THE DALLAS POST, DALLAS PA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1933. As _ Nothing Hiimed, Nothin Gained _ YOU KNOW WHAT A LUCKY LITTLE BOY YOU ARE" I wisn 1 WERE DON'T American News Features. Inc. ves 1 DOJ AN EVERY TIME WE PAGS THE GOLD EAGLE ICE CREAM PALACE, AN THINK HOW HAPPY 1' COULD MAKE wy LI'L BOY BY Buoy Joadiines of 1933 / (Continued from Page 1) February 3: BRE'R GROUNDHOG PUT ON SPOT BY BRIGHT SUN- | LIGHT . . . Boy Scouts Win At King- ston Rally . . MRS. WILHEMINA | ‘KRAUSE, 17, SUCCUMBS AFTER WEEK'S ILLNESS OF PNEUMONIA. / Asa R. Halcomb Dies Ags Result of Serious Burns Received Last Fall . Signs of Spring Accompany | “Warm ‘Weather. February 10: TOWNSHIP TAXPAY- ERS MOVE TO REDUCE TAXES . . Sixty Citizens Attend Organiza- tion Meeting at Township School . . MISS BROWN, SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER FOR FORTY YEARS, ONORED AT DINNER . BOR- OUGH SCHOOL AUDIT COMPLET- ED . Shows Reduction of $8,000 in Expenses for the Year. ~ February 17: SCHOOL BOARD DISAPPROVES LAW CHANGES | . ~ Dallas Directors Forward Copies of 5 Findings To Law Makers . . . STATE GROWN APPLES LEAD FOREIGN MARKET . . LEHMAN SCARES D LLAS H. 's. BUT IS DEFEATED, : 22 + .. MISS MADGE ANDER- ON TO DIRECT LOCAL MUSICAL Township Taxpayers’ Group Issues Report On Expenses . . . URGES COLLECTION OF PAST DUB TAXES AMOUNTING TO $30,- 000. . NO SOLUTION FOR MYS- _ TERY SHOCKS HERE . .. Investi- gation Fails To Digclose Source of Concussions . . LOCAL FAMILY SAW ZANGARA ATTEMPT MURDER . . . B. P. Stroh, manager, Common- wealth Telephone Co. office, saw Gui- seppe Zangara aim at President-elect Rooseveit and kill Mayor Anton Cer- mak of Chicago in Florida . . MUSI- CAL COMEDY PRODUCTION SPON- SORED BY FIRE COMPANY . . Conference Fight Tightens: Lehman ~ And Dallas Township Win. 5 i - =» =% March 3: ZR SCHOOLEY - MOURNED . HERE .. . . Dallas De- feats Beaumont To Tie For First Place .. MRS. M. C. HONEYWELL DIES FOLLOWING LINGERING ILL- . NESS ... New Asgembly Rroom And ~ Painting At Dallas M. E. Church pro- vided By Volunteer Labor . .FIRE DESTROYS LAKE PROPERTY ... Mysterious Blaze destroys Monastery of Sacred Heart of Jesus ... JOHN | SULLIVAN AND HARRY ANDER- SON ATTEND INAUGURATION OF | - ROOSEVELT, aa March 10: LOCAL BANK OPENS TODAY . To Cooperate In Carrying Out Federal Regulations After National | ~ Bank Holiday . MR. AND MRS. ADAM STOCK CELEBRATE GOLD- "IN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY . . NO SCARLET FEVER REPORTED | IN DALLAS . Kingston: Township \s three cases . . . Wilkes-Barre Has One Death ...3 wildcats killed ounty. : ~ March 17: Heavy Deposits Locally Indicate Confidence In Methods Em- | ployed To Meet Banking Crisis . . . LOCAL THESPIANS SCORE TRE- | ~~ MENDOUS SUCCESS WITH “CIR- CUS SOLLY”; FIREMEN GRATIFI- "ED .. Sheep Near Here Attacked by Dogs . POST'S ALL CONFER- ~ EINCE SCHOLASTIC BASKETBALL TEAM Elston, Lehman; Matukowitz, Dallas