Junior: Senior. Prom’ yy The Junior - Senior prom of the King- ston township high school will be hela in the auditoriym of the high school ~ tonight. William Rowlands and = his orchestra will play for dancing. This is the only dance that is allowed in the high school and admittance will be by invitation only. ‘Whit Sunday \ Whit Sunday will be observed at the ~ Lutheran church this Sunday with the observance of the Holy Communion. A Children’s Day program will be ‘held on June 25 at the Lutheran church at the 7:30 service. The Council of the Lutheran church ik ‘will ‘meet on June 12 instead of June 6. The Young Peoples meeting will “be held on June 19th instead of June 13, and on June 20th the Brotherhood of the Lutheran church will entertain | the members of the Caravan Brother- "hood of the Christian church of Ply- mouth, a pleasing program of enter- ‘tainment "is being arranged and the committee in charge is making ar- rangements to have Jackson Guernsey as the guest’speaker. The men of the ~ community are invited to attend. Sunday School Board Meets! At a meeting of the Sunday School Board of the M. E. church held re- cently at the church with Rev, F. M. Sellers in charge, plans were complet-. ed for the Bible School to be conduc- ted at the church from June 19 to 30. The local Sunday School will unite with the district schools for the an- nual picnic which will be held some ; time in July. Plans were also made for the annual children’s Day program which will be held on June 11. School Board to Meet Kingston township school board will old a regular meeting at the library of the high school on Monday night. Routine business will be transacted, the matter of naming teachers will not take place until a special meeting is ‘called which in all probability will be June 12) ‘It is expected that several changes will be made in the teaching ; staff at the high school. There will also be one new teacher named for the “local grade school in place of Mrs. Emmanuel, who was married during the preset school term, % Association To Meet ; SShovertown ‘tion will meet at the local / school house tonight at 8 o'clock. All mems ~ bers are requested to be present to- 3 gether with other men, of the com. cure information on the securing of: ja Sg fs Improvement Associa- |several important Merton Coolbaugh, Alice Douglas Riddal, Barbara Downer, mo- tored to Eagle’s Mere Decoration Day for a days outing. BIG CIRCUS (Continued from Page 1.) : a-half somersault to a catch; Zacchini, human projectile, in longer and more terriffic flights from the cannon’s mouth: the Hugony sisters, acrobatic pinwheels; Maximo, stellar comic of the slack wire, and scores of others equally notable. One hundred of the best known clowns will make merry in the concourse of the world's largest tent. The great combined circus will ar- rive on four long trains of 100 double- | length steel railroad over 1,600 people, meungens, animals and 700 horses. cars, bringing “Seed” for the unemployed will make a report. ‘at this meeting. Briefs Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Cottle spent the past week end at Madison, N. J., while there they visited the dog show held there on Saturday. Mr. Cottle is a raiser of wire haired fox terriers. Mrs. W. W. Brace was entertained on her birthday anniver- sary - last Thursday evening when members of her family and friends gathered at her home on her honor. Those present were: Mr, and Mrs. Sherman Wardan, Elizabeth Wardan, Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Coolbaugh and daughters Margaret and Wanda, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brace, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brace and daughters, Edith and Dorothy. In a brood of Rhode Island Red chickens recently hatched by Prof. M. J. Girton, supervising principal of the’ Dallas township schools are three freak chickens, one has six toes on each foot and two others have five toes on each foot, if these grow and make their way to neighbors gardens what a scratching time there will be. ' The Shavertown Firemen's Relief Association