and family also Mrs. Sarah Fraver of ‘ Luzerne spent Saturday at ‘the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mormon Shotwell and family. z ‘Mrs. and Mr. Asa Shotwell and ‘Mrs. ~ Howard Ellswor th and family of Forty Fort. spent ‘Sunday at Mehoopany. 3 Mrs, Francis Kocher and Mrs. Sar- A ah raver and son George spent Tues- | day evening at the home’ of MES. Nor. ol man! Shotweel. my ‘Mrs, Asa Shotwell had the misfortune of having a falling arch snd also a sprained foot, at this ‘writing. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Asa, Shotweel, were ciliors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ~ Fred Roengrant of Hayfield on Sat- 3 The Dallas W. ©. T. T. held their regular monthly, meeting in the Leh- ; man church recently. After the usual : “routine of business, Mrs. Neeley read ‘several items on prohibition. Mrs. ‘Dall asked ‘the opinions on the two candidates running for the presidency. STE was moved ang carrred that the corresponding ‘secretary be requested “| “Temperance, to write a letter to President Hoover asking his. opinion on the. “wet” and dry” issue. After the Serio recess the Shrton sisters gave. several selections on piano, guitar, mandolin and violin. It was greatly enjoyed by all. Jean Howell who won the District, County, State and National prizes for writing the best essay on the subject read one of her assays in a pleasing mann’er. After the usual time of visiting the | following ladies - sat down to a tasty -| lunch, Mrs. Florence Doll, Mary Ma- chell, Mrs. ‘Frances Pealer, Mrs. W. A. Higgins, Mrs. Earl Weidner, Richard | Weidner, Sylvia Case, Mrs. Brita] Blocksage, Mrs. Emily Scott, Rut Scott, Mrs. A. 'A. Neeley, Mrs. Grover | Anderson, Mrs. F, Nelson Garin Carl Garinger, = Charlotte ‘Anderson, Letha Wolfe, Mrs. George Weintz, Es. ther A. Wolfe, Mrs. H. F. Reilly, Mrs. E. R. Parrish, Jr., Mrs. John H. Rice, Mrs. Walter Brown, Mrs. Karl Ander. son, Mrs. Clifford Ide, Mrs. Eston E. Adelman, Mrs. “David Brace, Mrs. J. A. Hildebrant, Charlotte IH. Hilde- brant, Charlotte Parrish, ‘Doris. Reilly, Mrs. Amy DeWolfe, ‘Mrs. Bruce Shav- or 25 CENT SALE! > Money’ Saving Prices o on Foods and Household Items. Read Over This List of Values—See What Big Buy- : ing Power Your 25 Cent Pieces Have | String Beans 2 . JORN - White Sugar (Cans) (Cans) | Toilet Soap | (Cakes) 425 | Point, Butter | Ldtobuoy Soap (Cakes) Pure Crepe Jule Fa vated pin bois 25¢ wi ae 552 1-4 jars 25¢ Grape Frait (new pack) : *Clauser’s Birch Beer r Petes 5 2 cans 25¢ 2 bots. 25 . | Pink Salmon |Corn ites Bantam 1 ~25¢4 Ivory Soap Tender, C ol indi V. egblablis = Campbell's Tomato Judie. New, Potatoes Tomatoes . Lima Beans Prunes . . .. | P&G Soap - POPULAR 5c Gum and Candy nave pet od Boels amie aney No. 1 EE WON Te Ce aia A an PO aN 5s 25¢ pComphel's Beans ivveeene...® cans 25¢ . Ts oo 5 E takes 25¢ Lee. 3 cans 25¢ Sifu sand cans 25¢ Cus of cme 2 25¢ : 2 t T 77 Wo Viewa is i 825: | MI LK: 6 cins25€ Grandmother’ s ‘Sliced Bread 20 ices loaf “New Fancy No. 1 Onions §1bs = Trefz or Arrow Special Cereal Beverage 6 hots 25¢ Plus Bot. Deposit 3 Graham Crackers Borden’s—Pet Carnation and Other Brands MELK Evaporated tall “cans 25 | POPULAR BRANDS Cigarettes ~ CLICQUOT CLUB Ginger Ale = Compound Jam = L “ ‘With Pectin - 225" nn & 24x33-INCH—EXTENSION ~ Window Screens 2 0275 8 O°Clock _ Red Circle Bokar SPECIAL LOW PRICES ON COFFEE a, 1» 200 Full Strength— Mild and . Mellow 50c nw 17¢ Rich and Flavorful nb 25¢ These. prices effective in Dallas and Vicinity 3 1 | Sprou] State Forest, er, Mrs. Wain Wilson, Mo ‘Ralph Welsh, Helen Welsh, Mrs. William H. Elston, Walter ‘Elston, Luella, Neely, ‘Mrs. Alice Riley, Mrs. Lynn Brown, Mrs. F. R. Searfoss, Mrs. ‘A. M. Major, Mrs. W. M. Major, Mrs. Arthur Ide, Mrs. C. |S. Hildebrandt, Mrs. XH. TA. Brown, Jean Howell, Mrs. Georgia Pat- terson, Mrs. Ida H. Allen, Mrs. E. R. Cairl, Mrs. William P, Cairl, Mrs. GC. A. Baur, Madeline Searfoss, Ruth Sear. foss,- Delphine Searfoss. Born to Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Bodycomb a son, Robert William, July 21st. Contract Tor For : Pike's Creek How £0ontracts for rebuilding the road be. tween Pike's Creek and Noxen was let by the State: Highway department on Saturday to. the Union Paving Com- pany of ‘Philadelphia at a price of $108, 302. The distance to be rebuilt is 7.94 miles. Ey 3 