The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, March 31, 1933, Image 3

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: Woman's Home Missionary society
will meet with Mrs. C. R. Prutzman
. next Thursday afternoon, Mrs. Frank
H. Johnson will review the lesson and
A us Mrs, @&. A. Learn will ask Enigmas.
The Annual Lenten offering will be
Members of the*W: W. Class of M.
B. Church ‘met with Franklin Hoak on
Tuesday evening. Lunch was served
¢ to the following: Dorothy Wilcox, Mil-
; dred Dierolf, June Evans, Eleanor
.,. Dierolf, Mary Wilcox, Russell! John-
Se son, David Howell, Eugene Krumbley,
: Wilbur Evans, Harry Howell, Franklin
© Hoak, Mrs. Gordon Johnson, Mr. and
SE oh Su Mrs. Hoak. .\:
wi Kunkle News
Mrs. John Gorden and Mrs. F. P.
0. Kunkle spent Thusday with: Mrs. S.
a i R. Durland and Mrs. Etta Kocher of
laden tor by ~ Wyoming. :
Ko ERE Mr, and Mrs. Mark Kunkle and son
dh: 2 . Paul of Orange spent Sunday with the
es ‘former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. W. S.
(TOME RE Kunkle.
Mrs. W. S. Kunkle recently wisiton’
Mrs. Sarah Morgan and Mrs. Gains
Deiterline of ‘Wilkes-Barre.
Miss Margaret Kunkle and Mr. and
Mrs. Olin Kunkle entertained at din-
" ner on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. S. R.
Durland and Mrs. Etta Kocher of Wy-
oming and Miss Irene Smith of Scran-
Mrs. C. W. Kunkle and Mrs. Wil-
liam Brace entertained with a dinner
and quilting party on Thursday of last
eek. Their guests were: Mrs. Mag-
ge Ellsworth, Mrs. Russell 'Achuff, and
Mrs. A. F. Stitzer of Shavertown;
p Mrs. Gideon Miller and daughter Ma-
bel of Dallas; Mrs. Frank Smith, Mrs.
A. C. Devens, Mrs. Harry Sweezy ana
Mrs. Olin Ellsworth.
The Silver Leaf Club held a quilt-
ing at the Grange Hall on Wednesday.
A covered dish dinner was served at
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Moore moved
recently to their new home at East
Dallas and Mr. and Mrs. Creston Gal-
lup have moved into the Nesbitt house
they vacated.
Mrs. Frank Searfoss suffered a heart
attack on Friday night; She is able
to be about again, however.
Mrs, Raymond Garinger will enter-
tain the Epworth League on Saturday
© evening.
Mrs. L.' D. Griffith is convalescing
after having broken her ankle.
Jat SMP. and Mrs. H. R. Garinger and
il Lloyd and Elsie Garinger were the
guests of Mrs, Albert Bush at Scran-
ton, on Sunday.
Mr, Fred Odenkirchen and daughter
‘Emma attended the funeral of a very
SIN 2 ol dfriend, Charles Edwa S, -at White
LEAK: spain? Haven on Saturday. Mrs. Stella En-
Al ay ders and ‘son Elliot accompanied
° Mrs. Albert Haskins of Sugar Notch
SH PRE spent Friday with her mother, Mrs.
SH i Lucy Altemus. /
re i An official board meeting of the
ERTL church was held in the parsonage on
Monday evening.
Mrs. Harriet Rauch will return home
this week. She has been convalescing
at the home of her sister in Wilkes-
‘Barre, after having undergone an 0Op-
eration at Wilkes-Barre General hos-
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Killer and
daughters Lorraine and Evelyn of Ide-
> town spent Sunday with Mrs. ‘A. J.
Garinger and Mr, and Mrs. Raymond
Garinger. -
’ Genevieve York of Harrisburg spent
*¥ the week end with her parents. . She
had as her guest Clara Howard ‘of
Ire Harrisburg.
i . Esther, Adda and Ross Garringer
|g J entertained at dinner Sunday Lilia
AA Cobleigh of Dallas, Albert Armitage
of Plymouth and Peter Kuchta.
Justice of the Peace
CTnurch Street, Dallas
Rents Collected — Affidavits
24hr. Auto License Service
Legal Work of all Kinds.
Professional Land Surveyor
Penn’a Register No. 4104
Phone, Dallas 126. Dallas, Pa.
