The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, November 02, 1934, Image 5

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    “A. C. Devens Host
(Continued from Page 1.)
Oliver Ellsworth, Mr,
and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs.
~~ Mrs. Ray’ Stevens,
vin Mosier.
~ Mr. and Mrs. Kirk McCarty, Loren
McCarty, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wallo,
~. Mr. and Mrs. C, H. Crphers, Mr. and
~ Mpyrs. Charles M. Parrish, Mr. and Mrs.
(Clifford Dickinson, Mrs. Thomas Dick-
inson, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Gay, Mrs,
Mamie Gay, George Eyerman, John
" Byerman, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Garra-
han, Msr. Florence H. Jeter, W. B.
Jeter, RL. Brickel, W. T. Daddow,
© Rina Bollinger, Clint Bollinger.
Ra Aly Warden Kunkle, Mrs. Elizabeth Kun-
: le, Mrs. C. J. Eipper, Mts. Ferman
Wilson, George Shotwell, C. J. Ide,
Ea : Dean Ide, Ralph Voyt, Aaron Major, E.
Gg ; T, Emily, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur New-
CRE i . man, Mr. and Mrs. William Shoemaker,
{ Willard Hoyt, Raymond Hoyt, Stanley
Hoyt, Mr. and Mrs. George Carkhuff,
Mrs. J. M. Perry, Mrs. Shay Lewis, S.
V. Lewis, ' Charles Wertman, Vera
Reba Stevens, Mr. and Mrs, John B.
Frank, ‘Joseph Slivinski, Mr. and Mrs.
"Claude Newhart, Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Prutzman, Harold Hess, Robert Hess,
Nile Hess, Wallace Perrin, Charles
. Brace, Mr. and Mrs. H. F Coon, Mrs.
~ D. Culber, Mr. D. Culber, Mr. and Mrs.
"A. M. Atherton, A. H. Gay, Dan Earl,
Thomas L, Earle, L. J. Rozelle, Mrs.
Kate Rozelle, Mr. and Mrs.
Gregory, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rice.
Mr. and Mrs. George 1. Rice, Mr. and
~ Mrs. A. W. Rice, Howard Rice, Harold
Rice, Paul Rice, Mr and Mrs. R. E.
‘Wright, Janet Wright, Edwin Wright,
~ Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Major, Myrtle
~ Major, Mr. and Mrs. Corey Major, Basil
. Frantz, Mrs. C. W, Frantz, Russell
Miers, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Elston, Mr.
~ and Mrs. Milton Culp, J. J, Perry, A. C.
| Devens.
{ Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Machell, Ar-
. thur Levitt,’ Mr." and Mrs. John M.
Boyer, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Dymond,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Him, Betty
Him, Miss Hilda Boyer, Merle Good-
rich, Mrs, William Goodrich, Mr. and
EM . William Kitchen, Mr. and . Mrs.
by Fe on Kunkle, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kun-
i! klé, ‘Paul’ Kunkle, Ms! Kiler Richards,
. "Marion Ann:Schoonowver; Mr: and Mrs.
Sin J. Miller, Wilbur. Robbins, Mr. and
{. Mrs. Z. E_ Garringer.
"J. A. Davenport, ‘Mr."and Mrs. W. S.
York, Mrs. John: Perry, Mrs. and, Mrs.
; Stanley Coby, Mr. and. Mrs. Charles
Lag CC Matin and son, Howard; Mrs, Marvin
RES | Elston, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Harding,
Bk = Mr. and Mrs. Albert “Harding, Miss
Anna Harding, William Lutz, Mr. and
Shi _ Mrs. Leroy Hess, Mrs, George H. Bond,
id 3 Mrs. Albert H. Smith, ,
Eh Sy Mr. and Mrs. John E_ [Hildebrant,
Mr. and Mrs. Grover, C. Stock, Mr, and
~ Mrs. A. I, Kunkle, Frances Sayre, Car-
oline Brace, Estella Elston, Eleanor
. Sayre, ‘Ruth Sayre, Doris Hess, Allen
. Brace, William Brace, Lillian York,
*. LaVerne York, Charles Sax, Joe Sal-
: _vash, ‘Mr. and Mrs, Ray Henney,
Seg eT ~ Charles Martin, Mr. and. Mrs. Fred F.
