THE DALLAS POST, DALLAS, PA. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1934. PAGE THREE evern Traver, who underwent serious operation at the General spital at Wilkes-Barre, ‘is improv- ly at this writing. J. Davis, who has been very eral weeks, is much improved as and speedy recovery. Mis. vis is one of our best church and . avid Jones and ‘family and George Snell and family spent ‘Sunday with : Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wright. ~The Noxen Epworth League is to be congratulated for its splendid work in gathering supplies for the Children’s home in Binghamton, N. Y. as they got first prize for the best booth in the Aisirlet. "Their: young president, ; “Patton, who spent much time and ef- fort with his automobile did everything possible to make this worthy cause a success. ~The small game season is about over and our sportsmen are getting ready 5 to try for deer of which there seem an ‘abundance in this place. A bunch of our Noxen unemployed motored to Tunkhannock for their re- lief orders for this week and while there, ,or on the way home, secured so mucle liquor that some of them came home in a beastly state of intoxication, that in itself is deplorable enough, but when the taxpayers must pay the bills it’s time for a sweeping investigation of the system for the distribution of the public funds for the unemployed of Noxen. ~ . Lawrence Race who has been for 5% “some time in the General Hospital for : treatment for a serious case of blood ‘ poisoning, is improving. Leon Briant, Owego, N. Y., is spend- ing a few weeks with Ralph ‘Coolbaugh of this Place. 3 Franklin -Jackson- Gladys Ashton of Nanticoke spent ~ the week-end at her home here. The Junior: Mechanics’ Lodge of Nanticoke presented a beautiful ‘American flag to the Rome school on Wednesday afternoon. Theodore Las- kowski is the teacher and is a member of the order. Harry Kester of Kingston called on a number of families on Saturday. ~ Jane Smith recently entertained a crowd of young folks at an old fash- loned taffy pull . A surprise birthday party’ was given "Helen Splitt at her home on Friday y evening. The evening was spent in hg ‘music, games, and dancing. Lunch was served to more than fifty guests. Melvina Shouldrice is spending a few days at Wilkes-Barre. ~ Mrs. Fred Shouldrice will entertain the Ladies’ Aid Society at her home on Wednesday, December 5th. A group of young men presented a Prison: drama at ‘the Ceasetown Church, on Wednesday evening, Nov- ember 28th. The drama was written by one of their own number. Evelyn Rice is gpending some time ~ with Mrs. Gordon at Forty Fort. Mr. and Mrs. George Bulford were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gus. Splitt on.Monday. - —Shavertown— : Holy Communion ~ Holy Communion will be celebrated at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church on Sun- day at the 11 o’capck service, it be- ing the first Sunday of the church year, ; School Board Meeting. ~~ Kingston Township school board will meet in regular session at the high school building Monday night at 8. ; Indorse McCarty. ~ Marvin McCarty, president of the Luzerne County Unemployed League, was indorsed as being favored for the position of Secretary of Labor in the State Cabinet at a meeting of King- ton Unemployed branch. . Speaks To Democrats. 4 Dr. Leo Mundy, Internal Revenue Collector, was the guest speaker at the victory banquet held by the Back Mountain Democratic Club, held at Fernbrook Inn on Monday night. Close ‘to 100 persons were present. : Brief Mention. Mrs. John DeWitt of Main street, re- turned home on Wednesday after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Gus Fe yat Dorrance. Miss Lillian Miller of Kingston is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. I. T. Schwartz. Mr. and Mrs. George Bronson of Sweet Valley, were guests on Sunday “at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman - Wardan. a “Mrs. , Herbert! Lundy of Pioneer ~ Avenue, is spending some time with her mother at Berwick. Mr. Lundy is in Bermuda for a short stay. ‘A Church Fair will be held at the M. E. Church, December 4 and 5 MILLER’ S Food Center 54 Main Street, Dial 7-2837 Luzerne Free Delivery i . 