Four-Legged Chicken Is Babylonian Brick Found ~ Hatched on Kansas Farm Washington — A 50-pound brick, which 2,500 years ago helped support the walls of Babylon, has been obtain- ed by Rev. Milton Bennett Lambdin, archeologist. It is believed to be the of oddities produced in Kansas is the Atchison, Kan.—Added to the ess] he four-legged chicken that was hatched CLASSIFIED ANVERTISING AW, SISERS BEAU, THE ONE at the Berry brothers’ hatchery here _ It has two extra legs and feet, which are perfectly formed, but drag behind the two regular legs. only relic of its kind in America. PHONE YOUR NEWS THE ITEMS TO DALLAS POST STAD: SED [WHERE ECONOMY RULES ECONOMY RULES Ee Meney Back . . . « « It Has a Flavor Difficult to Surpass RAJAH BRAND SALAD ZDRESSIN <10.> 15.-29- . If Rajah Does Not Satisfy You In Every Way RAJAH SALAD DRESSING IS SOLD EXCLUSIVELY AT A&P FOOD STORES mii Our Uniform Quality Fa Fancy Fresh Creamery ; BUTTER 22-61 SILVERBROOK "gS SUITER 21h 65¢ ° U. S. NO.'1 NEW | POTATOES Full 60 Ib Bushel, Full lo: EE =. Pound Peck / / BALL BROTHERS White or VINEGA SALT A&P or IONA Brands JAR RUBBERS . Full Strength SAVE ON YOUR PRESERVING AND PICKLING NEEDS Mason Jars == 79: == 69: Cider Gallon Jug 2 4-Lb Boxes 15¢ JAR CAPS . ..... Doz 25¢ |CERTO jams and peine Bot 25¢ _ 2 Doz 9¢ | PEN-JEL PARAFFIN WAX ~ Pkge 10¢ | JELLY GLASSES . . . . Doz 35¢ “ WHOLE SPICES . - . .. Can 7c| GROUND SPICES . .. Can 10c Makes the Jelly Jell 39¢ 2 Bots 25¢ CORN FLAKES Sunnyfield Brand EVAP. MILK "seis 2 Pigs 4 Tall Cans COCONDG cmos Fiaworea 3-15 Can SOCIAL TREATS SWANSDOWN es Bakers Pkge CAKE FLOUR GRAPENUTS FLAKES 2» 17¢c _| POST BRAN FLAKES 2 Pkgs 13¢ GRAPENUTS “| MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE Ib31c | LA FRANCE POWDER Pkge 8c LIGHTHOUSE CLEANSER 8 0'CLOCK COFFEE SANI FLUSH ~~ °rs Fuss 25-40-60-75 WATT ~ 6. E MAZDA LAMPS § FANCY ELBERTA FREESTONE PEACHES J Cans w 19c Can 220 Without or Muss Carton of 6 s1.0s Each 4.-25¢ 48 Ib BUZIZZL BASKET - - - $2.95 SEA FOOD SPECIALS IN OUR QUALITY MEAT MARKETS! Little Neck C 65¢c Fresh Fillets 1b 1%¢ Fresh Mackerel 2 'bs. 25¢ Fresh Steak Cod 2 'bs 25¢ Per 10(p,, 13c 23ci__ 11 19¢ 23¢ Pkge 17¢ oo 10¢ £ 20¢ rth 10° Specials In Our Quality MEATS CHUCK” POT ROAST 14° FRESH DRESSED STEWING CHICKENS up to 3% 1b Avge 19¢ PRIME RIB ROAST 19¢ BONELESS ROLLED VEAL 19¢c SWIFT'S “PREMIUM” CHICKEN LOAF Club Frankfurters 2 »25¢ DRIED BEEF DILL PICKLES W ir Atlantic % Qt. Jar & Pacific 3 i8¢ n I8@ i5¢ * —— WHATS THE ICEA, § WHERE ME YOU GO- ING WITH THAT MAT 2 THAT 9,2)=5)\| ye A J BONG ANY CANDY, 1S COMING: ONSAT 3 & ow =: In Bs 3 ni 0. ye NC ny { UTI Social Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Davis and family are spending the month of Au- gust at the Tyler camp at Rocky For- est above Laceyville. Mrs. Verna Stivers of Wilkes-Barre was the guest of Mrs. W_ B. Risley on Monday. } * * . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Youngblood - of Norton Street left yesterday on a trip to the Middle West. They will visit Chicago and will go on to Colorado. * . * Marie Kiefer and Alma Parrish visit- ed friends at Mt. Zion recently. - * * Mrs, Willard Gensel has been remov- ed to her home at Harvey's Lake after undergoing a slight operation at Gen- eral Hospital. - James Scott has returned home after spending a month at C. M. T. C_ at Fort Hoyle, Md. es ss” 8 Miss Lillian Rood is spending several weeks in Portland, Maine. .She will be joined by her parents, who wil] motor there. ® . - Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Salansky of: Outlet spent last week-end in Wash- ington, D. C. jCobleigh, William Rice, fr DONT MISS COOKING SCHOOL Thursday and Friday Aug. 16th. & I7th. Two capable demonstrators will show and explain the quick ind easy way of Westinghouse electric Cooking \ —0— and more people are thinking about next winter's comfort. In fact, the results of our Home Heating demonstra- tion this week, will make our mechanics as busy as bees, —(— John Turn, the Insurance Official - has already insured his home on: Susque- qanna Avenue for complete com- fort. An Automatic Electrol Oil Burner will supply the comfort. LR Last week M. C. Gay, Jr. ac- companied a group of Wyoming County orchardists on a visit of some of the better fruit farms in New York State. This infor- mation will help us to serve