The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, January 05, 1934, Image 4

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— : By PERCY CROSBY onservation camp at Tyler, Pa., spent E. H. Bennett Piano
y : SR ! Se = : : the ‘Christmas holidays with his aunt c +
Phone Defias: 9087 R-7 === 7 yo HATE rT aes we 7 rs. John Isaacs and family . { 12th ANNUAL
. or Reservations Rl | S = San Th 1 vil borg i E = AAT - RET | = | Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hess enter- CLEARANCE SAL
FERNBROOK INN i 7 = ES SIRs : / os = | tained at dinner on Christmas day Mr. Closing out prices on ali pianos, n
a : l / : : 2 ind Mrs. M. K. Elston..Raymond Els- | and old, Grands and Uprights, She
Delicious Dinners {ton Mr. and Mrs. Owen Ide, Jane and | Music, Christmas and Foreign; Violi
Schlitz Beer on Draught # Donnie Ide and George Miers. | Guitars, Mandolins, Acqg .
_Dancing=—Everybody Welcome
| Henry Isaacs of Shavertown spent Harmonicas, etc. Ope.
| Wednesday of last week with John | 18 E. Market St., Wi
Isaacs and family, Mrs. Isaacs visited |
her sister Mrs. W. S. Kunkle and fam- |
BERAHRNRNRRRRRR RK hE Ml Sail ei My / BHA : iA Mrs. Jennie Warton of Elkland | CEASSE gi 4
RALPH D. LEWIS g lily Wp Wp AFT IRM A Thi , spent Christmas week with her brother
—COAI 4 A 7 74 7. fl i , i qi Yi rons In Pay. :
“ : 1 NR, A ~ A i ’ i Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hess entertain-
on Ring vou Wer “amills RO tl 7 5 Hn ed at dinner on Sunday Mr. and Mrs.!| FOR RENT —Seven-room hous
Phofie Dallas 231-R-§ 4 . N 7 ao . Ei YH? ) > 2 iH fi fif Clarence Smith and daughter Agnes of improvements; rent, $20; “In
SHAVERTOWN, PA. i STAI ii FH WY | in gl EY | / Centermoreland, Mr. and Mrs. William |Ernest Wood, Dallas 160 R2. 12-29
; an Sua : 2 rT) MA AL | nx : 7 20777 7°) Ls il 4 a > on Miers: and children Hannah and
BXREXXXERERREEKEXEXKRREKRS alin iy ENA : MH SEL 2 Lg] WR tot | FOR SALE: Stove and fireplace
3 y x 2 wood; good quality; two full cerds to
the load. Adolph Parrish, Idetown.
Telephone Harvey's Lake 3187%
——————— | I’ — Vl) 26 X26, X bh —~ ome esd 4 on = HH i Mr. and Mrs. M. K, Elston enter-
| tained at dinner on New Years day. Mr.
Ee = E / ~~ ) LH and Mrs. Stanley Elston and children
} = = - aE AA IN / 2 2A SY = | Hi of Beaumont, Mr..'and’' Mrs. Ralph |” x ;
BILL DAWKINS te Cry XS ; 3 777777 \ ™ PZ UK NE EEN | Hess and children, FOR SALE-=A few Guernsey vil
ey: = 7 z 1 [FCF EL = /) RE HHH | pure-bred Holstein cows, recentl
. - bred: blood tested; free® from tuber
culosis; all government inspected an
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Ide entertained
LIGHT LUNCH = { — Xa Nk “2 A] \ {at dinner on Sunday night Mr. wand
Beer And Dancing | > = J =] 3 WH tr 7 | VASA, | Mrs. William Weaver, Mildred Denns,
| > f 1 Z ll / rs fn A Si quaranteed healthy; must be sacrifi
"Phone Dallas 104-R:3- i 5 i SS f 7p == EA 4 ZN, | $2 | Raymond, Elston, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph {eq to make room for younger stock
! = z & 4 | i WW lzic ¢ / / | Hess, Doris and Janet Hess i
a RE can be inspected at W. | T. Payne’
CW OFFER | Pam, Bast Dallas; Prices reasonable
hon Dallas 127-R-12. 12-22-4T
Fernbrook .Corners,
| Several property - owners have le HOR, SALE —Second Hand Furni-
taken advantage of the offer made by ure, Including Ney Carpet Looms ins
the Civil Works Administration with famre Frank Randall, Adm, Harveys
: : ~ reference to aid in making sanitary |22Ke Over American Store. rr
ie Z a> y= i Z =. . 7) improvements on properties. Anyone | FIREWOOD FOR SALE—B
] P 7 Zz 2 / 2 Tits 3 3 g F S —BYy - the
That Good Gulf Gas and WL = / Zz & ; = wishing information can secure it by [103d or cord: Prompt Delivery: E. R
Pure Motor Oil AZ == 44 ZZ 2 S 2 = leléphoning: Elmer Retr af Harvey's | Parrish; “Telephone Harvey's Lake
Can Be Bought At } Ae 1///)// 7A A a Se Lake. | 3187. 1T
Brace’s Service Station i —— Secetst Tow. Eoees
Cron, Pe on c= — : : | Ll ium on the Coffee Trio!