First National Bank
* * ok
{ ¥ * x
{ R. L. Brickel, C. A, Frantz, D. P.
§ Honeywell, W. B. Jeter, Sterling
Machell, W. R. Neely, Clifford W.
B Space, A. C. Devens, Herbert Hill.
* ok %
Ie C. A. Frantz, Pres.
D. P. Honeywell, 1st Vice-Pres.
Sterling Machell, 2nd Vice-Pres.
W. B. Jeter, Cashier
* Xk xX
Three Per Cent Interest
© On Savings Deposits
No account too small to assure
careful attention
Deposits Payable on Demand
Vault Boxes for Rent
Self-Registering Savings Bank Free
Mes, Mamie Gay is ‘suffering with
a severe attack of erysipelas. :
~ Donald Ferry, a sophmore in the
Dallas borough school is in Nesbitt |
hospital where he had an oper ation for
Corey Besteder,
a junior
‘borough school and a member of the
Varsity basketball team is quite sert-
ously ill at his home here.
Cl. M. Gay and family of Dallas spent
Sunda: yin this place. :
Two returned missionary ladies con-
ducted services in -the
church on Sunday evening.
Mrs. Gladys Dailey was a business;
caller at the county seat on Saturday. |
We are very glad to see Dr. C. IL.
Boston of Noxen travelling our streets
once again after 4 prolonged ' visit
away. :
Grange hall this Friday evening at 8
will hold an entertainment in the
P.M. There will be a Dialogue “Hicks
from the Sticks.’ A one act play
“Mrs. Apple and Corps” by two ladies.
A pantomine, “Jason Stubbins Court-
ing”. Several tableaux and lots. of
good music to suit every one. A small
charge of 20c for adults and 10c for
children. Home made ice cream and
cake will be sold after the show.
Old Hymn Day will be observed at
Centermoreland on Sunday, Order of
services is as follows: Sunday School
at Centermoreland at 10:00 A. M., fol-
lowed by the preaching service at
11:00, with sermon by the pastor. At
this service the biographies of all the
old familiar hymns of the church will
be given. There will be preaching ser-
vice at Thurston at 2:30 and at TLock-
ville at 7:45. All are invited to at-
tend these services.
On Friday evening of this week the
Ladies’ Aid will give a home talent
entertainment in the Grange Thal
Among the numbers on the program
there will be pantomimes, tableaux,
dialogues, and a home talent play en-
titled Mrs, Apple and Corps. After
the entertainment home made ice
cream and cake will be served in the
Don’t forget the ham and egg supper
the Wpworth League is ening to Serve
in the basement of the church on the
in Dallas |
Glad Hand |
The Ladies’ Aid of the M. E. church
'D. Dymond.
owing. of prt 12. :
he by the members of the League.
I ees
: —Shaverto wWn—
Alice Lloyd, youngest Gingbnr of
Mr. and Mrs. Harold ‘Lloyd, is con-
fiined to her home with scarlet fev-
| The. five children of Mr. and Mrs.
‘Duda of the Carverton section are
under quarantine for the same sick-
ness, they being stricken ill on Sun-
Quarantines were lifted Quring the
past week as follows: March 25, K. G.
Laycock, Perrin Avenue; Howard
| Yorkes, Harris Hill Road, Trucksville,
[March 28, Mr. Bissell, Mt. Airy Road,
{Shavertown;, March 29, Mr. Royer,
Harms Hill Road, Trucksville, March
: Announce Birth
Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Griffiths of
Kingston, formerly of Fernbrook, an-
nounce the birth of their second son
on Tuesday of last week. Mr. Grir-
fith is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Wil-
liam Griffiths of Fernbrook Road.
: Mourns Sister
Mrs. Milton’ Perrigo of Huntsville, 1s
mourning the death of her sister, Mrs.
Helen Jacobs Murray of Garfield
Place, Hollywood, Cal, on Wednesday
an invalid for the past year. She for-
merly resided in Wilkes-Barre.
Brief Mention |
| Mr. and Mrs. George Bronson of
Sweet Valley, were guests on Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sher-
man Wardan.
Mr. and Mrs. Pursell Johnson of
Main street, spent the past week end
with their son Chester and family at
Mrs, Fred Wick of Nuangola, was the
guest recently at the home of Mrs.
