i “rr - Ly for a greater ‘been keen same and this with the maintenance at 35 West Market est Invention, demonstrate. one of the PLANTERS NUT & CHOCOLATE 00. This prominent Wilkes-Barre con- cern is one of the foremost manu- facturing institutions 'of the commu- nity and the demand for their pro- ducts has spread far and wide. A real live producing guaranteed goods that can be pur- chased at any place where the best peanut bars and salted peanuts are gold. The members wire concern of this firm are prominent and public spirited people and have spared no time nor -ex- pense to perfect their sanitary manu- facturing establishment. Tt st a fact beyond question that adequate peanut bar and salted peanut ser- vice today is®essential to progress and expangion of any community. Therefore, in detailing the prospect industrial city it is with a feeling of satisfaction that we direct your special attention to this company. There is no other concern of its kind that is (etter equipped with modern and scientifically correct pea- nut bar and salted peanut making equipment. : As improved machinery approved this company has to at once adopt has heen always the of a strictly modern plant is re- sponsible for the very satisfactory service rendered patrons throughout the country. The management not being satis- fied with just taking care of the present, but with a broad view of the future, having made improve- ment with the view of further ex- tension of their services in the com- mercial world. This is your local peanut bar man- ufacturing concern. It has the hest equipment, most expert peanut bar makers, and gets its pea- nuts and other ingredients from the markets known for pure and whole- some products. What we wish to specially im- press on our readers is that it is your duty ‘to know their brands, not only because it ig best hut ‘because it’s your own local brand and merits your support. In conclusion we will say the Planters Nut & Chocolate Co. has always taken a commendable inter- est in public improvements and is ready to aid in all community en- terprises. They therefore merit the liberal support they receive and we predict and hope they will long con- tinue to minister to our needs inl the same admirable manner. Whitenights Headquarters for the Admirably located in Wilkes-Barre Street—is the place to buy your new washing ma- chine. In addition to the very ser- viceable new “Whitenight” Washer, they carry the famous Apex Washing machine—well known for its time saving qualities. ‘Do your Xmas shopping here. This is the home of the “Whitenight” Electric Washer, which is being 'plac- ed in homes all over this section and is relieving the ladies of much household drudgery. The very lat- They will he glad to Whitenights are strictly in accord with the spirit of the times. With the advance of woman into.a larger sphere of life there came the need of ways to alleviate her house-work. First that of hiring help was the easiest and simplest. With the coming of the age of the scarcity of labor and tendencies of the times toward unsettled lahor conditions came the necessity for inventions to take the place of the haughty maid and the bucking wash woman. ~ There is no more erroneous idea than that it is more expensive to operate a house with modern ap- New Whitenight Washer ’ pliances. It is economy and just step into this store and they will show you how to conduct- a place from a home economic standpoint. [Hundreds of thousands of women have marveled at its mastery of their greatest problem. Many “Whitenight” been sold here and best of satisfaction. Many are. in use in this country and they will give you references of local people whom you can interview about . the matter. washers have are giving the They and their assistants are over this territory and will be glad to demonstrate to anyone the advant- ages of the “Whitenight” Electric ‘Washer, People of this section are very enthusiastic over the new pro- cess of ‘washing. It is not surprising then that it should have such a successful ca- reer in business nor that the gpan- agement should be proprietor of a large washing machine establishment in’ this section ofthe country. We wish to compliment White- nights upon the modern and up-to- date establishment and the admir- able manner in which it is conduct- ed. Harry Meister Men’s Clothing Wilkes- Street—is A modern men’s store in Barre at 20 South Main leading men’s and furnishing establishments in this community. They sell high class merchandise and at prices that denote real, true value, is among the 'wide-awake busi- ness men of the community, they cater to every taste and have a most comprehensive stock. Tt is with a feeling of satisfaction that customers enter the Harry Meis- ter establishment. ‘Realizing