 5.
Senior Play.
; The Senior class of Kingston Town-
; ship High School will present their
play at the high school auditorium next
~ Wednesday evening. The cast is un-
der the direction of Miss Edna Cease.
Change Residence
Mr, and Mrs. William Perrego have
moved from Orchard street to the
apartment of Harry Still on Main
4 i Basketball Games
Orange will oppose Shavertown and
gular scheduled Rural League games
in the high school gymnasium on Tues-
day might. The first game will get un-
v ~ derway at 8 o PCIe,
~ Miss Hannie Sutton is visiting Mr.
‘Corey Evans for a short
‘time. £ x
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Moyer expetced
to move to Kingston in the near future.
Mr. Almon Booth of Dallas visited
Grant Ashburner on Sunday.
' Revival meetings are being held at
ton of Dallas has charge of the ser-
Robert Sutton son of John Sutton is
somewhat improved after a nervous
~ breakdown.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Allen and family
visited Mrs. Mary Allen on Sunday.
Miss Kathryn Lewis is ill at this
For a
Happy New Year
Make your reservations now for
our New Year's Eve party.
Nothing else anywhere like it.
Full Course
‘Turkey Dinner
First National Bank
United States Depository:
‘Wm. H. Conyngham .... ¥resident
rancis Douglas .. Ex. Vice Pres.
Chas. F. Huber .... 19% Vice Pres.
M. G. Shennan Vice Pres. & Cashier
Chas. N. Loveland
Fred O. Smith
William S. McLean, Jr.
Wm. H. Conyngham
Richard Sharpe
C. F. Huber
Francis Douglas
T. R. Hillard
Edward Griffith
Wm. W. Inglis
M. G. Shennan
Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent
8 Pe: Cent Interest Paid On
Savings Deposits
$1.00 Will Start An Account
The monthly meeting of the Shaver-
town Branch of the Nesbitt Memorial
Hospital Auxiliary was held last Fri-
|day night at the home of Mrs. E. W.
Guernsey of Shavertown. After the
meeting, Miss Mildred Isaacs enter-
tained with two recitations, “I'm En-
gaged to Lemuel” and “Mrs. Casey At
The Dintist”. :
Those present were: Mrs. G. A.
Learn, Mrs. G. Evans, Mrs. A. C.
Dampf, Mrs. Edward Girkis, Mrs. Al-
bert G. Groblewski, Jr., Mrs. H. A.
Brown, Mrs. Fred Harlos, Mrs. G. L.
Howell, Mrs. Alonlo Prutzman, Mrs. S.
‘Warden, Mrs. John Durbin, Mrs, F. M.
| Roti, Mrs. George Hofmeister, Mrs.
Clifford Ide, Mrs. Frances Lewis, Nancy
Ide, Mrs. B. F. Nulton, Mrs. Rae Shi-
ber, Mrs, S. F. Frantz, Mrs. C. S. Bee-
hee, Mrs. Grace Wiese, Mrs. Harry Al-
len, Mrs. C. F. Morris, Mrs. Harry Har-
ter, Mrs. Arthur Ide, Mrs. W. L. Tracy,
Mrs. B. B. Colman, Mrs. F. A. Gobel,
Mrs. W. E. Batey, Mrs. ‘A. C Kelley,
Mrs C. F. Lewis, Mrs. J. A. Hildebrant,
Mrs. E. W. Guernsey, Mrs. W. R.
Hawke, Jane Keener, Miss Mildred
* o%® *
Mrs. A. C. Kelly of Trucksville will
entetain at the January meeting of
the Nesbitt Memorial Hospital Auxili-
ary. Dr. Edwin Wyle of Plymouth,
noted lecturer, will speak.
* 0% *
The Dallas Borough Parent-Teacher
Association will meet on Monday even-
ing at 8 at the Dallas Borough High
School. Rev. Foote of Plymouth will
speak. A committee of parents of stu-
dents from the ninth grade will serve
* #0
The Searchlight Missionary Society
of Shavertown Methodist church met at
the home of Mrs. Stephen Johnson of
Shavertown. The hostesses were Mrs.
Charles Gossart, Miss Ruth Lamoreaux,
and Mrs. Stephen Johnson. A Christ-
mas party followed the regular meet-
ing. There were about forty present.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ringstrom and
(children, Barbara and Alfred, motored
to Philadelphia and Atlantic City last
* % ®
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Risley were the
guests of Mr. Risley’s sister, Mrs. W.
M. Bowman of Sayre last week-end.
. * *
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wrobleski of
Dallas spent a few days in Bethlehem
* 0% 0%
On Monday night the Dallas M. E.
