PAGE FOUR The Dallas Township Parent Teach- er Association will hold its January meeting on Monday evening, January 16, at 7:45 in the high school building. There will be a speaker of promy-. nence. All are welcome. > The Ladies’ ‘Auxiliary of the Henry M. Laing Fire Company will hold its January meeting on Tuesday, Janu-! ary 17, at the home of Mrs. George Hofmeister at ‘Shrineview. i Variety Shower A variety shower attended by akout “one hundred guests was recently giv- en at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Rinkin of Harvey's Lake in honor of their son and daughter-in-law Mr. ‘and Mrs. Clarence Rinkin of Kingston ‘whose marriage was recently an- nounced. The home was attractively | ‘decorated in holiday~ colors and a large wedding cake served as center- piece for the tables. Music was fur- ‘nished by Mrs. Charles Ellsworth of Jdetown. The young couple received many beautiful presents and the good ‘wishes of the many guests who att- tended. Mrs. Rinkin before marriage was Nellie Shaver of Kingston. ‘Local friends will be interested in a | ‘double golden wedding annjversary re- ‘cently observed inh Baldwin, Kansas, ‘when Mr. and Mrs. R. E. McHenry and Mrs. McHenry’s sister and broth- ‘er-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Bor- ‘rows celebrated their golden weddings at a family party. Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Henry have many friends here where they have visited their son, L. A. Mc- ‘Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood McCarthy of ‘Davenport street, recently entertained in honor of Mrs. Clifford Ide's birth- ‘day. Guests present were Mr. and Mrs. James Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Clif- ‘ford Ide, Miss Bess Klinetob, Mr. ‘Dean Ide. Miss Bess Klinetob has returned to ‘her home iri Loyalville after spending | a few days with friends here. Entertains Bridge Club Mrs. Russel Engle entertained mem- bers of her bridge club at her home in Idetown on Monday night. Following cards refreshments were served to the following “members: Mrs. Harold Jones, Trucksville; Mrs. W, E. Gey- ‘er, Mrs. Daniel Shaver, Mrs. George Shaver, Mrs. Herman Van Campen, Mrs, Lena Appleton, Mrs. Russell ¥ngle and Miss Emma Shaver. Win- ners at cards were Mrs. Harold Jones and Mrs. Georze Shaver. The next club meeting will be held at the home tion windows may be of Mrs. W. E. Geyer at Shavertown, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Robinson of Tunkhannock have announced the en. gagement of their daughter Lenora to Jack Honeywell, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Honeywell of Dallas. Qe 136th Sem Annmal Dividend Paid By Tunkhannock Bank Has Never ‘Missed Or Cut Dividend Payments To Stockholders Statement of the condition of Wy- oming National Bank of Tunkhannock appears in the advertising columns of this issue of the Post. President of the Tunkhannock institution if John Henning, brother of S. R. Henning of Trucksville. Clarence Boston, son of Dr. and Mrs. C. L. Boston of Noxen is cashier, a number of other persons known locally are among its directors and employes. At the time of conso- lidation of the Tanner's Bank of Nox- en and Wyoming National of Tunk- hannock, Miss Agnes Lutes of Noxen became associated with the bank, Wyoming National Bank holds iNa- tional bank charter No. 835. During its years of existence it has never i missed paying a 5% semi-annual divi- dend. Just recently it paid its 136th dividend, and at that time had paid out to its stockholders $562,250 in dividends. In 1927 the bank moved into new quarters. Its building an equipment is among the finest to be found in any of the towns along