Anna Pealer. :
Emma Ruth Shaver is recovering
from an attack of gripp.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Williams are ill
at the home of their daughter, Mrs.
Earnest Keller.
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Dodson of
Hanover, were guests over the week
end at the Home of Mr. and Mrs. O.
Receive Good News
fire company received a letter from
Representative Willard G. Shortz from
Harrisburg in regards to a bill that
Til kets are on.
of last week. Mrs. Murray has been
The’ secretary of the local volunteer |
was to be prophase for the ‘purpose of Jon the organ ana makin
{cutting into the funds of the State $250 paid since January 1.
Firemen’s Relief
letter follows:
Mr, LAT, Schwartz, Secretary,
Shavertown Chemical ® Company,
Shavertown, Pa.
Dear Sir:
I was
reference to douse; Bill 170,
However, this, Bil is not an amena-
ment to the ‘present law diverting a |
portion of the fire insurance tax to
Firemen’s Relief Association. It is a
new bill proposing that part of the
automobile insurance tax be diverted
to the policemen.
I took the matter up with Rep. Root
personally and he proposeq amending
the bill to read auto “Casualty.”
Howeve?t, I understand that the bill
will be allowed to die.
: Very truly yours,
Willard G. Shortz.
A similar’ letter was received from
Senator A. J. Sordoni, stating that ‘he
would look into the matter and take
favorable action on it.
District Rally
An enthusiastic meeting was hela
recently at the home of Mrs. Herbert
Williams, Trucksville, chairman of the
Girl Scout Rally committee. The
members discussed preliminary plans
for the rally which promises to be one
of the most noteworthy events held
by, the Dallas District Girl Scout
Council, The affair will take place
during the first part of May, and It
is planned to hold it in the new ‘high
school auditorium,
Members of the committee Present
Association. The
(the Root
were: Miss Marion Gruver of
Scout Headquarters; Mrs. Wesley
Steelman, Trucksville; ' Mrs. Russell
Case, Fernbrook; Mrs. A. D. Hull, Dal-
las, Miss Frances Thomas, Shavertown
Mrs. Eugene Lazarus of Dallas, a
member of the committee was unable
to be present.
Keller Class Plans Busy Sooion.
Many money making plans were dis-
cussed at a busy session of the Kel-
ler class of the Methodist Sunday
School at its meeting held recently at
the church. Mrs. S. R. Schooley,pre-
sident had charge of the meeting. Mrs.
P. M. Malkemes, treasurer, read the
report. $81.40 was cléared on the play
recently given by the class. The sum
of $47.67 was reported cleared on the
birthday party given last month. The
sum of $150. was paid in February
sleeve details,
Tailored Types!
Dressy Models!
We've gathered together just about the finest
collection of tailored sports and dress coats
you ever hoped to see! Clever necklines, new
distinctive new fabrics,
. challenge your attegtion! Body lines are sev-
South Main = thru to Northampton St.
erely plain, but the sleeves are varied, but al-
ways with fullness somewhere! They're unfur-
red, making them grand all-season coats!
Sizes for Juniors,
Misses and Women
glad to receive your letter in [Mrs. Clifford Fink, Mrs. Lester Gallup, |
tees will be appointed at the
Mrs. A. George Prater reported | erica.
plans for a bake sale to be held at
the Boston Store, Wilkes-Barre had |
| been completed.
is chairman of the sale and will” be | games
assisted by the following members:
Mrs.” W. BE. Allen, Mrs. Ray Isaacs,
I'Mrs. Stanley | Bhewan ang Mrs. Dan-
Hd Shaver.
The class will sponser a mother and
daughter banquet in May. Commit-
regular meeting.
The president appointed a nominat- eds
g a total of resume of the vor and living condl-
(tions in that country and South
i - A" baseball boar d 7
(members of the organization was ‘used
Miss Helen McCord | for the tirst time and some interestin
ow and Mice Girton, with, the Gir:
'ton’s winning four straight games,
high school will present a “Night| 0
in the high school auditorium
‘Wednesday night, April 5.
were play ed by the membe 2
Hamilton ‘Clem
Night Of Fun
senior class of the
town shi 3
The pro.
will be used to defray exp. nses
annual trip to Washington Th
is invited to attend. i
‘ing committee, to select a slate of of- or jie
ficers for the ensuing year, to be loc. | PRblC
ited the next meeting as follows: Mrs, | ==
|W. .Martin Porter, chairman; Mrs.