Church Choir will entertain. the Dallas
Borough Parent-Teachers’ Association
The ‘choir will give two selections,
“When Christ Was Born of Mary
Free” and “Noel”,
Mrs. Charles H. Cooke entertained
Mrs. Helen Clemow of Trucksville
* #
Mrs. Zigmund Harmon entertained
the Ricky Club on Wednesday night.
There was election of officers and Mrs,
Garrahan was elected president; Mrs.
Dietrich, teasurer; Mrs. Jennie Case,
secretary. Those present were: Mrs.
Laura Dymond, Mrs. Jennie Sauers,
Mrs. Garrhan, Mrs. Alice Harmond,
mond, Mrs. Elizabeth Stritzinger, Mrs.
Bennallack, Mrs. William Vivian, Mrs.
Dietrich. <
* % o®
The Ricky Club will hold a Christ-
mas party at Suburban Inn on Decem-
ber 26.
The Nesbitt Memorial Hospital Aux-
iliar "is planning many’ activities after
the holidays. Mrs. E. K. Keller will
act as chairman and those assisting
her will be Mrs. C. F. Lewis, Mrs. G. A.
Learn, Mrs. Frances Lewis, Mrs. 1. R.
Major, Mrs, George Metz, Mrs. Elwood
Mrs. A. M. Major, Mrs.
Frank Mathers, Mrs. C. F. Norris,
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Frances Layaou of
Shavertown have announced the mar-
riage of their daughter, Adeline, to
Charles Hess, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Hess of DeMunds, in Frederick,
Md., on Friday, December 7. Mr. Hess
is a teacher at Corsica, N. Y., and Mrs,
Hess has been teaching in Trucksville
grade school. She is a graduate of
Lizerne high school.
* *
xr *
Harold Titman in company with
Lewis Wolfe, George Gunther and
Walter Dean attended the football
game between the Chicago Bears and
New York Giants last Sunday in New
York City. }
Screen Review At
Kingston Theatre
Three exceptionally fine motion pic-
tures successes will attract crowds to
Kingston Theatre this week.
Today and tomorrow there will be
“Gay Divorcee”, a fast-moving musical
romance adapted from the sensational
Broadway success and featuring Gin-
ger Rogers and Fred Astaire.
Robert Donat, a newcomer to the
screen, plays opposite glamorous Elissa
Landi in “The Count Of Monte Cristo’
which will be at the theatre on Mon-
day and Tuesday.
The third big hit is Constance Ben-
nett’s “Outcast Lady”, the attraction
next Wednesday and Thursday.
Mrs. A. C. Devens. Miss ‘Mildred
Devens, Mrs. Charles Herdman, Mrs.
Carrie Kunkle and Mrs, Victor Rydd
attended the funeral of Miss Mary
Machell of Dallas on Monday.
Mrs. Helen Honeywell of Dallas en-
tertained with a dinner party on
Thursday, honoring Mrs: Jennie Norton
of Elkland who is visiting her brother,
S. J. Hess and family. Covers were
laid for Miss Norton, Mr. John Smith
of Wilkes-Barre, Mrs. Sherman War-
dan of Shavertown, and Mrs. Charles
Herdman of Kunkle and Mrs. Honey-
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nelson and
sons Buddy Jack and Billy of Dallas,
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Henny on Sunday.
~ Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ashburner and
sons Robert and Nelson and Mrs. W. S.
Kunkle called on Mrs. Etta Morgan and
family of Tunkhannock on Sunday.
Mr .and Mrs. Clarence Roote enter-
tained at dinner on Wednesday of last
week Mrs. John Brader, Mrs. Patrick
Kennedy and children John and Rose,
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Shupp and, children
Lena, Bobby, and Maylon, all of Par-
Mrs. Clyde Hoyt spent Monday with
Mrs. Frank Boston.
A daughter’ was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Martin on Monday, Dec-
ember 10th.
76 Zerby Street
(the original Koval the Taxidermist)
Mount That Buck Head
PRICE $15 and UP
My Only Place of Business.
Kingston, Pa.
at Gay=adurray’s
Santa Will Meet You Here Each Saturday Afternoon
And Evening
Sleds—Champion Deluxe and Flexible Flyer at all prices
from $1.15 to $5.50.
$1.10 to $6.50
china at 25¢ to 50c a
Trains—The full line of Lionel in wind-up types, streamline spe-
cials to the longest electric train made—
$1.00 to $40.00. See our train display.
Bikes and Tricycles—The American Velo King and Empire kinds
in a full range of prices which are very low.
Erector and Stanlo Sets—Here’s the outfit for the young
mechanic who wants to build his own. 3 sizes. $1.00 to $4.50.
Autos—Push, pull and pedal kinds priced from 25¢ to $8.95
for the deluxe pedal outfit.
Chemical Sets—Chemcraft Brand the practical kind that’s in-
structive and entertaining—4 sets from 90c to $4.50.
