PAGE EIGHT Michael Fiegler’s Tire Sal Sale To Be Continued HE "Despite a general increase of ten per cent in automobile tire prices dur- ing the past week, Hillside Tire Ser- ‘vice company of Trucksville will con- ‘tinue its ten percent reduction sale for ‘at least another week according, to _ Michael Fiegler, manager of the com- 3 pany. .An advertisement carrying the or ‘prices on some of its lines as well as ‘announcing a ten percent reduction in J price on its other three lines is carried in this issue of The Post by the Hill- side Tire Servicé company. Vets Missing At Camp Ground Meeting A generation ago the War Veterans’ Reunion marked the opening day of Patterson Grove Camp Meeting was one of the biggest events of the season. This year there was no veteran of the Civil War present on Veteran's Day. The Maple Grove Drum Corps whose music has been a feature of Veterans’ Day for the past thirty years was present and played tunes reminis- cent of the day when hundreds of Civil War Veterans’ made a gala occasion of “the Grove's Opening Day. “| Our Stores Will Be Closed Labor Day, Sept. 3rd | SALE! 2-99" PRINT BUTTER FRESH EGGS 2: 55¢c FROM TUB ~ SILVERBROO Sweet Cream ‘Finest Fresh SUNNYBROO! ~ EVAP. MILK EGGS P°ZEN2 uo. 63c ~ QUAKER MAID BEANS 6 White House Brand COOKED SPAGHETTI R&R BONED CHICKEN 2 Lbs 63¢ DOZ EN 28c | 1 Lb. Cans 25¢ 4 ::23c 3::25¢ “se 390 Tall Cans 1 Lb. Cans Encore Brand RAJAH SALAD DRESSING Pint Jar Quart Jar 15¢ 29c 8:07. JAR Li. Li nae RAJAH SANDWICH SPREAD 8 Oz. Jar 16 Oz. Jar 10¢ 13¢ Wings Brand CIGARETTE WAX PAPER FANCY U. S. NO. 1 NEW ONICNS 10 - 25 Lucky Strike, "Camel, carton Chesterfield 10 Pkgs, old Gold, Plelutont "Cut Rite 40 Ft. Rolls Carton 10 Pkgs. $1.00 $1.20 2 Rolls 15¢ FANCY KILN DRIED SWEET POTATOES 1+ 25¢ SMOKED PICNICS ‘SMOKED HAMS BREAD Grandmother’s Quality * YUKON CLUB’ Ginger Ales “YUKON CLUB TUNA FISH EATWELL MACKEREL CHEESE HIRES EXTRACTS Light Meat Small Sugar Cured Shank 14 Oz. Sliced Loaf BEVERAGES FOR Tho Be FOR THE HOLIDAY Pale Dry 12-0z. Bottles ~ Golden 1512-0z Bottles Yukon Club Sparkling Water and Lime Rickey in 12- Oz. Bottles. Are Also On Sale in Most Stores At This Same Special Price. Pale Dry Ginger Ale or Sparkling Water * Plus Bottle Deposit Sultana 14/08" Gar ; Kraft’s or Borden’s vw 15¢ n23C 9c Whole or Half 20 Oz. Sliced or Unsliced bc Bottles 4:-29c Big Bottles - 2 3 2 25¢ 25¢ 25¢ 42290 Bot 22¢ 7-0z. Cans Tall Cans Ginger Beer “Root Beer Birch Beer LIGHT; MEDI. HEAVY |MoTOR oiL PENNSRAD 100% PURE:PENNA. : Extra Heavy 8 Qt. can $1.05 (Plus 8c Tax) | (PLUS 8c TAX) . SEA FOOD SPECIALS IN OUR QUALITY MEAT MARKETS! Small FRESH MACKEREL Large Mackivel 2 Ibs 25¢ THE W Little Neck Clams" '~- Atlantic & Pacific ©. ¥ 10¢ Fresh Sliced Cod 2 Ibs 25¢ Fresh Fish FILLETS 3 lbs. 25¢ r= and | of oo THE DALLAS POST, DALLAS, PA. FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1934. Social A number of the friends of Mr. and Mrs, John Girvan held a covered dish social at the newly-renovated Sunset View, to mark the formal opening of that place, on Wednesday night. The tables were attractively decorat- ed with flowers of the season and a delightful atmosphere prevailed. After the dinner there were round and square dances, with H. S. Sutliff calling and | Anthony Kocher fiddling. The following attended: Mrs. John Hildebrant, Katie Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Garrahan, Mr. and Mrs. William Hofmeister, “Mr. and Mrs. George Hofmeister, Mrs. Emma Shaver, Mr. and Mrs. John Girvan, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Shaner, Mr. and MTs. Frank Anstett, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gallagher, Katherine Anstett. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Kepner, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Disque, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Thompson, Mrs. Lulu Moore, Gertrude Moore, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Sutliff, Mr. and Mrs. Kirk McCarthy, Mr.. and Mrs. Corey Miers, Mrs. Ruth Cairly*Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Parrish, *¥r. and Mrs. Charles Stookey, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wallo. Mr. and Mrs. Sandel Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. William Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Han- del Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Belle Lau- derbaugh, Mr. and Mrs. William Brace, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rydd, Mr. and Mrs. John Isaacs, Mr. and Mrs. Clif- ford” Ide, Mr. and Mrs. Elwopd Mec- arthy, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Van Horn, Betty Kepner, Anthony Kocher, James Miers, Dorothy Elston, Harold Kepner, Marie Kiefer. Who Said Meat Was Dear? MILLER'S Food Center 54 Main Street, Luzerne Dial 7-2837 —0— WE DELIVER ANYWHERE —_—0— Fancy Chuck Roast Lb 12V5¢ Hamburger, 1b., 10¢ Rump Roast, Ib 17c Rib Rolled Roast 1b. 17¢ Boiling Beef 1b Stewing Veal : Stewing Lamb 5c Chicken, Tomato, Vege- table and Vegetable Beef Soup, can, 5¢ 2 1b., Box White or Graham Crackers, 25c Peas, Corn 3 cans 25¢ Million Bargains Special Sale ON FRIDAY— SATURDAY—MONDAY Watch For Our Ad Next Friday We Redeem Relief Orders i |Grove, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Wiant and their two children of Marion, Alabama, spent a day recently with Mr. and Mrs. Warden Kunkle. Mr. Wiant who is superintendent of Federal fisheries in the United States is an old friend of Mr. Kunkle's the two having been room-mates in their school days at Bloomsburg State Teachers’ College. Recently Mr. Wiant was in charge of the laying out of trout streams in the | National Forest in North Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Clark have re- turned after spending a week at the Hotel Alvyn, Ocean City. While there Mr. Clark enjoyed several days deep sea fishing making nice catches of kingfish, weakfish and flounders. Rev. and Mrs. E. M. Greenfield and son, Richard of Throop, spent Monday. with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Risley. Rev. Greenfield was formerly pastor of the Methodist church at Carverton and at Noxen. ® . * Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Culbert and dau- ghter Betty have returned after spend- ing a week at the Century of Progress in Chicago. Mr. Culbert is enthusias- tic in his praise of the Fair saying that the Hall of Science and the Transpor- tation buildings are well worth the trip alone. . . = Mrs. spendine the Williams. David Douglas of Hazelton is week- with Mrs. B. F. William - Higgins' is at Ocean N. J., for the week, ss Mrs= Mrs. John Yaple, Miss Mildred Dev- jens and Miss Beth Love spent the | {ston enjoying week-end at the Love cottage at Fork- Pennsylvania mountain | ibeauty. Ride To School ® ENJOY GOOD HEALTH BE ON TIME ENJOY YOUR DUTIES With A Bicycle From STULL BROS. 15-21 UNION ST. KINGSTON Gl Largest Stock in North Eastern Penna. of the Best Known and Best Made Bicycles in the Country. —C— LOWEST PRICES U. S. Cord Tires, U. S. L. Btateries, Washers, Radios, Electric Refrigerators, Toys and General Automobile Supplies. We strive to be most reasonable in all our Business Deals. SPECIALS IN OUR QUALITY GENUINE SPRING LEGS OF LAMB 21¢ LEAN FRONT CUTS CHUCK POT ROAST FANCY BROILERS Choice Cuts €huck Roast "2 to.2% 1b each 15° 25° FRESH—STEWING CHICKENS Cut up Ready. For The Pan 3 to 3% 1b Avge each 69¢c 19¢ BONELESS RUMP ROAST 29¢ SMALL—LEAN Whole or Shank Half SMOKED HAMS 1b 23¢ Smoked Picnics » LBC LONG BOLOGN CHICKEN LOAF BOILED HAM pind] ES i9.N Bile pe PACIFIC TEA COMPANY Sree. »19E 35¢ 39¢ 1b ‘Whole or Half 1b Ralph Stewart and family and Mrs. H. M. Quay of Greenville were ‘the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wea- ver and Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Stewart this week. Mr. Stewart is chief cler to the road foreman of engines of the Bessemer railway. Commenting on business conditions, Mr, Stewart said that the Bessemer railway had expect- ed a pick-up in Business this summer this railroad being one of the import- ant ore carriers from the Great Lakes. This pick-up in business did not, however materialize because of the low ebb Of the iron and steel industry which uses the great bulk of the ore hauled. ® . ® Mrs. Russell Case of Fernbrook is confined to her home with a sprained ankle, i ® ° ° Anne Sontone and Louise Safford of Binghamton, N. Y. are house guests of Dorothy Patterson. ® 9 Mrs. Russell Strunk and children of Kingston are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Miricle. ‘On Thursday they entertained Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Rod- gers of Philadelphia. ® ® . Misses Mable and Frances Place have returned to their home in West Orange, N. J. after spending several weeks as the guests of Mrs. Z. E. Gar- ringer. Mr. and Mrs. Garringer will spend the Labor Day week-end at Asbury Park, N. J. - ® @® Mrs. Paul Gordon and daughter Janet are spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Corey Gordon. - ye Mrs. C. S. Hildebrandt entertained the Sunday School board of Dallas M. E. church on Monday evening, - * A Migonette Holbrook, who is a teach- er in the Dean School of Business at Miss Helen Anderson on Monday. L.P. Taylor and children, Lucille and Frederick 'of Atlanta, Georgia, are spending the’ fortnight with Mrs. F. M. | Gordon. Mrs, Taylor and her daugh- ters, Arline and*Marion have been the {guests of Mrs. Taylor's parents for the | | summer. * * s | some Pocono Bobby Fleming is spending [time with relatives. in the { : X | mountains at Stroudsburg. * * s Mrs, Ward P. Davenport and daugh- ter have returned to their home in| | Kingston after spending a week visit- |ing friends and relatives in Dallas, Alma Parrish is home after being the guest of Mrs. Russell and Mrs. Nelson Lewis of Mt. Zion. se = Charles M. Parrish wag the guest of honor at a surprise birthday party on Wednesday evening. Among those who gathered to wish her happy returns of the day were: Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Lewis and son, Lowell; Mr. and Mrs, Charles A. Parrish, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lewis, and daughter Mary Louise; Mr. and Mrs. John Parrish and sons George and Robert; Mr. and Mrs. | Frank C. Parrish, Carver and Helen | Parrish. | Mrs, * * * Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Risley and Howard Risley attended a reunion of | the descendants of Freeman West at | Stroudsburg on Sunday. | | '| Gardeners Flower Growers: Black Hummus is ideal for your flower boxes Fine, fluffy, sifted black humus is a wonder- and hot house beds. | | | { ful plant food. We have an un- limited supply at 30c per bushel. PEAT MOSS A wonderful moisture holder and Also stable uses. Unlimited supply. 2-ton load $10 at the field. Wm. Krause soil enricher. ideal for Dallas, Pa. KINGSTON Theatre—Kingston Corners August 13—September 1 FRIDAY—=SATURDAY SHIRLEY - TEMPLE ; ln “BABY TAKE A BOW” With—JAMES DUNN LABOR DAY— TUES.—WED. Wyoming Seminary, was: the guest of | PEP RALLY The Y. T. B. will hold a Pep Rally at Idetown Church house on Tuesday evening, September 4, All young’ peo- ple are invited. Refreshments will be served, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING HORSES FOR SALE: Farm Chunks and dratt horses. Colts; truck and carload lots; write or wire; A. L, Neu- hart, Fairfield, Towa 8-1Q-3t. Typewriter ribbons for all standard make machines 75¢ ea. Less in quan- tities. Also finest quality carbon paper in all sizes, TF Saye Money on these Supplies: The Dallas Post LEGAL NOTICE The Register and Assessor: of. the South District of Dallas Township will sit Wednesday, September 5 at the new polling: place, Squire Neyhardt's office, in Dallas township. All persons not registered may register at that time, 8-31-1t. CONSTABLE’S SALE August 31, 1934, at 10 a. m., at Lake- ton, Pa. 1 double bed, dresser, 1 kitchen set, 2 Siezed and taken into property of Miller Ely, F. M. Higgins, Constable 1 studio couch, 4 arm chairs, execution 8-31-1t | DESCRIPTION FOR - ADVERTISEMENT | At Sheriff's | Wilkes-Barre, Pa September Sth., 11931, at 10 o'clock UA M. on execution |issued by the Court of Common Pleas | of Luzerne County at suit of the First [National Bank, Plymouth, Pa., against Max Zielenewski and * Apolonia, M. |Zielenewski, his wife, there will be |sold: | The surface of lots S and 9 “Lance’s Addition to Plymouth” in Plymouth Borough, being 85.8 feet on the Southwesterly side on Main Street; [143.4 feet along line of lot 7 on the | Northeast; 59.7 feet in the rear, and [147 feet on the Southwest along land of Lehigh and Wilkes-Barre Coal Co. being land conveyed to the defendants by John H. Lance, Trustee, in Deed Book 579, page 563. Improved with {double three-story dwelling, outbuild- |ings, etc. on LUTHER M. KNIFFEN, Sheriff. Thos. Mr. Lewis, Atty; A Notice is hereby given to all persons concerned that Appraisements in the following estates have been approved nisi by the Orphans’ Court of Luzerne County and unless exceptions are filed will be presented for final approval en Tuesday September 4, 1934, at 10:00 o'clock A_M. Mararet Riding, Michael Pelot, Ste- phen Krull, Patrick Kilgallon, John A. Wickiser, Thomas C. Berry, Fred C. Wintermute. John MacLuskie Register of Wills and Clerk of the Orphans’ Court 8-17-4t. | [IN RE: {PETITION OF I SOPHIA SIECZKOW SKI {FOR CHANGE OF NAME, { IN THE COURT OF COMMON | PLEAS OF LUZERNE COUNTY, NO. (965 OCTOBER TERM, 1934. | Notice is hereby given that on Aug- ust Zs 193% the petition of Sophia was filed in the above Court, Praying for a decree to change her name to Sydney Brennan. The Court has fixed October 29, 1934, at 10 o'clock a, m., in the Court House, ag the time and place for the hearing of said petition, when and where all per- sons interested may appear and show cause, if any they have, why the pray- ” of said petitioner shall not be grant- ed. ! M. J Torlinski Attorney for Petitioner 8-10-4t SHERIFF'S SALE | FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1934, { AT 10°A.-M, | By virtue of a writ of Fi Fa, No. 157, {October Term, 1934, issued out of the |Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne { County, to me directed, there will be jexposed to public sale by vendue to the highest and best bidders, for cash the Sheriff’s Sales Room, Court House, in the City of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne (County, Pennsylvania, on Friday, the 14th day of - September, 1934, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of the said day, all the right, title and interest of the defendants in and’to the following de- scribed lot; piecé or parcel of land, viz: Property. of Peter Makarewicze and Annie Makarewicze, his wife being; 40 feet wide = on. Rees Street, Wilkes: Barre Pa., and 90 feet deep to a line bisecting Tot No. 6 in Block 22, con- veyed by Simon Balcirus, et ux, to Peter Makarewicze, et ux, by deed dated Jan. 29th, ‘1927, and recorded in D. B. Vol.' 651, page 325. Improved with a two single dwelling Street, Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Mary J. Draper vs. Peter Makarewicze and Annie Makarewicze, and will be sold by LUTHER M. KNIFFEN, Sheriff. Peter P. Jurchak, Atty. _ IRA BD. COOKE Professional Land Surveyor ENGINEERING Penn’a Register Nec. 4104 SUCCESSOR TO | C HAS. H. COOKE, Dec'd | Phone, Dallas 126. Dallas, Pa. story frame known as 159 Rees | | | | | as Sales Room, Court House \ . = oar fy