Borough; Hislop, Dallas Town- I . ship; ‘Woolbert, ~ Labar, Capt., Dallas Borough. March 24: DANIEL WATERS RE- © SIGNS AS PRESIDENT OF DALLAS ~ SCHOOL: BOARD AT STORMY SES- SION . . _ Sullivan Considered Out. standing Candidate For Postmaster’s “Job... CHAMPIONSHIP OF LEA- GUE AT STAKE IN DALLAS-KING- STCN' TOWNSHIP GAME, MARCH 5-28, March 31: DALLAS TOWNSHIP TAXPAYERS DELIVER ULTIMA - TUM | TO OFFICIALS Stress Need Fora Collecting $40,000 Delinquent | “Paxes .,. Cite 75% Cut In Farmers’ ‘Income . . . CIRCULATE . PETITION ... DALLAS DEFEATS TOWN- SHIP TO WIN BI-COUNTY TITLE Closely Contested Game Witnessed By Capacity Crowd . . SFRING BRINGS POLITICAL; TALK ... GOODLEIGH FARMS AWARDED TROPHY, * x * Board MO- April 7: Dallas Borough Names Swartz President . . . STPION TO RETAIN UBER ENDS IN TIE -.. Plans Near Completion for Egg Hunt Next Saturday . .. PRE- CAUTIONARY MEASURES STEM | TIDE OF SCARLET FEVER CASES Ee - BEER WILL BE LEGAL - ON SS PRIDAY.. .. Young Snakes Sign Of Spring Here. April 14: CHILDREN ‘GALA EASTER EGG - MORROW ... Four Farm Clubs ~ ganized Flere . . Lowest Prices Pwenty Years, .. DALLAS IN V ST LEY'S RENOVIZE CAMPAIGN. i April 21: Fall Election To See Live- ly Election Here . . . REV. FRANK SP. HARTSOCK, PASTOR Of DAL- "LAS iM. E. CHURCH, RETIRED BY CONFERENCE . . DALLAS WO- | MEN'S CLUB HAS FIRST DANCE . Township Taxpayers’ Associa- tion “Urges Action Against Delinquent READY HUNT FOR Or- {crops | Kingston Township: Good | TO- | In | AL | . | Taxpayers. April 28: CONSOLIDATION TO BE SUBJECT OF CONFERENCE... !School Directors From 3 Local Dis- tricts to Meet. . .Rev. ‘Francis Freeman Comes to Dallas M. Church - Rev. Fred M. Sellers ap- |pointed to. Shavertown Charge;. WINTER STAGES ‘COMEB ACK | | SNOW YAY May 5: | TION FOR DALLAS TOWNSHIP . |School Board Approves 8-Mill foronse DANE Ty ARS on KINGSTON TOWNSHIP CUTS te ] SCHOOL TAX REDUC - | SCHOOL, MILLAGE FROM 27 TO 25 | . THIRD FIRE BURNS MONAS- | TERY STABLE GAY CELE-| BRATION AT LAKE ENDS AS LAW | {ARRIVES ... . | Heaviest. May 12: KIRKENDALL IS LIKE- {LY 2CHOICH "FOR +P. 0. JOB. .7, IWEATHER DELAYS Dallas Tennis Fans Or- ganize . . .200 CLUB WOMEN MEET AT DALLAS. May 19: HUNDREDS VARIOUS EVENTS WHICH MARK MOTHER'S DAY WANTED: ANOTHER PIED PIPER .. .Shaver- (town Prepares for Dedéisive Battle [With Pesky Rodents... CHURCH {OBSERVES 8TH ANNIVERSARY . St. Paul's Lutheran Marks Growth From Small Group ... Sunny Wea- ther Sees Farmers Speeding work. May 26 New Taxpayers’ Associa- tion Is Organized Here .. . Disque President . . . OLD' RESIDENTS RE- TURIN TO ORANGE FOR COMMUN- ITY DAY ... Lee Tracy Here To Vi- sit Mother . . . June 2: D AL LAS BOROUGH SGHOOI. BOARD CUTS MILLAGE {FROM 30 TO 25 AT TAXPAYERS’ REQUEST ... . 