The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, December 22, 1933, Image 5

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Hun EDWARD F. KOTCH 1 wnmnele]
The law of averages just wasn't
with Dallas Tuesday night. They out-
shot Lehman basket for basket, but
could not find the ring, while Lehman
did enough sharp-shooting to win.
1 i —()— >
Dr. Raddo, Dallas guard, is a small
man but he surprises many a bigger
one with his agility and aggressive-
“Whity” Morris, Dallas's aged and
iy i battle-scarred basketball warrior, uses
ke wy his wits to save his wind. After a
‘fast and furious rally, “Whity" sud-
: denly discovered that one of his shoe-
laces needed to be replaced. When this
had been accomplished, Morris was re-
freshened and ready for more.
After the Christmas
Holidays the
teams will swing into action.
as was predicted in this column some
time ago, was admitted to ths Con-
ference. This addition brings the to-
tal of Conference members to seven,
“which will give a more crowded sche-
~ dule and more games each week.
A glimpse of the team’s action leav-
es the impression that Kingston town-
~ ship, Ixaketon and Lehman high
schools have the teams that will be in
on the fight for the cup which Dallas
pi A Borough now holds. Beaumont and
Dallas borough have been too crippled
by the loss of last year’s regulars to
~ © be a serious threat for championship
& honors and Dallas township will suf-
ph fer because of the lack of a proper
2 _ Place to practice.
Backetball fans in this vicinity wiil
~ be offered a novel treat this season.
Fans will now be able to see three
games in one night. The girls’ teams
will start the ball rolling. The high
School teams will then take the floor
to play their scheduled Conference
games. A Rural League game will
top off the evening for the final. It is
.'a varied and: hearty sports fare to say
arouse and Sustain the interest of the
local fans in its teams nothing will.
Homer E. Nelson, Dallas borough
high coach, and Rural League referee,
make it a habit to move fast. Tues-
day evening Nelson finished referee-
ing a game in the borough gymnasium
and at nine o'clock he was busy refer-
ing the Dallas-Lenman game at Leh-
man. This, admittedly is fast work;
however due credit must be given to
“Pete” Small, who literally flew the
coach from Dallas to Lehman.
As far as can be ascertained, Dallas
high school officials have just about
completed arrangements with the
‘Borough School Board whereby they
: will be given the use of the borough
high gymnasium on the nights that
~~ the borough team plays away from
~ home. They will also have use of the
borough gymnasium for practice. If
this goes through the persons respon-
sible are to be commended for their
good: sportsmanship,
~ Coach Nelson, if he could. would
, write a letter to Santa Claus asking
© ‘for a tall center, and ‘a fast forward.
The loss of Lavelle, Labarr, Matusko-
Bi-County Interscholastic Conference |-
Noxen, |
the least. If this arrangement doesn’t | :
Winter I* (ANADA
HE invigorating climate of
a typical Canadian win-.
ter, now regarded as an
advantage rather than a
hardship, with its unusual
variety of healthful and
appealing sports, is at-
tracting increasing num-
bers of visitors to the Dominion.
Across Canada there are many beau-
tiful and attractive snow-clad moun-
tains, hills and valleys, which offer
exceptional opportunities for enjoy-
ing a wide variety of outdoor winter
sports, The principal activities are
skiing, snowshoeing, skating, tobog-
ganing, curling, hockey, bob-sledding
"and dog derbies, all of which may
be thoroughly enjoyed, under ideal
conditions, With the exception of
an occasional day during mid-winter,
the temperature is not too cold
to participate in outdoor sports.
While motor travel ‘is not general
in Canada during the winter season,
there are many long stretches of
highway which are kept conditioned
throughout the winter months: The
visitor will always find Canadian
train service a modern and luxurious
Wide Range of Sports in
In the province of Quebec the major
resort Jis-
of the leading summer
tricts remain open-the vear round
providing good accommoration Lor
those who wish to participate in
winter events
Every Province
Each province of Canada possesses
winter attractions more or less pecu.
liar to their own particular sur-
roundings. Practically all forms of
winter sports are available in the
Maritime Provinces, but a preference
is “shown for hockey. and curling
éports events: centre in and around
Montreal, Quebec City, Murray Bay.
