73 T . dy —— is hd dt 5 > | y # 41 : xh] s td 3 x J ~ SG :; He eS ; SY; mT " — |vertown entertained relatives from |McDode, was aw rde i S 9» . | ] k / ; Bloomsburg on Sunday.’ ; ) funniest costume. NT . - -. \p ine the evening was a funeral pr ESTABLISHED 1889 ; : # dd ow 7], Members of the Lehman High Schoor| 1% PICHAE Wes » fancal pro x EL : hs and the Junior High School held a |! Whic e following girls too TELEPHONE DALLAS: 300 ] ; « 0 : 1 4 | Halloween party at the High School on |11€len West, Helen Loley, tarde mah Lucey, Betty Hummel, Cathe ta ert, Rosemary Lyons, and Janet Rei PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING . Mrs. George Williams, wife of Seal-| 4 Program of interest and fu AT THE DALLAS POST PLANT : er of Weights and Measures, George [Presented by the girls. Sadie Co LEHMAN AVENUE, DALLAS, PA, ‘ The Dallas Women’s Club, will hold a card party at the Dallas High School | Williams, was taken to Nesbitt Mem- |20d Katherine Rodney brought La BY THE DALLAS POST INC. Auditorium on Friday night, November 16. orial Hospital yesterday morning after:|#PPlause by their tap-dancing act : Mrs. George K. Swartz, is chairman of the committee and will be assisted [suffering an acute heart attack. ! 1 SMOWARD RISLEY .... la duis veveee.... General Manager| by the following: J : = NS among the students when Ruth Smith, HOWEI.L REES ..... Sia SD SD EEE Managing Editor Prizes, Mrs. John Wilson; table, Mrs Carl Kuehn; tickets, Miss Josephine MISERICORDIA NEWS Eileen McDonald, and Margaret Stack WRUMZN STEWART .........onuesnnsaanids %. Mechanics! Superihtendent| Siem tallies, Mrs, Hobert Bodycomb, Mrs, James (Gansjl, . |sang “old - fashioned songs. Several Prizes will be. given of each. table T piano selections were very capab . The members of the Mendel Science presented by Eleanor Burns. ; The Dallas Post is on sale at the local news stands. Subscription price b ° ° and proceeds will be used for the dis- Club held their meonthl ti 3 *- mail $2.00 payable in advance. Single copies five cents each. » Pretty Fair Gnd tribution of baskets to the needy at Monday. Miss Agnes A sv ig latest song-hits of the day were lovers |, Enxered as second-class matter at the Dallas Post-office. : Thanksgiviag. dent, introduced the following new Iv. sung by Mary Brennan. Cideriang, {¢ Members American Press Association; Pennsylvania Newspaper Publishers Material J The Dallas Woman’s Club will hold | members to the club: Elizabeth O’Mal- doughnuls completed “the. party: He Tah \Bsssistion; Circulation Audit Bureau: Wilkes-Barre-Wyoming Valley Cham- or ea HS Suman Im ley, - Rita Carlin, Ruth Milisanskis, — of Commerce. ; S Y 7 r 1%, al Mary Sullivan, Mary Whalen, Sara’ Sipe Too . Marie Woolhort Soi Casey, Catherine Lynch, Mary Galla- . charge of th nm a er, Beatrice McCarthy, Jessie T as, 3 THE DALLAS POST 1s a youthful weekly rural-suburban newspaper, Miss Francis Keeler will have charge De Delehanty, ins es am First National Bank A LIBERAL, INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER swned, edited and operated by young men interested in the development of the * th & great rural-suburban region of Luzerne County and in the attainment of the of they program, Mullen, Marion Marcin, Nellie Lentini, ; highest ideals of journalism. Thirty-one surrounding communities contribute a z Marie Yuron, Ruth Lare, and Helene DALLAS, PA. weekly articles to THE POST and have an interest in its editorial policies. At the M. E. Church, Trucksville, on |DeMun. Several papers of interest to > 5 THE POST is truly “more than a newspaper, it is a community institution.” [Thursday evening, the second annual science students were given by Miss ¢ Congress shall make no law * * abridging the freedom of speech, or of Turkey Supper will be served by the Helen West and Miss Margaret Kelly, Press.