150 Names On Peti- tion Asking For General Tax Reduc- tion Here . . CONCRETE ROAD AT LAKE TO BE EXTENDED SOON, June 9: DALLAS HIGH TO GRA- DUATE 16 ... DALLLAS BOROUGH COUNCIL - SLASHES TAX LEVY 3 MILLS ... . Inspectors Refuse License to Several Local Retails... HIGH WINDS DO DAMAGE. June 16: CALVIN McHOSE NAM- ED PRINCIPAL OUGH HIGH SCHOOL . . . Firemen Vote To Improve Pumper .:. DAN CUPID MAKES DOUBLE BULL'S EYE . .. Romance Invades Three Classes Of Local High ‘Schools . , . ‘DALLAS MERCHANTS SEE TRADE UPTURN. .45 Graduate From King- ston Township, June 23: TWO PROMINENT MEN TAKEN BY DEATH . .. Floyd Hodla- cher and Rev. Charles Monroe Answer I Final Summons . . KINGSTON {TOWNSHIP BOARD DROPS FIVE TEACHERS _ . . Noxen Post Office (Now Fourth Class . . . TAXPAYERS TO OPEN FIRE ON LIST OF FIFTY. June 30: Roof Collapses, Kills {Charles Posten . . . FIREMEN PLAN {CARNIVAL .. . LIENS FILED AGAINST DELINQUENTS. Sunday Traffic Year's July 7: RROvE ATTACKS TROL- |LEY RATES . . Sewage Plant Possible ‘With Federal Funds . . . ATTORNEY |JURCHAK OFF FOR EUROPE _ .. John Hackling Dies At Noxen . TWO [WYOMING COUNTY MEN KIL LED IN NEIGHBORING SAND PITS ON SAME DAY. July 14: COUNCIL TO DISCUSS POSSIBILITY OF FEDERAL AID ON SEWAGE PLANS . . . Haying Starts Early; Crops Good Despite Dry Spell Showers Help . FATHER'S TRUCK KILLS DAUGHTER Loe Child Steps Into Path Of Vehicle Driven Bv Ken- neth Cobleigh, Shavertown . . . RAZE {OLD RAUB HOTEL. July 21: COUNCIL NOT ENTHU- {STASTIC ABOUT SEWAGE PLANS SEE HOPE FOR CONSOLIDATION ‘YET THIS YEAR . .. FRIEDRICH {KARL VON HERTZOG HUBER AND 'OESTEMANN VISITS POST .. CIR- ICUS DAY JULY 28 . NEAR-TRAGE- 'DY COMES TO LOCAL YOUNG- (STERS PLAYING IN DUGOUT ... 1. A. McHenry Sees “New Deal” 'Workinlg ‘While On 3,500 Trip to Mid- late West. : July 28: School Directors Select John Durbin - To Fill Vacancy . . (PHIL: REYNOLDS, LOCAL PILOT, [CARRIES RADIO MEN TO GREET |. .. GENERAL BALBO'S ARMADA .. .. JER TROLLEY FARE IS GOAL [oF TAXPAYERS Hermit Of [Huckleberry Mt. Hale And Hearty At |Seventy-One. * 0» Noxen To Form * August 4: Tannery (ployes Move COUNTY'S i ATTEND | 3 OF DALLAS BOR- | J | . lwellyn Santiago, (for friends here before Em- | Uniomi. .:3 COMMUNITIES STRIKE KEYNOTE | {OF COOPERATION . ... Agree On Im- |possibility Of Consolidation Vote This Fall . . . Henry Disque, Dallas, Ap- pointed Coats Inspector N.. Ri A. E AGLE APS WINGS OVER DAL- : 8: Augus t 18: DELUGE OF PETI- TIONS GIVES PROMISE OF HEAT- ED ELECTION . Battle Lines Drawn . FIREMEN’S CARNIVAL A SUC- CESS DESPITE BAD WEATHER. August” 25: FOUR = DAY: RAIN DRENCHES BACK MOUNTAIN AREA . . . Creeks. Overflow, Trains I.ate, Crops Damaged, Roads Hazar- idous _ . . Record Rainfall . . . RAIN - SWOLLEN STREAM TAKES LIFE {OF NANCY SHUPP, AGED 2 . {PLAY TOURNAMENT TO BE HE LD | SOON . . . RESERVOIR. AND NEW {WELLS WOULD ASSURE: ADE- QUATE WATER SUPPLY, SAYS The Heritage American Room No. 5—New Upholstery By CARL HECK Consulting Art Director, Bigelow Weavers Nothing succeeds like new upholstery in niture. This shows the changes made in the sofa and rocker by new coverings. changing the appearance of the old fur- PHOLSTERING can cover a