and the Laurentian mountains
Lovers of winter sports will find
vast territories in the province of
Ontario which are ideal in location
and in scenic beauty. Ottawa, the
federal capital, is adjacent to some
of the finest skiing country on the
continent while the best of ice-
vachting may be enjoved in Toronto
bay and along the waterfront of
at Revelstoke. -
\leanquin Park districts, hotels and
1hins are open for the accommoda-
tion of winter visitors. © In Mani-
sha. the Winnipeg bonspiel and the
winter carnival held at The Pas,
wre annual events of international
‘terest. Banff, situated in the scenic
Canadian Rockies in Alberta, is one
of the most important centres for
winter sports Record performances
in ski-jumping have been witnessed
The islands and
mainland of the southwestern part
of British Columbia offer golf, tennis
and other summer sports, for the
winter visitor. © ges ~~
Gnvernment Bureau sup-
plies Free Information
Information. concerning «winter
sports ‘in Canada can’ be obtained
from the National Development
Bureau, Department of the Interior
at Ottawa. Those who desire such
information should state. if possible,
the particular district or distriets in
which they are interested. fo ensure
the most complete available data
travel arrangement, * Hotels in many
lake Ontario. In the Muskoka and
being supplied.
MyFavorite Recipes
+. Frances -
OW pleasant are the leisurely
Sunday breakfasts and suppers
when family and friends are gath-
ered around the board to eat and
talk and eat some more.
These happy occasions call for
something extra special in the way
of food.
Ham Waffles
2 cups sifted flour; ¥% teaspoon soda;
2 teaspoons combination baking powder;
3, teaspoon salt; 1 tablespoon sugar; 3
egg yolks, well beaten; 1% cups sour milk;
1/3 cup melted butter; 2 egg whites,
stiffly beaten; 1 cup uncooked smoked
ham, finely diced, =
Sift flour once, measure, add soda, bake
ing powder, salt, and’ sugar, and sift
again. Combine egg yolks, milk, and bute
ter. Add to flour, beating until smooth.
Fold in egg whites. Bake in hot waffle
iron. Sprinkle % cup ham over batter of
each waffle just before closing iron. Serve
soft scrambled eggs on each waffle. Bacon
may be used instead of ham. Makes: four
4-section waffies.. Sr
Apricot Muffins
2 cups sifted flour; 2 teaspoons come
bination baking powder; 2 tablespoons
sugar; Y2 teaspoon salt; 2 cup dried apri-
cots, washed, dried, and cut; 1 egg, weil
beaten; 1 cup milk; 4 tablespoons melted
butter or other shortening.
Sift flour once, measure, add baking
powder, sugar, and sali, and sift again.
Add apricots. Combine egg, milk, and
shortening. Add to flour, beating oily
enough to dampen all flour, Bake in
greased muffin pans in hot oven (425° F.)
25 minutes, or until done. Makes 12
Quick Coffee Cake
E. H. Bennett Piano Co.
Closing out prices on all pianos, new
and old, Grands and Uprights, Sheet
Music, Christmas and Foreign; Violins
Guitars, Mandolins, Accordions, Ukes,
Harmonicas, etc.
18 E. Market St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
Open evenings.
Dial 2-4514
2 cups sifted cake flour; 2 teaspoons
combination fhaking powder: Ji teaspoon
salt; 6 tablespoons sugar; 5 tablespoons
butter or other shortening; 1 egg, well
beaten; 1/3 cup milk. ¢
1% tablespoons melted butter; 4 table-
spoons sugar; 1 tablespoon flour; Jz tea-
spoon cinnamon. 5
Sift flour once, measure, add baking .
powder, salt, and sugar, and sift again.
Cut in shortening. Combine egg. and
milk; add to flour mixture all at once,
stirring carefully at first, then vigorously
until mixture is well blended. Turn inte
greased 9-inch layer pan, spreading dough
evenly. Brush top with melted butter.
_ Sprinkle with mixture of sugar, flour, and
cinnamon. Bake in het oven (400° PF.)
25 to 30 minutes. 5
~The annual meeting of the share:
holders of the First National Bank of
Dallas, Pa., for the election of dii-
ectors will be held at the Bank on
Tuesday, January 9th, 1934 (second
Tuesday) between the hours of ten
and eleven o'clock A. M.
W. B. Jeter, Cashier
December 8, 1933
.. . and nowhere is the Spirit of Christmas
~ more evident than in your neighborhood
American Store. You can always be assured
of complete satisfaction and buy with con-
'Phone Dallas, 9087-R-7
For Reservations
Delicious Dinners
Schlitz Beer on Draught
We Wish You A al
185 Main Sti, Luzerne
Across from Lare’s Store
FAD ~ witz, Besteder, and McGuire, five re-
RST ~ gulars of last year’s team, is going to
be a severe and almost insurmountable
5 ~~ handicap in the borough team's fight
go ih to again win the Championship Cup.
