‘Wyoming rably located in Kingston near Barre at Market Street and ge Avenue, is one of the g institutions of this section. ollments are evidencing the ity this seminary has won by ing out pupils who will be found ng leaders in every walk of life. + able direction of men who always taken. an interest in the | life. ugh the progressive efforts of ery valuable institution the rer generation of the state is red educational advantages of modern city. It is not often that like this one can boast of such up-to-date institution as this one. his is a seminary where not only ng men and women of this ses- secure a general education, but ugh this college they can pre- themselves for their life's work. is is a day and age of effi- cy. The man or woman who is prepared to ‘keep pace with ‘demands of the present day ities ‘is soon - lost in the and bustle of modern méthods. not necessary that one e a machine, but it is abso- essential that everyone who hes to be successful in life have ; cal education, and such train- an only be secured in an insti- n devoted to preparing its pu- for life. Sprague, Seminary Pres. The management of this seminary is progressive, able and efficient and have built for themselves and college a reputation of accomplishment and honesty and their untiring ef- forts merit liberal support from the people of the state. The seminary buildings are commo dious and modern. The Administra- tion building. is. one of the largest and best of its ‘kind. Wyoming Sem- inary is a pleasant school for stu- dents. The buildings provide for almost every activity of life—library, physi- cal education, athletics, literary so- cieties, social events, music hall and religious activities. : The Wyoming Seminary is far above the average seminary and specializes in keeping all their equipment (text books, instructions) in accord with the rapidly advancing times. Every- thing which is new can ‘be learned here. The most efficient methods for the expedious conduct of modern af- fairs are instilled into their stu- dents. That is the reason that stu- dents from this seminary can be found in all walks of life. It offers people of the community the ad- vantages of a modern and progres- sive and efficient seminary right here almost at their -very door, and in this edition we wish to urge that this is the logical college for stu- dents. ‘Maher Funeral Home h funeral home in Kingston at North Maple Avenue, they ren- reliable and conscientious ser- > to the people of this section. To live in the hearts we leave be- d is not to die. This beautiful en to those who have passed on- rd is the creed upon which these erful morticians have established ir business. th successful experience com- ed with a most comprehensive ~of knowledge of the proper ner in conducting an interment ce, the funerals which they con are impressive and convey a - feeling of dignity and right- less that has caused people of section to think of them dur- their time of grief. heir abiilty to conform their ac- 3s to each individual situation, ir efforts to help lessen the an- h and sorrow of those who mourn e beloved departed one and the r understanding which is the necessary rquiiste of one en- ed in this class of endeavor are ply apparent at every funeral hich they direct m the minute they are called upon until the final duties are per- formed not a single minute detail is overlooked, not the least sem- blence of confusion but a systematic smooth running service is rendered that bespeaks of the deep thought and interest in the work of these professional men. The cortege, motor equipped, the casket, the comfort of the mourners are all attended to in such.an effi- cient manner and the whole pro- ceeding clothed in an air of grandeur and majesty that raises the work of these funeral specialists from the de gree of commonplace to the heights of magnificence. It is to enterprises of this type that we can be thankful for the high standards which the art of embalm- ing and funeral directing can be at- tributed. The Maher Funeral Home is indeed to be complimented on the very high plane upon which they conduct their business. They are men that have the wel- fare of the community and the peo- ple in * their thoughts This is borne out by their in their endeavor both in and community affairs. interest business Kingston Diner Conveniently located in Kingstony 254 Wyoming '‘Avenue—and known its 24-hour service—is a very pular diner of this section, and evergrowing and large patron- it receives is due to the fact it is clean and sanitary through- serves at all times the most atable foods and receives its pa- onage from the city and surround- territory, as ‘well as from the eling public. The reason for the immense growth the volume of business, we be- e is due to the fact that only lent service is being featured this establishment. Any dissat- sted and in our opinion this ac- unts for the enviable reputation place ejoys. is appointed with the very best fixtures and everything about the e has that air of superiority t makes it known as an institu- that speaks for itself. The local and traveling have learned that this is a place where the demand is more than satisfied in obtaining food. Cour- tesy is another outstanding feature of this diner as it is a pleasure for them to serve the public. public The restaurant business is a busi- ness within itself and does not end with the service of food on the tables but extends to the cleanliness of the kitchen and other places that are only frequented by the manager and assistants: where all silver- ware is polished and dishes steri- lized. It is a pleasure to have such a clean and modern diner as this to refer the strangers and local people to, as good restaurants are not common, and at this place the food is prepared in such a manner that the thought at once comes, “This is a good place to eat.” We wish