you better with your spraying pro- blems. More Metropolitan — Goulds Pumps are made well and will pump a large ‘volume of water at small cost. Dan Rus- sell at Mile Hill and George Bid- wick at Mill City are recent Gould’s purchasers. x eo It's time to consider Maple City Silos and Papec Blowers for fall use. Come in and let us show you why the Papec outsells other blowers. Gay-Murray Co. Inc. Tunkhannock 3 Mr. and Mrs, I. R_ Elston of Forty Fort and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Miller of Center Street have returned home af- ter a motor trip through New York State. Miss Emma Jean Ellsworth has re- turned to her home in Kingston after spending sometime with the Misses POKORNY’S BAND TO GIVE CONCERT AT PARK SUNDAY A free band concert will be giv- en at Fernbrook Park on Sunday afternoon at 2:30 under the dir- ection of Charles F. Pokorny, widely known Wyoming -Valley bandmaster. The concert will be one of a series which are being given throughout the conuty under dir- ection of the recreational program of Playground and Recreation As- sociation of Wyoming Valley. The program will include a selected list of marches, classics, and semi- classics Hilda M. Stevens and Isabelle A, Culp. 2 * * Mr. and Mrs. Frances McCarty and! Mrs. Julia Hogan motored to Moscan recently where they visited with re- latives. . Mr and Mrs. J. O. Ellsworth and daughter Emma Jean of Kingston were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Stevenson on Sunday. . * ‘8 v Mrs. Mamie Jackson of New York State is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Miller. s & & Mrs, Charles Mayer entertained at a surprise farewell party on Tuesday {evening in honor of Miss Leila Cob- leigh. The following were present: Leila Cobleigh, Ella Crispell, Edward Mr. and Mrs. (W illiam Cobleigh, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cobleigh, son, Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mayer and son, Graydon. s ee 8 Farewell Party. | Miss Dorothy Elston gave a very de- ilightful farewell party on Wednesday |evening of last week in honor of Misg {Leila Cobleigh an August bride elect. IAfter an evening spent in playing {games a delicious lunch was served to {the following: Emily Honeywell, Elea- nor Kunkle, Grace Honeywell, Lois Landon, Elsie Garinger, Florence Siena, Estella Elston, Leila. Cobleigh, |Dorothy Elston, Raymond Elston, |Clyde Hoyt, James Muis, Joseph Da- ivenport, Fred Dodson, Paul Hilbert, {Herman Schauer, Mrs. Ralph Elston, {Mrs Owen Ide, Mrs. Ralph Hess, {daughter Janet, Mr. and Mrs, John |Isaacs. Miss Cobleigh received a num- ber of lovely remembrances. Miss Leila Cobleigh of Dallas was a guest of Miss Dorothy Elston last week end. 5 = Beverly and Marion Wagner were guests of Miss Doris Evans of Shaver- {town for several days this week. On Wednesday afternoon Doris gave a party to many of her friends in Shavertown. . ®ve school , Born to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Scott of Kunkle a son, an eighth child, Mon- day, August 13. AAXEEEEEHEXHRRERRERRRRNRRNN What A Week- 7 Crowds tell the tale, they come and come and everyone pleased with the fine entertain- ment handed out at The King- ston Theatre, so get your share of these coming attractions. was Se FRIDAY - SATURDAY August 17 - 18. BURNS & ALLEN ee In— “Many Happy Returns” —O— COMING — MON.-TUES.-WED. John Boles—Ann Harding —Iin—“THE LIFE OF VERGIE WINTERS” MATINEES: MON.-WED.-SAT. © omc Hume, 27, Evans’ Tap Dancing Lessons At Fernbrook Today * The tap dancing lessons which are given under supervision of Playground and Recreation Association of Wyo- ming Valley are attracting increasing numbers of children from this section. This afternoon at 2 James McAn- drew a teacher of unusual ability, will have charge Two hundred . eighty. five children were present last week, Objects To Financing Her Hubby’s “Parties” Media, Pa.