The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, June 15, 1934, Image 3

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Expect Jap Beetle Invasion
ests Motorists
and to all
home on!
pi f o \ {As . 3 ee op
- = re | 7 ~ { o | vellow and blue paper dolls for the
® | (Continued from Page 1) Gi e The Horse [Buse View Laurel Blossoms | i girls and alls or the boys. 2, hall
S O C i a | | ot = His “Niol t C 99 | | Mr. and Mrs. _Archie Corby and game and pther games Were enjoyed
| control. measure. The ontomologists| Is 1 12 1 ap | em (daughters Doroth) and Janet, spent |d.® the little guests. Lunch w as served
lexplain that colonies of these parasites | | “Come to the State forests to see the Sunday with Mn and Mrs. CW. Kun. lo Hash gn Richaras of Wasiington:
en me | can be established only where the | 3 State flower in all its beauty,” was the Xle and family. 2 So Mrs. L. B., Hihert, Loretta 2a
Ted . eno lpeetle population is quite ‘dense and Care Of Equine In Summer invitation given this week by John W.| - Mrs. Robert Leonard and Max Leo- | “3WIelX e FLbers, Jr. of 3 lepumon a
BousrtiE, Robbing of | Trucksville where other natural conditions are fa- | ’ Keller deputy secretary of the Depart- nard of Trucksville called on William | 14103 Ferry, Mildred, 1 doris and George
was among the students who received | e g z ? | Reflected In Horse's ment of Forests Baird. at the Olin Kunkle Schoonover Helen Emma, Alice and
Jesta Schoonover, Ida and Gene Schon-
degrees from State College at the TYe- |. qiqve ificials are reminding all pro- Spirit [Pennsylvanians Thursay evening ol lash week, lover all of Centermoreland; DeWitt
cent Commencement exercises. Mr. |pertys owners that damage by beetles | The State flower is the laurel, whose Mrs. Jennie Norton of Elkland re- | Riclasds Jane : nd Bobbie Richards of
Robbins received his degre¢ in archi- (usually reaches its height during the | g, WwW. B. Kr k, F. ly Prof Patanion! name If Eumis lasitona, It cently spent'a week with her brother. | mu ck ville: ig Forrest Kunkle Alan
tectural engineering, {second week of July and that spraying | av: . Bb. Arueck, Formerly Professor |plooms in early June, putting forth|S. J. Hess and farnily. fi iaAy EE an
« % ® i ns Fa oo = |Animal Husbandry Purdue University. | clusters of pink and white flowers. | % or Ya Kunkle, Ruth and Louise Kunkle, Lake
joperations should start the first week 4 Se ES 5 : 2 IRE oe ir | W. O. Washburn of West Dallas and | Catalpa; Mrs. Ralph Lutes Richard
STRAWBERRY SOCIAL [of July. It is anticipated that the he practices adopted in watering Phe Pre blossoms appear rin the ly is sister Mrs. C. W., Kunkle motored | 1,utes, Earl Crispell, Bowman's Creek;
The Spartan Club of DeMunds will (beetles will be present in sufficient jhorses during hot weather are reflected | southernmost \ counties ‘and large |, Halstead on Saturday afternoon for | Dovaths Condon. IG Mis. Joo
hold a strawberry social on C. B. Ran- [necmbers to do serious damages in the |ID the condition and Spivit of ihe horse. jpatohes may now be seen in‘the State |, ot visit at the home of Mr. and | seph Shoemaker, Rognnah Shoemaker,
som’s lawn on Saturdalys hight June | Philadelphia and Harrisburg districts | 11 inca generally acgented Tact that ajforests of F ranklin, Cumberland, Ful. Mrs. Orrie Armlin, returning home the | jane and Donnie Ide, Stella Wayne,
23. Everyone will be welcome. [this season. The Philadelphia damage | Mule will not © erlond on Apler gvenifon and Begiord Comnties, same evening. land Gene Elston 2obert and Wilma,
& se {zone covers parts of Buck, Montgom- though he comes in from, a hard dap =) Extensive areas will soon be flow- | Mis Marills . Bohoonover and Wis | Hess Robert rE Caroling
Mr. and Mrs. James Ayre announce | ery, Chester and Delaware counties. in | work in the hot sun. The horse, how- [ering a the State forests in Hunting. im Siohards a Binchbmton N. v. Brace Felice Miers, Carl Ida, Loren