Ean Honeywell, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gel-
th sleichter, ‘Harold and Betty Gelsleich-
= ; ter, ‘Mr. and: Mrs.’ €. R. ‘Prutzman,
de | Frank Prutzman, Mr. and Mrs. Cragg
Epa “Hedman, Jane ‘and “Rebecca Herdmany
pking = Wh Se Ian ley ops
Piast Mes. William Weaver, Lois. Landon,
“Mildred Devans, Mrs. Harold Smith,
_ Gertrude P, Smith, Mrs. Carrie Kun-
kle, Mr. and Mrs. ‘Wiliam Brace, Mrs.
J. S. Runkle, Mrs. Leroy Hess, Frances
- Hess, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Miers, Mrs]
i Nis W. S. Kunkle, Mrs. Frank Z. Hess, Mr.
Poa Toa © and’ Mrs. Adam, Mrs. Russell Miers,
Bile Mrs. William Miers, Mrs. Olin Kunkle,
£4 “Mrs. Amos Kitchen, Mrs. Albert Kun-
fig¥ie sit ‘kle, Mr. and Mrs. Creston Gallup and
FA pe daughter, Alice;” Mr. and Mrs. John
: Isaacs, Mrs. Minnie Kunkle.
Margaret Kunkle, Mrs. Charles Herd-
man, Mrs. Ralph Elston, Mrs. Myrtle
: } _ Hess, Mrs. Ralph Ashbuner, Mr. and
© Mrs. Stewart Casterline, E. 'W _ Hall,
. Fred Eck, Mr. and Mrs. F. Nelson
Garinger and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Rus-
sell Sims, Mrs. Howard Lewis, Mr. and
Mrs. P. H. Ellsworth, Virginia Allen,
Mrs. HB. Allen.
+o Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Conden, Mrs, and
Mrs. George Snyder, Mrs. George
fu “Grown, Norman S. Brown, Grandville
Caey, George Wallace, Mr. and Mrs.
5 5 ' ‘William Cobleigh, Herbert Culp, Phil-
Ee ae lip Kunkle, Raymond Elston, Emily
; Honevwell, Dot Elston, Eleanor Kun-
~ kle, Grace Honeywell, Olin Kunkle,
/ ve Mr. and Mrs. Frank Klein, James
' ! SSE Miers, Paul Hilbert, Mrs. Lucy Jones,
Mrs. Anna Dymond, Clarence Morgan,
Mr and Mrs. Herbert Riley.
Stanley |
am A TR A
To the accompaniment of deafening detonations this; 1000-foot
mountain on Catalina Island split and crumbled at the water's
edge, providing 2,000,000 tons of rock for a breakwater if Long
Beach—to create a harborage tor Uncle Sam's fleet.
black powder and dynamite were used in the blasting
picture, the mountain is shown
the point indicated hy arrow
Fifty tons of
In this
splitting halfway up its side, at
The Epworth ‘League of Alderson
will hold a meeting in the Kunkle
Church next Sunday evening, Novem-
ber 4, at 7:45. Every: one is invited to
Roannah . Shoemaker, Regina Os-
borne of Frenbrook, Dorothy Spencer
of West Dallas and Eleanor Kunkle
entertained at a Hallowe'en party at
the latter's home on Friday evening.
Prizes were awarded to Phyllis Elston,
Elsie ‘Garringer and Allen Brace for
best costumes. Various games weer en-
,|joyed and lunch was served to Dorothy
Spencer, Lillian Spencer, Regina Os-
borne, Jean Shaver, Anna Maludkitis,
Phyllis Elston, Dorothy Elston, Elsie
Garringer, Roannah Shoemaker, Estelle
Kunkle, Jessie Gross, Eleanor Kunkle,
Gomer Elston, Charles and Allen Brace,
Harold and Paul Kepner, Joe Daven-
port, Fred Stevens, James Oberst,
Ronald Thompson, Charles Kunkle,
Mrs. Joseph Shoemaker, Mrs, J. S.
Kunkle, Mrs. F. P, Kunkle, Mr. and
Mrs. Olin Kunkle.
Mrs. Fred Honeywell, Mrs. Russell
Honeywell, Miss Frances Hess, Miss
Grage Honeywell, and: John Honeywell
motored to Philadelphia on Saturday
to attend the Navy Day Celebration
thére. Russell Honeywell, a member
of the U. 8. Marines stationed there re-
First National Bank
(R. L. Brickel, C. A. Frantz, D. P.
Honeywell. W. B. Jeter, Sterling
Machell, W. R. Neely, Clifford W,
Space, A. C. Devens, Herbert Hill.
. * 8%
C. A. Frantz, Pres.
D. P. Honeywell, 1st Vice-Pres.
Sterling Machell, 2nd Vice- Pres.