way will open bids for the constr$uc-. tion of 16,685 linear feet of macadam road in Noxen township and the con. struction of a “reinforced concrete bridge forty- five feet’ long and one concrete box culvert. The distance covered by this contract will be from Lutes’ Corners on the Tunkhannock- Dallas highway to the Main street of Noxen. The bridge. will be built across a branch of Bowman's Creek: BUY TWO TRACTS | ds OF FOREST LAND The total area of the Penpesivanhs State Forests, now in excess of 1,500,- 000 acres, has been increased by the addition of some 6000°acres, compris- ing two tracts recently acquired in Forests and Waters. > "The larger. tract, known toaily. as the Adam Gotshall tract, embracing 5921 acres in Chapman and Leidy townships, is an interior “holding in the Sproul and Susquehanna State Forests. Kettle creek a famous trout stream of northern Pennsylvania, lies to the north of this woodland, and the headwaters of Paddy's Run and Drury’s Run lie to the south. This section, noted for its hunting and fish= ing is typical of the wild and moun- tainous Black Forest region of Penn- | sylvania. Many old tram roads, form- | - ~ ro hsho Clu) erly used by Iu .avermen, traverse the area and make it accessible for sports- a {mer and campers. . The H, H. Fearon tract of 104 acres, acquired as a recent addition to the is located in | Beech . Creek township. A new State Forest foad which will traverse this area is now under construction. Ac- cording to Alfred E. Rupp, chief of the bureau of lands, the new road will open an extensive territory for hunt. ling and fishing. LILLIAN F. ROOD Piano and Harmony STUDIO 40 Lehman Ave., Tel. . Dallas Pa. Dallas 292-R-3 CASH GARRY lots of $E88B and ¢¢¢éé Better insulate now with an estimate $38.00 per 1000 ft. In 500 Ft. Lots Slightly more in smaller quantities WHIPPLE BROS IC. 712 Wyoming Ave On August 5 the department of high- | Clinton county by the Department of 8 SUPERIOR COURT ~~ DENIES APPEAL (Continued fro Page’ 1.) The case -has received considerable attention throughout this region be- cause of its unusual naturé and be. cause of the laxness of Kingston town- ship schéol board in failing to carry compensation insurance on its ployees. : em- SCHOOL SITE IS BOUGHT BY BOARD (Continued ‘from Page 1.) A value of $7,850 was set. When ‘Mr. Kaschenbach appealed from the decision of the viewers, the poard considered the expense which would result from litigation, with the possibility of a court’ decison in Mr. Kaschenbach’s favor, and it was con- sidered wiser to accept his price of $8,750 than to enter a court contest. Directors present were Herbert Hill, Joseph Schooley, Edwin F. Hay and G. Wilbur Nichols. | ¥ POLITICAL RING = ~~ HANDS OUT JOBS (Continued From Page 1.) tion in this region and in Wyoming county has been authorized with the relief of unemployment as the main object in view, Luzerne county politi- cians havt neatly turned the trick to further their own ends in repairing their badly damaged political machine. Sportsmen Wage War On In Waterdog : Salamander Eats Sawn : ¢ Woolbert, E. W. Piatt, Welton Batey / Kills'Fish, Survey \ il Proves Fred Turpin of Dallas last year dis- played‘ a Susquehanna river salaman. der or hellbender which he killed near his eabin along the Susquehanna river at Falls. e animal created consid- erable interest in this vicinity among those who had never seen one beforo. Sportsmen in Lycoming county will make a determined drive against the salamander, or waterdog, in county streams. 8 Salamanders, have been found to be very detrimental to Sigh Not | only with they eat spawn ,but larger Sh also are Killed by the ungainly creatures. A salamander opened re- cently was found to contain an eight: inch trout and the tails of five small= er fish. Old fishermen who are familiar with Lyocming county waters believe that there is a very noticeable increase In waterdogs in recent years, and that they are a real menace to fish life. H. J. Bressler, special fish warden in Lycoming county, has been issued a permit to organize the campaign against the -salamanders, and the sportsmen will work under his direc- tions in trying to reduce the number of waterdogs. | Dark, moonless nights are considered the best time in catching the crea. ie, WLS: tures. ele ee. Uniforms and Trumpets Rural- mail carriers at the Dallas post office are