The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, December 08, 1933, Image 9

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    Located in Wilkes-Barre at 247
North Washington Street, telephone
‘Wilkes-Barre 24018 the
Automobile Spring
of this section. The springs handl-
ed by this firm are recognized as the
- best in the field.
They are prepared to furnish
springs for any make or model of
truck or automobile. Everything
from Five Ton Truck down, Spring
repairing, removing, replacing,
arching and tempering is their spec-
alty. By reason of their years of
satisfactory service to the truck and
automobile owners of this commun-
ity, they have well merited the re-
putaton as experts in their line and
operate the most complete service
station in this section The type of
men who always stand back. of
is leading
and Truck firm
every worthy project, progress and
advancement for this section.
It is no longer a joy to ride on
the axle. - If you /have a spring
that is broken or needs repairing,
this is the place to which it should
be taken. There you -are certain
to get the best that there is.
This firm has made a scientific
study of all kinds of springs: and
as a result of ‘their investiga-
tions and experiments they have
found that the quality of any
spring depends mainly on two fac-
tors, the quality and the method of
heat treatment it receives. They see
to it that every bit of the weight of
the machine is evenly distributed
over the . entire spring. Those
points where the greatest strain is
liable to come are made especially
strong. By this even distribution,
the car rides easier and the chances
of a broken spring is reduced to a
The reason is so many people have
spring trouble is {because they do
not give them the proper attention.
The management * here seeing that
they could be of great service to the
people of this community have es-
tablished a free inspection depart-
ment where any automobile owner
can have their springs tested free of
charge. This service has met with in-
stant success from the very
This concern has long been
recognized as leaders in community
work. They have that interest close
to their hearts which is so . neces-
sary to the advancement and pros-
perity ‘of a progressive community
like our own. Their phenomenal
business growth speaks well of -their
capacity and business ability.
A most progressive establishment
in Wilkes-Barre at 81 Hast Ross
Street—this concern is one of the
leading manufacturers in this wsec-
tion of the country. This is one of
our most progressive firms.
It is one of our most flourishing
industries and is fully worthy of
_ more than passing notice at our
hands for not only is it the leading
concern engaged in its own particu-
lar field, but its products have
gained a wide reputation for general
excellence and are considered stand-
“ard products among the trade the
nation over.
In appreciation of the inestimable
value of the location of this estab-
lishment here the people are loyal
in their support of this institution
which attracts thousands of dollars
annually to this community.
The real sincerity, high
of materials, together with manu-
facturing efficiency and rare busi-
ness acumen distinguishes this con-
cern and it is rarely if ever equal-
led elsewhere in any line.
This company gives employment to
our people, always have at heart
the best interests of the community
and continually exert their influence
for the best interests of their home
This industry has become sc much
a part of the every day life of the
people of this community that some
have come to think of it as a matter
of course. It might be well to
pause and take into consideration
what this manufacturing establish-
ment really means to the city where
it is located. Its removal from the
local field would be disastrous, but
its maintenance means the uninter-
rupted continuance of the encour-
agement of all in the community,
and the onward march of industrial,
commercial and social development
of this part of the country.
In this business review we are
pleased to compliment the manage-
ment of the Hazard Wire Rope Com-
pany, for the efficient conduct of
the business and meeting the needs
of the problems of the hour in a
most thorough manner. We pre-
dict for this modern establishment
continued prosperity and a great
Plumbing — Heating — Sheet Metal
,At 24 North Main Street in Wilkes-
Barre—specializes in high grade
plumbing and heating contracting
to a large and well merited patron-
age. He brings all tools with him
and thus saves much time taken up
by some firms running to and from
the job.
The problems of every city of how
to meet the needs of the population
with the proper water, gas and sew-
age systems is, on a smaller scale,
the problem of every home.
Cities employ their expert engineers,
whose business it is to study contin-
ually the needs and changing needs
of that municipality. The people of
this community may have just as
careful attention to the plumbing
systems in their homes, just as care-
ful of solving of their water, heat
~ and sewage problems by having their
" plumbing work taken care of by
this well known sanitary engineer.