to compliment them on the standard of their dining car and do not hesitate to refer fit to our readers as a good place to eat. ~ Sickler’s Fertilizer Works ile it is of the greatest im- nce that the most strict legal lations as regards sanitation observed, many communities ~ placed on a disadvantage the enforecement of these re- ements because they have no lustry which is devoted to the neervation of the public health clusively. In this respect we are unate in having 'Sickler’s Ferti- r Works located in Avondale + Plymouth on the main road, yhone Plymouth 92616. ecause of the prompt ‘and satis- ry service which this well wn company offers the public in removal of dead stock and the and efficient manner in which enterprise is operated, this con- n has won the confidence and the ral support of the people. While death of livestock is an incident vs to be regretted and immediate oval of the carcass is always rable and should be accomplish- in the earliest possible moment. No matter how far from town you may live, you need only inform them and dismiss the matter from your mind for they have won the enthusi- astic commendation of many farmers and stockmen throughout this sec- tion by the promptness exercised in the responding to calls, having not only the most modern large auto trucks for the removal of carcasses, but the most -dependable. No car- cass removed without the hide. We urge all of our readers that when in need of the service of an afficient company of this kind they call telephone Plymouth 92616. The manager and assistants are some of the leading men of this section who have always taken an active interest in the expansion and development of this section of the state. We wish to compliment them upon their high standing in the business and social world of this section and upon the efficiency of the concern which they so ably direct. uppermost. | _ THE DALLAS POST, DALLAS, PA. € Spilling the Beans A man was a witness in a hog- stealing case. He seemed to be stretching a point or two in favor of the accused, and the prosecuting at- torney roared: “Do you know the nature of an oath?” : “Sure.” “Do you know you are not to bear false witness against your neighbor?” “I'm not bearin’ false witness agin him, I'm bearin® false witness for him.” Modernist Spelling A little miss who is just about to enter school was out motoring with her parents a few evenings ago. She always rides in the front seat with her father and is regarded as pre- cocious in observation. One of her delights is following the changing hues of the traffic signals. “Daddy,” she shouted, how to spell green.” “How, dear?” “G-o "—Indianapolis News. “I know M. Unterberger With convenient locations in King- ston at 236 Wyoming Avenue, tele- phone 76814, and in Plymouth at 122 Kast 'Main Street, telephone 9555—if you don’t ‘happen to be go- ing to town, just send in your work by parcel post and it will be given the best attentionn and returned promptly. Under direction of an authority on dry cleaning and dye- ing. There is no one establishment that has done more for the good of the public of the community than this modern cleaning and dyeing estab- lishment. The fact that they are able to take clothing that fades or needs cleaning and turn it out so that it looks like new has saved many a Furniture A most prominent Edwardsville firm at 555 Main Street—is head- quarters in this section for washing machines notably the famous May- tag and A B C ‘washers——cash or credit. The management and sales- men have made an exhaustive study of the furniture of the various per- iods and are able to give you the latest ideas on the furniture of the period. Here is the place to furnish your home at a real saving. Their stock contains everything the mod- ern home desires, from living room to the kitchen. ! Before you furnish your home, let them show you these home outfits. You will be delighted with their variety and beauty. When you buy furniture of this reliable firm you are assured of the very best and are paying only a very reasonable price for the articles that you buy. It takes care and judgment to buy the right quality and when you are told at this es- tablishment that the goods offered are the latest style you need not hesitate in making the purchase. It has always been the endeavor of this store to secure a fair and honest profit. But their business principles never permit an exhorbit- ant one. They have provided the trade with a complete line of representative goods, a stock in which you can have every confldence. They offer at most reasonable prices and when the quality of the material is con- sidered you will say that they are extremely low in prices. Furniture of all kinds and practi- cally everything needed to furnish the modern home can he secured here. The stock is only limited by the styles of the manufacturers. You are able fo get furniture here cheaper than most places and thus are aiding in the building up of the home life of the community. They specialize in real service. They make the word “service” ac- tually mean what it says. You are invited to visit this store and inspect the large stock of flne furniture and we are certain you will be pleased and besides gain a great many valu- able ideas. We wish to recommend M, Unter- berger to all our readers as worthy of your consideration Ritter Motor Co. In Kingston at 614 Market Street —renders an unexcelled service in shock absorbers and auto electrical work. : No adjustment or repair on an automobile "is more delicate or re- quires more careful technical skill than adjustment to the electrical sys- tem—starting, lighting, and ignition and the storage battery. This com- pany was organized to handle in an expert manner just such delicate work. ; No automobile owner wants to take a chance on his starting, light- ing and ignition system. Anyone can grease the