The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, July 22, 1932, Image 6

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    in Wilkes-Barre at 27 Mayer Street
telephone ‘Wilkes-Barre 31197—special
Cleanliness is a virtue—a habit
that we ‘have been taught from
babyhood—one that pays big divi-
ciency. A habit that is easy to ac-
quire and one factor
that does not dissipate our monetary
wealth—one that
not detract from our
one that costs so little to carry
out that
practice than to shun.
~ individual so does
: _establishment—the barber and beauty
shops—your office and your fac
tories. :
Select any doctor, dentist, barber
shop, food store, butcher shop, office
impressed with the cleanliness of the
the help are ‘pot neatly and immacu-
~ very atmosphere does not seem to
‘ways receive the most consideration
from all.
~ the economical habit of ¢leanliness
dividuals own health or
Sanitary Coal; Apron & Towel Supply
S. H. Marshman—R. W.
3 I!
The adie concern of its kind
268 in the supply of coats, frocks,
prons and linens of all kinds.
in health progress and effi-
in our lives
adds and does
indeed cheaper to
it is
Just as cleanliness applies to the
it attach itself
to the professional man—the retail
or factory and see if you are not
individual or the establishment—if
lately attired in clean linens—if the
be charged with efficiency. How well
we like to patronize these establish
ments for our medical attention, our
foodstuffs, ete. These tidy places al-
Apron & Towel
us to practice
Saintary Coat,
is enabling
by affording a comprehensive ser-
ice in the supplying of clean linens
to a very wide class of clientele.
| undertook the task of keeping them
It it is linen they have it, and you
= HN
With dental parlors in Wilkes-
Barre at 28 Public Square—to allow
a minor part of a costly machine to
jeopardize or wreck the whole would
be considered an utter lack of judg-
Yet that is just what many
of our readers are doing in neglect-
ing their teeth. There is no piece
of man made machinery that is to
be compared in value to the in-
life. It
has only been a very few years
since the medical world first ac-
knowledged the importance of the
~ teeth to the general health of man.
Nature has ‘provided many remedies
for the weak spots in the body, and
if not hampered will very frequently
effect cures without the aid of the
medicine man if the source of nour-
jshment is clean and healthy. But
~ an unexpected abscess on what was
thought to be a healthy tooth will
~ gecrete more poison in the weaker
parts of the
-nosis of most every ill.
body than medicines
can overcome.
The big hospitals today take into
consideration the condition of the
teeth of their patients and consider
this of prime importance in the diag-
Schools all
over the country are insisting the
pupils be examined at regular inter-
vals for defects in their teeth, for it
has been found that keeping the
teeth and gums healthy increases
their grade standing and decreases
the average of absentees. The rec-
Downing, . Proprietors
can rest assured that they furnish
it at a much less figure than if you
yourself purchased these linens and
clean. Cheaper to rent—why “buy?”
is their slogan and is indeed a true
one. For the linens you do purchase
with their continual washings, be-
come ragged and wear out in a short
er space of time than you originally
figured. The constant rub and scour-
ing soon makes them fit companions
for the rag pile and then the per-
formance of acquiring new linens
starts -all over again. )
~Just a phone call and their cour-
teous and accommodating drivers
will deliver what you wish.
In their list of service they offer
to the people of this community,
is included everything ‘in linen {for
factories, offices, professional peo-
ple barber shops, beauty: parlors,
public places, food stores, meat shops
and many other numerous endeavors
where clean linens are needed. Coats
aprons, napkins, gowns, hand towels,
continuous towels, table cloths,
table tops, etc., are listed in their
category of their comprehensive line.
They supply, for a small sum
holders. for towels, cabinets, soap
cleanliness and sanitations and all
in a quality grade that knows mo
The manager and his worthy as-
sociates are men who truly aid the
community in a most masterful
manner. They are to be commended
on the service they offer. We doubt
if you will find their equal in this
line the whole length and breadth
of the land. We compliment them and
wish them continued success.
ognition of the importance of den-
tistry by the foremost medical au-
thorities of the world, has brought
about wider and more thorough
courses in the dental schools, so the
accredited dentist of today has as
much knowledge of medical practice
as the average medical doctor of a
few years ago. Also the constant
improvements and discoveries in
dental surgery means that he who
would render the greatest service
must read many journals and (treat-
ises on the practices of his profes-
Until very recent years it has tak-
en considerable “physical courage to
get into a dentist chair, but science
has provided mew methods so that
almost every operation of dental
surgery is painless.
Cleaning and inspection of the
teeth every six months with repairs
made while the fault is small costs
very little and is surely ‘the cheap-
est health insurance one could buy.