He has spent his efforts study-
“ing the plumbing problems of
all types of homes, and will be glad
to solve your plumbing problems
for you. In solving these problems
he is rendering a-: great service
to the: community, For it is readily
admitted by health experts all over
the country that greater attention
paid to plumbing systems by expert
heating and sanitary engineers have
done much to raise the general stan-
dard of health of- all the people—
particularly of those in our crowded
The complex construction of the
modern home compels the sanitary
engineer to have as thorough a
knowledge of the principles of heat,
water and air circulation as the
physician has of anatomy. In this
regard, we can do nothing but con-
gratulate ‘him for his most thorough
and scientific knowledge of the prin-
ciples of plumbing: work, gained
through long experience, easily
places him among the ranks of the
most competent sanitary engineers
and master plumbers of the country.
The manager is @a man of the
highest standing in this section of
the community. He takes part in
every movement seeking to promote
the welfare of the community,
You will find this establishment in
ments are remember,
folks “1933” fashions go- deeper than
your gown, They carry surgical
and medical and maternity garments.
This modern up-to-date corset
shop makes a specialty of handling
all kinds of corsets, foundation gar-
ments, girdles, corselettes.
There was a time when it wag
stylish for women to wear corsets,
and although that style at one time
was obsolete, it is now in vogue.
Corsets are becoming more and more
popular. To have that girlish figure
you can be properly fitted with a
corset at this shop.
They have established a reputation
as expert corsetiers and no matter
what you may desire along these
lines you can be fitted here. As the
demand for real corsets and reduc-
ing girdles increased they Have
stocked them. They specialize in
fitting corsets for women who are
inclined to be stout. By means of
in the Miner's
and lace wgar-
a well made corset a heavy figure
transferred into a fashionable
silhouette, which is most admired.
These corsets are endorsed by
physicians, good health authorities
and institutions as having
corrective features that have long
been advocated for the betterment
of womanhood.
When a customer enters this shop
let them be assured of the
courteous attention. They have spe-
cially designed corsets to fit ex-
tremely slender or stout women. Wo-
men ‘who have undergone major
operations are urged to use these
corsets which: will materially bene-
fit them. ‘Mothers are invited to be
fitted with one of these corsets for
the great relief advantages obtained.
The fine service that is rendered
at the Charis’ of Wilkes-Barre is an
asset and the women of this section
know that the owners are individuals
of high standing in the community,
both in social and business circles,
They not only serve the people fin
their own business, but promote any-
thing for public improvements.
Meal Ticket
“So Hilda's broken it off with Bob-
by. I wonder if she still keeps his
lovely letters?”
“No. As a matter of fact, they're
keeping her now.”
Modern Need
“Have you found a watch yet good
enough for your son who i8 going te
“The thing that’s worrying me right
now 1s trying to find a sports model”
Try It
Father—Troubled with dyspepsia in
school today? Why, that’s a strange
thing for a boy to have.
Johnny—I didn't have it; I had to
spell it.
Dangerous Ground
She—Don’t you think I look ten
years younger in this hat?
He—How old are you?
He—No, I mean without the hat,
Ohio grows 3,400,000 acres of corn
and produces 3,300,000 hogs.
start |
Advertisements—Every article on th is
page is a paid advertisement
Nesbitt Memorial Hospital
cated near Wilkes-Barre in Kingston
most prominent institution lo-
at 562 Wyoming Avenue, here you
food which helps to
restore health. Feature one of the
most complete bronchoscopic, out-
fits in this section of the state with
a trained bronchcscopist, trained
under Dr. Chevralier Jackson, the
most noted in the country—toy roos-
ters, safety pins, jacks, beans, etc.,
‘get the proper
‘are taken out without ill effects.
In a review of this part of the
country there is no institution more
worthy of mention than this fore-
most hospital.
“Without health all the other gifts
of life are worthless.” Human nature
seems to be so constructed that we
mortals do not realize the truth of
this statement until it is too late.
Health is one of those things—Ilike
a good wife——not appreciated until
it is gone.