0 & i 7-2837 Free Delivery | Hamburg, 3 ibs. for 25¢ Pork Sausage 1b., 20¢ Fresh Killed Chickens | Round Steak ~ § Rolled Rib or ? | Rump Roast 1b., 19¢ 1b., 18¢ 1b., 5¢ 1b., 5¢ 39¢ Sugar, 10 Ibs., 50¢ Oleomargarine 4 1bs., 49¢ Stewing Beef, Potatoes, Social ember 28, at 8. The bride is a graduate of Kingston High School and Bloomsburg State Teachers’ College. She has been a pri- mary teacher in the Dallas Township School for the past several years. Mr. Mosier is a graduate of Cough- lin High School and Penn State Col- lege. He has accepted a position as herdsman for the Goodleigh Farm, Mr. and Mrs. Mosier will reside at the Goodleigh Farm in Dallas, * * 0% Committees have been named for the annual Christmas dance. to be given by the alumnae of College Misericordia on December 26 at the Sterling. Yule- tide decorations will be used. Miss Ethel Hogan, chairman of the ways and means committee for the en- suing year, has appointed a number of stuaents to assist her. ® eo 8 A group of young people were guests on Monday night at a party at the home of Mrs. D. F. Westover in ob- servance of the birthday anniversary o her sons, Robert: and Willard West- over, twins. » The guests were Madge Space, Wil- liam Baker, Ruth Kintz, Ernest Culp, kthel Maltman, Robert Isaacs, Peggy Sindel, Delmar Besecker, Alice Turner, Robetr West, Florence Dailey, William ‘West, Madge Oliver, and John Jeter, sa ¢ 8 * Plans for the Christmas Dance of the Dallas Women’s Club are nearing completion, The club will hold its dance at Irem Country Club on Satur- day night, December 29. Ralph Paul's orchestra will play. Mrs. Carl Kuehn is chairman and has assisting her Mrs. Ralph Lewis, music; Miss Beth Love, tickets; Miss Mildred Devans, reser- vations. Mrs. Don Wilson, decorations; Mrs, John Yaple, publicity. * & ok Mrs. M. L. Yaple spent Sunday visit- ing Mrs. Amanda Horning of Kingston. Mrs. Norman Ringstrom entertain- ed her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Markell of Kingston on Thanksgiving Day. Mrs. W. L. Tracy of Trucksville en- tertained on Thanksgiving Day Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Merritt of Norfolk, Va., and her sister, Mrs. R. M. Scott of Trucks- ville, * Mr, and Mrs. Morgan A. Wilcox en- tertained at bridge on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Ferguson of Scranton received the good luck prize. Mrs. H. B. Allen received the rainbow prize. * -. . * = Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Wilcox enter- tained on Thursday afternoon: Mr. and Wilkes-Barre. * Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Nulton enter- tained on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John Race, Billy Williams, of Kingston; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Miers and Felice, Calvin and Jerry Miers. * * % Mrs. Edgar Nulton entertained at a dinner party recently. The guests were Mrs. Ralph Hess, Janet Hess, Mrs. Owen Ide, Mrs. William Weaver, Mrs. John Race, and Sherry Nulton. . ® . Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ide of Shaver- town were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- gar Nulton recently. * 0% of Sf * Miss Pearl Ladwig, a teacher at Kingston Township high school, has returned to her home at Bloomsburg for the Thanksgiving holiday. Mrs, William Decker and Mrs. Phillips, | The marriage of Hilda Pearl Ruggles, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Rug- gles of Pikes Creek, and Sheldon W. Mosier, son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Mosier of Dallas, took place at the Maple Grove parsonage