Paul Eckhert and Mrs! Lester Gallup.
Following the usiness session. Gla
games were played, led by Mrs. Wil-
liam Moyse. Refreshments were ser-
in our own laboratory.
sses made while vou wait =
ved. Hostesses were Mrs. Wesley Mit-
chell, Mrs. Russell S. Achuff and Mrs.
Albert Stitzer.
Play Scores Hit
The alumni play, “Fixing It For
Father,” presented in the high school
auditorium\last Friday night, made a
tremendous hit with the large audi-
ence that was present. Much credit for
the. success of the play is due to the
coach Mrs. Edna Travis Johnson.
Principal roles in the play were tak-
Schooley, Earl Crop, Frederick ' Eck.
Woolbert and Sherman Hefft,
Local Man Honored
Alonza, Prutzman of ‘Ferguson av-
enue, was on Friday night named
president of Past Grand’s Association
of Luzerne County Independent Order
of Odd Fellows at a meeting held at
that time at the lodge rooms of Hill-
Have ‘your glasses FITTED —not /
just made! All glasses are fitted
en by Guida Taylor, Penred Keller, Full-vues, White Gold, Pink
Marjorie Fink, June Palmer. Ruth | Gold, Oxfords or Lorgnettes. Li
Louis Button, Willard Garey, Almon Octagons, Drop-Octagons, Full- |
vues, Rimless, Round or Ovaiz, :
No Higher — One Price oily.
We Do Not Use Drops
e by ‘a Registered eye-sight
cialist of wide experience.
) DR. Louls RIVERA.
side Lodge 863, Edwardsville. Mr.
Prutzman is a member of Walnut
Lodge 953, Luzerne.
‘Brotherhood Receives Invitdtions
The Brotherhood of the Lutheran
church at their last regular meeting
held last Tuesday night, acknowledged :
invitations from the Brotherhood of pi
the Christ Lutheran church, Wilkes-
Barre and the Brotherhood of the
Christian Church, Plymouth, to be
guests at their meetings on the nights
of April 17 and 18. Both invitations
will be filled, members so deciding at
the meeting. Rev. Paul Counts a re-
Double vision Kryptoks for far
find near vision ground in one,
with any style frame you may
. choose are yours for only $7.50 :
1Y, East Market Street
Beneath Orondo Ballroom. Di
luding examination.
B. 3-3628. Office Hours: 8:
turned missionary from Africa gave a
¢ Ing» . Again’ we say
our Money .
~ Goes Furthest i in Your ASCO Store
Come in any day and let us prove that we save you
motiey by our Producer to Consumer plan of Merchandis-
Shop the camartcan” Wty: You Save
Peaches ©
Meaty, thin-skinned. fruit, Makes a delicious desert.
Calument Baking Powder
8c Norwegian
#380 Toasted Bread Crumbs ; phe Te
California Sweet Prunes * 3 Ibs 25¢/
4 oz can 9c
of 9c ¢
ASCO Pancake Flour ; plg Sc
{@SCO Table Syrup 1 big can 10c a
Log Cabin Syrup ; can 29c i
Walnuts Ib 25¢ Almonds fyi19c td
3lc—21c—10¢ Saved. rs
A5C0 Coffee’ =» 21¢
Try asco Blend—Emnjoy Real Coffeg mb
25¢ Eveready
10c 480 Diced
2 15¢
"Save four cents
13¢ Princess
“» 10e
Healthful and nutritious
23c 450 Peanut
A tasty spread on bread
Butter and Egg Headquarters for over 42 years
(No rind.)
(Packed 3 to a corton-
(Plus five cents deposit per bottle.
One pkg 450 Lime Dessert
with Three pkgs of
ASCO Gelatine Desserts
State Relief and Work
GOLD SEAL Fresh EGGS of 1c
b Twelve
: For boiling, Poaching or sick room use.
FRESH EGGS ‘dozen 17c¢"
Every Egg Guaranteed.
2-1, 1b pkgs 1c
One Jig Saw Puzzle FREE with each purchase of
3 cakes 19¢
One pkg 450 Chocolate Flavored Resse or
O.ders Redeemed at Our
Stores . . Carefiilly , . Cheerfully Promptly
Dallac and Vieinkty,
These Prices Effective in Our Steres la