the birth of a, son, Wednesday, June |addition to Philadelphia, while the |eVer does not always use wich goog on. Maslin, Contre. Snyder, Ferry, spent the week-end at the home of | Kunkle Mrs Palmer Undyke. Jane,
13. : Harrisburg area includes several points |judsment. fend Tivion Gongs Beir atone Ar aml Mis. Rilor|Joscphine, Kiler and Julla « Updyke
* ROR iin both Cumberland and Dauphin | It will do'no harm to 11low horses a | One of the most popular sections for sa ih Bi ar. any Ne | TA AT Soh onde is Mearilla
BIRTHDAY PARTY lconnties within ten miles of Harris- |200d drink of water, before feeding, |tourists attracted by the laurel flow- | chara PITRE oe Rf Willing Richards. Mr and
YP leven though they are rather hot. As |ers is in thewState forests of Pike and Mrs: Kiler Richards and Mrs. Marilla Schoonove Py Wjuram A 11 X
Mrs. J. B,.Seoit of ‘Franklin street] Jtrol measures in areas of dense |2 matter of fact, such a practice is de- {Monroe Counties, where the annual Schoonover entertained with a delight. Mrs. Tiler Richidras Betty Whispell.
entertained a group of friends Sunday feseation” include spraying shade |sirable. On the other hand, the horse [laurel festival of the Pocono Moun- {ful lawn partys for the latters daughter | I'he Kunkle reunion wii, be held on
in: fener raf her hasbena Who eelchrats [trees with coated arsen te of lead and should not be allowed to gorge be- (tains is held. { Marian Ann, in celebration of her fifth Saturd: p, June 23 at fhe Kunkle coms
Er ed his sixty-fourth birthday» anniver- Lorie Con Sith aie or load and cause of his heat-swollen appetite for, The laurel blooms for a period of | birthday anniversary. The tables were | munity Hall, all relatives and friends
Bary. Mr, Scott. was born in Plainshh tir Liberal tise of hectic traps. is 'water. The caretaker should use his|about one month, beginning in early | prettily decorated and the favors were are cordially invited
township and at the time of the Span- LEAR A vocated. Coniplots details of judgment as to when a safe quantity |June. In Pennsylvania the State flow- | nn my rs =: ee
ish American ‘War enlisted in the | riting to the biirean of plant indus- of water has been consumed. er blooms latest in the northern tier |
United: States - Navy. If. was While) ivr far shurg * | Whether in the field or on the road, |counties. In this section grow some |
served as special policeman in the Air- |= >> = 2: Ela the driver will find it good practice to |of the largest specimens to be found |
Paul commanded by Commender
bee who had been in the Maine disas-
ter in Havana harbour, that Mr. Scott
received injuries in line of duty which
given by Harry Rundell. All enjoyed
the evening,
» » »
give the -horse an opportunity to
(drink in the middle of the forenoon
land the afternoon during the hot sum-
{mer days. A good drink refreshes this
anywhere in the State, particularly in
the State forests of . Tioga, Potter,
Cameron and Clinton Counties.
resulted in the loss of an arm. Saturday evening, June 2, 1934 at their | soithrul servant of man and helps to
a fresh drink, as a ‘night cap”. Where |
During the world war Mr. Scottihome. There was a large attendance | rotect horses from. overheating ) | a
| served as special policeman in the Air- and lunch was served to 60 peoble.i Gooq horsemen take pride in their he Drapes oy Deen Sag
i craft department at Philadelphia under | Max,* beautiful and useful presents | horses, In order that they may be A SIL rd 4 tl :
il i 3 ivi 3 ari . = > o 1a) : 3 J J ~ or
2 the United Stats Civil Service. He and Sor justly proud they make small sacrific- weather. ns 2 S A L be |
rye Mrs. Scott spend their summers in PINEAPPLE 1AL to. Brosenve. the condition of their :
A pineapple social will be held | horses.
Tuesday evening, June 26, at Hunts- |
ville M. E. church under the auspices |
of the Epworth League. Fresh crush-
ed pineapple, ice cream and cake will
be served. Tickets may be obtained
Dallas where Mr. Scott is a proficent
gardner and grower of flowers. Their
winters are spent in Florida.
