- LUZERNE SHOPPING NEWS Page Seveh [PEOPLES DRUG STORE Corner Main and Bennett Strests ‘Cut-Rate Prices PATENT MEDICINES: $1.25 Father John’s Medicine... 0. ii 84c $1.50 Lydia Pinkhams Veg. Comp ........ccoovvcrunn. $1.00 $E00-Ovaltine ............. alae 52¢ 75¢c Baume Ben Gay Analgesique ........n 50c ei Don's PIS ian 50c 60c Buchu, Palmetto and Juniper Pills ..... aati 50c 50c Limestone Brand Phosphate .........iomnn. 39¢ $1.00 Super D.- Cod Liver Oil .......5.... 7° 67c $1.00 Citrocarbonates ... .......... ohn oon 40c Squibb Tooth Paste 50c Penslar Dental Cream .......oeenn. Adnan 39¢ 25¢ Phillip’s Magnesia Tooth Paste ..........coooio. 19¢ $1.00 15¢ $1.00 Face Powder Dextri- Maltose Nujol 39¢ 39%¢ 67c Full Line Christmas Merchandise, Candy, And Greeting Cards 3 $1.00 GEM MICHROMATIC RAZOR AND BLADES .......ccu...... 49¢ COLONIAL CLUB RAZOR BLADES ..........i.. iio vaiinns 25¢ NEW GILLETTE RAZOR AND 5 BLADES .......iuvovnvenennisnn. 49¢ GOOD QUALITY TOOTH BRUSHES .....................o.. 2 for 27c Boe SHAVING CREAM i. oi ci heii ris nas 23¢c SLE SHAVING BRUSHES ..... c..c in ii aunsaasss $1.00 50c COLONIAL CLUB SHAVING CREAM ..........ouvovnenenen...: 39% C. H. AHRENDTS, Registered Pharmacist. PEOPLE'S DRUG STORE, Luzerne, Pa. “HEADQUARTERS F F OR CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS Talk About Toys and Gifts! Gifts For Everybody TUNE IN STATION WBRE, MON.-WED.- and FRI, 8:30, FOR XMAS SPECIALS FOLKS HERE'S N NEWS! JUST ARRIVED—a solid carload of toys, gifts, games, dolls, carriages, bikes, etc. In the latest de- signs and creations, at Lowest Prices. A visit to our stores will convince you. By all means look over our display before you buy. Also a complete line of infant's and childrens’ wear for Xmas’ Gifts. HEADQUARTERS FOR GIFTS AND TOYS THE LARGEST DISPLAY IN TOWN SHOWING HOLIDAY TOYS AND GIFTS American Variety 5c AND $1.00 STORES 82 Main St. Luzerne, Pa. Main Store and Warehouse, 460 N. Main Street, Wilkes-Barre. Wholesale of Holiday Candies. M. Gross, Jr. Quality Meat Is Always and Retail Cheapest / We are proud of our meat department which is one of the finest in the CANDIES, TOBACCO, valley. CIGARS, CIGARETTES If you have never visited our meat depart- ment we invite you to drop in and select your meat needs for the week- end or holiday. Retail merchants will do well to see our big line Experienced buyers and cutters make it econ- omical for you to buy here when you want Visit Our Store and quality. See Our Christmas Line. Our Cash and Carry Policy Saves You Money. See Us Before You Buy. Place Christmas Poultry Orders Now Our poultry is all home dressed REIGH’S MARKET 133 Main Sreet Next to Bon-Ton 177 Main Street, LUZERNE 287 Blackman St., Wilkes-Barre. we've crammed in its four walls. FRIEDMAN'S Temporary Location, 77 Main St. Opposite Luzerne National Bank’s Temporary Quarters ® And we're back on the job in a temporary location —But there’s a Christmas Spirit about this little store —and you'll be surprised to see all the merchandise o Small as it is, the welcome is just as big as ever. @ Soon we'll be back in a big new home, but we’d like to have you visit us now. DON’T FAIL To see our big line of Shoes, Shirts, Neckwear, and Xmas Merchandise