THE DALLAS POST, DALLAS, PA “AFTER THE ELECTION” 11 around me lies the wreckage of an election just gone by. And as I gather up the flying papers I ~ am forced to heave a sigh Over are the nasty things that both 5 parties said, Over are the lonely nights that most women dread. ~ 'Tis true both sides could not expect to A ‘win, And it’s proper for the loser to give in. ‘Friendship ceases when at politics we play, 3 But after the election we should feel quite proud to say I fought a losing battle, but I fought it very clean, Perhaps'I said some things I really didn’t mean, But now that it’s all over and we know y whose in the lead, ~ Let’s all shake hands and forget the past I plead. Surely the majority can’t be wrong, This time the Democrats were really very strong. So let us all combine and lend a help- ing hand, Make the New Deal a square deal and eveything will be just grand. —Mrs. John A. Girvan. ——t Cow Makes New Record Siker LA Guernsey cow owned by Dorrance ~ Reynolds of Dallas has just finished a “mew official record for production which entitles her to entry in the Ad- vanced Register of the American Guernsey Cattle Club. This animal is a two-year-old Goodleigh-Green Vall- ey-Glen 328804 with a production of 849:.8 pounds of milk and 458.8 pounds of fat in class GG. \ Close Race = : Official returns on the McFadden- Dietrich Congressional race show that Elmer E. Dietrich won by a majority of 661 votes. Originally it was thought | that his lead was larger but 704 votes on the Prohibition ticket cut Mr. Die- trich’s lead. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1934, ; AT 10 A. M. ‘By virtue of a writ of Fi Fa, No. 124, December Term, 1934, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale by vendue to the highest and best bidders, for cash, at the Sheriff's Sales Room, Court House, in the City of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, on Friday, the 7th day of December, 1934, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of the said day, all the right, title and interest of the defendants in and to the following des- cribed lot, piece or parcel of land viz:— All that certain piece of land situate in the City of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a certain corner of land now or late of Christian Schaller; thence along land of said Schaller at right angles to South State Street Easterly about ‘115 feet to a corner; therice Southerly and parallel with said South State Street 19 feet to a corner in line of lands of Israel Goldberg; thence along land of said Goldberg in a Westerly direction about 100 feet to a corner on said South State Street; thence along South State Street in a Northerly direction 19 feet to the place of beginning. BEING the property conveyed to Luther F. Highsmith and Elizabeth H. Highsmith, his wife, by deed of Israel Goldberg et ux, dated December 7, 1923, D. B. 594, page 224. IMPROVED with single dwelling-house etc. Coal and other minerals excepted and reserved. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Elmer D. Parrish vs. Lu- ther F. Highsmith, Elizabeth H. High- smith, and will He sold by LUTHER M. KNIFFEN, Sheriff. B. B. LEWIS, Atty. . SHERIFF'S SALE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1934, AT 10 A. M. By virtue of a writ of Fi Fa No. 40, December Term, 1934, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne ‘County, to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale by vendue to the highest and best bidders, for cash, at the Sheriff’s Sales Room, Court House, in the City of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, on Friday,. the 30th day of November, 1934, at: ten o'clock in the forenoon of the said day, all the right, title and interest of the defendants in and to the following described lot, piece or parcel of land, aN1Z:— “All the right, title and interest of the defendants in and to a lot, piece or parcel of land in the Borough of Dal- las, in the County of Luzerne and State of Pennsylvania, being fifty-five and ninet7-three one - hundredths (55.93) "feet in width on Lake Street, and run- ning back