* Page Four LUZERNE SHOPPING NEWS LARE’S) \ Deep-Cut Prices Pritchard’s Prescription Fresh Ground - All Pork MEAT... 1b.. 10c| SAUSAGE, .......... 1b., 23¢ DRUG STORE CHUCK ROAST, 1b., 10¢ ; : Broad Veal | Broad Lamb 30c Grove’s Bromo Quinine ....... 20¢ CHOPS, . . .. .. 1b., 15¢ CHOPS, ........ooo 1b., 15¢ 3 m— $1.00 Ovaltine ...... aah Ca B80 “= TURKEYS - ADVAN os Geese 60c Condensed Jad Salts ........... 40¢ YOU . FOR THANKSGIVING Sy : ; . > : 50c Phillip’s Milk of Magnesia . . ... Me Pumpkin Pie Spice, 9¢ | Poultry Seasoning, can, 9¢ : RAISINS... Best Seedless, 15-0z., 8c 100-5 gr. Aspirin Tablets . .......... 29¢ Mince Meat, pkg, 106 [Peanut Brittle b., 21c 25¢ Colgates Tooth Paste .......... 19¢ CANDIES—NUTS—CRANBERRIES Cron Pret Wok atmen Posh, der Oraros Pol 1 Pint of Rubbing Alcohol ......... 15¢ Butterine 2 lbs., 25¢ | Bread, big loaf, 9¢ . 5 Coffees, 1b., 17¢ 19¢ 23c Everything For Xmas Cake. | 75¢ Cod Liver Oil sie eTeTieis ele ea ee a. 39%¢ ’ ; 33¢ Palmolive Shaving Cream . . . ... 23¢ LARE'S} 4 : = » ta ° 3 5 SW $1.00 Jasmine Face Powder . .. .... +. 39¢ 188 Main Street—224 Bennett Street Phone ~ ~ Phone 191 Courtdale Avenue 7-1812 ¥ R KE E D KE L I Y E R Y 7-9304 The Big, Smart, Newer BON-TON or SHOP OUR NEWLY REMODELLED SECOND FLOOR Is Now a Complete Wide Stocked BOY’S DEPARTMENT Filled With Fresh, New Crispy Wearing Apparel for the Youngster 6 to 20 Be Sure To Visit Our New Modern BARGAIN WORK CLOTHES DEPARTMENT In The Basement IF YOU WANT A GOOD PAIR OF We Sell Them At $2.95 Men’s Calf Skin Dress SHOES or" BLACK Exclusive Dealers In Luzerne For: HART, SCHAFFNER and MARX; NUNN-BUSH SHOES MALLORY HATS and MANHATTAN SHIRTS ALLEN A, SWEATERS and VAN HEUSEN SHIRTS CHENEY BROS. CRAVATS “Go Where The Crowds Go” The Bon-Ton - Luzerne FLEECE O'COATS *18 Double breasted, cut full and with a belted back. A smart style, a value that many men are tak- ‘ing advantage of. Warm but not too heavy for this type of coat.