on Wednesday night, Nov- Dr ee Mr. and Mrs. James Bradbury are entertaining their son, Carl, a student at Temple Univesity, for the Thanks. giving Holiday. Mrs. Matthew Gray of ‘Trucksville is ill at her home, * * Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Brickel of Dallas entertained on Thanksgiving Day the following guests: Mrs. Van Nortwick and son, Ralph, and his wife, of Schenectady, N. Y., and Mrs. Westover and family. * ok ok Mrs. J. L. Kintz entertained on Mon- day night the Sunday school board of the Dallas M. E. Church. Rev. and Mrs. Francis Freeman en- tertained on Monday afternoon the ed- ucational committee of the Dallas M. E. Church. EE The Men’s Club of the Trucksville M. E. Church will present a play, The Black Derby, on December 7. Rehearsals were held on Monday and Tuesday night. * * 0% On Wednesday night at the Trucks- ville M. E. Church a Thanksgiving Service was held. + There was special music. * % 0% : " The Epworth League of the Trucks- ville M. E. Church held a Thanksgiv- ing service -at 6:30 a. m., morning. Breakfast was served at T. There was a good attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Parrish enter- tained Mr. and Mrs. Albert Parrish and daughter, Elizabeth, and son, Arthur, of Rohrsburg; J. B. Hildebrandt, Mr. and Mrs. Sandal Hunt, and children, Eloise and Isabel, and Elmer Hunt of Dallas last Sunday. Mrs. George Metz entertained Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Wandell of Schenectady on Sunday. * * * Special Thanksgiving services were held in the Dallas M. E. Church on Thanksgiving morning at 7. Breakfast was served by the Epworth League. Mrs. William E. Jones of Huntsville entertained the pinochle club on Wed- nesday of last week. Winners of priz- es: Mrs. A. C. Woolbert, Mrs. Charles Stookey. Those present were: Mrs. James G. Worrall, Mrs, William Wil- son, Mrs. Scott Van Horn, Mrs. Mar- garet Keithline, Mrs, Handel Thomas, and Mrs. Jones. \ * Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pifer of Forty Fort and Mr. and Mrs. William Pifer of Danville spent Sunday at the home of M. and Mrs. R. L. Brickel. R. L. Brickel motored to Easton last Saturday to attend the Lehigh-Lafay- ette. game. ; * wo Mrs. Robert M. Bodycomb has been ill at her home in Dallas. Mrs. W. C. Daddow has been ill at her home . Mr. and Mrs. IRA D. COOKE Professional Land Surveyor ENGINEERING Penn’a Register Nc. 4104 SUCCESSOR TO CHAS. H. COOKE, Dec'd Phone, Dallas 126. Er anywhere is Concrete. ing Concrete Highways. on inferior surfaces. Mail Coupon! PORTLAND ET TRL a LCRA dollar goes to labor Street. EE PENNSYLVANIA NEEDS MORE CONCRETE ROADS WHEN YOU'VE GOT TO GET WHERE YOU'RE GOING — STICK TO CONCRETE! T= quickest, surest, safest highway from anywhere to Prove it? You know it! Your nerves, your muscles, your eyes, your mind—your every sense, is thankful for the ever-widening network of endur- And Concrete is thrifty! You save up to 2 cents a mile in gas, oil, tires and car repairs by traveling on concrete instead of Business and Tourists Follow Wide Concrete Roads “An Open Letter to Henry Ford” is a booklet worih having: It’s FREE! CEMENT ~ ASSOCIATION 1528 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Send Free: “An Open Letter to Henry Ford.” NBIC. vos svss ns eovsssnessssssesissesnssvosesssssvone ©0000000006000000000000000000000000CRCEEEOD WSOPE iT enn enna e yesterday, r * Jess Lewis «of Forty |. Dallas, Pa . Fort visited Mrs. W. C. Daddow on Sunday. * * 0% Mrs. William Vivian, Earl Vivian, and Gloria Chance attended the Buck- nell-Penn State game on Saturday. Mrs. William. Vivian entertained the Rickey Club at a luncheon on Tues- day. Howard Chance of Mocanaqua spent last week-end with his family at Fern- brook. * * 0% Mr. and Mrs. Allan Sanford spent Thanksgiving Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Sanford at Owego, NY. * 0% 0% Attorney Peter