Select your
come familiar with all your molars
and you will be surprised and pleas-
ed to find how economically good
dental service may be had.
Dr. H. N. Shor is considered a
favorite with many of our peoplé
His sympathetic tendency and broad
knowledge of the profession places
him in the foremost ranks of the
dental practicioneers of this part of
the state.
David T.
Located in Wilkes-Barre at 173
Hast Northampton Street is a most
reltable man who moves with safety,
moves . with speed. They are the
movers that you need. Short hauls,
long distance moving, anything, any-
They pad each article as it is
placed in the truck, minimizing the
chances of scratching or marring
your goods.
Those who deal with this firm are
all satisfied customers, Moving of
‘household goods is scientific busi-
ness that calls for a high degree of
efficiency. Men must not only be
strong—they must be trained so that
your valuable and delicate pieces of
furniture may , be protected and not
suffer so much as a scratch in the
hauling and handling.
You can stop werrying if you call
them. Their facilities save you
money, and there is satisfaction, too.
This company’s years of satisfac-
tory service in this field have made
them well known wherever moving
is to be done.
Ready any hour of day for quick
personal belongings of any nature
or any class of merchandise, their
transportation of household goods,
trucks have become a familiar sight
on the streets of this city.
Prompt service and careful haul-
ing are two traits that have been
responsible for the large demand of
their service.
They have in their employ men
thoronghly experienced in the pack-
ing of household goods, and their
satisfactory service is attested by
the number of calls which they re-
ceive from people of the city for
their packers to come and prepare
furniture for shipment.
They are a thoroughly responsible
concern. = You, need not carry your
own risk fcr careless nandling of
your furniture. It will pay you to
be certain of such responsibility
when giving orders for moving.
Household goods in their care are
given the best attention and deliv-
ered at their destination any place
in the world.
When you ship by truck, household
goods do not require packing and
invariably arrive at their destina-
tion in first-class condition. Such
will prove a saving to you, and is
the most satisfactory means ot
transportation, This transfer com-
pany is truly a responsible firm,
willing to assume responsibility.
You have labored faithfully In the
service of your country.”
“My country,” replied Senator Sor
ghum, “has rewarded my efforts.”
“What reward do you especially
“If you are speaking in a purely
practical sense, I don’t know of -any-
thing I appreciate more than the spe-
¢lal parking facilities a statesman es»
Joys 1» ashtngton, D. G.”
Nothing Important
“How do you know there is nothing
fmportant in this letter from my sis-
ter?” said she. “You haven’t read it.”
“No,” answered he, “But I glanced
over your shoulder and saw there was
ne postseript.”
Wrong Customer
“Jt 18 true that the bookseller Smith
has been badly wounded?”
“Yes, he tried to sell the book ‘Ask
Me a Question’ to the father of five
dentist and let him be-|
Located in Wilkes-Barre on Dyer
Lane, is headquarters in this section
for vitamine-D bread, what is declar-
ed to be the greatest improvement in
bread since the discovery of yeast in
ancient times, has recently been made
by Spaulding Bakeries. These
progressive bakers have added sun-
shine vitamin-D to their bread—
bring to the people the only loaf of
bread in this territory containing
that rare but vital food element.
Scientists say that sunshine vi-
tamin-D is necessary in the daily
diet—and scientists developed vita-
min-D bread so that everybody could
have a daily supply of this essential
food element.
Highest scientific authorities ap-
prove Spaulding’s sunshine vitamin-
D Bread. Among the eminent au-
thorities are the. American Medical
Association, committee of foods;
Good Housekeeping Magazine, bur-
eau of foods; Paeidiatric Research
Foundation of the University of
Toronto; and the Wisconsin Alumni
Research Foundation of the Univer-
sity of Wisconsin. :
A prominent Wilkes-Barre concern
located at 146 East Northampton
Street—is a concern that is under a
very progressive management and
has demonstrated its value to the
public in a most impressive manner.
There is a great deal more to the
business of conducting an ice plant
than the average man understands.
This is an essential business that
requires at its head a man of expe-
rience in the ice manufacturing busi-
ness, executives who are familiar
with the details and the ‘necessity
for adequate distribution. It is
such houses as this one that add to
the convenience of the retail ice
dealer and provide good ice of the
highest quality at the most reason-
able prices.
The stopy of the success of this
well known firm is one that a great
many business men would find pro-
fitable reading. This firm began its
career with the firm belief that
success could be obtained by furn-
ishing ice of purity upon a reason-
able margin of profit. With this
Domestic Conversation
The wife of a South American @e
tator got what she described to her
uninterested husband as a permanent
“About how permanent?’