jensen] (Fo +7 I= wo omEeT
The firstday Willie lanaea the job with the Baker Eight O'clock 15¢
Red Circle © 19¢
Bokar ib 23¢
“ Throw us out alittle somethin’- will ya, willie?”
School Board Meeting. Hes FANCY Sl IONA
Vallev’s Best Coal Kingston township school board will =
y meet tonight at the high school build- RICE Ketchup
Prom t Deliver ling at Trucksville, the meeting was
Pp y postponed from Tuesday night because
. . several of the members being away. :
Prices Delivered . Ever since the outbreak of the John- 2 Lbs O¢ 2 Bots 13¢
Dallas Fernbro ok son-Carle flareup of several weeks ago
Robert Tompkins of Dallas has re- |early morning breakfast party = after |the local populace has been talking
sumed studies at Pennsylvania State |the Women’s Club dance last Friday |about just what may happen at the FANCY—FRESH CREAMERY
Pea Nut Buck. y There were seventeen Cd next meeting. However, while most
College. night. ib
$6.75 $8.75 $5.00 » sa £ —t a of the keen observers are arguing the 21°¢
Mr. and. Mrs. Bernard Whitney of possibilities, the directors are keeping 11 ; ep
Shavertown Trucksville Shatortown cntoratniat ot ao digner -Jackson- silent on all questions and do not seem
party at their home in honor of Prof. : Convenientl
Pea Nut Buck. and Mrs. Paul R. Jones of Pember- Jn relable quarters, though it was Silverbrook Print Butter tl l Ibs 456
$6 50 $8 50 $4 "5 ton, N. J. The Roast Pig Supper served by the |hinted that if Thomas Carle is present .
: ” * ai Ladies’ Aid Society last week was wa |at the next meeting the school direcors i
Others present were: Mr. and Mrs. idecided success and was much enjoy- [ay take time out to show that his Del Monte Giant Size 8 .
SHAVERTOWN Russell C. Davies, Mr. and Mrs. |ed Three whole eight week old pigs |Salary has been paid in full to date. Fruit Salad 2 sc. 45¢ | Octagon Soap 5 cakes TS
Harold C. Lewis of Plymouth, Mr, |Were served. Carle-hias made.tfostaloment, that the f i i
Dallas : . a - an : district owes him two month's salary. Waldor For That Schoolgirl Complexion
and Mrs, Wesley E. Davies and Freida Shouldice is spending a few Fr nr is Car ~ te G T il t P 6 il 25 .
daughter, Beverly, Nescopeck, days with her parents. Tom all veporis, Carle exneels to be oiie aper rons c Palmolive Soap cake 5¢
: at the meeting and have ‘a final set-
Evelyn Rice of Forty Fort spent tjoment of the differences. Then, along Royal A Famous Food
Chauncey W. Turner of Dallas, {Chri as ri op X € : ] 1 07.