that the service extend- ed this year will he considered when the next season approaches this well known house has chosen its stock with a view of giving its customers the greatest value possible. When clothing it comes to ready-made clothing they have lines which are so complete as to styley, material and prices that the most particular can find some- thing suitable. But the success of a dealer in this line rests not only with the price which he pays for his goods. He must be an effi- i cient buyer, well versed in the styles of the day and with a knowl- edge of the demands of his custo- mers. It is this feature of the trade that has made this store so popular with the young men of this section. In the way of collars, ties, haber- dashery, underwear, and in fact, everything in the way of gent’s fur- nishings you will find the stock large selected by huyers of excellent taste and priced reasonably. This firm's store is stocked with the greatest variety of quality men’s clothing in the country. "Popular prices prevail automatically going lower as materials, manufacturing and retailing prices will permit, thus protecting the buyer. The - many patrons come from all quarters of the country and outside as well. The Harry Meister establishment ig a prominent and well known busi- ness institution and a progressive booster for the community. We are pleased to compliment it upon the metropolitan service and public spirited policies. Wyoming Valley Riding Academy H. G. Admirably located in Wilkes-Barre R. F. D. 1 at Sugar Notch Cross Roads, Hanover Township, telephone 40563, just ask for “Charlie” and he will give you complete informa tion and details—offers the people of this section “trail riding” through some of the most beautiful coun- try in this section where one can ride for hours without seeing an au- tomoble. They give you riding les-~ song by appointment under compe- tent instructors with safe and gentle horses—also the best of care and feed for boarders. This is one of the concerns that adds much to a sport life in this section of the state, It promotes healthful exercises and a social favorite, Horse back rding has always been a gport for man, woman and child As in the days of old it has been Mowrer, Manager é the sport of kings, in war the horse was always the favorite as well as in - other amusements. In the big cities and smaller com- munities society can be seen riding on the roads in the country and on the ‘bridle paths or parks. They have a fine stable of horses and men who thoroughly understand their care. They will see that yon learn correctly and suggest to what riding habit you desire, Just call their stable on the phone Wilkes-Barre 40563 and ride through the beautiful pie- turesque country that surrounds our community. In passing we would like to com- pliment this saddle school on their fine stables of horses and the ac- commodation and courtesy that makes their service when you call. _ bors, for appointments] v ~ NOW! The clerk at the office for registry of births, marriages, ete., was new to his job and not very well acquainted with the customary ‘procedure. “I want a certificate—" began the caller, “What name?” asked the clerk. “New—Thomas New.” “Pardon me, I didn’t quite catch it.” _ “I'm New. New to you! New to everybody! New to the world!” “What you want is a birth certifi- cate,” said the clerk, absently.—Tit- Bits Magazine. Service With a Smile Restaurant Customer—Look here, waiter; how much longer must I wait for that half portion of Long Island duckling? Waiter—Just until somebody orders the other half, sir. You know we can’t go out and kill half a duck. More Difficult Now Gruff Father to Son—Why don’t you get out and find a igh? When 1 was “your age I was working for $3 a week in a store, and at the end of five years I owned the store. Son—You can’t do that nowadays. They have cash registers. THE DALLAS POST, DALLAS, PA. Over a Hundred Years of Banking Success A most financial institu- tion in Wilkes-Barre at Market and Franklin worthy Streets—is a financial pil- lar of unsurpassed strength in this section of the state. Its methods are up-to-date and efficient. Its management is able and fully com- petent to cope with every financial problem that may come to it for solution. An important factor in the development of this section. As a factor in the upbuilding of this section, this' bank has played a prominent and honorable part. It is known as a bank of superla- tive integrity and one that -can be counted on to carry its share of the load in any forward-looking and pro- gressive movement. It inflluence on the home life of the country has been marked, indeed, for through its willing assistance and able ad- vice many who would otherwise never have