multitude of sins. ng succeeds like new upholstering when it’s a question of modernizing old furniture. Often chairs or sofas which seem beyond hope can be com- pletely transformed into charming pieces by smart new coverings which will frequently overcome defects in proportion and line. Our old room, you will remember, was dominated by dark overstuffed balloon-like sofa. A comfortable but bulging armchair, upholstered in the same monotonous dark taupe cut- plush, formed a drab spot nearby. Our first reupholstering move, then, is to recover the sofa with a smartly tailored rep fabric in a soft blue-green which softens the sofa’s line and gives it a trim and smart appearance. Two pillows in terra cotta were used as colorful accents on the sofa: Then we took twenty years off the age of the chair by recovering it with a color- ful figured glazed chintz of the same material as the over-draperies. Pleated valances, added to the bases of both chair and sofa, served the double purpose of hiding the ungainly base and bringing the furniture down toward the floor, giving an air of greater stability and repose. Next comes the rejuvenation of the certainly Noth- ‘pads are also placed on seats and low-arm rocker, a piece so popular in SPEAKER BEFORE TAXPAYERS. i . ® * September 1: POSITIONS ON BALLOTS DRAWN BY CANDI- DATES . .. D. P. HONEYWELL A[N- SWERS CHARGES OF SCHOOL Board Agrees to Pay Auditors . . . EN FROM CREEK - AFTER LONG SEARCH ... MUNICIPAL VERSUS PRIVATE OWNERSHIP MAJOR TO- ‘PIC AT CONFERENCE ON WATER PROBLEM _ . . dents Return Czechoslovakia. September 8: Dallas Township Board Agrted to Pay Auditors . . . FARLEY ‘ANNOUNCES APPOINT- MENT OF KIRKENDAIJ. AS DAL- LAS POSTMASTER .. . Miss Alice Button Becomes Bride of Truman O. Stewart .. . DALLAS MAKES 40 PER CENT GAIN IN COLLECTION OF PAST-DUE TAXES . .. Isabelle Lle- noted soloist sings returning to Mt. Greenwood Resi- | From Trip through Milan, Italy . .. AND BICYCLE . . Jackson Guernsey ends Sixty Day Tour of Country. September 15: INTEREST. HIGH AS PRIMARY BATTLE NEARS END Powerful Slates Function In Ex- citing Borough Contests; Lines Sharp- ly Drawn By Factional Groups . . ABANDON HOPE TO HAVE VOTE 8,000 MILES BY BUS }... many homes. A figured cushion with a saucy ruffled skirt is added to the seat of the chair and a pad is tied, Colonial fashion, to its back. The material used for both pad and cushion is a glazed chintz in small figures of light terra cotta and ivory on a terra cotta ground. In many homes an old patent rocker offers a problem all its own. Every- one likes the comfortable tilt but no one cares for its antiquated appear- ance. An effective method of treat- ing this piece is to wedge the rocking base at the angle you prefer and then put a valance around the lower part of the chair to hide the base. Add a smart upholstering to the rocker’s back and seat and you have a .chair as comfortable as ever and really good looking. In our