car, fill it with gas and oil or even make miror adjust- ments, but the electrical system must be entrusted only to an expert. That this firm has qualified in the eyes of the public is proved by the fact that the number of its patrons is constantly increasing. It is a policy of this shop that no piece of work must leave the shop which does not give satisfaction to the user. This is an exacting demand for the establishment to make on itself, but its management believes that it pays in the long run. If you feel that your car is not exactly in adjustment, perhaps the fault is with the electric system. To find out whether they invite you to bring your car around. One of the experts employ ed at the shop will look it over and tell you whether any part of the electrical system needs adjustment, free of charge. No charge will he made for this service and it does not obligate you in any way to have any repairs which may be needed made at this shop. It is a tribute to this shop that manufacturers = of many standard makes of automobiles have made this shop the official starting, light- ing and ignition service station for their cars. A greater tribute to the shop however, is the way in which the work of this shop has increased since it was started. Time and again additions to the corps of workmen have been necessary to take care of the work hrought in. The service is yours for the asking. The manager of this shop knows his business from A to Z. He not only conducts his business for the service of the public, but is interest- ed in every project for the people as a whole. Inflation ; Tggins—Ow do you like being valet to a celebrated star? 'Awkins—It ’as its disadvantages. Every time the dramatic critics speak ’ighly of my master I ’ave to sew buttons on ‘is waistcoat and stretch ’Is ’ats. Miss-Understood “You say your engagement was broken ag a result of a misunder- standing?” “Yes,” replied the girl with weepy eyes. “I told him I never wanted him to speak to me again—and he thought I meant it.” The Demure Past Miss Prim (reprovingly) — Your grandmother would have objected to being photographed in her bathing suit. Miss Pert—If you could have seen grandmother’s bathing suit you wouldn't wonder. Shepherdless Lambs Perkinson—Did you hear about Wil- lard Elkins, the bank cashier, stealing fifty thousand and running away with his best friend's wife? Simpson—Good heavens! ‘Who'll teach his class tomorrow ?—Medicine Hat News. mga” A Slow Process Dolly was just home after her first [ day at school. “Well, darling,” asked her mother, “what did they teach you?” “Not much,” replied the child. got to go again.” “Pve Reason Aplenty Little Bobbie would not sing at school, His teacher insisted that he do so or give a reasonable excuse. Bobbie (sobbing)—I don't want to sing ‘cause mother says I sing like dad and you ought to hear him,— Etude. Big Poultry and Egg Man “We have an Idea,” observes a cynic, “that the owner of young chick- ens quits counting them when he has 38,000.” “No doubt. Solomon stopped a long time before that.”—Philadelphia En- quirer, Certainly Not “Myrtle, did that young man try to kiss you last night?” “wan, Ma, I was just slapping mosquitoes.” ‘The Correct Answer “When ig the best time for a girl to marry?’ she asked. “When her father is making enough to support a son-in-law,” he replied. Misunderstood Customer—Any celery? Cockney Waiter—Very small, sir, We ’'as to rely on tips from gentle- men like yourself, sir.~Pearson’s Magazine, All Planned Plumber's Wife—'Ullo, come back for? Yer tools? Plumber—No, me lunch. back for me tools later, wok you I'll be it is or not, Advertisements—Every article on this page is a paid advertisement 5 Better Cleaners & Dyers Every Customer Must high priced purchase and helped to lower the cost of living. This is a business that requires experience and they employ only practical help. Their assistants are all able and efficient workmen who know their line thoroughly and thus you are assured the most careful and painstaking work. Many people have learned .through this service that they can save the expenditure of many dollars for new clothes. Every day brings more work from patrons who have been saved the purchase of new garments through the excellent work that this firm does in the cleaning and press- ing of old ones. Both men and women have found that the most delicate fabrics are carefully and efficiently handled here and returned be Satisfied ‘les lof dry cleaning, to them cleaned and pressed in the most sanitary manner. At the Better Cleaners & Dyers the latest process is used, as a con- sequence when garments are returned they look smooth, odorless and in press according. to . the - styles of the day. They specialize in all class both for men most delicate in the most and ladies, and the dresses are handled careful manner. The management leading business is among the men of the com- munity who have always taken an active interest in the community’s onward progress and are among the valued residents, whom we wish to compliment upon the modern place and the admirable policy followed in its direction. - Reliable Auto Parts Co. With an excellent location in Lu- zerne at .418 Union ‘Street, features day and night towing and wrecking service, a complete line of brake lining for all makes of cars. acetylene welding service cial all guaranteed. Many people section are expressing over their repair service. In addition to their new parts they have a large stock of used parts for those who cannot afford new ones. This is headquarters in this gec- tion for new and used parts for all makes of cars and trucks. They have a large supply of used tires and tubes and electrical parts and offer these at most reasonable prices. When in need of parts of any kind see them first. This company and instrumental of this business liberal patronage, Motorists, garage