known the satisfaction of owning their homes are now sub- Scureman Funeral Home Conveniently located in Wyoming at 219 Wyoming Avenue is ably man- aged by W. T. and James Scureman. Truly ay mest metropolitan service rendered by’ the most eminent men in this essential profession who are of the foremost progressive citizens. There is no vocation requiring for its successful prosecution a greater natural aptitude than that of the modern funeral director and this par ticularly applies to these well known representatives of this valued pro- fession. Through untiring efforts and commendable methods they have progressed from a modest beginning until today they possess a clientele that extends over many miles of territory. As is generally known the Scure- man Funeral Home is recognized as among the most proficient and con- scientious people in this line in this section - and this distinction is well merited, as the excellent service that they render in the practice of the profession will testify: It may be truly said that no one in this sec- tion engaged in the arduous profes- sion of which they are able expon- ents has given their profession closer study or is better ‘equipped | from every standpoint to ‘carry out all of the work attendant upon the calling, - They have provided a modern fun- eral establishment, which is mot only an aecommodation to those in apart- ments and small homes, but is one of the most elegant establishments of this Kind ‘in this part of the state. It is in accord 'with the latest and most metropolitan plan of diplomatic service for it has become the ac- cepted system in the metropolitan centers for people even in the most palatial homes to make use of such perfectly appointed funeral homes as this one. They have gained the mame as re- liable funeral directors which is not confined to the city alone, but ex- tends throughout this and adjoining territory. It is eminently proper in this review of the community to- day that we give the Scureman Fun- eral Home special mention as am- ong our highly esteemed and useful citizens, who, in the successful prac- tice of this useful profession have gained the good will of all who have dealings with them. Timid Soul Brown (in hardware store)—I want three snow shovels, Clerk—You must have a big place, | sir. Brown—No, but I have two neigh- J - Tough Luck “I'm afraid my goose is cooked,” groaned the discouraged business man, “Isn't the new deal any?” asked the friend. “No,” he retorted, “Lady Luck still is giving me the raw one.” helping you Doesn’t Bother Her Mistress—At last you have come. 1 have been ringing for ten minutes, In time it gets on one’s nerves. Maid—Not at all, madame, I am used to such noises. Cash or Terms Realtor—Now here’s a beautiful home overlooking the lake. Buyer—Where's the lake? Realtor—That’s what's overlooked. —Kxchange, A Bad Spell Stenographer—Howja spell sense? Boss—Dollars and cents or horse sense? - Stenographer—Well, like in “I ain’t seen him sense.” . His One Yarn “And did he live to teil the tale?” asked a listener, after the story of the traveler's amazing adventure had been, told. “Oh, yes,” replied the story teller, “In fact, he’s done nothing else ginee.” / Lame Argument Judge, to prisoner charged with bur- glary—If you were in that house for no dishonest purpose, why was it that you went in In your stocking feet? Prisoner—I heard that there was sickness In the family. The Big Trouble Dick—Doesn’t it madden you when a girl is slow about getting ready to go out to dinner with you? Don—7Yes, the longer she takes the hungrier she gets, Thoughtful of Her Wife—Happy birthday, darling—I have a surprise for you. Husband—What is it? Wife—Wait a minute and I will put it on. Camping Trip Husban@—This isn’t coffee! Wife—Oh, dear, that’s the worst of using this dirty stream water—I for- got to put in the coffee, That Homey Feeling Friend—He's worth in the neighbor- hood of a million dollars, I've heard. Flapper—Good! That's my favorite neighborhood. —Cleveland Plain Dealer, GIVING THEM A CHANCE The giant air-liner was flying swift- ly over azure blue seas. Suddenly land came in sight, and later the buildings of a big town. Midway over the town a look of concern came over the pilot's face. He turned to his passengers. “Did any of you ever hear that say- ing, ‘See Naples and die’?’ he asked. “Why, yes!” they chorused eagerly. “Good!” he replied. “Were over Naples now and something has gone wrong with the engine. Have a good look at it.’—Answers Magazine. Running Away From It He (hastily)—Er—just a moment, darling—that’s my tailor, and I don't care to meet him, She/(tactlessly)—Why not? “Well, as a matter of fact— he still owes me the receipt for the money for my dress suit!” Fair Warning “Pass the dessert, please, sir.” “If you eat another piece of ple you'll pop!” “Pass the dessert, please, sir, and get out of the way.”