—From the first amendment to the Constitution of the United States. men. The proceeds. will be used for Annual Hallowe’en Party Given Subscription, $2.60 Per Year (Payable in Advance) / current Spenses ay z Oh W iq i al . : ‘ent in the college gym, when the Fresh- . W. { . n Wednesday the November meet- nen entertained the entire student THE DALLAS POST PROGRAM ing of the Women’s Home and Foreign ,5qy recently. People from all walks DIRECTORS A THE DALLAS POST will lend its support and offers the use of ity | Missionary society will be entertained of Jife were represented at the affair. |§|R. L. Brickel, C. A, Frantz, D. P golumns to ‘all projects which will help this community and the great rurai- {by Mrs. Olzer. It is an all-day meet- |yittle Miss Bo-Peep, who in every-day |{|H In Ww S ao suburban territory which it serves to attain the following major improve- ing. \ life is Miss Clare Pleban, captured the eye : - B.. deter) Sterling ments: ; : : 3 ] oe prize for the prettiest costume. Miss achell, W. R. Neely, Clifford W. _. 1. Construction of more sidewalks for the protection of pedestrians in On Friday, at 8 p, m., the Queen |“Hobo,” who in reality is Miss Mary Space, A. C. Devens, Herbert Hilf Kingston township and Dallas. : : Esther’ Standard Bearers will hold a * 5 a ve 2. A free library located in the Dallas region. ; : treasurer hunt at the M. E. church in ; ; 3. Better and adequate street lighting in Trucksville, Shavertown, Trucksville. | OFFICERS Fernbrook and Dallas. = : ) * % x C. A. Frantz, Pres. The Novembe meeting of the Young MONEY ADVANCED D. P. Honeywell, 1st Vice-Pres. a This writer has heard no more pointed comment on Women’s Missionary Society will be : : ! P held on Monday at the Church. Mrs. . ON YOUR AUTO Sted Mache!) 2 Vice Pren « B. Jeter, Cashier Tuesday’s election than that made by a Mr. Pinchot who, Xia olds Crooi it the: chairman. She if memory serves, ran for Senator several times. will be assisted by Mrs. Kresge and og Mrs. Ronald Crompton. He said “Gee Whiz!” ° ; a Confidential, no endorsement. : y: Our representative will call if Three Per Cent Interest It was expected, of course, that there would be a gen- Mrs. Herbert Mundy entertained at Y { p 2 2 g ‘a dinner party on Wednesday evening. desired. On Savings Deposits ; eral ratification of the New Deal, but that | ork : : , | The Dallas district, Epworth League No account too small ; - GEE Pennsylvania should show such a sudden = 2 ‘Cabinet met in the Alderson M. E.| KEYSTONE AUTO CREDIT CO. carota Bi Assure sg . vay : er last name be Ball, h h Monday night bE 3 WHIZ! and violent dislike Tor her Jong-tIne Be! pu or ia pr HC Mo ett 509 Market St. Kingston 7-2639 Voslt Botts Ios stom: publican leaders was a decided surprise. ball,” when the seasom rolls | Miss Marion Scott of Dallas and ” y : : : : : : : around. And so charming Lu- Miss Betty Metzgar of Forty Fort at- ‘ Tuesday 8 election was a confusing affair. Primarily it cille Ball, film actress, dons [tended the Cornell football game in was an expression similar to that landslide which swept Mr. football gear to usher in the |New York on Saturday. ~ Roosevelt into the Presidency two years ago. A people, be-| 1934 seasom in the Hollywood $i our'e manner. The unmarried Women’s Class of the ~ wildered and tired of long waiting, grasped at a promise of RL hob] Soavertadns ene better things. Tuesday’s election differed from the 1932 ‘tertained at a chicken supper on Fri- } day night at the Shavertown church. avalanche in that the people had seen some of those promis-| Fred Kiefer of Shrineview spent pl oity met with a huge success. es in the process of being carried out and apparently they **<™® 92s in New York City Mr, and Mrs. Harry Ralston of Sha- Ree liked them. ; Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Albert and daugh- : But it is likely that most of the voters lacked a complete tr Betsy of Trucksville motored to : ne | (FE L9 go understanding of the significance of their vote. Their vote oa Li a ne ae KI N G STO N TH E Al RE { Wr ) Wa 1 Fo r M aking —SATURDAY— ; TRADKDINA Good Coffee at Perkiomen. Matinee 1:30-3. “DEATH ON THE DIAMOND” MEMBERS AMERICAN BANK y I The ghosts of Hallowe’en were pres- Ens “ASSOCIATION \ : 1 Hour Service was not entirely a demand for the liberal policies of the aw Roosevelt Administration. It was more like a blind vote of | is sonn Davis of Trucksville spent | confidence