the Susquehanna river, The oldest bank in Tunkhan- nock and in Wyoming county, the ‘Wyoming National has for years en- joved the patronage and confidence of hundreds of depositors in this end of Wyoming county. Ask Dog Owners To Get Licenses So that confusion at the registra- avoided, at- taches of the county treasurer's of- fice have requested dog owners who contemplate renewing and securing license tags for the animals, do so im- mediately. January 15 is the expira- tion of the period for the securing of tags after which unlicensed animals place their owners in a position where $14.50 fines can be imposed. There are thousands of unlicensed dogs through- out the county and their owners are urged to not wait until the last day to secure tags. Sunnyfield 24) So wd Family Pillsbury’s Best and Gold Medal RR 49c¢ oo Bag 63¢c SUNNYFIELD Pastry Flour 12-1b 23¢ Best Pure (LARD All This Week A&P’s MILD AND BOKAR Special Sale Prices on the Famous Coffee Trio! Three Famous Brands of Coffee Are Offered at Special Low Prices. Take Advantage of This Opportunity to Get Acquainted With the Merits of These Popular Blends. O'CLOCK RICH AND FULL BODIED RED CIRCLE + STRENGTH—FLAVORFUL In the New Convenient Lock Top Can R) 1vs. 179 MELLOW 1b 19¢ - » 21c 1b 25¢ LIFEBUOY SOAP The Health Soap 4 oxo: 25c BROKEN SLICED Pineapple 25¢ large cans Sliced Bacon.,, 2 %5-lIb pkgs 19¢ Coco Malt 4% 1b can 23c Sauerkraut .... ..3 cans 25¢ ! Sour Pitted Cherries ..2 cans 25¢ Sparkle Gelatin Dessert 4 pkgs. 19¢ Lux Toilet Soap 4 cakes 25¢ ! Sani-Flush .can 22¢ ssesdesssse Hellman’s Blue Ribbon Mayonnaise ..........jar 17¢ Knox’s Gelatin ..,......pkg 19¢ Grape Nut Flakes ',.....pkg 9¢ Comet Rice ......0..2 pkgs 13c Wheatena ...ee00000....DEg 22¢ Brillo .....cc0004....2 pkgs 15¢ Nectar Tea .......% 1b pkg 29¢ i ! Apricots ige. cans 23¢ —SPECIAL GRANDMOTHER'S Nut Bread vg FRIDAY— Loaf 1 Ee THE DALLAS POST, DALLAS, PA, —Shavertown— Church Meeting The amnual congregational meeting of St, Paul's Lutheran church will be held in the church basement next Tuesday evening. All members = are urged to be present. Financial re- ports and details of work during the past year ‘will be presented for ap- proval. New church councilmen will be elected where vacancies exist To Open Season Kingston township high school basketball team, fresh from its over- whelming 54 to 23 victory over the Alumni team last Friday night, will open its season in the Bi-County basketball league at the high school gymnasium this evening. Since West Wyoming withdrew from the league a new schedule had to be made up. At this writing it was not known whether Beaumont or Dallas town- ship will be the attraction. The girls team of both schols will meet in a prelimjnary game. Elect Officers ‘Shavertown Volunteer fire company met Monday night at Shavertown school building, A. George Prater, was elected president; P. M. Malkemes, vice- ‘president; “Red” Schwartz, sec- retary; Scott Van Horn, treasurer; Herman Van ‘Campen, chief; Stephen Johnson, assistant chief. Oppose Borough A committee headed by Harry Goer- inger, Cortez chairman; M. Pierce, is active in organizing scores Edwin Guernsey, Jennings and Willjam of persons to affix their names to a petition objecting to the proposed bor- ough form of government here, This group, at the request of Judge Jones, is securing data’ which will be presen- ted to the court by an attorney who will be selected some time this week by the committee. (a Charter No, 8164 Loans and discounts Overdrafts Banking house, Furniture and fixtures, Cash and due from banks Redemption fund with U. from U. S. Treasurer Total Capital stock paid in Surplus Undivided profits — net Circulating notes outstanding Due to banks, checks outstanding Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable and rediscounts Other liabilities . Total ledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of January, 1933. : J.T." Jeter, . Justice of the Peace. (Seal) My Com. Ex. 1st Mon- day in January 1936. Harold Lloyd, trustee for five years; REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Dallas in the State of Pennsylvania, at the close of business on December 31, 1932 RESOURCES United States Government securities owned Other bonds, stocks, and securities owned $55,000.00 $11,882.60 Real estate owned other than banking house Reserve with Federal Reserve Bank Outside checks and other cash items S. Treasurer and due LIABILITIES including certified and cashiers’ State of Pennsylvania, County of Luzerne, ss: I, W. B. Jeter, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my know- FRIDAY, JANUARY 13 1033. PTA To Meet Dallas borough Parent-Teacher as- sociation will meet Monday evening in the high school- auditorium. Vocal solos will be given by Mrs. Allen San- ford of Shavertown. Pupils of the eighth grade will furnish refreshments. Kunkle News Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hess entertain- ed at dinner on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brace and son Wayne, and granddaughter Marvin Smith, of Cen- termoreland. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wertman en- tertained at supper Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Philip Ellsworth. Mrs. W. S. Kunkle, Mrs. Ralph Ash- burner and son Nelson and Mrs. Julia Kunkle called on Mrs. Wallace Perrin and Mrs. Richard Reese of Trucks- ville on Thursday of last week. Mrs. Forrest Kunkle, Mrs. Olin Kunkle and Mrs. Fred Kunkle atten- ‘ded the meeting of the Girl Scouts Council at Dallas High School Monday evening. A meeting will be held at the home of the former on Saturday afternoon at which time it is expected a Girl Scout troop for Kunkle will be organized. iy Mrs. J. S. Kunkle entertained at din- ner on Wednesday of last week, Mrs. Charles Gelsleichter and Mrs. Henry Isaacs of Shavertown, Mrs. ‘Alex Johnston of Dallas, Mrs. W. S. Kun- kle and Mrs. Ralph Asburner and son {Nelson, : Mr. and Mrs. Seth Howell daughter Geraldine of Fernbrook spent Sunday with the family of S. J. Hess. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Honeywell and re- ceived a card from their son Russell,’ from Panama this week. He has been with the U. S. Marines in Nicaragua for more than two years and is now on his way home with his regiment and expects to arrive at Philadelphia about January 18. NN Reserve District No. 3 $ 238,966.94 7.79 66,400.00 238,075.92 66,882.60 11,155.84 25,030.15 25,958.27 896.64 312.50 ree ree $673,686.65 $ 75,000.00 60,000.00 958.38 6,250.00 2,341.32 147,216.78 364,670.17 15,000.00 2,250.00 $673,686.65 Correct “Attest: Hinmior Theatre~ TONIGHT & TOMORROW NIGHT- BIRD OF PARADISE With Doloras Del Rio NEXT WEEK MONDAY — TUESDAY Two Big Feature Pictures THE GOLDEN WEST atl HOT SATURDAY With Nancy Carrol FRIDAY — SATURDAY HIGH SPEED Great Auto Racing Picture With Buck Jones CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Dallas Post, T-F EQR SALE: — Two Guernsey cows, $40. and $50. Cent. 75-R-11 Ira, Frantz, Demunds. 