PAGE EIGHT Tn ST THE DALLAS POST, DALLAS, PA. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7,1934. Besecker Changes Dallas Juniors To James F. Besecker Co., for eighteen | vears local representative for the Ford {Ni will hold another Hold Dance Saturday { Dallas Council, No. 281, Jr. O. U. A. regular Satur- | | | | Motor Company, has severed his con- gay night dance tomorrow. Leslie War- | nection with that company to become hola’s orchestra will play and Al Koch- A good crowd ttended the affair last Saturday night | er will be caller. the local sales and service representa- tive of the Chevrolet Motor company. and had an enjoyable time. brands far outsell any other nine brands in the World. Eight O'Clock Red Circle COFFEE BOKAR The Supreme COFFEE » 21¢ | Our fancy quality fresh creamery Sweet Cream Silverbrook Print Butter We are offering these Special Low Sale Prices as an oppor- tunity for regular users of our famous coffee to save on their purchases this week end. Also as a special inducement for new users to learn at real money saving prices, why these three COFFEE 17: » 25¢ ff C... BUTTER 2+61c 2 bs 65¢ Save On Your Preserving and Pickling Needs! Masondars =:63:==]3: VINEGAR CERTO 90 White or Cider Vinegar Pen-Jel Jelly Glasses Whole Spices Pints Dozen White or Cider “Bring Your Own Jug” For Making Jams and Jellies =o SALT - - - 39 Jar Rubbers 2 doz. 9c Jar Caps doz. 23¢ Paraffin Wax pkg. 9¢ Ground Spices can 10c¢ . gallon jug 35¢ 2 pkgs. 25¢ doz. 39¢ can 7c Gallon 75.4 4 Rolls 3 Rolls 3 Cans Powder— Can 17¢c 20c 10¢c 12¢ WALDORF PAPER AS: Raver | SCOT-TISSUE sf LIGHTHOUSE CLEANSER BON-AMI Cake 10c While They Last! With Every Purchase of Three Cakes You will Receive a Beautiful Studio Portrait of a Popular Movie Star. LUX TOILET SOAP 3 ose 19¢ . NEW ONIONS 10+ 25¢ SHREDDED WHEAT NEW PACK SPINACH EVAP. MILK COCONOG SWEET Potatoes 7 =25¢ 2 pkgs 23¢ Jr 2h 4 2 23¢c 1% 1b. 19¢ Can Spring Garden 2 White House Brand A Delicious Chocolate Flavored Food Drink! Slip Showing the Purchase of Two Packages cos Together With 25c . . . To Betty Crocker, Minneapolis, Minn. Flakes WHEATIES "x= 2ne23¢ The Outstanding Bread Values Of The Day! Whole Wheat GRANDMOTHER’S QUALITY READ 14-0z SLICED LOAF VIENNA BREAD 20-0z JUMBO FAMILY LOA LARGE TWIN LOAF 20-o0z. Loaf Sliced or Unsliced oe 8c 10¢c 12¢ 16-0z Loaf Sliced or Unsliced Secure a Lustrous Chromium Sugar and Creamer by Mailing a Sales | omens na eeeess MEAT MARKETS! Small FRESH MACKEREL 3 Ibs 25¢ 2 Ibs 25¢c Fresh Sliced Cod Large Mackerel The Great ATLANTIC & PACIFIC Tea Co. SEA FOOD SPECIALS IN OUR QUALITY Little Neck Clams™, o>: 10¢ 2 Ibs 25¢ Fresh FILLETS 1b 1%c A&P FOOD STORES { | | | ~NOW GO OW, ALBERT- (SNIFF) JUST THINK HOw MUCH FUN YOU'LL HAVE AT RECESS (SNIFF-SNIFF) BE A GOOD BOY AND DO EVERYTHING THE TEACHER TELLS YOU- (6NIFF) [ THE GREAT AMERICAN HOME Se ==2% oo GOSH SAKES, ALBERT, | HATE TO GO AS MUCH AS YOU DO BUT IM NOT SQuAWRIN ABOUT IT, AM 17? The wedding of Marguerite Griffith of 188 Church Street, Edwardsville, and Lloyd A. McHenry, formerly of Dallas and now of Kingston, was an- {nounced this week. | The ceremony took place in North | Philadelphia on Labor Day, September |8, with Rev. R. G. Davis officiating. | Edwardsville, and is well-known in :that community. She is active in the affairs of the Welsh Congregational Church there and is a member | Order of Eastern Star. Mr. McHenry’s many friends in this | Section wish the couple the best of luck and happiness. of Mr. McHenry is a native of Kansas | | and came East after completing his | education there. He took graduate 'work at New York University. He icame to this section originally as dis- [trict representative for the Grand | Union Tea Co., and became active in | real estate circles in this section some | vears ago. He has been extremely ac- |tive in local affairs and was president (of Dallas Rotary Club for a time. Al- though he has moved to Kingston and [resides now at 208 Pierce Street he has continued his affiliations in this sec- tion and has a wide acquaintance here. Mrs. McHenry is the daughter of | John W. Griffith of 188 Church Street, Miss Lillian Rood of L.ehman avenue entertained a delightful dinner par- ty on Wednesday night in honor Miss Lucille Taylor of Atlanta, Ga., who is visiting relatives here. The guests were