—Kansas City Star. : Hoarding City Man—Gracious heavens, even the cows have begun hoarding! Country Man—You don’t say. City Man—Yes, here it is in the headlines: “Light native cow hides 61% eents.” DIDN'T WASTE HER TIME We don’t laugh much, and especial ly when an agent rings the front doox- bell, but we did get a chuckle the oth- er day. Being home alone, we had to answer the ring. A very nice-looking lady, who probably buys in the stylish stout departments, asked for the Missus, and when we explained we “were the only one-around, keeping the goldfish from getting lonesome, she asked: “Is your wife a large woman?” “No,” said we, “she is very small.” “Well,” she sighed, “I guess then she wouldn't be interested in corsets.”— Cincinnati Enquirer. Making It Up “You haven't got the answer to this problem right,” said the teacher, at the close of school. “You'll have to stay and do it over.” “How far off is it this time?’ asked the boy in despair. “Two cents.” . “Well, I've got something awful im- portant to do after school. "I'll just pay the differenre.” Temporarily Satisfied Young Housewife (to peddler)—No, thank you, there’s not a thing in the world we want, Peddler—Very good, madam. Shall 1 call again when the honeymoon is over? tetila ak et orig ET aT TEE Advertisements—Every article on this page is a paid advertisement Wyoming National Bank stantial citizens and home owners and are aiding in the progress of their various communities. The policy of this bank is one of accommodations and convenience to its customers. Liberal without be- ing careless, conservative without being hide-bound. The best inter- ests of its customers are always consulted and they determine the course it shall follow in every in- stance, except where those interests would conflict witht or prove a men- ace to the welfare of the community at large. The policy has drawn to this institution a large clientele, every one of whom is a real friend just as the institution is a real friend to all whom it serves. This bank, of course, conducts a general banking business. Its ser- vice and advice are sought by the largest corporations ‘as well as by the humblest individual, and . in every instance the same courteous treatment is extended and the same Frank’s Specialty Shop in Wilkes-| With a new location Barre at 31 West Market Street— this is a very modern ladies’ ready- to-wear establishment where gar- ments and materials are known for their smartness and their individual- ity of design—entire establishment under direction of a management of excellent taste, featuring high grade goods at reasonable prices, one of the real economical trade centers of the community. Individuality and distinctiveness of design is noted in specialties and ready-to-wear from this establigh- ment and this is in a large degree responsible for the extensive trade oi the store. All goods for the store come from the markets of the very latest fashions and are of rare beauty Specialties and garments of this Store are not just ordinary, but have a style of their own. A large line of the season’s stock is now on hand for the accommodation of the public and no matter whether it is street, sport or dress or garment of any design you may desire you can get it here and it will be becoming and give you taste and good looks. / careful attention given to the pro- blems presented. Open or check: ing accounts are earried as a part of the bank’s regular business; tificates of deposit are issued, well as drafts on domestic and all foreign points. © Collections ar promptly made and every assistance in the way of loans to deserving enterprises is rendered. It is under the control of and sul ject to inspection and regulation by the United States government. Its soundness has never bee questioned. Its officers are men of highest standing in their commun- ity and of irreproachable character and unassailable repute. They have always adhered to the soundes principles of banking and are well deserving of the magnificent patron- age that has been extended to their > oo Rds ably managed institution. +The Wyoming National Bank is one of the most valued of ‘the community’s many valued assets. : AL In this age of high prices this store is recognized as the one plac where the women of the country can be fitted out in millinery of the day at a reasonable figure. [People marvel at the excellent merchandise that can be obtained here at prices lower than those prevailing on the usual run of merchandise ‘of the day. “ds They exercise wonderful taste which is responsible in a large de- gree for the excellent patronage ot the store. The principle upon