Heritage American room backs of the small chairs in the room, providing bright spots of color as well as an opportunity to hide some out- moded gingerbread spindles and carv- ings in the design of the chair backs. Before we can proceed with the grouping of our redressed furniture we must consider certain bad archi- tectural features that are common to most of the older houses. Our next article will show how to overcome them. ON LOCAL OPTION HERE . . . Football Squads Start Training; First Game At Luzerne September 29 . . . Tax Group Saves Borough Citizens $7,500 ISAACS AND HONEY- WELL DEBATE ON DISPUTE OVER 'AUDIT ... Lake Lutheran Church Be- gins 11th year. September 225 VOTERS FAVOR {FEW WITH TWO NOMINATIONS; MANY CONTESTS TO BE DECIDED | |#N' NOVEMBER . . . Anderson Defeats Wagner In Dallas Disque and Garrahan Win Two Nominations In Borough . . . Sixth District Lead For’ Morgan Overcome By Other: County Returns . . . FOOTBALL SEASON OPENS TOMORROW _. . Taxpayers’ | Association To Carry Campaign On | Finger Wave, Marcel, Shampoo, Manicure, or Eye Brow Arching ~ For - Appointment 'Phone “Dallas 109-R-10 MARGARET'S BEAUTY SHOPPE Carverton Rd. - Trucksville, Pa. Water Problem To Public ‘Service Commission . . . Dedicate I. O, 0. F. Memorial Law At Fern Knoll. - September 29s SHRINE VIEW SEC- TION - JOINS WITH DALLAS IN COMPLAINT TO P. § .C. ... . CROPS SUFFER SUMMER Cold, ' Rain, Drought, Show Effect On Local Harvest OLD RESIDENT © CALLED BY DEATH . . . James Waters, -75, Was Widely Known Through This Section. . DRIVER OF AUTOMOBILE WHICH KILLED R RUTH PARKS LAST FALL IS ACQUITTED. . . . TALK OF IN- DEPENDENT CANDIDATES STIRS GENERAL ELECTION INTEREST . . . Dallas Helps. To Observe NRA DAY . . FOOTBALL TAKES SPOTLIGHT, RT Ce ; October 6: MUNICIPAL OWNER- SHIP. TO ‘BE’ LAST RESORT BOR- OUGH TAXPAYERS AGREE . .. IN DEPENDENT PARTIES THROUGH- OUT COUNTY ENLIVEN ELECTION CAMPAIGN . Five Independent | Tickets Already Pre-Empted In Coun- ty Fight . . . Local Appellations . . . WILSONS OBSERVE - GOL DEN WEDDING . MRS. WOOLBERT IS CALLED BY DEATH-. . . “Too Much Politics”, So Woman Clerk Quits And Demands Probe ... PINCHOT OR- GANIZATION CRITIZED BY UNEM- PLOYED OF WYOMING COUNTY. | October 13: Arrest by O'Kane Ends’ Success Of Youthful Burglary Ring Here . .. Car Barn Fire Results In Capture Of Youths . PETITION SENT TO P. S. C. BY TAXPAYERS’ | ASSOCIATION THIRTEENTH . . . OLD-FASHIOIN- ED ZERO WEATHER ON ITS WAY, SAY PROPHETS . MOVEMENT | AGAINST RECOGNITION OF RUS- STA STARTED IN TRUCKSVILLE. October 20: TANNERY STRIKE | ENDS IN ARBITRATION CONFER- ENCE . Independents, County Fight And Repeal Enliven General Election . Wild Hallowe'en Celebration To Feel | Law's Wrath, Says O'Kane . . ‘Start | Work On New Bridge At Noxen.” October 27: SURPRISE POLITI- | CAL MOVE. AIMED AT CLARK, HIMMLER .. . G, O. P. Committee- AS RESULT OF FREAK. .ISWOYERVILLE | |DAY SPORTS . . . FRIDAY, THE man Among Signers Of Petition