W. B. Jeter, Cashier
® ok xX
Three Per Cent Interest
On Savings Deposits
No account too small to assure
caceful attention
| Vault Boxes for Rent
ways this week and will be paved sooa,
Courtdale Pave To
Be Short Lake Route
Courtdale Avenue, | Courtdale, and
Wilson Street, Larksville, ‘were accept-
ted by the State Department of High-
The route will be a short cut to Har-
vey's Lake from down-river points. !
The road through Luzerne will still
be the shortest route between the
Back Mountain Section and Wyoming
Turpentine is derived from the sap of
various trees, and can be made from
some which grow in the Northwest,
but the turpentine of commerce in the
United States comes almost entirely
from certain pine trees which are dis-
tributed throughout the southern stat-
es. Georgia is the leading state.
turned home with them for a Sundgy
visit. 4 s
The Ladies’ Aid Society will” hold
their regular meeting at the Grange
Hall, on Wednesday, November 7, Din-
ner will be served at noon. Everybody
Bury Hatchet
At Big Rally
Crowd Fills High School
To Hear Democrats
Disregarding past prejudices in an
effort to give the straight Republican
ticket a big majority vote in this re-
gion, all factions of the Republican
party joined in harmony Monday night
in Dallas. high school auditorium to
stage one of the biggest political rallies
held in this section in years,
A big crowd of more than 600 per-
sons expected a good meeting under
such circumstances: and got it. From
start to finish there was not a lag in
the whole program under the capable
direction of Peter Clark who handled
the introductions in a manner befitting
a political veteran,
Among the speakers were: Ralph
Morris, State Councilor of Jr. O. U. A
M.; Mrs. J. B. Davenport, vice chair.
man, Luzerne county Republican com-
mittee, Referee Asa Lewis, of the State
Workman's compensation board, Wil-
lard Shortz, candidate for re-election
to the Assembly; C., Murray Turpin,
candidate for re-election to Congress
and District Attorney, Thomas Lewis.
All of the speakers were loud in de-
nouncing many of the activities of the
Democratic national administration,
District Attorney Thomas Lewis in an
address that was intense and sparkling
with enthusiasm and statistics com-
pared economic conditions in Wyoming
Valley and the State at the present
time with those during the Hoover ad-
Prior to the formal speaking pro-
gram Warhola’s orchestra furnished
music. At the conclusion while dough-
nuts and cider were being served as re-
freshments the orchestra played for
dancing, keeping the big crowd in a
jovial mood until a: late hour.
rer Pe Qe
|Stubborn Coughs
No, sir. No matter how ‘hard and
deep-seated your cough or cold may be,
{BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE is pretty sure
[to conquer it'in next to no time. ' The
very first dose gets down. to business—
you can feel it doing you good.
Its fast action amazes everybody
when they take it for the first time,
If you or any member of your family
has a cough, cold or bronchitis, try
Buckley’s and be convinced. Buckley's
is sold by EVANS PHARMACY, at
Shavertown, and all good drug stores.
AT DRUGGISTS 45¢ & 85c
is invited.
Charter No. 8164
: : Hunting Season Is At Hand
Post your property now with—
No Hunting and No Trespassing
Printed on good grade heavy stock—yellow or white.
Contain excerpts of Pennsylvania Acts of
1905 and 1925.
Price List
ac each—3 for 10c—40c dozen.
Discounts on Larger
N ~The Dallas Post
3 meer
Time depos
deposits of other banks
Public funds of S counties,
Deposits of other banks,
Total Deposits,
Circulating notes outstanding
Other liabilities
Common stock, 3,000 shares, par
$25.00 per share
Undivided profits—net
Total Capital Account
Total Liabilities
United States Government obliga
of Dallas in the State of Pennsylvania, at the close
of business on October 17, 1934. .
Loans and discounts $232,461.22
Overdrafts : 1.12
United States Government obligations, direct
and or fully guaranteed 122,150.00
| Other bonds, stocks, and securities 219,479.81
| Banking house, $55,000.00; Furniture and
| fixtures, $11,882.60 66,882 60
Real estate owned other than banking house 23,815.90
Reserve with Federal Reserve bank 63,425.66
Cash in vault and balances with other banks © 24,763.20
Outside checks and other cash items 1,357.54
Redemption fund with United States Treasurer and due
from United States Treasurer 3,750.00
Other assets : 979.37
Demand deposits, except United States Government deposits,
lic funds, and deposits of other banks
its, except postal savings, public funds, and
other subdivisions or municipalities
Secured by pledge of loans and|or
Not secured by pledge of loans andjor
including certified and
checks outstanding 1,323.30
$ 10,000.00
» 538,669 31
andlor fully guaranteed 87,000.00
Total Pledge (excluding rediscounts) 87,000.00
Against circulating notes outstanding 75,000.00
Against 1 c funds of States, counties, school dis-
{ or other subdivisions or municipalities 12,000.00
or ia . ———
Total Pledge $ 87,000 00
State of Pennsylvania, County of Luzerne, ss:
W. B. Jeter, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly
* that the above sta ent is true to the best of my knowl-
ind belief. stl)
‘W. B: JETER, Cashier
Sul bed and sworn to before | Correct Attest:
me t st day of October, 1934. | C. A. Frantz,
J. T..Jeter, Clift 4 W. Space
Justice of the Peace. | oe ore Tent pace
(Seal) My Com, Ex, 1st Monday | R. I. Brickel,
in Jai 1936. i Directors.