he SPR ns Cites en Christmog Day with her parents. with Carle’s side of the issue, comes Baking Powder — 18¢c Grape Nuts pkee 18¢c
y | Mrs. George Bond, Mrs. Pealer, and [the report that Mrs. Pearl Johnson in-
i reek r M ir riisit his | : = : ~—Delici ;
this week ‘for ontelair cto visit this Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wilcox spent a re- | tends being present at the meeting to Iona—Tielicious Small White
Ty :
Fi ca N. s 1B k roommate. i J ’ TE wk ; 2 , : ; . :
1 st ationa an cent week end in Bloomfieid, N. J. {ask pertinent questions about her Fpricots 2 Jee. 2T7¢c Soup Beans 2 Ibs 9¢
| DALLAS, PA. Se aa Nr To i tl a} |and New ork City. They made the |Misericordia College scholarship. ; : ;
[oi C= h 5 ata ° : pu Bn trip by automobile. School Director Newhart said he hopes Del Monte—Sliced White Naptha
Re hx fo a =e hay a Pls Helen Splitt attended the Woman's jlo ove a Scastyrsaip Pome college Pineapple ho 21c G&G Soap 3 cakes 10¢c
MEMBERS AMERICAN | son. J a air Bat Sativa!
BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION Sri ba Ei SO on Tae | Director Sor a take occasion to Grandmother's Milk Plus Wheat Equals
| Irving Person, = employe. of The |= SN Ph ; Faswar the charges made by Carle Bread a: a2 ost 9¢ Grandmoth at
* 8 & | Dallas Post, spent the Christmas| Mrs. Fred Shouldice entertained the i a Pa DA Sd Sliced or Unsliced
rat he, Hay, was responsible for the 14-0Z. SLICED do Whols Milk Brea 16-0z. Ge
college students being refused permis- 80-0Z. TWIN ......c.... 12¢ > loaf
sion to teach in the local high school.
Nothing has been heard from the
school director in this regard but it
DIRECTORS holidays at his home in Gloversville, |Ladies’ Ald, on Wednesday. :
' N.Y. The little program and song service
R. L. Brickel, C. A. Frantz, D. P. GE] {of Christmas Carols conducted by Rey.
Honeywell. W. B. Jeter, Sterling Mrs. Thomas Him and daughter, | Lynn Brown of Lehman, at the Jack-
Machell, W. R. Neely, Clifford W./f§| Ruth, spent the Christmas holidays son M. E. church on Friday evening was. rumored that if Carle is present ¢ ;
Space, A. C. Devens, Herbert Hill.l}|in Richmond, Va. !. r|preceding Christmas was much enjoy- ,¢ the meeting Diector Hay may make RIALS White Tall 2 e
a ed -by .those attending. The church |, oxplanation of the issue involved. TEX House Cans
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Ginsburgh of | Was decorated with greens and a Boa Party.
OFFICERS Trucksville are home from New Christmas Tree lighted. The members ho Y
C. A, Frantz, Pres York City lof the S. S. each received a box of | Dallas Chapter, Daughters of Ameri- Quaker Maid Foods—High in Value!
. . ’ . -1LY.
. : candy. jca, will conduct a Beano Party at the . : itv!
D. P. Honeywell, 1st Vice-Pres. + % u I PE at Toles High in Quality! You Save as You Spend
Sterling Machell, 2nd Vice-Pres. Mr. and. Mrs. C. M. Gay of Mill The public is invited to attend. When You Buy Them
Street entertained at a New Year's 5 P fs ; )
W. B. Jeter, Cashier dve party. Pinochle and other games " Alderson Brief Mention.
PR Quaker 1-1b.
¥ % » were played and a story telling con- fares : a no fia Malkemes, Baked Beans Maid Mee Se
/ [test was won by Leonard O'Kane, oi aniel and uaior ealer resume
Tires Per Cont Interest with Mrs. Booth second. A trio, hav- as Gouden, 25 Joon old wa of their studies at Girard College on The Health Cereal ' Ann Pzze—Pure Fruit
n Savings Deposits ing as members Clarence Gay, Her- |r: and Mrs. Jacob Conden, isin NeS- imyegday after spending the Christmas k 215
i : ‘larence Gay, 8 sin : ; Sh e .