EN Dallas borough already has two legs
¥ ,,on the Cup. A third championship
Boge “would entitle it to permanent posses-
2" sion of the Cup. ‘This is a case of the
5 TH first three laps being the hardest.
BE ener wemmm— eee
EAE Cai i
The Dallas Post
New Features
Three Column
(creator of Skippy)
“Just Folks”
“Reg’lar Fellows
- Dancing—Everybody Welcome —
help us to start the New Year with a perfect
record? If you've neglected your subscription
why not mail it to us during the next week, |
fo I A ao
selections—every item of which are
clearly marked down over prices at
which we sold them only a month ago
special tables of gift
a few cents, some
*- ~ We have three
—some reduced
many cents. Come in and see these
; wonderful values. =
Compact, lip-stick and face
powder in onyx anc $3 25
jade packages .....
A light and dark coated cho-
colate candy in attractive
Christmas boxes 5
pounds. iu. 3 98c
A delightful
this delicious candy in at-
tractive holiday gift
boxes $7.50 to 25¢c
Ebony back brush with stur-
dy bristles and $2 50
assortment of
comb to match ..
regular $3.50 value
A wide ‘range to select from.
Brownie and all intermediate
sizes. Priced from 98c to $25.
The gift that will please the
heart of any woman, five
colors in one box, including
polish orange sticks
and emory board .. $1.25
Everady brushes made of real
badger. The gift all men
want but seldom get. Priced
from $2.00 to $10. and worth
Sheaffer Chilton, and Parker
In a wide variety of colors.
Also beautiful desk sets.
Fountain Pens ...... $2.00 up
Desk Sets
Where Quality Counts, Your Money Goes Furthest
Our Stores will be closed CHRISTMAS DAY.
open late Fri. and Sat. Nights, Dec. 22 & 23.
LPI) CAC] 0 .
LE REE) I El Ped 0%0%0%0%0%2%2"2%c%c%a%e 2%"
~~ ——
Gold Medal Flour
Gold Seal Finest Family
24 1b. pas. o7¢ s 48 wa $1.92
No more baking failures when you use this all-purpose Flour
mame —————
12 m vas 46¢C
24 1b. bag $1.12
ASC0 Baking Powder
can 5¢, 10¢, 19c¢
ASCO New Pack Golden
3a 25°
Pumpkin a
“4 _ _ Ready for instant use. The tasty kind.
ry CO []
- PS SE - 2%a%e®e La)
ASCO Spices 3 cans 20c
[mp. Currants pkg 13c
‘Diamond Walnuts 1b 25¢
Postum Cereal pkg 21c
Grape-Nuts pkg 19¢
Baker's Chocolate 1/5 1b 23c
Calumet Baking Powder, can 9¢, 17e, 33c i
Glenwood Cranberry Jelly =~ No. 2 can 15¢ :
‘R. & R.or Atmore’s Plum Pudding can 25¢ |
Glace Citron, Lemon or Orange Peel 1, 1b 15¢%
aa eee “de aa
: Fancy Figs 3 pkgs 25¢ RE
: Pitted Dates -. pkg 15¢ ;
: Choice Almonds Ib. 19¢ 0
: Instant Postum can 25c
: Jell-O 4 pkgs 25¢
: Sanka Coffee can 49c
450 Brand Freshly Made
Mince Meat
Made according to an old-fashioned recipe
1b. 19¢|
0%a%e a a®a®aas a
Pillsbury’s Cake Flour
pkg 29c
Baker’s Milk Pack Coconut can 15¢
Chase and Sanborn Dated Coffee 1b can 26¢
Maxwell House Vita Fresh Coffee 1b can 31¢
Crazy Water
Main Street
Stapleton’s Drug Store
Crystals Agency
Luzerne, Pa.
Seeded Raisins pkg 8c
XXXX Sugar pkgs. 8c
4SC0 Vanilla bot 17c
Baker’s Cocoa 2 cans 2 5c
Supreme Fruit
Sage, Thyme or Sweet Marjoram
Made with the choicest ingredients, packed in an attractive tin
box. with a detachable handle. suitable for use as a serving tray
pkg 5c
cake 3c
- 2%a%% - FLAILING
: Fleishmann Yeast
: Poultry Seasoning pkg 7c
: Seedless Raisins 2 pkgs 15¢
: Swansdown Flour pkg 31c
Cake ‘89¢
Red Ripe
Cranberries 2 » 23c
Fla. Grape Fruit 5 for 25¢ : Lettuce 2 for 17c *
Sweet Potatoes 24 lbs. 10c : Tomatoes ii. 15¢
3 bunches 25¢
each, lc
nos Oranges . 8
rancy Chestnuts
3 ww 256
Merchandise Certificates
Make some needy family happy with a basket of
Buy them from our Cashiers or Managers.
FOOD - - A Thoughtful Gift
$1.00 - $1.49 = $2.00 - - Special discounts given to
Churches, schools, lodges, and other organizations
same as CASH in any of our
These Prices Effective In Our Stores
in Dallas And Vicinity