“Well, dearle, I guess it will outlast
your term of office.” 2
One, You Artery Member
“See that man? He's the first sur
geon ever to perform a successful op-
eration om the jugular vein.”
“Ig that so? And what has it led
to?” 1,
“Oh, just a let of vein glory.”
Critical Sense.
“That youngest son of Bliggins’
seems to have the making of a true
musician in him.”
“Does he sing or play?’
“No. But he cries piteously when
Bliggins tries to.”
An Easy One
Doctor Diggs—Say, what do yom
think I am thinking here on the couch,
Mrs. Diggs—Oh, that it must be near
dinner time, of course, John.—New
Bedford Standard.
Mother Knews
Willle—8ay, mom, where is the
storm center in our part of the coun-
try? 5
Mother—Why, right here in the
home—here comes your father now,
my son.—New Bedford Standard.
Fortune Hunter
Slim—They say people with opposite
characteristics make the happiest mar
Boob—Yes, that’s why I'm looking
for a girl with money.
Mental Indolence
“Young Mr. Lobrow is very liberal
with tips.” :
“Yes; he would rather give the
change te the waiter than have the
meatal effort of seeing whether it is
In the Orchard
Visitor—What's the matter
your little brother?
Biggest Tot—Mother told him not to
eat more than three apples and he
can’t count.
A Saving Clause
“Doctor, do you approve of all those
don’t worry theories?”
“Well, I always like to have my pa-
tients indulge In a little healthy anxi.
ety about paying my bill”
Tea Talk
Maisie—So you married your em
ployer. How long did you work for
Daisie—Just long enough to get
Careless That Way
Herbert—Thirty-eight, did you say?
Then she carries her years badly.
Horace—She does. Bhe’'s always
children.”—¥Faun, Vieana.
dropping a few.—Stray Btories
Spaulding’s Bakery
This popular hakery pays partic-
ular attention to sanitation and uses
every precaution in the making of
the products as well as in the han-
dling to see that they are pure and
fresh at all times.
Their bread, cakes, rolls, and pas-
tries are made of the very purest
of materials. They do not use
substitutes but the real article at
this institution. They are made by
master bakers and according to the
recipes that are a secret’ of this
bakery. "This accounts - for their
individuality of flavor and goodness.
A specialty is made of cakes and
pastries for weddings, parties and
special functions. They have ex-
cellent ideas as to what you will
need and will assist you in making
a choice or will make anything to
your own ideas. - Special orders are
made rich and tasty and are the
pride of the shop.)
In this review we are glad to
compliment this baking institution
upon their superior products, large
patronage and refer this bakery to
our readers as worthy of a call.
Mountain Spring Ice Co.
mind it proceeded upon
on the solid foundation of
reasonable prices.
As their trade increased and the
business flourished they expanded
until now it is one of the leading
ice manufacturing institutions.
We wish to take advantage of this
opportunity to tell the public that
they possess a plant which is not
surpassed in any city. We wish
to assist the public in comprehend-
ing the value of the plant. Let us
help you to realize that this. is a
valued asset to the community. It
is truly a tribute to the commercial
sagacity of the management as well
method in
its career
good values and
as to the public spirited policy
which actuated these men to give
us this wonderful plant.
The Mountain Springs Ice Co. is
in charge of a management which is
thoroughly conversant with the ice
manufacturing conditions of the
country and has merited the liberal
support received. We recommend
their services to all our readers as
one of due consideration.
Judicious Estimate
“Bliggins takes himself Nery serl-
“He's right. He has gotten himselt
into so many different kinds of trouble
that he is perfectly excusable for be
{ng afraid of himself.” ‘
Worse and Worse
“Why so depressed, old man?”
“The horrible cost of living; con-
stant bills for materials, paint and
“What? for your house?”
“No; for my daughters.”
In Reduced Circumstances
“Mummy, daddy is not so rich as
we are, is he?’
“Why do you think that?’
“He doesn’t wear such nice clothes,
and ‘has to work when we go motor-
ing. ”
Rich Man—There’s no sense in
teaching the boy to count over 100.
He can hire accountants to do his
Tutor—Yes, sir, but he'll want te
play his own game of golf, won't he?
Thirtieth Anniversary
Maggledarling—Tell me, Luke, am 1
as dear to you now as in the days be
fore we were married?
Luke—Can’t say; I didn’t keep am
account then.
Little Girl—I'm glad I wasn’t born
fn France, daddy.
Dad—Why, my child?
Little Girl—'Cos I don't know my
Collectors Both
Topkin—So you have named your
son Noah?
Popkin—Yes, it is a great name ia
history. One Noah built the ark, and
collected all the animals and the other
built the dictionary and collected all
the words.