Jurchak was the speaker at the meeting of the Men's Club of the Trucksville M. E. Church on Monday night. Attorney Jurchak Spoke; on his bie to Czecho-Slovakia. *% 3% Mrs. Ray Shiber entertained Mrs. W. D. Roberts of Trucksville for several days last week. Mrs. Mae E. Townend of Dallas left by ’plane on Tuesday for Cambridge, Mass., to spend Thanksgiving with her son, Frank, a student at Harvard. ® 0% 0% Mrs. C. W. Kunkle was pleasantly surprised by the Silver Leaf Club on Thursday. Luncheon was served to Mrs. Victor Rydd, Mrs. Roy Hess, Miss Frances Hess, Mrs. Russell Miers, Mrs. Harold Smith, Mrs. Forrest Kunkle, Mrs. Ralph’ Elston, Mrs. William Wea- ver, Mrs. Edgar Nulton, Mrs. Ralph Hess Mrs. William Miers, Mrs. Ralph Ashburner, Mrs. William Brace, Miss Gertrude = Smith, Forrest Smith, and Sherry Nulton." *% % The - Huntsville Christian Church held a bazaar on Tuesday night. There was a quilt exhibit and a turkey sup- per in the church basement. ' Mrs. Frank Hess entertained her birthday club at her home last Friday. Dinner was served to Mrs. William Weaver, Mrs. Owen Ide, Mrs. Ralph Elston, Mrs. Ralph Hess, Mrs, Ralph Ashburner, Mrs. Jacob Condon, Ralph Lutz. Sp Kp The Junior choir of the Dallas M. E. Church met on Wednesday night. HE Ee Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Herdman enter- | tained Mr. and Mrs. John Frantz of Dallas and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Con- don of Alderson at their home last Saturday night. * #0 0% li Mr. and Mrs. Ray Henney of Kunkle and Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Miller of Kingston attended the Penn State- Bucknell football game. * 0% 0% Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Frantz of Dallas and Mr. and Mrs. Ira Frantz of Orange visited on Sundey with Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Youngblood of Wilkes-Barre. * oo %* % Mrs. James Hartman of Scranton spent last week-end with Mrs. D.SP. Honeywell, ; Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Herdman enter- tained Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Devens and Miss ‘Mildred Devens at dinner on Sunday. (r Gay-Mumay News Trains New Lionel on time for Christmas. Smart designs in both windup and Electrical Models — also a new stream line speed model. —ILock Them Over Fellows— SANTA Arrives December 7th Friday afternoon, December 7, from 2 until 5 o’clock has been arranged for the arrival of San- ta Claus at Gay Murray’s and we're planning a real worth while celebration with a dazzling array of gifts for each member »f the family, Remember December 7th, 110 5 A new enameled Kitchen Range is helping to satisfy the appetites of all customers at Miss Hallock’s Elm Tree Tea Shoppe. The fact that we carry all siz- es of Heating Plants in stock, brings us business from other counties. During the' past week, two of our mechanics installeg a complete steam system for Ho- ward Wolfe at Moscow, Still an- other furnace was put in for Mrs. Viola, Loomis on Putman Street: You can still beat the winter if you order your Heat soon. Star Water Bowls , for the cows, not only save time and la- bor but actually pay for them- selves in 3 months by the in- crease which they affect. Walter Taylor at LaGrange is one of several farmers now installing “Stars”. Many items in our line of Plumbing Fixtures are now be- ng sold below our spring cata- log prices. Be sure to get our corrected prices before you buy. (ay-Murray Co. Inc. Tunkhannock 3 4 Mrs. || Yoocal Girl In jured ‘ Elizabeth Newman, 18, Dallas, was injured on Tuesday morning at 10 when the car she was driving skidded | on Main Street, Luzerne, and struck a telephone pole. Miss Newman was taken to Nesbitt ‘Memorial Hospital where she was treated for lacerations of the lip and left arm. The car was badly damaged. Waits 20 Years To Collect Time waits for no man, but. John C. Miller, clerk of the