in an easterly direction an average depth of two hundred and ten and six-tenths (210.6) feet to Maple @trecet. Bounded on the northerly side By land now or late of Morgan A. Wil- cox and on the southerly side by land of Adelaide Garringer, and being the same premises which were conveyed to Earl FH. Monk and wife by deed of Mcr- gan A. Wilcox and wife, dated the 15th day of January, 1925 and recorded in Luzerne County in Deed Book No. 669, at page 225, etc. All improved with a two and one-half story frame dwelling house, and a one story frame, com- bination garage and plumbing shop in the rear. ! Seized and taken into execution at the suit of First National Bank of Dal- las, Pa, vs. Earl H. Monk and Irene C. Monk, and will be sold by A LUTHER M. KNIFFEN, Sheriff. . Edwin Shortz, Jr., Atty. Doug, Mary Meet—on Business Were it not for the man in the center, this would look like that long-awaited reconciliation of Douglas Fairbanks and “our Mary.” But, despite their smiles, Miss Pickford and her athletic hubby hadn’t just made up. This scene was snapped at a directors’ meeting of a film company in which both are interested. The man in the middle is Joseph M. Schenck, movie executive. 7 Te Eggshell Holds 2 Gallons The shell of a hen's egg of average size holds two fluid ounces. The shell of an.ostrich egg holds 45 ounces, On exhibition at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago is the shell of a giant prehistoric bird of New Zea- land, the Aepyornis, which has a capa- city of 258 ounces, or more than two gallons, SHERIFF'S SALE Friday, December 7th 1934, ten o'clock A. M., sheriff’s sales room, court house, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., execution from court of common pleas of Luzerne County, Pa., real estate of (1) William A. Pifer, (2) Laura alias Laura A. |Evans, (3) Rose B. Graham formerly Wilkinson, (4) Margaret F. Faust for- | merly Lioyd, (5) Mary Gertrude Evans lalias Gertrude Evans, (6) Sarah C. | Aregood alias Sarah Aregood, (7) |Grace Miller, (8) Clementine Xromis, (9) Mabel Williams, (10) Willola White and (11) Augusta E. Ridler, fifty feet wide on westerly side of Bennett Street | Luzerne, Pa., and one hundred thirty {feet deep improved with a two story, | frame, dwellinghouse No. 412 Bennett | Street and a shed garage. LUTHER M. KNIFFEN, Sheriff. |G. J. CLARK, Atty. SHERIFE'S SALE FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1934, AT 10 A. M. By virtue of a writ of Fi Fa No. 98, | December Term, 1934, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of TIuzerne |County, to me directed, there will he |exposed to public sale by vendue to [the highest and best bidders, for cash, lat the Sheriff's Sales Room, Cour | House, in the City of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, on Fri- day, the Tth day of December, 1934, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of the said day, all the right, title and interest orf the defendants in and to the following described lot piece or parcel of land, viz:— All the right, title and interest of the defendants in and to a piece or tract of land situate in the Township of Lehman, in the County of Luzerne and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of land of Solomon P. Ide, in line of land of Horace Spencer, and the line dividing L.ehman and Dal- las Townships; thence South 56 de- grees West two ang seventy-two hun- dredths (2.72) perches along S. P. Ide’s land to a corner in the Public Road leading from Dallag to Harvey's Lake; thence North 80 degrees 45 minutes ‘West along the center of said public road thirty-two and nine-tenths (32.9) perches to a point in said road in line of land of Levi Johnson; thence North 34 degrees West alond said Johnson's land fifty-five and sixth-four hund- redths (55.64) perches to a point in the back line of Certified Bedford Township and land of William Brown; thence along said line and land of Wil- liam Brown North 56 degrees cast about five (5) perches to the southerly line of land of Wilkes-Barre and Northern Railroad Company's land; thence along said railroad company’s