in a leader who, regardless of his beliefs, has won several days at Elizabeth, N. J. ar ; * x x the confidence and the love of a people. Norman Ringstrom of Trucksville re- It does no harm to shuffle. up the “ins” and the “outs” turned Saturday after spending several | To . . x 78:1 Singhs m, N.Y. once in a while and undoubtedly Mr. Earle and Mr. Guffey “4's '® Pinshamton. & ¥ | : : sie : i A 2 The fi i11- will carry out their jobs well. It is probably too much to ask! iss Helen England of Scranton, a §| Robert Young—Madge Evans | x SRN hes ot cones, si ‘that disgruntled Republicans forget their defeat for the former school teacher at Trucksville | \ i FA i] ifferent flavor. attended the Kingston Township-Sem- | } Now Specially Priced —with— is such unorthodox methods are unlikely. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Gray spent Monday—Matinee, 2:30-4. ; Sunday at Parsons. | Generally, the election is a good thing to have behind a “THE FOUNTAIN" us. With the confusion and excitement over, industry now | Mr. and Mis Tatdow Saad int can begin the natural upward movement which it has held. Goeringer or Sufday, Afented Bind ow L Bs . : / funeral of Mrs. Samuel Johnson. Mrs. nn Harding—Paul Lukas ; ; x SRA up pending the election. i Johnson was a fermer resident of Dal-~ ; Ground to your order As Will Rogers says, the Republicans have the money las. ; : FM : : : and if they can’t invest it under the Republicans they'll pro-| © * = Cooke have i Ep bably become accustomed to making money under the Dem- returned home from a hunting tri : = ; : ; Sera, : y near Jenmingevi I ee lr : pERrRYDALE BUTTER Q us 59 SN = President Roosevelt has recently shown his desire to| ys marsaret Oliver recently visit- Gay-Murray NEWS x —with—— time being and support the measures the State’s new Demo- inary game on Saturday. AES wv ATT OR BI a : ~ eratic Administration will sponsor. Politics being what it sins “4 | HONOR Ht JeSDAY STOR: CO.KdE ; 7 1 Cc 2 p 1b. y {od "kw | Butter and Eggs Attractively Priced. . 8s = Quality Roll Butter % ’ . : : ; m nds and he has certainl 1ven ed her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James i pest some of industry's dema y 8 Oliver of Dallas. Miss Oliver is at the Richland Butter Louella Butter the banks justification for a more progressive interest In |G ineer Hosoital, Danville. : hy their responsibilities. With the Presidential election but «so. Don’t forget Remington Am- 2 ws 63 2 ms 67 7 2 Mrs. Ray Shiber of Center Road Hill munition when you go after the : . 3 ~ 3 + ! / | two years away, Mr. Roosevelt will probably endeavor tof Mis Ray Shiver of Conter Bond I | trrsnin, Mirenorie,. or Pur Rich Creamery Prints. Finest Butter in America. hold to a middle course. liary at her home on Friday evening. ony Stock Promos 2 Mires 2d ; Dependable { YO ec i 3 it y 1 i3 Irs se spoke Rg i oads—also a full line s - Gros” . The Republican party is today at its lowest point in Mrs. H. Lee Scott spoke on the Feder- [jf = =o" of sho Solected Doze : tion Drive. The Kleanbore Load Gets Them Every Egg Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. many years. It may survive but it must be replaced event- 1 Gis The ladies delight in our line |f GOLD SEAL ASCO SLICED ually with a new party, just as, when Mr. Roosevelt ends his | iss Milly Cease and Mrs. Saunders | terms, the Democrats will be absorbed into another party. of Plymouth called on Mrs. Jennie \fl ,¢ enamel ware, oven china and Brown of L.ehman on Sunday. aluminum. Or better yet the i i carton c % -1b. c Then, when the conservatives are concentrated on one side ” — fi] -olorea sinks and plumbing fix- E g g S 39 B acon Se 15 - . 0 . . J of 12 and the progressives are aligned on the other it will be im- tures at the lowest prices we [f| Prckior the Neste. Ne RiiNe Wate : . * 3 1 g 2ver saw. possible to find as many extremes of opinion as are repre- AC sented among the candidates who were elected to office on Lm ‘| santa Claus will have an easy 10c Large Sweet Sanita Clara 3 7 S c Ibs. " . 