lic is invited to attend. . THE DALLAS POST, DALLAS, PA., FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1932. ot PAGE THREE ; : Be z 3 ! . havertown 2 AROUND THE TOWN worth League Institute at Sidney, N. ~] ackson- church will meet with ‘Mrs. Fred ! Fort and Stanley Durland of Wyoming i Mrs, Harry Still, cultivating the | iy ‘Weaver next "Tuesday alll day. were callers at the Olin Kunkle home weeds in her rock garden. Harley Mrs. Alonza Prutzman entertained a Members and friends of the Ladies’ |on Sunday. syaual Sunday School picnic of St. PA's Lutheran church will be held on a, August 4, at Mayers Grove, Laketon. Busses will leave the church at, 10 a: m. Warren Kuhl of Wilkes-Barre\is spending some time at the home of Mrs. Josiah Santee. : Mrs. Vester V. Vercoe and daughters Doris and Jean were local callers on Friday. ! Helen Garey has returned home af. ter spending some time with relatives | } dren at Noxen, Rev. and Mrs. J. L. Thomas have re- turned home after spending some time in the New England States. The Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Luth- eran church will meet at the church basement on Wednesday evening. The congregation of St. Therese’s church will conduct a lawn social and serve a. cold supper on the church pro- perty on Thursday evening, August 4, instead of the annual picnic, the pub- - IRA D. COOKE Professional Land Surveyor ENGINEERING Penn’a Register No. 4104 SUCCESSOR TO CHAS. H. COOKE, Dec'd Phone, Dallas, 126. / * Dallas, Pa. FERN KNOLL “A Burial Park” Fern Knoll is developed on the Modern Park Plan. Its surves and drives as well as its carefully selected landscaping plans, blended with a natural setting all provide for a spot of un- usual beauty—A Park. Prices Modest-Terms Convenient L. A. McHenry Agent For Greater Dallas Cros War 60c Per Pound Postpaid GEO. H. STROUD Sweet Valley, Pa. EXPERT KE YS yorcmansuire JOHN'S — Shoe Repair Shop 747 Wyoming Ave. , Kingston ~ First National Bank DALLAS, PA. ® = * Membe:» American Bankers’ Association I DIRECTORS R. L. Brickel, C. A. Frantz, D. P. Honeywell,” W. B. Jeter, Sterling Machell, W. R. Neely, Clifford W. Wright. + OFFICERS George R. Wright, President D. P. Honeywell, 1st Vice-Pres. C. A. Frantz, 2nd Vice-Pres. Ww. B. Jeter, Cashier « * Three Per Cent Interest On Savings Deposits No account too small to assure careful attention : Deposits Payable or Demand Vault Boxes for Rent Self-Registering Savings Bank Free ~ Space, A. C. Devens, George RY [First National Bank PUBLIC SQUARE WILKES-BARRE, PA. United States Depository: Surplus and undivided profits Officers and Directors: Wm. H. Conyngham, President C. ¥. Huber, 1st Vice President Capital Stock .......... $760,000.00 Surplus and profits ....%2,100,000.00 Geo. R. McLean, 2d Vice President Francis Douglas, Cashier ‘fF. W. Innes, Assistant Cashier Directors Richard Sharpe Edward Griffith C. N. Loveland C. F. Huber W. H. Conyngham Lea Hunt Gee. R. McLean F. O. Smith Francis Douglas T. R. Hillard Wm, W. Inglis Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent 8 Per Cent Interest Paid Op Bavings Deposits $1.00 Will Start An Account la trolley car. i just too sweet on a sunny morning. Mission riding around like a Xing in Betty Jane Laycock making for the“~7:20 car. paying a neighborly Charles Warren's. visit to Mrs. Early Vaccination Urged All children who will be entering school for the first tme in September, must be vaccinated according to the school law. months ,rather than wait until Fall. fore school opens in the fall, they re- port with sore arms. thus causing ir- promotion. Returns Home Miss Virginia Ohlman teacher ter spending the past wef weeks re- | cuperating «t the Iron Kettle Tea | Room at Waverly, following an opera- , tion at Sayre hospital. Miss Ohlman is greatly improved. Reilly Funeral Funeral services of Mrs. Mary Reilly, | formerly of Price street, Kingston | ertown, at 10 o'clock. of requiem was celebrated at 10:30 ir St. Therese’s Church, Shavertown, oy Rev. Father Carroll. A large num- the services, and there were many floral: tributes. Interment was in St. Ignatius’ Cemetery at Pringle. pall bearers were: Joseph Bush, John John McGuire, and John Yucannon, and Mrs. Mary Evans and Lela Cob- leigh returned home on Sunday after spending the past two weeks at Nar. ragansett Pier, R. IL to her home at Grene, N. Y., guest of Mr. and Mrs. JamSs Harf- man. James Harfman, Jr., left on Sun- hannock. Mrs. K. G. Laycock of Perrin aven- | Zanesville, Ohio for two weeks. motored to Ox.Bow lake, County where they spent the day fish-, ing. Alice Hill, ence Eckhart, are attending the Ep- Miss Mae Deer looking | | number of young folks at her home on Mrs. Charles Reed | her | | {in honor Ferguson avenue on Friday afternoon of her niece, Ruth Strohl of guest. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Williams are oc- i cupying the James Derby home on Hill | Crest. Betty Palmer Newhart at her is the guest of Ruth summer home at In- [dian lake. Parents should have chil. | vaccinated during the summer | week at Montrose, where they attend- led the Younk People’s Conference. When children are vaccinated just be- | | of . chairman, Mrs. second grade at the local school ouse | committee, Mrsfl Edward Staub, Mrs. was brought to her home on Sunday K Frank Anstett, Mrs. John Girvan, Sr, by Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Anthony af. | was held friday morning. The funeral left the home at 27 Centre stree, Hhav- | A. high mass | ber of relatives and friends attended, Eirls: The | Yuhous, Martin McMahon, John Cetar, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Evans, son Buddy ! | spending the past two wees at ihe day to spend the balance of the sum- | mer with hig ‘grandmother at Tunk- Pittston are occupying their summer Byron Kocher and Clar- | Proposal, ie Palmer .and Elmer Lewis have re. turned home after spending the past Lawn Social and Supper August 4, has heen set as the date for the lawn social and supper to be regular attendance and probable in- given by St. Therese’s church. The terference with their school work supper will be served in the basé- and this absence often results in no- | ment of the church and weather per- mitting, the social will be held on the | lawn, : : 5 Committees appointed: General Jacob Laux ; ticket Mrs. E. David Jenkins, Mrs. Albert | Klumpf, Mrs. Herbert Lohman, Mrs. Joseph Regan, Mrs. Chris Stahl, Mrs. ' Grant Shaver, Mrs. Fay Williams, Miss Neil McFadden; solicitors, Mrs. W. Arthur Blewett, Mrs. Martin Bil- bow, Mrs. B. F. Boyle, Mrs. Herbert | Lohman, Mrs. James McAfee, Mrs. | Frank McGarry, Mrs. James McHale, | Mrs. Joseph’ “Wallo, Mrs. Conrad Yeag- er; tables, Mrs. Jacob Beline, Mrs. Ambrose Farrell, Mrs. John Girvan, Sr., | Mrs. Fred Laux, Mrs. James McHale, , | Mrs. Joseph Regan; rose tree, Mrs. W. Arthur Blwett, assisted by Flor. ‘ence Rave and the Little Flower club refreshments, Mr. and Mrs. Fay Williams; fancy work and apron ‘booth, the Misses Miller; publicity, Mrs. John Girvan, Sr. ry mamer— Centremoreland Little Edith Hontz, daughter of Dan Hontz had the misfortune to fall from the couch recently and fractured her arm. > The Epworth League held a covered dish supper at Montross Gove follow- Miss Ealonore Schmoll has returned ed by an open air servick last Thurs. after day evening. . Betsy Ross Council, D. of A., cele- | brated two of their members birth. days at their regular mig Wed- ‘nesday evening. John Huntley and family of West {home in this place. W. D. Gay and family and W. M. ue, refurned home last. Friday after | Keithline ‘and family spent the week visiting with relatives and friends at end with relatives at Johnson City. | Missees Ruth Him and Lois Gay of Mr. and MrsiW. W. Brace and Mr. Dallas spent the week end at this and Mrs. George Shaver and son Olin, place. Wyoming The Grange will give an entertain- ! ment consisting of three one act plays lon Friday evening, August 5. “Janes “Freeing of Grandpa,” | “Rosamonds Wedding.” DON'T GAMBLE WITH NEXT YEARS PROFITS USE The Feed That Makes Chicks Grow Known Among Poultrymen As THE QUICK DEVELOPER And That’s What It Is Saves Chicks Makes Early Broilers Develops Pullets For Layers coccidiosis and other intestinal DALLAS, PA. Its iodine content proniotes more normal development, and resists parasites. See Your Tioga-Empire Dealer DEVENS MILLING CO. : KUNKLE, PA. Feeds Manufactured by TIOGA-EMPIRE FEED MILLS, Inc. WAVERLY, N. Y. TI-O-GA FEED SERVICE -| meeting and Durwood ‘Splitt recently entertain. ed his cousin, George Hill of Scranton. A drama will be presented to the public by some of the members of the Jackson Grange. Date to be announc- ed la ter. The members of the Jackson Ladies’ Aid society will hold August at the M. E. Parsonage at date to be announced later. Dennis Bonning and family spent Sunday at Tunkhannock. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reakes and Frank Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Reakes spent Sunday at the home of William Reakes at Hazelton. Mr. and Mrs. 'W. R. Castner, Forty Fort, Mr. and Mrs. ; George Bulford, Duckworth of Plymouth, were recent their Lehman, Trucksville; and Mr. and Mrs. R. A. dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Splitt. ~Huntsville- The Women’s Home Missionary Se- ciety of the M., E. Church will meet with Mrs. H. A. Randall next Thurs- day afternoon at 2. Devotions will be led by Mrs. George Lamoreux, re- ports of Camp Hiawatha will be giv. en by Phoebe May Hazel. Mrs. A. J. Hadsall will ask the Enigmas. Dues and magazine subscriptions will be taken. Community Bible Class will meet in the M. E. Church next Thursday even. ing. ¥ Relatives of Mrs. O. L. Harvey met at her home in Dallas and tendered her a surprise birthday party on Mon- day evening. The evening was pleas- antly spent in greeting, games, and music. Supper was served to Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Splitt, children, Helen and Durwood of Jackson; Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Duckworth of Plymouth; Mrs. Fred Riley, Elizabeth Breckenridge, Nora May Brown, Beatrice Bellas, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Harvey of Dallas, Mrs. T. W. Stoeckel, Ruth May Hazel, Frank Bulford, MP. and Mrs. Clarence El- ston, son Harold of this place. Volunteer Workers of the M. E. Nn Complete Bathroom | Mia Does your home have up-to-date Plumbing fixtures? It costs but little now to have a bathroom or kitchen that is truly modern with regard to both convenience and appearance. Now is the best time to have this work done. Prices lowest in history — best mechanics available. fr Moore's Pant is br'ghtening the buildings on the Frevert Home- stead at Laceyville. Moore's is popular everywhere and the price is now only 2 per gal. lon. Our Savoil Oil Stoves are great kitchen helpers. Mrs. W. E. Capwell at East Le- mon is a recent purchaser. Get your binder twine ‘here in convenient bales or 5 or 8 lb. balls — the quality is Plymoutn. THE BEST FLY SPRAY AT THE LOWEST PRICE MAPLE CITY LICE AND FLY KILLER / fi 5 906 Gal W. D. Osborne at Nicholson chose wisely in placing his ord- er for a heavy set of single har- ness, with us. Ellsworth Haff- ner quality is sure to stand the test. a Our Asphalt Asbestos roof coat. ing will stop a 4 inch hole in your roof and it will not run off like tar during the, first hot day. .Fred Adams at "Mehoop- any is giving his roof more years of service by the above method. Channeldrain Steel makes a great roof — wind, water and lightning proof. William Race at Beaumont has it. Get our price before you buy. HOME HEATING WEEK August 8 to 13 Gay-Murray Go. Inc. Tunkhannock Lamoreux and Ruth. et Aid society met in the M. E. Church all day Thursday. A quilt: was quil. ted. Dinner was served at noon by | Mrs. Gordon Johnson, Mrs. O. M. Wil- coX, Mrs. Harvey W. Danks, Mrs. G. Evans, Mrs. George Brown to the fol- towing: Carrie Brown, Mrs. G. Marjorie Rogers, Mrs. H. Mary H. Powell, Jane Keener, Samuel H. Sturdevant, Mae Sylvia, Brown, Betty Mrs.' H. Danks, Mrs. Gordon John- son, Mrs. Marvin Brown, Edwin Ro- gers, Mrs. Emma Brown, Blodwyn R. Powell, Mrs. George Brown, Mrs.” O. M. Wilcox, Susie Pots, Mrs. E. S. Rog. ers; Lizzie Brown, Mrs. G. B. Kosten- bander, Mary Wilcox, Sterling Brown, Dorothy Wilcox, C. Stier, Mrs. AL, Adams, Dorothy Burgess, Fred Wehv- er, Joseph Covert, J. Alfred Rogers, Jr., Mrs. Frank H. Johnson, Pauline Kersteen, Celeste K. Prutzman, Mrs. J. R. Bertram, Mat Matizar, Louis J. Water, Mrs. William Hablett, Doris Evans, Mrs. Brown, Kostenbander, Hadsall, Mrs. Clarence Elston, Mrs. Libbie Johnson, Mrs. Sa PP. > Rrantz, Mrs. Fred Weaver, Mrs. C. R. Prutz- man, Mrs.” W. G. Laidler, Mrs. J. A. Rogers, Mrs. Harry