land and thirty (30) feet distant from the center line thereof "and parallel therewith about twenty-nine (29) per- ches to the line of land of Horace Spencer's heirs ‘and line dividing the townships aforesaid; thence along said line South 34 degrees East sixty-five ang forty-six hundredths (65.46) per- ches to the place of beginning. Con- taining nine acres and one hundred thirteen square perches of land more or less. Being the same premises which became vested in the defendant Chole A, Spencer by deed of Joseph Hacker and wife, dated 18th day of January, 1926, and recorded in Luzerne 633, at page 515. dwelling house, frame barn and garage, and a gasoline filling station. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of First National Bank of Dal- las, Pa., vs. Chole A. Spencer and LUTHER M. KNIFFEN, Sheriff. E. SHORTZ, Jr., Atty. ———~ ——— READ THE DALLAS POST MONEY ADVANCED ON YOUR AUTO County- Court House in Deed Book No. | All improved with a two story frame | Clarence Spencer, and will be sold by | SHERIFF'S SALE Friday, December 7th, 1934, at ten o'clock A. M., Court House, Wilkes- Barre, Pa., on execution from Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, Pa., at Sheriff’s Sales Room, property of Jacob C. Gosart and Mary E. Gosart, Viz: 1. In Dallas Township on public road from Demunds to Leek’s Corners adjoining Elisha Ryman Estate and George C. Spencer, containing about twenty-six and one-half acres convey- ed to Jacob C. Gosart and Mary E. Gosart, in two pieces, by deed of Sam- vel F. Ross and wife, 12th October, 1922, deed book 568, page 544, unim- proved. 2. In Lehman Township on public road adjoining land late of Aaron Sut- ton at Idetown, four and one-half acres conveyed to Jacob C. Gosart by Peter Smith 5th July, 1922, deed book 564, page 551, unimproved. 3. In Lehman Township about thir- teen acres two perches of land on pub- lic road from Dallas to Harvey's Lake, adjoining land late of S. P. Ide, B. V. |Ide and C. Spencer, conveyed to Jacob |C. Gosart by Levi Johnson 31st Octo- | ber, 1910, deed book 472, page 54, un- improved. | 4. In Lehman Township eleven and {76/100 perches in front on public road |adjoining George Jones and Caroline | Long, containing 143 perches of land conveyed to Jacob C. Gosart by James Park, 27th November, 1911, deed book 480, page 406, improved with a two story frame dwelling house. 5. In Lehman Township about three hundred five feet in front on upper {road from Idetown to Harvey's Lake |adjoining land late of Jacob Johnson and of Charles Ruggles, containing one |and one-tenth acres, conveyed to Jacob | C. Gosart by Frank Nevel and wife, as [two pieces, 19th February, 1912, deed book 474, page 25, improved with two two-story frame dwellinghouses. 6. In Lake Township thirty feet in front on main road Inlet bridge and about one hundred thirty-seven feet deep to the Lake, conveyed by Jacob R. Shaver to Mary E. Gosart, 2nd Sept- ember, 1910, deed book 472, page 55, improved with a one story frame sum- mer cottage. 7. In Lake Township on main road near Inlet bridge seventy-two feet in front adjoining land of Jacob Flosser and extending back to the Lake, con- veyed to Jacob C. Gosart and Mary E. Gosart by John B. Kitchen, 11th July, 1922, deed book 564, page 550, improved with a one-story frame cottage and a small ice house. g. In Lake Township near Inlet bridge about sixty feet on main road adjoining land now or late of E. Swan and extending easterly to high water mark of Harvey's Lake, conveyed to Jacob C. Gosart and Mary BE. Gosart by James Park, 20th March, 1924, deed book 595, page 499, improved with a two and one-half story frame store and dwelling house (combined). LUTHER M. KNIFFEN, Sheriff. G. J. CLARK, Atty. LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary have been granted in the estate of George R. Drake, late of Ply- mouth, All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands to present“the same without delay to the executrix, Frances G. Drake, 135 Ww, Main Street, Plymouth. Joseph P. Olexy, attorney. First National Bank PUBLIC SQUARE WILKES-BARRE, PA. United States Depository: OFFICERS | Wm. H. Conyngham .... President Francis Douglas .. Ex. Vice Pres. Chas. 