Perhaps you
are feeling “run
have your normal amount of energy
and push. Your work drags. You
cannot sleep at night. If you sleep
at all, you do not feel fresh when
you awake in the morning. What
you need is the care of an efficient
hospital staff.
This hospital ofters the patient
quiet and rest combined with every
modern method of treatment and:
diagnosis. Laws of nature and prin-
ciples of science are co-ordinated in
the most effective care of their pa-
tients. A
Their modern building
pletely equipped for all
non-contagious diseases. Special de-
velopment in the laboratory and
diet kitchens makes systematic study
and rapid results in treatment pos-
This hospital contains
operating departments,
examining departments,
is com-
kinds of,
nursery and
down” generally. You don’t seem tof
The maternity ward is a special
feature where the finest care for the
This modern institution contains
quarters for the reception of cases
requiring personal and individual
study. We are glad to compli-
ment this institution on its surround-
ings and their work in the relief
of suffering humanity. We judge
man’s love for God by the way he
treats his fellowmen. i
It has been built up to -its present
high standard by the tireless efforts
of its efficient staff and the years
that have heen spent and the results
praise of all. 4
The hospital has most efficient
prompt manner. ‘
This hospital is a credit to this
section of the state and deserves the
support and backing of every citizen.
are extensive
This up-to-date
Wilkes-Barre at
vania Avenue,
2h7 Pennsyl-
They will cheer-
in coal and ice.
fully advise you as to.the proper
coal to use for your cook stove or
furnace. Your satisfaction is their
success and today is the proper
time to fill your bin for this winter.
A great part of everyone's life is
spent in meeting emergencies. Day
and night the average physician is
ready to go and in an unforseen
emergency take up the battle with
the Grim Reaper. In our large cities
and now in our smaller ones, scores
of men whose business it is to be
heroes if possible wait every hour in
the twenty four to meet an emer-
gency with the best of scientific ap-
paratus to fight the red monster—
In a smaller way, each one of us
daily meets some emergency or the
other, some unforeseen circumstances
which all the foresight in the world
could mot have anticipated. Meeting
such circumstances is part of the
| very warp and woof of life.
More than one emergency of a
nearly serious nature in this com-
munity has been met by the enter-
prisership of these farseeing coal
dealers. "But for "the fact that they
were able to obtain coal when others
could not, many in this community
might have suffered inconvenience
and even disaster, 3
Of course, they advise those who
can to buy coal in summer; they
realize, however, that there are those
who cannot. ‘And in winter, they are
prepared to meet the needs of those
who could not buy coal when the
suns were warm.
These dealers know the coal mar-
ket as few know ft. In the great
mining centers, in the great distribu-
tion centers from which coal is sent
to all parts of the country, these
dealers’ names are known and pref-
erence is given them. It is given
them because their ‘integrity and
business ability are to be trusted,
and men who can be trusted win.
Their prices are reasonable be-
cause they know the coal market.
Years of study have taught them
when to buy coal so that the cus-
tomer will reap the advantage.
Such business men cannot help
but be respected and admired in a
community. Their - business dealingg
are always above board. They are
known to be reliable. Their advice
on when and how to buy coal is
taken. -And it is given for the ask-
These well known men have had
wide experience in coal mining and
have devoted a large amount of time
to the study of the geological struc-
ture and formation of coal They
are therefore, in a position to ex-
plain to you the exact and proper
method of firing your furnace. Give
them a’ call, they can show you how
to save money on your coal bills for
this winter.
Furthermore, in providing this
community with . coal, particularly
when it needs coal, they are ren-
dering the community a service of
the highest type. This is simply a
part of their philosophy as business
men and as citizens. They are a
part of the community.
“Flaming youth takes naturally to
aviation,” said the enthusiast.
“The idea is one of classic beauty,”
said Senator Sorghum. “But we must
persuade our flaming youth to exercise
caution, reminding him of Phaeton,
who drove the chariot of the sun and
set the world on fire; of Icarus, who
flew so high that he melted his waxen
wings; not forgetting the mishap of
our more modern ‘Darius Green and
his flying machine.’ ”
“Then you would discourage avia-
“No, sir. But it is agreed that avi-
ation is in its infancy, and infancy de-
mands the most intelligent protection.”