F Citizen's Ticket . Complete Inde pendent Slate . . . INDUSTRY MOVES FORWARD IN RESPONSE TO: N. a . A. & P. To Expand Here; Pla To. Take New Quarters . . . DALLAS WINS SURPRISE VICTORY OVER TUNKHANNOCK BUT BOWS. TO } REZONING GIVES DALLAS LOWER STREET CAR -FARE . . . Taxpayers Get Credls For Reduction, * November 3: COUNCIL AND TAX COLLECTOR FIGHTS, CHNTER OF INTEREST . . .Factional Lines Strong [As Candidates Await General Election foes BUSINESS SECTION UNDER- {GOES CHANGE . . . Four Local Firms | Taking New Quatrers On Main Street i . . AGENCIES GAVE 4.122 SERVIC- |ES HERE LAST YEAR . . . ) | Federation Seeks Support In Ca | paign Starting November 13 . . . Mr [Res B. Kirkendall, Major . {HUNTSVILLE CHRISTIAN CHURCH {IS NINETY YEARS OLD... HAL- LOWEEN CAPERS TRANSFORM DALLAS, J November 10: G. O. P. WINS IN- IDEPENDENTS FALL: LOCAL VOT- |BERS FOR REPEAL, AGAINST SUN-_ . Dungey" Defeats | Coolbaugh For Dallas Borough Tax {Collector . . . C. W. F. CAMPAIGN {CORPS AWAITS ZERO HOUR . . . Death of Mrs. C. I. Boston Grieves Many ... INTER-COMMUINITY GROUP TO TRY TO BEAUTIF DRIVE FROM VALLEY {Goes A-Hunting, Suffers From Sen ment And Fallen Arches .. . MOUNTAIN RIVALS {ARMISTICE GAME. November 17: CHARGES AGAINST [CLAIR WINTERS AWAIT FURTHEE EVIDENCE . Mercury Drops As Cold .Coatinues . . . KINGSTON | TOWNSHIP PROTESTS BOROUGH VICTORY . . . Asks To Have Satur- !day’s Game Replayed . . . DALLAS {GROUP PUSHES TOWARD GOAL ‘IN FEDERATION CAMPAIGN . oes 'RAMBLER ROSES AND LAUREL {MAY BEAUTIFY HIGH WAY NEXT November 24: DALLAS GROUR : (Continued on Page 8) Happy 1934 ... to You and Yours . . . is our sincerest wish for the incoming year. years . sixteen ounces to the be thrifty during 1934 Stores— Our resolution is the same as in past to give you honest values and full . always. To in the pound is to shop Where Quality Counts and Your Money Goes Furthest ‘Our Stores will be closed NEW YEARS DAY. Open late Fri. and Sat. Nights, Dec. 29 & 30. -Continuing Our Pre-Inventory Sale- 10c No. 2 cans 201s Be sure to take advantage Cut Stringless Beans 45C0 Cooked Red Beets Standard Quality omatoes Choice Tender Sugar Corn Choice Green Lima Beans big No. 3 cans 12 5:25 of this exceptional value. Your Choice 3. 25° | 5c Fancy White Pea Beans T ESERV a O00 S JU Phone Dalla “New Ye SPECIAL ENTERTAINMENT, TURKEY DINNER Noise Makers and Music by El Terry and His Band ATIONS $2.50 PER PERSON Start the Ney 87-R-13 and Join the big Party The White House Fernbrook, Pa. Opposite Fernbrook Park Auto Entrance ar's Eve” y Year Right Cc 3 » 10 You Save Five Cents 98¢ Assorted Chocolates Gold Seal Rolled Oais 2 = 171° 5p box 13c Best Pink Salmon 2 21° Ideal for Salads 51, 9 box tall cans $1:49 A ssorted Chocolates 1 39 Mother’s: Rolle Oats 2 =~ 13: jae Choice California... Sond m— Packed in a rich 2 oval 15¢ Tomato Sauce dressing. It Pays to Stop and Shop the ASCO Way | These Prices Effective In Our Stores in Dallas And Vicinity