'F. Huber .... let Vice Pres. M. G. Shennan Vice Pres. & Ceshier DIRECTORS Chas. N. Loveland Fred O. Smith William S. McLean, Jr. Wm. H. Conyngham Richard Sharpe C. F. Huber Francis Douglas T. R. Hillard fs SHERIFF'S SALE FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1934, AT 10 A. M. By virtue of a writ of Fi Fa, No. 144 December Term, 1934, issued nut of the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale by vendue to the nighest and best bidders, for cash, at the Sheriff’s Sales Room, Court House, in the City of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, on Friday, the 7th day of December, 1934, at ten a’clock in the forenoon of the said day, all the right, title and interest of the defendants in and to the following des- cribed lot, piece or parcel of land, viz: All that certain piece of land situate on the west side of Alter Street be- tween Third and Fourth Streets, in the Diamond Addition to the City of Hazelton, County of Luzerne and State of Pennsylvania, being marked No. 6 of Square No. 33 in the plan of the said "Diamond Addition, aforesaid, bounded and described as follows, to wit: — Beginning at a point on the south- west corner of Fourth and Alter Streets; thence westward along said Fourth Street for a distance of two hundred (200) feet to a twenty feet wide alley; thence southward along said Alley for a distance of thirty-two feet to the corner of lot No. 7. thence eastwardly along the northern line of lot No. 7 for a distance of two hundred (200) feet to the west side of Alter Street; thence northwardly along said Alter Street for a distance of thirty- two feet to the place of Beginning. Coal and other minerals excented and reserved. \ Improved with a two and one-half story frame dwelling with two store- rooms, an eight-car garage and one- story work shop in rear, outbuildings, fences, etc. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of American Bank and Trust Company of Hazleton, to the use of the Ladies Pennsylvania Slovak Roman and Greek Catholic Union vs. William E. Slusser and Gloria Slusser, husband and wife, and will be sold by LUTHER M. KNIFFEN, Sheriff. PETER P. JURCHAK, Atty. SHERIFF'S SALE SHERIFF'S SALE On Friday, December 7, 1934, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the Sheriff's Salesroom in the Court House, Wilkes-Barre, Penna., Luther M. Kniffen, Sheriff of Luzerne County, will sell the property of John J. Lenahan and Jule Lenahan, his wife, being lot of land in the Bor- ough of Kingston, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, beginning at the North- east corrder of the intersection of James Street and Third Avenue, being one hundred five and nine-tenths (105.9) feet on James Street by forty (40). feet on Third Avenue, and being lot No. 111 on plot of lots known as North Ad- dition to West Side Park, by virtue of a writ of fieri facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County to No. 112, December Term, 1934. LUTHER M. KNIFFEN, Sheriff. A. I. TURNER, Attorney. USE THE DALLAS POST CLASSIFIED COLUMN FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1934. season. ‘Altar Beckons Hollywood Pair You've heard of people win- ning a hand of faro, but here’s a ease where a Farrow won a hand, that of Maureen O’Sulli- van. The screen star and John Farrow, her fiance, are pictured above smiling their happiness at their forthcoming marriage. He’s a Holiywood film writer. , Local Hunters Go A After Small Gam A record-breaking crowd of hunt- ers made an early exit from Dallas yes- terday morning to open the small game Rabbits and squirrel may be hunted any day during November, ex- cepting Sundays. The date on which birds may be hunted are: November 1, 2,518,596, 7, 10, 12,914,717, 19, 121, 24, 26, 28, 29, and 30. —— PHONE YOUR NEWS ITEMS TO THE DALLAS POST SHERIFF'S SALE | Friday, ' December 7th, 1934, ten o'clock A. M., sheriff's sales room, court house, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., €Xés cution from court of common