THE DALL LAS POST, DALLAS, Pa. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 5, 1934. PACE THREE i -[LARE'Sks AOYAL SCARLET STORES | | S820 ANNIVERSARY SALE SALE BSiiii — B[V hives» 18] The Best Buy of Roasts y, LE nn E CHUCK > 12 Shoulder 120 | POT ROAST * 16|.A CHOPS =] Boneless Alive and Dressed Rib Roast * 28 Chickens | SAUSAGE * 23 OPORK +12 Ho ) 2 0 : Ste wing J} Rib End PORK-LOIN * 16 [MCHOPS - 18} Meaty SPARE-RIBS 12" Sa Ce] Roast of Lamb Shoulder * 15: | Best Vegetable Depts. | Potatoes =59 CARROTS TURNIPS SPECIALS ees 310° BUTTER 21255 Hard Ripe | ©2DDL8C TOMATOES | Bird Seed 21 25° 1 so peg lobes 2 In McIntosh 8 C Best American Made 3 L A R | OF 9 % LUZERNE, PA. a eet | LARE’S Thank you 1 for the past 21 years of pat- : "191 Courtdale Avenue | ronage and solicit your future food r requirements |} | BIG ASSORTMENT OF TYE sie of wd Wi LUX TOILET SOAP ICKLES, OLIVES And wih: 3 cakes 19c RELISHES Or Telephone