now wearing attractive new blue-grey uniforms. Whether the uniforms increase the efficiency of the mail men or not is still somewhat of a question. They do, however, add to the picturesqueness of such fellows as Ad. Woolbert and Bill Corcoran. Com- menting on the uniforms Ad. Wool- bert says he has noticed for a long time that men with uniforms and trumpets have had an easy time col- lecting money from charitable Dallas folk. Ad says: “Keep this local busi. ness at home. The mail men are prac- ticing with tambourines and trumpets and ‘along with the added attraction of ! the new uniforms will soon be making heir first official public appearance from door to door.” Himmler Theatre... TONIGHT—SAT. NIGHT Sinners In The Sun With CAROL LOMBARD AND CHESTER MORRIS NEXT WEEK Mon. — Tues. Alias The Doctor WITH Richard Barthelmess WEDNES. AND THURS. Get That Girl: ~ WITH Richard Talmadge FRIDAY AND SATURDAY The Tenderfoot With" _JOE E. BROWN {tion of E. W. Piatt. funds on the policy purchased for the Firemen Meet At Shavertown The local colunteer fire company held a regular meeting at the Van Campen storeroom Monday _ evening with twelve members present. totaling $25.68 were ordered paid. Twenty-two new members ware ad. ded to the rolls of the company by the committee in charge of the mem- bership drive being conducted by the company. The team of Willard Garey and Scott Van Horn turned in, 13 new members and the team composed of ‘Welton Batey and Alisher turned in 9 new members, bringing the total mem- bership of the company to 42. It is planned to enroll 150 members in the company s0 that the membership can carry on the running expense ‘of ‘the company which runs in the neigh. borhood of $300 per year. 3 Chief Van Campen reported that the truck was in good running order. Welton Batey was appainted finan - cial secretary of the company by Pre- sident Fisher to fill the unexpired term made vacant through the resibna- Mr. Batey will serve for the balance of the year, Treasurer Van Horn reported the sum of $119.38 in the treasury of the company. Receipts of the meeting were $44. i ‘On motion of Prater and seconded by Woolbert the company went on re. cord to make payment on the blanket insurance policy for the protection of members who are injured while doing fire duty. . A committee consisting of Harry F. Goeringer as chairman, - Willard Schwartz, A. George Prater, S. J. Charles Youngblood and Ralph Ber- tram were appointed to investigate the possimilty of cenducting the an- nual field day program. This commit- tee will meet Friday night. : The Relief Association met follow. ing the meeting and adopted a resolu- tion for the payment from the relief fire company, thereby increasing the benefits for members of the company. A committee consisting of Willard Garey, E. W. Piatt and Andrew Fisher were certain lamendments to the by-laws of the Re. lief Association to confirm with work- ing conditions of the fire:company. apnointed.. {5 make PAYS IN PENNIES When E. K. Conrad, Scranton; dis- tributor of Packard cars, delivered a | used Packard car to a customer re- | cently he had to call for the services: of a truck to carry the money back to his office. The customer presented ai big wooden box containing $500 in pen. nies. The coins were wrapped in 1000 packages of 50 each and the full box weighed 300 pounds. The - purchaser of the car said he had been saving his pennies for years to buy a Packard. Advertisements WANTED TO RENT wy WANTED TO REN — Six’ or seven room house in or/near Dallas; S. H. Drake. 1t FOR SALE — Chevrolet Sedan, $30.00; apply during P. M.; Obersts Garage. 1t FOR SALE—S8-piece Golden Oak din. ing room suite $35.00, one single iron bed and spring, $2.50. Fel. H.-I1. 3157. 1t AUTO BUYERS ATTENTION — Pur. | chaser of new Plymouth automobile {] can buy $325.00 credit allowance for | $290.00 cash. If interested call Dal- las 72. WANTED, — Either a low farm wagon | with steal wheels or a set of steel wheels also a Fordson 2 bottom plow. | H. S. Husband, R. D. 1... Alderson, : Pa. Phone Centermoreland 19-R-10. | it | | FOR SALE—Two-pound broilers for sale at 20¢ live weight or 30c dress- ed. A. H. Vamw“Nortwick, Dallas Pa. FOR SALE—School bus, Wayne body, 50 passenger capacity, Willys-Knight will sell complete or body C. E. Shaver, Harvey's Lake. 2t SALE—Chicken coop, 12 x 14 in | good condition.