Reserve District No. 3
school districts, or
tions, direct
Mighty 1 Blast Crumbles Bluff |
Girl Will Die
By Guillotine
The: guillotine will end the life
of Violette Nozieres, 18, shown |
here in the Paris courtroom
swwhere she was convicted of the
poison murder of her father and
the attempted murder of her
another. Her case brought sr--
picion on many Parisians na: ed
Emile, as she mentioned & mys-
terious “Emile,” never identifi.
as her ‘‘protector.”
4 (Continued from Page 1.)
Honeywell Funeral Friday
turning to Dallas Township to engage
in farming,
despite the fact that his health had not
{been the best for some months, was a
| Surviving are his wife, Helen Mec-
{Carty Honeywell; ome son, Jack D.
| Honeywell of LeRaysville, and one
granddaughter, Jessie Conyngham Hon- }
eywell Z
He was extremely active in commu- Lie
nity affairs, having been a school dirs ;
ector in Dallas Township for two
terms. He was also auditor in the,
township for eighteen years. and was
unable to run for re-election the last
time before of his failing health. :
His friends numbered among the
hundreds in this section and his death,
severe shock to the community,
Kingston Corners
Next To Kingston Theatre
Our Famous
Home Made Pies
Salt Water 3 Lu
The Only Place Where You
Can Buy Them
You can always
depend on the
Foods We Sell
For more than forty-three
years, hundreds of thousands of
thrifty, particular Homekeep-
ers have let us solve their food
problems. Pay us a visit today.
Where Quality Counts.and |
PS A A a a a a] LE) a) DIS .
Your Money Goes Furthest
mw. EGGS
Selected Poe - 2 9t
; Every Eee Guaranteed.
Gold Seal 4sco Sliced” :
EGGS dozen 37¢c : BACON 14-1b pkg 16
No Waste—No Rind, Pick of the Nests 3
Evaporated an
L K Asco iil
: V | | Farmdale 4 =. 23°
33c Glenwood Pure Fruit
Preserves 2: > |
Strawberry, Pineapple, Raspberry—from our own kitehens.
. delicious spread on these oven-fresk breads
Bread Supreme
jumbo Cc
Tanne 10
Victor Sliced Bread big loaf 6¢
Double Family Loaf each 12¢
Good COFEEE for making Good COFFEE .
4sCO Coffee - 23°
A superb blend—rich, full flavored and fragrant aroma,
Victor Coffee
An all Brazil Coffee blended for smooth flavor
Acme Coffee
Includes Arabian Mocha and Java.
1b tin 2Q°
Vacuum packed.
1%7¢c Armour’s Veribest
Corned Bee
Cooked—ready to serv esliced cold or hot,
f 2-27
13c Farmdale Stringless Beans 2 No. 2 cans Te
9¢ Jumbo Marrowfat Beans
15¢ Nestles Choc. Bars (Semi-Sweet, Milk ,
,2 lbs 15¢
%-1b bars 29C
or Almond)
Glen Cove
Clam Chowder
A superior product—made of the very finest ingredients
gc “Bel Wante
Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour
ASCO Golden Table Syrup
Phillip’s Delicious Soups
Campbell’s Tomato Juice
10c 45¢0 Slowly Ceoked with
flavorful white beans with pork and tomato sauce.
10c 45D Pure Apple Cider Vinegar 2 24-0z bots Lic
Boscul Coffee 1b tin 35¢ | Instant Postum can 25¢
43¢ c Sturdy Four Sewed Brooms
Tomato Juice
a SA A A A A a A SL ad SE a
2 pkgs 21c
1%4-1b can 10¢
4 cans 25¢
3 cans 20¢
- 25¢
each 39¢
3:: 20°
These Prices Effective In Our Stores
in Dallas And Vicinity