Our toys for the young fellers also include Footballs, Basketballs; Police Out-
fits, Air Rifles and Boxing Gloves. Also an unusual line of gifts for grown ups.
Meet Santa at Gay-Murray’s Saturday Afternoon
and Evening
Tunkhannock, Pa.
Skiis—Oxford or Lund—You know the quality—pine or ash
Skates—The better shoe and hockey patterns at—
$3.50, $4.50, $5.50, and $7.50.
Dolls and Teddy Bears—in all sizes and prices at—
25¢ to $3.50—also doll couches and carriages.
Child’s Dish Sets—from a plain pattern in green to the best in
The Y. P. B. will meet at the home
of Mrs. David Brace of Dallas on Tues-
day evening, December 18.
Miss Mildred Devens spent Thurs-
day and Friday of last week with Miss-
es Jean and Jessie Ritchie of Orchard | {
Farm, Dallas,
Mrs, Fred Makinson of Forty Fort is
| 3s . : |
visiting her sister Miss Margaret Kun- |
kle for a few days. eo
Mrs. A. C. Devens, Mildred Devens,
Mrs. C. W. Kunkle, Mrs. Charles Herd-
man and Mrs. Victor Rydd attended
the W. C. T. U. meeting at the home
of Mrs. Robbins of Trucksville on
Tuesday. /
Russell Honeywell of Philadelphia
spent the week-end with his family
; Mrs. Russel Honeywell and Miss Nel-
lie Honeywell are recovering from an
attack of tonsilitis.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sweezy and
daughter Phyllis and Barbara spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George
Mrs. Jennie Norton of Elkland who
is visiting her brother S. J. Hess has
been ill with tonsilitis.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith and sons
Lawrence, Donald, and Forrest of Kun-
Saturday and Sunday
Home Made
Ice Cream
Alumni Meeting
| Dallas Township Alumni Associa-
tion will meet in’ the township high
school building on Monday night. .
kle, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dendler,
Ralph Dendier, and Miss Fay Apple-
man of Berwick were the guests of
Mrs. Lucy Jones of Beaumont at din-
ner on Sunday. f
Professional Land Surveyor
Penn’ a Register Nec. 4104
Phone, Dallas 126. Dallas, P:
29 Ford Convertable Coupe
Chevrolet Coupe, 4 new tire
qt. 29°
Complete line Christmas cards,
tree ornaments and gifts.
Shavertown, Pa.
Chrysler Coach
Chevrolet Ton Truck
Dallas, Penna.
Phone 219-R-2
Where Quality Counts and
g © Fancy
Gold Seal
The pick of the nests.
On the basis of Quality and
fine foods in your nearby 4&5C0
the assortments of
are unequaled. In close
touch with every market change
we bring you the -best food
values to be found anywhere.
Your Money Goes Furthest |
Selected doz. 29&
~ doz. 35¢
9c Extra Fancy Jumbo
Marrowfat Beans
&5C0 Finest California
Season’s Greetings
White gb §].49
Label 9 © $
2 35:
Large halves or luscious slices in rich syrup
Fresh Christmas Candies for your Enjoyment
i 98%
Barclay Assorted Chocolates
Happy Day Hard Candy
Nestle’s Chocolate
Christmas Assorted Chocolates
Hard Candy 12-0z jar 19¢ |
5c Candy or Gum 3 for 10c'
Chocolate Drops
1%c 45C0 Pure Fruit
Lucille Finest Assorted Chocolates
Ib box 49c¢
Ib box 35¢
Ib 19¢ : 5-1b can 8% .
(Milk or Almond). 1/-1b bar 15¢
Two 1/5-1b boxes 25¢
Candy Canes pkg 10¢
Famous Mixtures Ib 19¢
Ib 10c | Hershey’s Kisses 21/-1b box 57¢
16-02 Cc
Pn vy
Your choice of six luscious varieties at we Sn price
Bread Supre
Victor Sliced
me loaf
Introducing A New Member of Our Coffee Family
Mother's Joy
rich, tangy blend with full fidvor.
noon and night.
Sold in the J
A coffee delight—morning,
15¢ Hurff’s Asparagus Tips 2 picnic size cans 250
ASCO Beans with Pork
Sun Dine Grapefruit Juice
Sun Dine Orange Juice
6 1-Ib cans 25¢ |
2 cans 19¢ |
2 cans 25¢
A preminm quality cheese product—so good for children
Gold Seal Macar
Gold Seal Spagh
ASCO Elbow i
8c pkgs.
) 19°
“Good Cheer” Merchandise Certificates
May be used same as
CASH in any &5€0 Store
1 they are now on sale. Good until used.
The Ideal Way to Make Someone Happy
These Prices Effective In Our Stores
in Dallas And Vicinity