men and the gen- eral public have learned from expe- rience that this firm has a large stock of parts from all standard makes of cars. They have a large stock of gears, axles and other parts also. They make a special feature of carrying a large stock of genera- tors, starters, batteries and other electrical equipment. They buy old and used automo- Their is a spe- feature because work is in this satisfaction has been in the and affiliated upbuilding deserve your biles paying the top of the market for them. These places are auto wrecking establishments and thus have a large stock of parts. It makes no difference what the name or the model of your car, if you need a part for it see them. And if you want to dispose of it don’t werry if it is about “all in,” just see this firm and you will be pleased and surprised at the price they offer. They have parts for all makes and models of automobiles at prices which will save you many a dollar. Both garage men and auto owners have learned that it PAYS both in TIME and MONEY to see them about parts. When you break some part of your car or discover some worn pert should be replaced, it’s better to call them first. They save the motorists of this community many dollars by selling parts at reasonable prices. It costs double and sometimes triple to send to the factory for car parts. They carry new and used parts for most every make of car or truck and nine times out of ten you can secure the part you ‘want from them. We take pleasure in this business review in directing your attention to this concern. The proprietor is one of the well ‘known business men of these parts and takes an active interest in the onward progress of this section of the state and merits the leading position now held in the business life of this section. Paramount Oil & Supply Co. Headquarters for the Famous Exide Batteries (Handily located in Kingston at Market and Wright Streets—this is the authorized sales and service for Exide batteries which have no peer on the market today. ‘While they sell the Exide they offer high grade service on all makes of batteries. When a man buys a battery for his car he is not so much interested in how it was made or about the materials that go into its manu- facture, but he is interested in the service he expects to get out of it. He will ask: Is the battery one of high reputation among car owners? Do they maintain convenient stations for testing and recharging? Is the price too high—or too low? With the Exide these questions all satisfactorily answered. are No matter where you live you will find a Exide Battery sales and ser- vice station within easy reach. There are many dealers who sell and ser- vice thig battery throughout the United States. Battery men of long experience will give you quick and expert service should your bat- tery need attention. Exide batteries sell at remarkably low prices. Its a fact that in many cases you ‘wi¥ find it less expensive than batteries of an inferior repu- tation. The low initial cost combined with the negligible cost of upkeep makes this battery a most economi- cal one. In this entire part of the country there is not a concern that gives the people the metropolitan service that is afforded the public at the storage battery station of this popular bat- tery house. They of the most efficient battery men in the community and are considered authorities on this work. Their service is most modern and progressive and no matter whe- ther your business with them a- mounts to hundreds of dollars or just a small amount the patron al- ways receives the same courteous and efficient service. They have spent several thousand dollars on equipment; have employed specialists in order to give you ex- pert service, The . management station is in the hands of men who are thoroughly conversant with the boosters for all things that promise public improvement. are of this 'hattery Frank B. Sand and Scarlat . Gravel — Located in Forty Fort River Street, telephone 78112—for sand of quality. This local firm specializes in fur- nishing the public whatever kind of sand might be their demands. He has sand for every purpose and the various varieties include fine, smooth and medium sharp sand, es- pecially suitable for laying bricks with either thin or thick mortar; all grades of plastering on lath, brick walls, cement walls, fireproof, metal lath, etc. He can furnish you with sand for concrete work, concrete finishing and fine floor finishing. His sand for = these purposes is famous for its lime and cement-saving qualities. Mothers need not fear when an auto honks that their little ones are on the street playing—a sand pile makes contented children and pro- vides play for them in sunshine and fresh air. This particular grade of sand is clean and pure and contains no animal matter. In this section particularly indus- trial progress has been benefitted by him. There is nothing more im- at 501 Kingston portant than the development of good country roads and buildings and they have furnished large quanti ties of gravel to this county, being one of the firms that has been select- ed by the county officials to supply the greatest part of their orders for the product. It can readily be seen that thous- ands of dollars are placed in local circulation by this local firm which otherwise would never make its ac- quaintance with the people of this section. The large scale of his ac- tivities, the industrial wisdom of the management and the straightforward ness of his dealings has won for him a place in the hearts of the people of the community, identified for years with her progress and al- ways boosting for the community in which his large enterprise is located. We him in are pleased to this edition compiiment for the com- mendable activities and upon the leading position he occupys in the business world of this section of the state.