will hold a special meeting at the local school house on Monday night at 8 o'clock. All members are requested to be present as there are financial matters that will be brought up “for discussion. = Offering You Tempting Foods at Real | Money-Saving Prices \ \Y * 1 Dring Vel Value! {Fancy U. SS. No. 1 New POTATOES Full 15 Ib Peck 350 An Exceviionsl Price! FINEST QUALITY—WISCONSIN Aged to a Delicious Flavor CHEESE w. 15¢ Golden ~ CORN ‘Bantam 4 cans 29c¢c EXTENSION—SIZE 24x33 - Window Screens 2 ror §5C LARGE JUICY RED RIPE ATNTERHELONS - 4% - Double Tip - ‘ Matches 6 boxes 23¢ Super Suds ~ Wax Rite Lipid, Prince Albert ~ Tobacco “Davis Baking 2 Powder 12-0z. tin 20c .2 tins 23¢' [ Stat Suds For Speedy Dish Weshing SMALL SIZE - - - 2 FOR 15¢ For Quick New Energy Post Teasties 2 boxes 13€ 2 = 25¢ Octagon White Float- ing Soap 6 cakes 25¢ Hygeia Strained Vegetables 2 cans 25c Mason's Shoe Polish 7c .can GOLD TAL FLOUR ©3 2 244 -1b: - ‘Special Friday Only! GRANDMOTHER'S CHEESE , oak 10- \ 3 LEAN—SUGAR CURED BACON 1b 13¢ IN OUR MEAT AND FOOD PRODUCTS SPINAC PEACHES PINEAPPLE ASPARAGUS The Vitamine Vegetable California Yellow Cling BREAD LEAN—SUGAR CURED Bacon Squares Ib. 10 / GROCERY STORES Large Cans 2 =x 27¢ 2 == 29¢ CC Ry [J can 15¢ Picnic Style "Prices Effective in Dallas and Vicinity ; \ Johnston, Hugo 50 elephants, 1,009 | pleasantly | | -TONIGHT & TOMORROW NIGHT- What! No Beer : With Buster Keaton — Jimmy Durante NEXT WEEK MONDAY — TUESDAY Son-Daughter © With Raymond ‘Navarro and ‘Strictly Personal With Eddie Quillan ri itr . FRIDAY — SATURDAY Rasputin, and the Empress With John, Ethel, Lionel ‘Barrymore. Sheriff’s Sale FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 1933, At 10 A. M. As directed by Fi. Fa. No. 61, July Term, 1933, I will expose for public Sale to the highest bidder for cash at the above time in the Sheriff Sales Room at the Court House, all the right, title and interest of the defendants in ‘ithe following lot in Dallas Township, Luzerne County, to wit: © Situate on the Wyoming Center- moreland road, having a frontage of twenty-eight and nine- tenths ' (28.9) rods, a depth of sixty-nine and three- tenths (69.3) rods on the northerly side adjoining George Culver and being thirty-four (34) rods across the rear line adjoining George Culver. Being the same premises conveyed tc Roy T. Gannon and Emily Gannon by deed recorded in Deed Book 708, page 164, Improved with a six room bungalow. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of The First National Bank of Wilkes-Barre, Pa., vs. Roy T. Gan- non, with notice to Roy T. Gannon and Emily Gannon, his wife, terre tenants, and will be sold by McLean and McLean, Attys. 3 5-26-3t Sheriff’s Sale _ FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 1933, At 10 A. M. By virtue of a writ of Fi. Fa. No. 30, July Term, 1933, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale by vendue to the highest and best bidders, for cash, at the Sheriff’s Sales Room, Court House, in the City of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, on Fri- day, the 16th day of June, 1933, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of the said day, all the right, title and interest of the defendants in and to the following de- scribed lot, piece or parcel of land, viz: } That land in Wilkes-Barre City, Lu- zerne County, Pennsylvania, being lots 126 and 127 of Parsons-Flick ' Allot- ment, recorded in May Book 1, Page 362, being 50 feet front and rear front- ing on Jay Street, and being 100 feet in depth. Being known as No. 6 Jay Street, Parsons Section, Wilkes-Barre City. Improved with a frame dwelling house, out buildings and fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at! the suit of Mary Matichko, administra-, trix of the Estate of Harry Hatichko, deceased, vs. Lesko or Alex Matichka: Matichko, his wife, and will be sold by i LUTHER M. KNIFFEN, Sheriff, George L. Fenner, Attorney. 