Sauce for Both
Mrs. Smith watched the scales
closely as the butcher put on her or-
“Do you know, Mr. Lamb,” she
said ominously, “you are repeatedly
glving me short weight for - my
He nodded.
“I am quite aware of that, madam,”
he calmly replied.
“Then what do you mean by it?”
she gasped.
“Well, madam,” he replied, “you
are always giving me a long wait for
Chicago's Fame
Two women ‘who had ndt seen each
other for a long time met by accident. |
At a nearby cafe they had tea togeth-
er and recalled old friends and aec-
“TI heard that your Cousin Ted had
settled in Chicago and was making a
lot of money,” said the one in blue.
“What is he, a stock broker?”
“No, dear,” said the one in beige.
‘He's ‘a florist.”—Toronto Globe.
Obvious Advantage
“With all due deference, my boy, I
really think our custom at the tele-
phone is better than saying ‘Hello’ as
you do.”
“What do you say in England?”
“We say ‘Are you there? Then, of
course, if you're not there, there is
no use of going on with the conver-
sation.”—XKansas City Star.
Where He’s Useful
“So you sent your boy, Josh, back
to college?” asked the town friend.
“Yes,” answered Farmer Corntossel.
“The football team needed him more
than the farm.” Nat
Pretty Country Boarder (writing in
orchard)—Would you mind stopping
your windmill for an hour or two?
It's blowing away my lettera
All Over
“Jones and his wife have separated.”
“What is the trouble now?”
“There's no trouble now,
they have separated!”
1 sald
Punch for Punch
“Why are you crying?”
“Fritz hit me.”
“Because I punched his nose!
As Well?
Leading Actress—I could hardly get
my shoes on this morning.
Chorus Girl—What? Swelled feet as
well ?—Tit-Bits Magazine.
Dark Secret
Mother—What are the young man’s
Daughter—Well, he’s been keeping
me pretty much in the dark.
“I say, old chap, as you work in a
theater you can give me a few free
tickets, can’t you?”
“Certainly. We'll exchange. 6 As you
work in a bank, you can give me a few
A Prospect, Maybe
First Old Maid—There’s some one
in the room; hand me the mirror.
Second Old Maid—So you can look
under the bed?
First Old Maid—No.
der my nose.
So I can pow:
All Explained
Husband—Who is that man?
Wife—I don’t know.
“But I heard you call him ‘darling.’ ”
“I called him ‘darling’ because I do
not know his name.”
Fetch Her On
Newsboy—Sir, my beautiful sister is
dying of starvation. Will you buy the
rest of my papers?
Gent—No, but I'll take your sister
out to dinner.
Hubby—What are you doing with all
those travel folders?
Wifie—A fortune teller told me that
1 was going to take a long trip and
| South Washington Street—ready to
Conveniently located
Barre at 69 East
telephone 31219.
Our industrial issue would not
be complete without prominent men-
tion of the business activities of
this concern and their extensive
operations in the way of conducting
a store for the purchase of poultry
and eggs.
Commendable publicity and valu-
able advertising is given our section
by this progressive firm, far and
wide, dealing as they do on a large
scale in poultry and eggs. Their
operations are of the most exten-
sive nature and add to the commer-
cial efficiency and attractiveness of
the section as ‘a market for pro-
duce of all kinds.
Through the years they have been
doing business they have always
been most fair and honest in their
negotiations and afforded the public
a valuable market for the products
they handle.
It is very important that the pro-
ducers ju the various lines should
have a market that is up to the
in Wilkes-
Northampton St.,
standard and this section is fortu-
nate in having such extensive deal-
There are many small dealers, but
it takes men to handle a large vol-
ume of business, to be able to get
the right selling markets and be able
to pay the best prices. These facts
attract trade to the section and make
it a better place in which to live and
transact business. :
If we did not have an establish-
ment of this kind much of the pro-
the larger cities and the seller would
not receive a price that compares
favorably with the prices paid by
this concern.