—“I didn’t mind,” Mrs. wife of Marcus Hook, said in divorce court, “when my husband lost his joh, I didn’t mind supporting him. I didn’t mind buying him gas and oil for his car. What I did . object to was his driving girls around town on my money.” "The judge agreed that was expecting a lot and gave her a decree. Mr. and Mrs. EW, Welsh of Mila lington, Michigan in company with Mr. and Mrs. Leon Welsh and George Welsh of Flint and Mrs. Frank Weeks [o of Mt. Morris, Michigan motored here {to attend the funeral of the late Fred Kunkle on Monday. Mrs. E. W. Welsh and Mrs, Weeks are sisters of Mrs. Kunkle. Leon Walsh is the head of one of the assembling departments of the Chevrolet automobile company in Flint, his duties there making it neces- sary for the party to leave immediate- ly after the funeral for Flint so that he could take charge of his department on Tuesday morning s 8 Captain C. N_ Booth was guest of honor at a pleasant surprise party at his home last Saturday evening in celebration of the captain’s forty. sev- enth birthday. The following attend- ed: Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Shindel, Mr. and Mrs. C. Nelson Booth of Lakeside, Mr. and Mrs. G. Harold Wagner, Mr. and Mrs_ George Beehler of Wilkes - Barre, Mrs. William Bechtel of Forty- Fort, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Dix .of Dallas. The captain was most agree- ably surprised and. entertained gra- ciously with several solos and related some of his experiences while a mem- ber of the State police several years ago. An old-fashioned Dutch lunch was served. . Kocher Reunion $s ® The twenty-sixth annual reunion of the Kocher family will be held at Harvey's Lake Picnic grounds Thurs- day, August 30. All members, friends and neighbors are asked to join the family in the program of the day. LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given to all persons {concerned that Appraisements in the following estates have been approved nisi by the Orphans’ Court of Luzerne County and unless exceptions are filed will be presented for final approval on Tuesday September 4,:1934, at 10:00 o'clock AM. Mararet Riding, Michael Pelot, Ste- phen Krull, Patrick Kilgallon, John A. Wickiser, Thomas: C. Berry, Fred C. Wintermute. John MacLuskie Register of Wills and Clerk of the Orphans’ Court 8-17-4t. } | Silo material and parts such as staves, hoops, and lugs ready for in- stant delivery. Lowest prices. Gay- Murray Company, Tonkhannony Pa. ; 8-17-1t. — HORSES FOR SALE: Farm Chunks and drait, horses. Colts; truck and carload lots; write or wire; A. I. Neu- hart, Fairfield, Towa 8-10-3t. Silos ready for delivery: 10x20— $120.00; 12x2 4—$160 00. Other sizes in proportion, See us or we , both lose. Gay-Murray Company, Tunkhannock, Pa; 8-17-1t ’ FOR SALE—1927 Chandler Sedan; good condition; reasonable, ’'Phone Kingston 7-8646, 8-10-1t Typewriter ribbons for all standard make machines 75¢ ea. Less in quan- tities. Also finest quality carbon paper in all sizes, » TF Save Supplies: Money on these The Dallas Post LEGAL NOTICE IN RE: PETITION OF SOPHIA SIECZKOWSKI FOR CHANGE OF NAME. IN THE COURT, OF COMMON PLEAS OF LUZERNE COUNTY, NO. 968 OCTOBER TERM, 1934. Notice is hereby given that on Aug- ust 7, 1934, the petition of Sophia. Sieczkowski was filed in the above Court, praying for a decree to change her name to Sydney Brennan. The Court has fixed October 29, 1934, at 10 o'clock a. m., in the Court House, as the time and place for the hearing of said petition, when and where all per- sons interested may appear and show cause, if any they have, why the pray- er of said petitioner shall not be grant- ‘led. M. J Torlinski Attorney for Petitioner §-10-4t IRA DB. COOKE Professional Land Surveyor ENGINEERING ‘Penn’a Register Nec. 4104 : SUCCESSOR TO CHAS. H. COOKE, Dec'd Phone, Dallas 126. Dallas, Pa. ATTENTION ! . Model T Ford And Fordson Tractor Parts To SPECIAL Model T Rear Fenders 75¢c Each. West Side Auto Co. Ford Place KINGSTON CORNERS AGENTS WANTED | ® An exceptional opportunity far @ number of live wire, progressive agents to represent us in the sale of Stewart Iron and Chain Link Wire Fences and Gates, such as used ‘by over 7Q types of prop. erties, including residences, parks, playgrounds, cemeteries, schools, etc. ... It is profitable, inter. esting work and is unequalled as a money-maker, No investment in stock or materials —we furnish all sales literature .... Write today ,. . Send your application and reference. THE STEWART IRON WORKS COMPANY 873 + Cincinnati, Ohio WRITE TODAY — DON'T DELAY. SOCIAL STATIONERY Our complete arTay comprises every needed item of #% social requirements, £62 Announcements Correspondence Cards Invitations ¢ Envelopes Engraved Cards Stationery 4 Come in and inspect our samples | ee