5-26-3t ‘FOR PUBLICATION At Sheriff's Sales Room, Court House, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., June 16, 1933, at 10 o'clock A. M., on execution issued by the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County at suit of Charles D. Sorber against Loren Cragle and T. J. Cragle, there will be sold: FIRST: A tract of land in Hunlock Township ‘bounded by lands now or late of Estate ‘of Abram Davenport, Adaline Roberts, and others, contain- ing 23 acres and 123 perches more or less, conveyed to Loren D. Cragle by Lewis Davenport et al, D. B. 576, page 501; improved with frame dwelling, ete. SECOND: A tract of land in Hun- leck Township bounded by lands now or late of Mary Alice Raber, Cath- erine Cragle, Estate of Abram Daven- port an da public road, containing about 91 acres; conveyed to Thos. J. Cragle by Eugene Search et al, D. B. 468, page 393; improved with frame dwelling, etc. LUTHER M. KNIFFEN, Sheriff, Thos. M. Lewis, Atty. ’ 5-26-3t CHARTER AMENDMENT Notice is bereby given that The Dr. Henry M. Laing Fire Company of Dal- las has petitioned the Court of Com- ton Please of Luzerne County to No. 871" July term, 1927, to amend its Paster by changing its name to “The . Menry M. Laing Fire Company of I Borough and Township of Dallas,” and that the Court has fixed Wednes- day, the 31st day of May, 1933, as the time for hearing, and that said peti- tion is now on file in the Prothono- tary’s office to said number and term. ‘A. L, Turner, Solicitor. LUTHER M. KNIFFHN, Sheriff ry 16th, June 1933, ten o'clock A. M., Sales Room, Court House, Wilk- €S- Barre, Pla., various writs of execu- tion from court of common pleas of Luzerne County, Pa. 0 . Property of Max Rosenfeld in Bor- {ough of Swoyersville, (1) forty- eight feet wide on Main Street and two hun- imp ved with a brick store and dwel- linghouse, a, frame dwellinghouse, and a garage, and (2) eighty-nine and one half feet on an alley and one hundred fifty feet along Pettebone Street, im- proved with a f “ir family frame dwel- ling house No's 53 and 55 Pettebone Street. W Clark, Attorney. 4 Property of whites IP. Porking and southerly side of Butler Street, Bor- ough of Forty Fort, adjoining Robin- son and one hundred fourteen feet deep, improved with a frame dwelling- house No. 71 Butler Street. Clark, Attorney. | Via g . : Property of A. C. Edwards and Hel- en Edwards about eight acres of land in Dallas Township bounded by Cease, Ryman, Ross and Shupp, improved with'a dwellinghouse and barn. Clark, Attorney. * ; Property of Charles S. Nicol and George S. Nicol thirty-five feet wide on North College Avenue, Borough ‘of Kingston, adjoining Pettebone and one hundred sixty-one feet deep, improved with a frame dwellinghouse No. 322 North College Avenue. Clark, Attorney. » Property of Stella Steele and Earl V. Steele fifty feet wide on westerly side of Union street, Borough of Pringle, adjoining Laktish and one hundred thirteen feet deep to Toby's Creek, improved with a one story con- crete block auto repair shop. Clark, Attorney. L. M. Kniffen, Sheriff. 5-26-3t Sheriff’s Sale On Friday, June :23, 1933, at 10 o'clock a. m. at the Sales Room, Court House, Wilkes-Barre, Penna. the Sheriff will sell the property of Mar- tha Norman Mohana and Abraham Mohana, her husband, owners, situ- ate on Blackman Street, in the City of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a corner between lots Nos. 21 and 23 on plot recorded in Deed Book 158 page 1; thence at right angles to Blackman Street one hundred and twenty-five (125) feet to a corner; thence in a Southwesterly direction fifty (50) feet to a corner; thence along not No! 25 to said plot Northeasterly one hundred and twen- ty-five (125) feet to Blackman Street; thence along Blackman Street fifty (60) feet to the place of beginning. Being a part of lot No. 23 on said plot aforesaid. Improved with a two story frame dwelling house, outbuildings, fruit trees, etc. Seized and taken in execu- tion by virtue of a writ of farei facias to No. 110 July Term, 1933, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Lu- zerne County. L. M. Kniffen, ‘Sheriff A. L. Turner, Atty 6-2-3t Sheriff’s Sale On Friday, June 23, 1933, at 10 o'clock a. m. at the Sales Room, Court