Among those who were present Sun-
dg, were Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Solo-
mon, A. J. Brown, Mrs. Bessie Howard : B ro A
. 7 rom members he League.
and Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Deal and TE
daughter Ruth : Attend Faneral
Fred H. Gobel and Harry A. Cole at-
tended the funeral of their uncle, M,
'W. Huffman at Ashley. recently.
If the horses are not turned
out during the night at rip to the stable
after the horse has had his evening |make machines Thc ea. Less in quan-
meal will be found profitable. The |tities. Also finest quality carbon paper
horses can then be given an oppor- in all sizes. TF
tunity to finish the evening meal with!
Save Money on these Supplies:
Typewriter ribbons for all standard ‘Whatever brand y/su may be using,
won’t you try one of our three coffees
this week? We know if you give them
a fair trial you, too, will join the hun-
dreds of thousands who have found
real coffee satisfaction in our three fa-
vorite blends and you will thank us for
ziving you this opportunity to buy
then at a saving. -
Let flavor and freshness direct your
choice—Buy at Coffee Headquarters—
Where Qualitys Counts. f
21° Victor Coffee » |
An all Santos Coffee of exceptional flavor. Big Value.
23 45C0 Coffee » 2I
Decidedly different flavor, The finest
2 5 g
The Dallas Post
When Teeth WOBBLE
it may be too late for your dentist to save them as some
of the tissue which holds teeth in their sockets will
already have been destroyed. {Firm healthy gums that
hug the teeth provide protection against infection and
destruction of the underlying tooth supporting tissues.
{[Get professional advice before trouble starts
va_doctors, Co-operate with your
ay 3, leatin should Dentist in striving for
tres action. | clean Gum-Gripped Teeth JG
The 25th wedding anniversary of Mr.
and Mrs, Stanley Grey was celebrated
were received, Prayer and reading of
God’s word was given by Garfield
Jackson, a wonderful message on the
return of the Lird for his Bride was
2 a%0%0%%0%0%%0%0%0%%%%%%" ISS Lak]
or Refinanced
many leading doctors
No Pills: To Swallow! |! fo
No Gum To Chewl martin AL ; : SILT
15¢-Asy Good Drug Store-25¢
blends, The coffee of connoiseurs.
2 Acme Coffee
Certified Arabian Mocha and Java and South.
American Coffeés. Skillfully blended. Packed in
On new or used automo:
bilés in one hour. No én-
t dorsement necessary,
Strictly confidential. For
We courteously ask all consumers to co-
operate with us in this matter to avoid any future
. 914 Brooks Bld.
, S. Franklin Street.
” > Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
Dial 2-2722 for appointment
: : | further information sts : rns by otic e W ater C onsum e rs v vacuum ¢ans, kéeping freshness and flavor intact. g !
Yorite or Disk Betis fps en 15 Chase & Saiborn ‘Maxwell House g :
amo £ iano use of garden hose is strictly prohibited Esl f
STANDARD AUTOMOBILE may result TE i aX - Coffee > 30° Coffee rn 30° gk 3
Derrydale Butter 2: 55
Ee Se Dallas-Shavertown Water Co. §
£7 Ic
Louella B Richland B 2
Cood Baseball ouella Dutter : Richland Dutter §
: 7 2.wbli-: I-58
7/8%917// iL 7/¢7//, 7, 77; -
The Wyoming County League, i Finest Sweet Cream : Rich Creamery Butter We
composed of good teams from = Butter .In America. . in Pound Prints. o
Vernon, Sugar Hollow, Hast = 1b tin 32 o
Lehman, Skinners Eddp, South : Boscul Coffee 1n C 0
Eaton Jenks, Tunkhannock and ® ® A B 10c J f-Are Kid Beans 2 No. 2 cans 15¢ ol
> Forkston_ offers you 4 good Io Te 0) md ee 5 16- ery 25 Ky
Ea games each week. Our D. & M. : 7, ¢ snider’'s Cu eets -0Z jars SC K
Er 20 = = 4500 Beans with Pork 31b cans 13c r
en for exclusive use. 4/7 Nao = oe kp: . 8,
4 >= h Phiilips Delicious Spaghetti 4 cans 25¢ i
Support your home team— : bo 7) ( — 1 0
They’ll play good baseball. See ty ] . Ad
our full line of Sporting Goods. : 745) = = 7 B 13e¢ Farmdale Cut Stringless Cc Hy
g a) = ose ® No.2 y
Moores Paints give a whole : 7 = 9 _ Stri Nn Bea Nn S Wa —
can full of.value at reasonable Sh i » = . Of
ir bir iil os mote wo. ow an actual profit on next : X
cost. “Cliff” Oakley at Kingsley »
Crisco Ib can 20c¢, 3 1b ean, 57¢
10c 45€0 Cider or W. D. Vinegar 2 24-oz bots 17¢
Farmdale Crushed Corn 2 No. 2 cans 19¢
23c¢ Black Flag Insect Spray 14-pt can 20¢
year's reading! ... Your home news-
paper and the pick of this choice list of magazines
«=+ All for the amazing, low price given below.