whic this store operated is that of furnishing individual and distinctive is specialties and garments most rea- sonable and meeting any and all competition as to style and price This accounts for the fact that the establishment is the mecca for the well dressed ladies of the commun ity. ‘While you always have at' your : command here the newest creations and the highest quality, yet the prices are most moderate. fe It is a pleasure for us your attention to Frank’s Specialty Shop as one of the most important features of this community's com- mercial efficiency. Majestic Candy Co. Are wholesdle dealers located in Wilkes-Barre at 91 East Northamp- ton Street—offer the largest selec- tion of candy in the city which are only the highest grade and purest quality at prices that have been most attractive. Offering the highest grade and pur- est quality at prices that have been most attractive. Large capacity for the handling of the trade has ren- dered their service most metro politan and under experienced and competent management they have become the prominent firm in this field. Distributors for many of the leading and most popular brands known throughout the country today. No review of the business, agri- cultural and industrial interests of this section of the state would be complete without prominent mention of this company which aids in no little measure the progress and pros- perity of this section and it is un- doubtedly one of the progressive and popular. establishments in this sec- tion and daily ships many consign- ments all over this community. Adequate candy service is unques- tionably an essential feature today of every modern American community. Therefore, in detailing the prospects for a greater community it is with a feeling of satisfaction that we direct your special attention to this com- pany. ; There is pronapiy no other commu- nity this size in the country that is better equipped in this respect for this well known and popular concern has every modern convenience for correct candy distribution. oR Very satisfactory service has been rendered to their patrons over the community and every patron of the concern is also a loyal supporter and a consistent booster for it. A special feature with this estab- lishment is the furnishing of infor- mation and in this department you will find courtesy and accommoda- tion always in evidence. You are = urged to call at any time and the latest and most authoritative infor- mation is at your service. i ; We wish to compliment the Majes- tic Candy Company upon the satis- factory service rendered in furnish- ing pure and wholesome confections at all times. 3 § Harry W. Poust | i Diamond Metal Located in Wilkes-Barre, 300 in the Coal Exchange Building, this is the leading concern of this nature in this part of the state. He has done excellent work in many homes throughout this territory and is pleased to refer prospective custo mers to their list of satisfied pat- rons. By far the most important finan- cial transaction in the life-time of the average man is the building or the purchase of a home. Nothing else costs so much or is used s0 long. No act in the average man’s life necessitates the exercise of such good judgment and common sense as the providing all that is dearest in the world to him. ‘Weather stripping of windows and doors of a house and buildings is coming more and more to be con- sidered a necessity and less of a semiluxury than heretofore. And rightly so too— for weather stripping prevents the rattling of doors and windows to say nothing of the elim- nating of draughts and keeping the rooms at an even temperature there- by eliminating doctor bills. Room | Weather Strips : And the cost of this equipment for your building or home, whether it is newly constructed or an old one—is so small that wthin a short number of four or five years the saving in fuel alone will recompense the own- er for expeditures in installing same. If you desire that your new home be so constructed that the kiddies may safely frolic on the floor, any time, even in close proximity to doors and windows, or if in your present domicile you are subject to drafts and the seeping in of dirt, rain and snow-—so prevalent in the older structures, we suggest that you phone this enterprising firm and have one of their representatives call and explain to you the benefits derived from having your home equip ped with weather strips. ; 3 Harry W. Poust is a man with years of experience in contracting, and building work. He understands every phase of this endeavor but particularly he has specialized on weather stripping, screening, etc., un- til today he ranks as an expert in same. We recommend his work very highly and feel proud to haye him with us in this big issue.