House, Wilkes-Barre, Penna. the Sheriff will sell the property of M. J. ‘“Ioore, owner, situate in the Town- } i t { or Matichko and Nettie Matichka or [of J. E. Patterson, deceased; ship of Kingston,' Luzerne County [a Pennsylvania, bounded and described +8 follows: BEGINNING at an apple tree stump on a corner of land late of the Estate thence Northeast about twenty (20) feet to a point in the State road; thence along the State Road and the road known as the lower road from Trucksville to Dallas, to apoint in land now or for- merly of Perrigo; thence along Perri- go’s land Northwest four (4) perches to land of Lewis Estate; thence along said ‘land to the Harris Hill road; | thence along said road Northwest one (1) perch; thence Southeasterly cross- ing said road to a corner in land now or formerly of James Monaghan; thence Southwesterly to a corner on the State Road aforesaid; thence along said road in a Westerly direction to the beginning. Improved with a grist mill and equipment, an oil and gaso- line service station and four (4) gaso- line storage tanks, Seized and taken in execution by virtue of a writ of fieri facias to No. 109 July Term, 1933, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County. L. M. Kniffen, Sheriff A. IL. Turner, Atty dred feet deep along Slocum Street, | l.azel M. Perkins thirty feet wide on \ (15.17) feet to a corner; thence N. 48 CLASSE Fi ED REISIN USE THE POST CLASSIFIED COLUMN J IT PAYS | FOR SALE—Tennis vn sold and restrung at re- markably low prices, Call Dal | 1300. ; SPECIAL, SALE: Baby chicks. All chicks reduced to 5c each for Leg- “horns and 6c for heavy breeds on June 1st. In lots less than 100 add one cent, Nescopeck Poultry Farm, Nescopeck, Fe 5-26- It FOR SALE: — "20 farms, priced Som $1,000 to $4,000. . Also three timber tracts. G. Z. Appleman. Bloomsburg, * Pa. Box 242 5-26-1t FOR SALE: — Garden tractor, stan- dard 3% horse power, in excellent condition, cheap. S. NN. ' 'Scovill, Dallas, R. F. D. No. 2. 5-26-2t FOR SALE: — Bosch Treasure Chest Radio, with police short wave pick- up. New seven weeks ago. Cost $69.50. Will sell for $35.00 or trade for good used car. Call Kingston ‘T- 9529, or write Box C. Dallas Post. 5-26-1t FOR SALE: — Fancy White Rock stewing chickens. Orders delivered. Clarence R. Elston, Huntsville. Tele- phone, Dallas 267-R-18. 6-2-3t Sheriff’s Sale mt On Friday, the 23rd day of June, 1933, at 10, o'clock ‘a. m. at the sales room, Court House, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, the Sheriff will sell the property of Isaac Saba, owner situate in the City of, Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne The codfish: Ios. a million eggs, While the little hen lays one But the codfish doesn’t cackle To inform us hot she’s done \And So we scorn the codfish The little hen we prize Which goes to prove to thought- ful minds 7 “lt Pays to Advertise” By Using TILE IGN 110 West Bennett Street, Phone 7-0529 Kingston, Pa. PURE BRED Wire Haired Fox Terrier PUPPIES A. K. C. Registered, Excellent Pedigree. Phone Dallas 262-R-13 IRA D. COOKE Professional Land CI ENGINEERING Penn’a Register No. 4104 SUCCESSOR TO CHAS. H. COOKE, Dec'd Phone, Dallas 126. Dallas, Pa. County, Pennsylvania, bounded X and described as follows: gn, THE FIRST THEREOF: Beginning at a corner on the Southerly ‘side of Carey Avenue pne hundred (100) feet southwesterly 'from - Wood Street; thence ,'S. 48 degrees 19 minutes E. parallel with Wood Street one hundred eighty four and seven-tenths (184.7) When In Luzerne Eat at WEIDNER'S LUN CH Established 1904 Just a good place to eat feet to a corner; thence S. 41 degrees 30 minutes W. ‘Parallel to Barney Street thirty (30) feet to a corner; thence S. 78 degrees 1 minute W. fif- teen and seventeen one-hundredths degrees 19 minutes W. two hundred six and four-tenths (206.4) feet to Carey Avenue; thence along Carey Avenue IN. 77 degrees 24 minutes E. fifty-two (52) feet to the beginning. Improved with a brick garage building. The interest: of the said Isaac’Saba in said premises being an undivided one- half (%) interest, THE SECOND