1-12-1t ment in Shavertown. Call 300. Dallas T-F WANTED TO BUY: — One ton Model T Ford Truck. Kenneth Kocker, Dallas, Pa. WANTED — Girl for work and laundry. Call Dallas 336-R-2. general home 1-13-1t FOR SALE — Chinchilla Rabbits, 75¢ each; healthy stock at Orchard Farm. Call 290-R-2, 1 -13-3t WANTED TO BUY — Second hand gas engine not over three horse power, cheap. Henry Shupp, Dallas, Pa. 1-13-1t Fresh Opened Oysters 15¢ Dozen We also sel! Oyster Crackers and Milk WILLIAM KRAUSE "Church St. Dallas | 17-23-32 WANTED TO BUY — Clean white rags. The Dallas Post T-F FOR SALE — Coal, Wood, Hauling: The kind of coal you want when you want it. Call Ralph Lew- is, Shavertown, Tel. Dallas 231-R-8 12-2-32-tf General Craftsmanship IN SHOE REPAIRING * * * BEST MATERIALS CAREFUL WORK EXPERIENCED Sterling Machel], D. P. Honeywell, C. A. Frantz, Directors. These prices effective In Dallas and vicinity Charter No. 835 Loans and Discounts Overdrafts Banking house, Furniture and fixtures, Cash and due from banks from U. S. Treasurer Total Capital stock paid in Surplus Undivided profits — net Circulating notes outstanding Due to banks, checks outstanding Demand deposits Time deposits Total State of Pennsylvania, ledge and belief, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th day of January, 1933. : Eulalie Piatt Ogden, Notary Public. (Seal) My Com. Ex. Jan. 18, 1935. REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE WYOMING NATIONAL BANK of Tunkhannock, in the State of Pennsylvania, at the close ‘of business on December 31, 1932. RESOURCES U. S. Government securities owned Other bonds, stocks and securities owned $45,200.00 $11,315.00 Real estate owned other than banking house Reserve with Federal Reserve Bank Outside ‘checks and other cash items Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due LIABILITIES including certified and cashiers’ County of Wyoming, ss: I, C. A. Boston, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my know- { Correct — Attest: Reserve District No. 3 $479,919.93 55.01 143,432.75 384,674.91 56,515.00 5,541.92 38,980.24 144,865.62 38.87 5,000,00 $1,259,024.25 $100,000.00 150,000.00 16,318.76 100,000.00 4,638.97 320,088.82 567,977.70 $1,259,024.25 C. A. BOSTON, Cashier. {Nat D. Stevens, J. ‘B. Henning, H. F. Metcalf, Directors. SHOEMAKERS * * * You'll save money and lengthen the life of your shoes by bring- ing them to E. ARCANGELI SHOE REPAIR SHOP 55 Main Street, Luzerne, Pa. | (A | YOUR FIGURE Comfortably Cuaris will give you the smooth, slender- fzed figure for which present dress styles are Fed designed. It will save you the discomfort, the binding pressure, of the ordinary controlling garment. See this unique, modern foundation garment in the privacy of your home. Examine its patented, adjustable features. A courteous CHARIS representative is always at your disposal. Just write or phone the address below. CHARS MRS. MINNIE KUNKLE DALLAS R. D. 1 Phone 121-R-12 CHARIS is priced from $6.95 up ES GOOD prices paid for clean white rags. fresh, three and five years old. Price |’ WANTED — Small house or apart- | 1-13-1t | Go home nights. | One third of the averag family income goes fo food. A mighty big part It is important that this money be wisely spent. LARE’S MARKET | because it offers sensible prices and highest qual- i ity — is constantly ap- | pealing to larger groups. Cut your food bills and ] be sure to trade with an independent merchant “BUY AMERICAN” LIRES 188 Main Street, 224 Bennett Street, 191 Courtdale Ave, Dressed Chickens .. a" 19¢ All Pork SAUSAGE | Casings Finest Cuts CHUCK ROAST : Shoulder POT ROAST Rolled RIB ROAST Sivan Shoulder Minced Hams 2-1bs. 25¢ Frankforts 2-1bs. 25¢ | Liver Pudding 2-1bs 25¢ HK Planters Peanut Oil OP Mazola Oil 19c¢ pt. can 24-07. box Corn Meal Corn, Carrots, Lima Beans 2 cans 15¢ BUTTER 3 Ibs. 49¢ Wheatena ...... pkg. 19¢ . ean lle 1b. 10: yi Oranges ....... 13 for 12¢| Apples, .. Ib. Tg POTATOES 49¢ Bu. LARES 188 Main Street, 224 Bennett Street 191 Courtdale i Luzerne, Penna.