pleas of Luzerne County, Pa. real estate of Clraence J. Toole on easterly side of Lincoln Drive, Shavertown, Kingston Township, Pa., fifty feet wide and on hundred fifteen feet deep and being No. 250 on plot of Mt. Airy Terrace, recorded in map book No. 3 page 94— 97, improved with a two story, frame, dwelling house, garage and outhuiid« ings. LUTHER M. KNIFFEN, Sheriff, G. J. CLARK, Att'y. SHERIFF'S SALE Friday, December 7th, 1934, ten o'clock A. M., Sheriff's Sales Room, Court House, Wilkes-Barre Pa., execu tion from court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, Pa. real estate of Thomas Rompala and Eleanore, aliag Leonore, Rompala, his wife, forty feet wide on easterly side of Thomas street Miners Mills, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., and one hundred ten feet deep, improved with a frame, double, dwellinghouse, Nos. 6 and 8 East Thomas Street. LUTHER M. KNIFFEN, Sheriff, G. J. CLARK, Att'y. LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that letters of administration have been granted in the Estate of SARAH ANN HOOVER, late of the Borough of Luzerne, to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make pays« ment and those having claims or des mands to present the same without dee lay to Sherman Hoover, Administrator, R./D. No: 1, Hunlocks Creek, Pa. or to his attorney, ‘Henry Greenwald, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. LEGAL NOTICE ESTATE OF DELBERT P, HONEY~- WELL, LATE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF DALLAS. Letters testamentary upon the above named estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are res quested to make payments, and those having claims or demands to present the same, without delay to Mrs. Helen C. Honeywell, Church Street, Dallas, Pa. John Delbert Honeywell, R. F. D. No. 2, Rummerfield, Bradford County, Pa. EXECUTORS. - 11-16-6t, DIAL 76 ZERBY AVENUE, PAUL A. KOVAL, RINGNECKS MOUNTED .. TAXIDERMIST $5.00 THE FINEST CRAFTSMANSHIP Don’t Spend Your Money on Inferior Mounting 14 Years At Our Present Location ONLY ONE PLACE OF BUSINESS 7-0715 EDWARDSVILLE, PA. the am --. All for GROUP 28 [J Better Homes & Gardens, Yr [J Delineator [J McCall's Magazine [J Movie Classic [J Pathfinder (Weekly) ....1 Yr [J Pictorial Review [J Open Road (Boys) § 71 Screen Book [J Screen Play [J True Confessions ..___. Check 1 Magazine thus (X) ONLY [J Hollywood Movie Mag...1 Yr. 7 7, V- = ee ee — A V2 Ve ILBOX & paper and the pick of this choice list of magazines azing, low price given below. In LXE / these RAI] ‘1 MAGAZINE FROM ‘BE GROUP - 1 3 MAGAZINES FROM ‘GROUP -2 ; RCA Vi ION) . ALL FIVE ONLY 1Yr. fRadioland..> =... 1Yr GROUP-2 AZiN ga /1EA1 SELECT THREE MAGAZINES [J American Poultry Jrnl.. 2 Yrs. [J The Country Home .....2 Yrs. [J The Farm Journal [J Capper’s Farmer [J Gentlewoman Magazine 1 Yr. [J Good Stories .................. 1Yr. {Home Circle ...........c.1.¥r. [J Household Magazine ....1 Yr. [1 llustrated Mechanics ....1 Yr. [0 Mother's Home Life. [J Needlecraft [J Successful Farming J Woman‘s World Check 3 Magazines thus (X) Our Guarantee To You! This wonderful offer is available to old and new subscribers to this newspaper. We guarantee the fulfillment of all magazine subscriptions and .you have positive assurance that this generous offer is exactly as represented.- Renewals will be extended for full term shown. Please clip list of Magazines after checking 4 Publica- tions desired. Fill out coupon carefully. Gentlemen: I enclose $.._.______. Please send me the four magazines checked with a year’s subscription to your newspaper. Edward Griffith Wm. W. Inglis M. G. Shennan : IRA D. COOKE Professional Land Surveyor ENGINEERING Penn'a Register No. 4104 SUCCESSOR TO CHAS. H. COOKE, Dec'd Phone, Dallas 126. ' Dallas, Pa 5 Cre at 1 Hour Service Confidential, no endorsement. Our representative will call if desired. KEYSTONE AUTO CREDIT CO. 599 Market St. Kingston 7-2639 Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent NAME. 8 Pei Cent Interest Paid On Savings Deposits $1.00 Will Start An Account STREET ORR. F. D. TOWN AND STATE.