District court here, took his time in collecting a witness fee for which he served twenty years ago. He received the customary fee recent- y. Changes Office Because of the fire which swept Lu- zerne several weeks ago, Dr. James B. Reynolds of Luzerne has moved his dental offices from the Luzerne Na- tional Bank Building to 93 Main Street and is now established in offices for- merly occupied by Dr. Totten. —— Plan For Banquet A group of prominent men of King- ston Township are; making plans tc banquet the members of the football squad of Kingston Township high school in the near future. Announce- ment will be made of the plans later. ——————— PHONE YOUR NEWS ITEMS TO THE DALLAS POST In Automobile Crash | | New Outlook | (Continued from Page 1.) {scarlet blush. Many graduations of the [rash may appear. It may cover but a small area, as a part of the neck and | chest. Some days after the development of the rash the desquamation or peeling of the skin begins. Some cases of [scarlet fever have no apparent peeling; in others it is very marked. It is apt to occur where the rash was brightest It may appear only on the hands, es- pecially. the fingers and the palms. Under®no circumstances should any chil@”“with these symptoms be sent to school, Sunday school, the store, or upon the street where he may have a chance to give this serious disease to others. —————————— GRACE MOORE'S ‘ONE NIGHT OF LOVE’ COMING TO KING- STON THEATRE, MON-TUES, The Kingston Theatre will present Columbia's film sensation “One Night of Love,” starring the vivacious Grace Moore, on its new week's program starting Monday. The film is based on a story by Charles Beahan and Dorothy Speare and deals with inci- dents which are said to parallel Miss Moore’s own life. It is full of color and the exotic background of Italy and Vienna. Tullio Carminati is the prin- cipal male supporting player, with Lyle Talbot. Mona, Barrie and Jessie Ralph in important spots in the cast Victor Schertzinger = directed from. screen play by S. K. Lauren, James. Gow and Edmund Nerth. and our prices will sh Where Quality Counts and Cheese These Big Values Right In Your Own Neighborhood Z§CQ Store Just the Foods you need for the week-end, To % 0 ow you a saving, too. Your Money Goes Serthest » ps 8 Creamy Rich pg” Choice Alaska Pink SALMON EEL I a ey 020%0%0%6°¢%0%¢%0%0%0%% tall Cc can Best Blue Rose RIGE =» 5c ASCO DESSERT Gelatine = 4 pkgs 19¢ Phillips Spaghetti ASC0Tomato Soup 4SC0 Tomato Juice Ritter Tomato Soup Fancy Alaska Red SALMON 2 33° Your Choice 3.07 tall cans Glenwood Apple Butter 2-1b Jar large glass’ 13 Kellogg Corn Flakes 2 Kippered Snacks Salt, Oil or Mustard Sardines, pkg. can bag, 2 cans 9c Asco Whole Spices J Asco Baking Powder “Y Princess Mustard, Baking Soda pkg. 5¢ can 5¢ glass 5c pkg. 5¢ California Sardines oval can Franco American Spaghetti can 2 19° CALIF Prunes FANCY ORNIA 2. |5° ASCO Slowly Cooked Blue Rose Rice aSC0 Egg Noodles Spaghetti Two popular, Victor Sliced Bread KSC Cracked Wheat Firm, white beans with tender Small White Soup Beans ASCO Toasted Bread Crumbs Tasty Salt Norway Mackerel pkg 5¢ : ASCO or Gold Seal Macaroni or nourishing foods 25° , 95° pork & spicy tomato sauce. ° Ib. pkg., 10c 2 lbs., 9¢ 2 pkgs 15¢ 2 for 15¢ 2 large pkgs 17¢ 3 bigs | Qc 5, now specially priced. Plenty of Bread-Energy makes better Vitality . . . Bread Supreme Jumbo wrapped 10; big wrapped loaf 6c Bread big loaf 10c 15¢ Light Meat Tuna 2-23 For Tasty Salads 13e Quality Green Peas 2:23 Ready to Heat and Serve Log Cabin Syrup small Fleischmann’s New XR 9c 4SCO New Pack Beets Maxwell House Vita-Fresh Coffee Baker’s Breakfast Cocoa Mixed Vegetables Ib tin 36¢ gt can 50¢ . cake 3¢ 1%4-1b can 13¢ Your Choice 32:25 can 25¢ : Yeast No. 2 caqls The flavor of Vegetables is improved with Louella the Finest Sweet Cream Butter in America These Prices Effective In Our Stores in Dallas And Vicinity