There can be no question but that
Victor’s Poultry Market is one of the
most important commercial firms of
this section, its management is in the
hands of men who know the busi-
ness in which they are engaged
thoroughly. }
We wish to compliment this con-
cern upon their commendable poli-
cies and the valuable service they
are rendering the public.
ixcellently located in Wilkes-_
Barre at 41 South Hancock Street—
features -a prompt and reliable ser-
vice in painting ‘and interior decorat-
ing of homes, apartments and clubs.
When he is called upon to dec-
orate you see the difference between
a mere house and a beautiful home.
Has a large trade from this section.
Quality of workmanship and service
that pleases. Estimates and helpful
suggestions cheerfully given without
The home, hotel and apartment
builder of today has good taste and
takes pride in the erection of a build
ing with definite lines and in order
to have a complete place must have
the interior furnishings and decora-
tions to match with the architecture.
No matter whether it is Colonial,
English, Spanish, Italian or French
in design, the furnishings must be
consistent with the exterior.
It is because of this modern idea
in decoration that this Studio has a
stock in such a wide variety, pro-
duced by the master furniture crafts-
5 Decorator
men and weavers of the world, the
most fastidious may secure here a
service, no matter whether it is the
refurnishing of an old place or a
new one, that will make the interior
beautiful and more than a mere
house. This service represents the
difference between their service and
just a decorating shop. 8
In buying he studies the styles of
yesterday, today and tomorrow and
goes not only into the markets of this
portations that represent the most
in the artistry of the ages. Be
Mr. N. Platsky offers a most
accommodating and
vice. He will aid you in the selec-
tion of everything in the way of
decorations for your home or apart-
In making this review of our on-
ward progress we wish to compli- &
ment him upon the efficiency of the
service, the straightforwardness of
his dealings and the wonderful
value of the high grade lines which
they have chosen to offer the people
of this section of the state.
Located in Wilkes-Barre at 201
help in any way to make this a
more progressive community. They
deserve the support of this and sur-
rounding territory.
A manufacturing concern such as
this one not only furnishes employ-
ment for the people of this section
but through their extensive manu-
facture have advertised the name
of Wilkes-Barre far and wide over
this part of the country.
It might possibly mean
the casual observer to
name of his home town mentioned
in other cities all over the United
States—but this concern not only
knows that value but reaped the
benefit from same.
Aside from that it gives other
manufacturers to know that if this
factory is successful in producing a
product in that city-—have no labor
troubles—have the shipping facilities
then it would be an ideal place for
them. More factories means more
nothing to
have the
employment, larger city, more people,
greater conveniences.
that have been obtained deserve the -
laboratories and is equipped to take
care of out-of-town patrons in a
mother and baby may be had: =
duce would have to be shipped to
but has many choice im-
intelligent ser-
To successfully manufacture a pro-
duct in this 20th century age it is
necessary not only to have ample
capital and resources but the ability
and experience in that particular line
of endeavor to pull through the in-
evitable beginning period where so
many fail. This concern has been
in business for some time which
proves they have a solid foundation.
Their ability along these lines must
have been extraordinary,
so extensively.
In these days of keen competi-
tion it behooves not only all lines
of retail business to hue to the line
but manufacturers as well. This
concern through their progressive
manufacturing methods, are forging
ahead for more business. 5
or their”
product would not have been known
There is no more prominent con-
cern in the community more worthy
of mention than the
Co. and in this review we commend
them upon their worthy enterprise.
Recent feeding tests at the Ohio
Agricultural Experiment Station-
proved Ohio-grown alfalfa hay to be
equal in every way to hay grown in
Kansas and Colorado.
Annual meeting time this year for
the Ohio Swiss Cheese Association
is Friday, December 8, at Commu-
nity Hall, Sugar Creek. Dairymen
I'm picking out the place.
and cheesemakers are invited.
Suitable shrubs planted in the
fall will lend immediate beauty to
the landscape, and as surely as if
planted in spring. )
Price reports on potatoes are now
broadcast by three Ohio radio sta-
tions during the market news per-
iods. The stations are WOSU and
WAIU at Columbus, and WHK at
Cohen-Fein Ji