THEREOF: That lot | of land beginning at a point on the westerly side of Barney Street one hundred six and twenty-one one-hun- dredths (106.21) feet Southwest from Wood Street; thence N. 48 degrees 30 NEW SPRING PRICES On Fresh Mined - Breaker COAL : Stove $6.50 Pea $4.75 Nut $5.85 | Buck $4.50 Delivered : CALL CROCKER Dallas 198-R-16 Cheapest Moving Rates in Town minutes W. one hundred twenty-six and nine-tenths (126.9) feet to a point; thence N. 41 degrees 31 minutes E. twenty-five - (25) feet to a point; thence S. 48 degrees 1 minute East one hundred twenty-six and nine- | tenths (126.9) feet to Barney Street; thence S. 41 degrees 30 minutes W. twenty-five (25) feet to the place of beginning. Being .part of the same premises conveyed to Isaac Saba and Elias N. Conty by deed of John MacCallum et dated 6 February, 1925, recorded in a Book 634 page 284. The interest of the said Isaac Saba therin being an undivided one-half (%) interest. To- gether with the right of way connected with said lot conveyed to said Isaac Saba and Elias N. Coury by Frank C. Shreiber et al, by deed recorded in Deed Book 647 page 265. THE THIRD THEREOF: Beginning at a point in the rear line of Shreib- er’s land five (5) feet from a corner of land of Saba; thence through land of Shreiber S. 41 degrees 28 minutes W.' eleven and sixty-ineng one-hun- dredths (11.69) feet to a corner; thence through land of Shreiber N. 48 degrees 28 minutes W. eight and sixty-five one-hundredths (8.65) feet to line of land of Saba; thence along said Saba land N. 78 degrees 1 minute E. Four- teen and fifty-two one-hundredths (14.52) feet to the beginning, upon which is erected a part of a garage building. BEING the same premises conveyed to Isaac Saba and Elias N. Coury by deed of Frank C. Shreiber et al, re- corded in Deed Book 647 page 265; the interest of the said Isaac Saba being an undivided one-half (3%) interest. Seized and taken in execution by vir- tue of a writ of fieri facias to No. 112 July Term, 1933, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County in suit of the Hanover Bank and Trust Company of Wilkes-Barre vs. Isaac Saba. 4 L. M. Kniffen, Sheriff 6-2-3t A. L. Turner, Atty MEN’ is REPAIEIN 6 Here’s your chance This to get that Watch of yours .fixed .at .a truly low price — A Real $350 job for only $1—No Hitch— No Fake — But Ac- téal Truth I. WARSHAL EXPERT WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER matter your will cost paired. We Will Repair ANY WATCH Non profit event. No what make or condition of’ timepiece, $1.00 to have it re- 65 E. Market St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. For Limited Time Only S OR WOMEN’S FOR ONLY ® Strictly a | This advertsement and $1.00 will repair your watch regard- less of condition. Sponsored only to add new customers. ® the it you only 4th Store from Hotel Redington Repairs Guaranteed for 1 Year 3] First National Bank! DALLAS, PA. * ££ ¥ ~ MEMBERS AMERICAN BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION * % % / DIRECTORS R. L. Brickel, C. A. Frantz, D, P. Honeywell, W. B. Jeter, Sterling Machell, W. R. Neely, Clifford W. Space, A. C. Devens, Herbert. Hill. *. 0% OFFICERS C. A. Frantz, Pres. D. P. Honeywell, 1st Vice-Pres. Sterling Machell, 2nd Vice- Pres. W. B. Jeter, Cashier ® x A Three Per Cent Interest On Savings Deposits No account too small to assure careful attention Deposits Payable on Demand Vault Boxes for Rent Self- Registering Savings Bank Free | First National Bank "PUBLIC SQUARE WILKES-BARRE, PA. United States Depository: OFFICERS Wm. H. Conyngham .... President Francis Douglas .. Ex. ‘Vice Pres. Chas. F. Huber .... 1st. Vicé Pres. Geo. R. McLean .. 2nd Vice Pres. M. G. Shennan Vice Pres. & Cashier DIRECTORS Chas. N. Loveland Fred O., Smith George R. McLean Wm. H. Conyngham Richard Sharpe C. F. Huber Francis Douglas T. R. Hillard Edward Griffith Wm. W. Inglis M. G. Shennan! Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent 3 Per Cent Interest Paid On Savings Deposits $1.00 Will Start An Account BEES R EERE ERE HX ELEN EE EEE REE E REEL RE ELH LRLH RHR R RINKS