NG hocount tod sinall to hesire schell Booth and Wilbur Sordon, en- bitt Memorial Hospital suffering form |ygeation here with their families. MELLO WHEAT p 8 15¢ PRESERVES jar 19¢
tertained with several delightful injuries received while sleigh riding on| Kenneth Appleton resumed his stu- Encore Prepared Gelatin Dessert
selootions Sunday. His condition at this time is
S So
dies at the Ithaca Conservatory of e ®
. { 5 S 3 3 pi ? aS i
Deposits Payable on Demand (}! 1y0 following attended: Miss Rob- favorable.. Music afe spending the holiday season SPAGHETTI 2 cans 15¢ Sparkle pkge 5¢
Vault Boxes for Rent ins, Clyde LaBarr, Wilbur Sordon Ruth York of Southold L. I. has re- jhere with his parents. ‘
or Lois Gay, Paul YaPBarr, Mr. and Mrs. | turned after having spent the holidays | The first project to be approved for
Self- Registering Savings Bank Free Leonard. O'Kane, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. W. S. [employment of men under the C. W. A. Specials For his
20NE ane, Mr. ¢ Mrs. Lin 3 i
Vietch Mr. and Mrs. Herschell will get underway in a few days. The
Booth, My, and Mrs. C. M. Gay. Ruth Jackson had as her guest over {project calls for the top soiling of the %
. ¢ «= New -Years Miss Ruth Wagner of lathletic field and seventeen men will VW ee = n s
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Schoonover On Sunday evening Miss be employed for twenty days at the
cacveful attention
Gladys, have returned [Jackson gave a party at her home. [rate of fifty cents an hour for six
bys ° and daughter, le HE ro ’ =, an © ico 5 :
\ Ee 51.3 : vhere they spent | xuests were Ruth Wagner, Adda Gar- |per day and five days per week. SMALL - LEAN : ;
First National Bank| fom fain) with thir | IDEET, Ruth Jackson, Grover Anderson | The firemen will meet at the school P k L ise Roast A 1 2 =
|daughter Mrs. S. L. Alling. Jr, Peter Kudhta and George Smith, pours per day and five days per week. or O01 i
PUBLIC SQUARE "oR Jr. who were appointed at the last meet-
| Mrs. Laura Patterson entertained | Ethel Harris of Harrisbug is spend- ling are requested to make reports on TENDER - JUICY
WILKES-BARRE, PA. lat a Christmas tea for Miss Belle |ing a month with her parents here. their undertakings at that time. k R ¢ ; 1b. a t
- |Holoway of Nebraska, dean of wo- Miss Mary Kuchta, a teacher in the Loon for the marl leaner Schatuls Chuce 0as
United ‘States Depository: {men at Lock Haven State Teachers’ |dinne on Christmas. in another section of today’s issue. ; 5. 0c
> ? y { College. Guests were: Roxy Smith, Mrs. Sterling Kitchen spent several A congregational meeting will be Best Cuts Chuck Roast,
{Gertrude Smith, Gladys Post, Mabel | gays last week with relatives in Par- |beld Monday night at the Lutheran a =:
OFFICERS |Bachman, Julia Montayne, Dorothy |sons. { church. LEGS, LOINS Vea ome i 19
Wm. H. Conyngham .... Fresident|]| Palmer, Mary Fedor, Julia Ayre, KUNK LE : OR RUMPS - Dressed
a : Be, Elizabeth Davies, Mabel Place, Fran- Local Folk Have Parts
Francis Douglas .. Ex. Vice Pres. §| ..c piace. Adelaide Garinger, Eliza- {Continued from Page 3) BONELESS
Chas. F. Huber .... 1st. Vice Pres. | psth Hildebrant, Clara Shiber, Ruth (Continued from Page 1)
: _ Hildebrant, Clara Shiber, Ruth : Rolled Veal . 19
M. G. Shennan Vice Pres. & Cashier|}|Dungee, Jane Ayre, Dororty Charles Brace spent the week-end 0 e ea
Is 8 's. Georgia Patterson. hak I Y 2 OW !