Miss Ellen Piatt of Philadelphia, Miss Gertrude Wilson, Miss Dorothy Patterson, Miss Betty Culbert, Miss Taylor, and Miss Rood. = ® ® at o Of R. H, Rood spent Friday at Lock Haven, Clinton County. ® u - Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Garragan, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Rood, Miss Lillian Rood and Miss Gertrude Wilson spent the week-end and Labor Day at Camp Quiwaumick, .Pike County. - $s * Do You Want A $2,000 Trust? Ten Dollars saved each month will create the above Trust Fund in about Ten Years. Capital Savings Plan G. HAROLD WAGNER, Rep. "PHONE 72 DALLAS, PA. One hundred nine persons attended the corn and weiner roast held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Frantz of Dallas on Wednesday evening, The af- sponsored by Frantz’'s Missionary the First Christian Church of Plymouth. Wins Appointment fair was group from | Announcement was made this week | that Theodore Dix, of Lehman avenue, has been appointed Dallas district re- | presentative for the Duncam Tire Ser- {vice company of 447-449 Market Street -_ ~ SPECIALS IN OUR QUALITY MEAT DEPTS LEAN FRONT CUTS CHUCK POT ROAST Center Cuts Chuck Ib 21c Round Bone 1b. 17¢ Boston Cuts |b 27¢ Cuts lb. 25¢ HOME DRESSED—MILK FED LEGS OF VEAL 1b 23¢ FRESH DRESSED STEWING CHICKENS 20 VEAL © 25° Cut up Ready For The Pan 3to 3% 1b i Ce Av’'ge each 69¢ LEAN—SUGAR CURED SMOKED HAMS Shan Whole or Ib. Zz3¢ k Half FRESH FRUITS FANCY—SLICING TOMATOES APPLES THE Atlantic GREAT * TOKAY GRAPES 3 » SWEET POTATOES 7-25¢ ICEBRG LETTUCE 2-19¢ 8 VEGETABSES 3» 10¢€ 15¢ Baking or Eating 1b 4 I9¢c & Pacific cw. Miss Florence | Kingston. Duncam Tire Service com- | pany is the wholesale and retail re- | presentative of the Goodrich Tire and Rubber company, featuring the famous Silvertown Cord Tires. Exhibits Pictures At Chicago World’s Fair Albert Williams, Jr., photographer of Lehigh street, Trucksville, has receiv- ed word from the art committee at the Century of Progress Exposition of Chicago that three of his photographic enlargements have been accepted and are on exhibition in the art section at the Fair where they will remain on ex- hibition through November. The first of the prints is a view near Benton, Columbia County, It is a very beautiful pictorial print and resembles In its. treatment a Corot. Another print is of three clusters of Concord Grapes. The third print is a portrait of his daughter which he made when she was forty-four hours of age. Mr, Williams has been cessful in his quite suec- having prints and hung in exhibitions and photogra- phic contests, six prints recently re- turned to him have been exhibited in 32 cities of the United States, and he placed seven prints in the Cana- National at has dian Exposition Toronto, in five years, many of the prints being | bits of local scenery. Mr. Williams is a member of the Wilkes-Barre Camera Club and is emploved in the offices of the Lehigh Valley Coal Company. * . . Dallas Council America, 224, Daughters celebrated the second anni- versary of the organization at Odd |Fellow’s Hall, on Friday night with a jlarge number of members present. “Across The Track” a one act comedy | was presented by a group of the mem- |bers and proved very entertaining. | Following the business session a luncheon was served to the following {members and their guests: John Hoak, |Alice Pealer, Mary A. Kintzel, Julia Hoak, Ira D. Cooke, Gertrude Allen, | Dorothy Perrego, Alida Troster, Grace Lloyd, Mable Elston, Mrs. J. L. Kintz, | Emma. L. Stookey, Harry E. Lewis, Marin McCarty, Winifred Thomas, Rhodda Thomas, Ruth Cairl, Audrey Ide, Maude Eipper, Marion Eipper, Jennie Lewis, Eleanor Davis, Emma Van Horn, Mrs. Rebecca Monk, Eve- land, Mrs. Laura Labarr, Mrs. Lil- teed, Mrs. Lena Mission, Mrs, Anna Kelly, Grace Lutz, Mrs. Sylvia Stitzer, Mrs. Hazel Major, Mrs. Goldie Ide, Mrs. Bernice Achuff, Mrs. Mable Mitchell, Mrs. Alice Fiske, and ,Mrs. Elsie Schwartz. of lie , | First National Bank: DALLAS, PA. MEMBERS AMERICAN BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION 2 0 DIRECTORS ‘ R. L. Brickel, C. A, Frantz; D, P, Honeywell, W. B. Jeter, Sterling Machell, W. R. Neely, Clifford Wi Space, A. C. Devens, Herbert Hill] 8S 0 OFFICERS C. A, Frantz, Pres. D. P. Honeywell, 1st Vice:-Pres. Sterling Machel), 2nd Vice- Pres. g W. B. Jeter, Cashier * % 3% d Three Per Cent Interest On 8avings, Deposits No account too small to assure careful attention Vault Boxes for Rent ) accepted ‘To Secure New | Athletic Field ‘School Board And Council | Co-operate In Obtaining ! Tract | PASIETT Through co-operation of the Dallas | Borough Council and the School Board {plans were started this week for the {obtaining of a plot of ground on Cen- ter Hill Road for an athletic field. First action was taken at the meet- |ing of the borough council on Tuesday {night in response to a request made by | Henry Disque, president of the local school board. The plot to be used by the borough schools will include about 15 or 20 acres of the 100-acre plot, on which taxes have been unpaid for a number of years. In return for the land, tax- es on the property will be cancelled. Council adopted a motion to release the taxes on the 15 or 20 acres desired, providing that the County Commis- sioners will agree to the action, and Councilman Parrish said he will be be willing to buy the remaining land for borough and county taxes, A. 'L. Turner, borough solicitor, ad- vised council that the county can sell any particular property which the council desires to be sold for taxes. A week's work will be done on the road from Weiss’s farm to the borough line to put it into passable condition, USE THE DALLAS POST | CLASSIFIED COLUMN | IT PAYS smo CLASSIFIED ADVERVESIN | | : | Typewriter ribbons for all {make machines 75¢ ea. Le standard ss in quan- arbon paper TF Supplies: tities, Also finest quality c lin all sizes, Save Money on these The Dallas Post LEGAL NOTICE | | Estate of Rose M. Watkins, a weak- minded person, deceased. In the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, No. 17, October Term, 1921. Notice is hereby given that Reynold Watkins, guardian, has filed his final account in the above Estate and {that the court has fixed September 24, {1934, at 10 o'clock a. m,, as the time [for audit and confirmation of the same, 'If no exceptions are filed said account { will at said time be confirmed by the court. i J. T. Griffith, Attorney for Reynold T. Watkins, | 9-7-3t. |G. DESCRIPTION FOR ADVERTISEMENT At Sheriff's Sales Room, Court House Wilkes-Barre, Pa., September 8th. 1934, at 10 o'clock A. M. on execution issued by the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County at suit of the First National Bank, Plymouth, Pa., against Max - Zielenewski and Apolonia M, Zielenewski, his wife, there will be sold: The surface of lots 8 and 9 on “Lance’s Addition to Plymouth” in Plymouth 3orough, being 85.8 feet on the Southwesterly side on Main Street; 143.4 feet along line of lot 7 on the Northeast; 59.7 feet in the rear, and 147 feet on the Southwest along land of Lehigh and Wilkes-Barre Coal Co. being land conveyed to the defendants by John H. Lance, Trustee, in Deed Book 579, page 563. Improved with double three-story dwelling, outbuild- ings, etc. LUTHER M. KNIFFEN, . Sheriff. Thos. Mr. Lewis, Atty. SHERIFF'S SALE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1934, AT 10 A. M. 3y virtue of a writ of Fi Fa, No. 157, October Term, 1934, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale by vendue to the highest and best bidders, for cash, at the Sheriff's Sales Room, Court House, in the City of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, on Friday, the 14th day of September, 1934, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of the said day, all the right, titie and interest of the defendants in and to the following de- scribed lot, piece or parcel of land, viz: Property of Peter Makarewicze and Annie Makarewicze, his wife being 40 feet wide on Rees Street, Wilkes- Barre Pa., and 90 feet deep to a line bisecting lot No. 6 in Block 22, con- veyed by Simon Balcirus, et ux, >to Peter Makarewicze, et ux, by deed dated Jan. 29th, 1927, and recorded in D. B. Vol. 651, page 325. Improved with a two single dwelling known Street. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Mary J. Draper vs. Peter Makarewicze and Annie Makarewicze, and will be sold by LUTHER M. KNIFFEN, Sheriff, story as 159 frame Rees Peter P. Jurchak, Atty. —_ | eemens | IRA D. COOKE Professional Land Surveyor | ENGINEERING { Penn’a Register Ne. 4104 ! SUCCESSOR TO CHAS. H. COOKE, Dec'd ' Phone, Dallas 126. Dallas, Pa.