Edwards, Mrs. E. Burgess, Mrs. Theo. Stoekel, Mrs. George Ide, Katherine G. Laidler, Jean Weaver, Donald Xersteen, Walter gess, Marian Adams, Louis T. Wilcox, Jacoby, ©O. M. Wilcox, Mrs. C. R. Prutzman. ’ -Kunkle- Mrs. Joseph Shoemaker and daugh- ter Roannah spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Margaret Kunkle: Mr. and Mrs. John Isaacs, Mr. and Mrs. M., C. Miers and Estella Elston spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. {P. Honeywell at their farm near To. (wanda, Mr. and Mrs. Honeywell ‘had ‘a number of other guests for the day from Dallas and vicinity. Miss Ellen Kunkle of Lake Catalpo spent the week end with Miss Dorothy Elston. James Miers spent Sunday with his sister Mrs. Wallace Perrin and family of Trucksville. g / Mr. and Mrs. €arl Mekinson, Mr. and “Mrs Fred “Makinson, Mrs xT os Wal-_ ters and Nellie Makinson of “Forty Crocker, Philip Prutzman, Mrs. A. J. Covort, Frank Prutzman, Irene Bur-. i Mr. and Mrs. Fred Honeywell, Mr. |and Mrs. Fred Kunkle, Mrs. A. DM. |Ross and Mrs. Olin Kunkle attended. {the convention of the Luzerne County | Committeemen held at Irem Temple [on Thursday evening. Mr. Honeywell Hs Republican committeeman for the North district of Dallas township. | Mrs. Clarence Roote visited Mrs. Oliver Hoyt of Dallas Sunday after- noon and called on Mrs. Corey Allen of Noxen Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Isaacs of Shave ertown called on Mrs. Julia Kunkle Tuesday evening. Gangloff Funeral At 2 P. M. Today Deceased Had Lived At Dallas For Thirty Years Funeral services for Mrs. Barbara : Waddell Gangloff, esteemed resident who died on Tuesday night at the family home, Lake street, Dallas, will & be held this afternoon at 2 at the resi- dence, with private interment in West Pittston _ cemetery. Rev. Paul S. Heath, pastor of First Presbyterian church, Wilkes-Barre, will officiate. Mrs. Gangloff was sixty.eight years old, the wife of Augustus T. Gangloft and the daughter of the late Thomas and Janet Waddell. Her father was a successful anthracite mine operator. Mrs. Gangloff had resided in Dallas for thirty years, moving here from Kingston, where the family resided in - the present Nesbitt hospital nurses’ home on Wyoming avenue. She was a member - of Pittston Presbyterian church. Mrs. Gangloff was born September 16, 1863, and was married to Mr. Gangloff on November 17, 1886. Sur- jviving are her husband; oné son, | Thomas W.; two nieces, Mrs. Herbert IM. Goddard of Philadelphia and Mrs. Hoyt Weston of Boston, and a nephew, ‘Thomas Waddell of California. x Charter Payments The capitalization of corporations paying a bonus to the Department of State in June was $9,268,000 compared with $19,919,000 for June 1931, a de- oi: grease or more than $10,600,000. La : Buy all their Food and friendly Theifty Homekeepers oF Asc) Stores. Because of the high quality ‘ merchandise we sell and our gonsistentily low prices: Household needs in the 17c Fresh Baked Niagara Vanilla Wafers 9 . A dainty and delicious wafer for Afternoon Tea. . 25¢ 15¢ asco Finest Grape Juice Choice concord grapes and granulated sugar pint bots 23c To 21c; 2 Specially Priced for this Week only! VICTOR COFFEE An excellent grade of Santos Bal and mellow. Ib 17¢ A still heavier blend. ACME COFFEE Ib. tin 25¢ Sold in one pound tins. ASCOCOFFEE A heavy blend of fine coffees. 1b 20¢ 12c Walbeck India Relish 19¢ Cooked Corned Beef Asc Peach or Pineapple Preserves 16-0z squat jar 15¢ 4sC0 Country Gentleman Corn 33c Diplomat Chicken Egg Noodle Dinner 3 cans 25¢ 2 bots 19¢c big can 17c - jar 25¢ ‘Beverages PURITAN LIGHT AND DARK CEREAL bot aC \ *Ginger Al 45¢0 GOLDEN AND ROB ROY PALE DRY *Plus redcemable bottle deposit. Full quart 32-0z bot € 12c * Choice Pink Salmon Lifebuoy Health Soap 19c 45¢0 Double Strength Ammonia Rinso Soap Powder lge pkg 19¢ : 2 cans 17c qt bot 15¢ 3 small pkgs 23c 3 cakes 19¢ What a value! NOW YOU CAN BUY IT — SLICED! Victor Bread A loaf of sliced Bread containing 19 slices of wholesome food, for a nickel. Sliced wrapped loaf 5¢| Buy a loaf today. Wrapped loaf sliced or Big Family Loaf 30-0z loaf 10¢ unsliced as you prefer. Shop and Save the 45¢0 Way. \S These Prices Effective in Our Stores in Dallas and Vielnity, Tit