tection with Moores.
If you are having trouble with
milk rejections, why not install
a milk cooler and end your
troubles. We can easily show PATHE ¢
Yon How = Copeland outfit pays Li : rm al f= be CREEN BOOK “Country . nN ji 19¢ 45C0 Pure :
Meg LS {8} OPEN po: ICTORIAL : me pint c ;
Bernard Stmales struck a real 2 DSULTRY he ’ ¥ Vand } g } ++ tumbler a
bargain the other day when he ae he < o ell TAA eanu u er
bought one of our 4% cu. ft. I ; o 4
Murra®s Refrigerators, Bet that
2 No. 2 cans 2c
big can 22¢
43¢c, 9 83c
“SC Crushed Pineapple
25¢ Eveready Fruit Cocktail
Imported Olive Oil “2° 23¢, Pt
— went over big with the Mrs, | Iz ert
Last week's hot weather made
5 ¢ »
these Famond Wlagained
Kitchenkooks were purchased by
Mrs, Walter Farnum, Ben Pher-
rigo and Wray Taviok Dr. Zon. [J Better Homes & Gardens! Yr. hole 4 RO a ; ; : 19¢ A500 Chili Sauce 2 bots 35¢
on at Noxen an eeman Grow fe x Americ 8 rp
‘Mf from’. Laceyville bought oil OJ Delineator sifbeesinilviavan oi ( The en Routey 3el.2 Yn. 13¢ Delicious Fresh
“BI Stoves. Its mighty nice to cook [J Hollywood Movie Masg...1 Yr bed Ne Ay Home .....2.Y83. a. lar c
in a cool kitchen and we can Eat DO ; arge
furnish everything to do it with. 1 McCall's Magazine _...._.. 1Yre y ru n 3 Ss ie
[CI Movie Classic. ...
[J Pathfinder (Weekly) ....1 Yr.
J Pictorial Review... ... 1Yr.
. Oliver Cultivators sell at $9.00
for the one horse and $52.50 for
the two horse riding cultivator.
Thep're a real buy. Olin Ben-
To the &SCO Ovchest a and the ASCO Tenor.
2 over Station WBRE every Friday, 11:30 a. m.
ninger at Auburn just bought . ini These Prices Effective In Our Stores
a CJ Open Road (Boys).......2 Yrs. J Mlastrated Mechanics 1 Yr. in Dallas And Vicinity a
. Logs over your Mower 2nd Sf Book ..... eeeeenene | YH, [ Mother's Home Life _......1 Yr. tt
hay tools too, for repairs. Je d y | |. Ee
Ds oe Iv nr reen Play ...... ceri) Yr, CO Needlecraft ..................1 Yr.
[1] Successful Farming ........
J Woman's World ...........1 Yr.
Check 3 Magazines thus (X)
OJ True Confessions .........1Ye.
CJ Radioland ....... esivimmsersia nd YT.
Check 1 Magasine thus (X)
prompt service on reorders.
Save at Gay-Murray's
Gay-Murray Co.
—— The PERSONAL BRUSH of thousands
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Make This YOUR *
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Please clip list of Magazines after checking 4 Publica-
tions desired. Fill out coupon carefully.
Gentl : I enclose §. Please send me the
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Ps ye 1a