{5m and Mrs. G gi chak, Jean Elston, Sarah Brown, and holiday with Mr, and Mrs, Archie
wk * na : 4 : :
| Minnie Crispell, Betty Weid, Elsie Tk §
DIRECTORS | Miss Lettie Lee was: hostess at a | Culp Marnt Culp, Florence Kelly, Boyer of Kingston. : PRIME LARGE : 1 9
|buffet-supper at her home, Machell |T +” 2 ole Rh Francis McCarty and Richard Reese ib Roast END
Chas. N. Loveland Avenue, Friday night Diior to the 2 Craagle, Carolyn Kas. : land little daughter Rachel of Trucks- - /
Fred O. Smith | Yuletide dance of Dallas Woman's] Fraternity men are: Danny RiCh-|y;, wore callers at the W. S. Kunkle SMALL END Ib 21c 4
William. 8. McLean, Jr, {C1ub. The following were guests: Mr. joes, Fred Eck, Kenneth Oliver, Ar- | —
Kisfor. Walter Wilson, Robert {home on New Years day. = =
Wm. I. Conyngham and Mrs. Charles Whitesell of Shaver- | thur Kiefer, 2 Machel, Addie | Charle sFisher and son Harold and FRESH MADE - PURE / All % 19 |
‘His ar :
: on IVES trace Cav vilkes- | Hislop, Leonard aia ys Sl ore
Richard Sharpe town, Miss Grace Cave; of V ilk . [Woolbert, John Meade, Farl Van |Jack Byers of Trucksville called on or ausa e )
C. F. Huber Barre; Miss Veraa Cave of Wilkes Campen, Carl Weer, George Schultz, (William Baird recently at the Oliver
‘re; S Vi 5-Barre: ? 5) > / <4 c
Francis Douglas | Barre! John Sheehan, Wilkes-Barre: i Girvan, Clarence LaBar | Kunkle home.
Iiss Margar s, Dallas; James : 2) : MELROSE BRAND Whole or Shank Half
T. R. Hillard a {Samuel Brace, James LaBar, Robert| Mrs. Henry Shupp and son Law-
H Avg. 1b
Edward Griffith Ve John McHose and Robert |Oberst, George Gould. rote, Mrs Baiplh -Ashiburier a oo Smoked 2AMS ow
Wm. W. Inglis Beishline, Hazleton, John Lee, and|{ The production is being directed by a DE oa
M. G. Shen {Mr. and Mrs. C. Roscoe Lee of Dallas, | Mrs. Arlene Rood of Dallas, who has eats ers A sa FRESH - STEWING a
tm Miss Ann Miller, Wilkes-Barre; Miss [been associated with the National | ®ayre 8 ii
Wilma Thomas, Kingston. Association of Dramatics for the last| Mrs. Olive Hoyt of East Dallas re- Ave. 1 J q
® - -
° rear {cently entertained at dinner Mrs.
{year. {
Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent {= a . gO ae 5
; : tod | % Foe foie dr 11 |Charles Martin, Mrs. W. S. Kunkle, EE REE ee 2
: !" Mrs. John Durbin entertained mem- A special matinee for children will |€ ’ So ITER 4 ; <u
€ od 1 2. A 3 ~ ~ 3 alg N oN )
8 Per Sent Interest Paid On bers of her bridge club last night at bos held on Wednesday afternoon at 4 (Mrs, Rajsh Asihurser win sou Psigon = 3 AAT Lilo & LEIC TEA CO
Savings Deposits {her home. lin the borough high school auditorium, | MTS. Julia Kunkle, Mrs. Marshe
R00 Will Start An Account | gs x | A special reduced admission will be [Marin and Mrs. Timothy Labar.
= Mrs. Roscoe Lee entertained at an ! offered the children. J Owen Jones who is employed in a