1 : 7 3 ? job’ this year. Tuesday under the standard of the Democratic party. Dy Hire TRE * * * 5 ba : with modern conveniences, Paul ud . sie 5 z IELIR ; Sharkey fully realizes the com- : “As individuals, one farmer’s strength cancels an- x Fe — Eo ||| fort afforded by a Bathroom and Bright color, thin skin, small pits, tender meatiness other's,” said Chester C. Davis, AAA Administer, recently. 2B — Rl {is navite ang tor wie Some in Calif. Blenheim Evap. Apricots 1b 2%c “Through organization, his strength multiplies. Only as ne : ; : Van Dyk’s Pitted Golden Dates 10 oz pkg 15¢ = ? : 4 : a i) ; al Y. G. Osborne at 1 ose has : : y Ile can and will express himself through orgnaization is the ie 0 a oe D8horie of Montross a Calif. Tree-Ripened Evap. Peaches L1b-15¢ farmer’s influence felt in national councils. : ih Js ‘ . ? #1] copper tubing way. This seems to Layer Figs 8-0z pkg 10c | Grecian Currants 12-0z pkg 12¢™ i erns every American farmer. oy I Vil 6% us the best way as tubing lays od ii That brief statement conc y a easily, lasts almost indefinitely, Seeded Raisins pkg 9c | Seedless Raisins pkg 8c | u One of the greatest difficulties faced in EC wuiC Sd i Droot eainet breaks Troe. " IN UNION the past, both by private and public bodies Uhl a freezing. Oven Fresh Breads Famed for Flavor & Goodness 4 : .1s a es . ® pan or ( THERE IS in seeking to stabilize and improve farm- Your cityisjudgedbyitsstreets Will your Heating System keep |] | Vi ct or Br ea d Pn 6° STRENGTH ing conditions, has been lock of organiza- SD : you warm this winter? We carry loaf Boilers and Furnaces in stock Jumbo tion. Too many farmers existed solely as CONCRETE rates I00% and can install promptly. Try us. Bre ad Supreme: 10° i individuals, and had no one to speak for them. In brief, From every standpoint, concrete oe hares 2 [iter Aitghen loaf - i + . I rsnvi Z lange n ke r Majestic agriculture lacked centralized authorities of the farmer’s ie the ideal paving material. It Ouhash or 2 saves taxpayers money by reduc- we (dort know of it. We were - asco Finest Calif. 19¢ Del Monte Calif.| i exert continued and aggressive ef- : IAT pleased to furnish new ranges own choosing, who could 44 al and upkeep costs . . + th Re aa Tan forts to bettering his status. is i 2 weather, drains som, Joe Skovronski at South P eac h es p eac kL es ; That was true, and is probably still true, of the majori-| improves pro ay 1 Eaton ang NB Pall ar Sheme Se c Tarde c ty of farmers. But a minority of farm producers have a dif- the longest. Driving costs go 9 cans 3 3 2 cans 3 3 ferent story to present. These farmers have joined in creat-| dom tee Emel Halves or Slices. Halves or Slices. 4 ing great organizations. They have elected directors who Ca ith opis gives dean: the other day with Channeldrain One 10c pkg Borden’s Cream Cheese i ei _ hire trained, experienced executives. And no one who has| community. Concrete’s pleasing eS a a One 12c pkg N. B. C. Saltines or 19 watched agriculture during recent years can help but be im- gray color reftects light, makes it home with asphlat. £°C0 Buckwheat or Pancake Flour 2 pkgs 15¢ f ier to see—reduces i pressed by the progress these associations have made. Deal- sasier fo sco reduces accidents, Plumbing and Heating Service, 45¢0 Golden Table Syrup 17-1b can 10¢c in every Lind of weather. sem ing in milk, cotton, fruits and other products, they have met Teich oh Goneress Tor safety, Gore i 4 = Ce Cr 2 19% nb BE and solved many problems. They have had fhe’r ups and It a Jaaving, ISC 0 downs. While they haven't brought about an agricultural B35 corps oid saul tard : | i ; millenium, members of these co-operative farm organiza- UD GEENT ASSOCIATION | : Large Calif. Dried Lima Beans 2 lbs 1% tions have had a much happier time of it than have unor- St. Philadelphia, Pa. fy 10¢c Whole Dried Green Peas 2 Ibs 15¢ ganized farmers. “pa vements for Modern : 2 > : : ; : Counts and Your Money Goes Furthest The old saying that “In union there i fy (dh Tunkhannoc E = mr never more apt than it is today—and it goes for f u ock ) These Prices Effective In Our Stores well as all other workers and producers. Address... ...eeee ee | in Dallas And Vicinity’ s vesscosuvosvEBRNLEBV EL