For Hot and Cold Weather
Salesman (posting green customer)
—This is the radiator and this is the
Lady Customer—Oh, then it's an all-
season car.—Boston Transcript.
Safe, So Far
Youth—There’s Rocker, the pestolo-
gist professor. Goes about killing
worms and things.
Maid—Well, cheer up.
he’s seen you.
I don’t think
Explaining the Cage
Kind Old Lady—You say you were
locked in a cage for ten years? Were
you in prison, my good man?
Tramp (sarcastically)—No, mum; I
was a canary.
The Better Way
“What,” exclaimed the facetious
guest, “would you separate husband
and wife?” :
“Only at the bridge tabla”
Advertisements—Every article on this page is a paid
Admirably located in Wilkes-Barre
fitters of
trusses, abdominal sup-
ports and elastic hosiery. They are
recognized throughout this entire
locality "as the home, of reliable pre-
The relationship between the
apothecary and the physician is very
close. The people should ‘have
confidence in the doctor and the doc-
tor must have implicit confidence in
the druggist, for he himself is un-
able without a chemical analysis, to
determine whether’ all the ingred-
ients called for in his prescription
are contained in the compound and
if they are pure and fresh. More-
over, the druggist, in many instances
is the medium through whieh the
physician gains certain of his knowl-
edge. To be progressive he is ex-
pected to know all the mewer prep-
arations that are available, as well
as the conditions wherein they may
be indicated. As soon as any bio-
logical or pathological discovery is
proven of worth he will have a sup-
ply on hand ready for the doctor’s
and the public's instant use, and all
‘of full standard potency and reli-
They bear
an excellent reputation
at 35 South Main Street—are oust)
for the excellence of their drugs and
W. D. White and Co
the people of that city and
of the surrounding country
y medicines and their exactness and
care in filling prescriptions.
While the drugs and prescriptions
are the foundation of this firm’s
business, like the modern druggists
of other cities, they have a large
business in the better cosmetics,
toilet accessories, stationery, can-
dies, smoker's supplies and sundry
articles from which one may select
necessities to fit any purse or ap-
propriate gifts for any occasion.
The brands of the many articles
they carry are known
over, not for their high cost, but
for their quality and popularity with
the publie.
Many of our readers from the
rural districts have found the W. D.
White & Co. drug store most satis-
factory in filling mail orders for
the many little things one needs on
short notice when it is not conven-
ient to go to town. In fact, their
service in every way adds much to
the convenience to the large terri-
tory they serve, and we wish to con-
gratulate them on the high order of
fidence they must have retained to
have accomplished so much,
Located in Wilkes-Barre
North Washington Street,
Wilkes-Barre 24018—is
Automobile and
of. this section.
at 247
the leading
Truck Spring firm
The springs handled by this firm
are recognized as the best in the field
They are prepared to furnish springs
for any make or model of truck or
automobile. Everything from Five Ton
Truck down. Spring repairing, re-
moving, replacing, rearching and tem
pering is their specialty. By reason
of their years of satisfactory service
to the truck and automobile owners
of this community, they have well
merited the reputation as experts
in their line and operate the most
complete service station in this sec-
tion. The type of men who always
stand back of every worthy project,
progress and advancement for this
It is no longer a joy to ride along
on the axle. If you have a spring
that is broken or needs repairing
you should take it to this well
known firm. There you are certain
to get the best that there is.
This firm has made a scientific
study of all kinds of springs and as
a result of their investigations and
experiments they have found that the
quality of any spring depends main-
Wilkes-Barre Spring Service Co.
ly on two factors, the character of
the steel and the method of heat
treatment it receives. They handle
only the best springs that money can
buy which is so designed that every
bit of the weight of the machine is
evenly distributed over the entire
spring. Their springs are worth a
dozen cheap gprings. Those points
where the greatest strain is liable to
come are made especially strong. By
this even distribution, the car rides
easier and the chance of a broken
spring is reduced to a minimum.
The reason is so many people have
spring trouble is because they do
not give them the proper attention.
The management here seeing that
they could be of great service to the
people of this community have es-
tablished a free inspection depart-
ment where any automobile owner
can have their springs tested free of
charge. This service hs met with in-
stant *success from the very start.
This concern has long been recog-
nized as outstanding leaders in the
community. They have that interest
close to their hearts which is so nec
essary to the advancement and pros-
perity of a progressive community
like our own. Their phenomenal busi-
ness growth speaks well of their
capacity and business ability.
With modern plant in Wilkes - Bar-
re on St. Mary's Road, Hanover
Township, are producers of _ the
famous premier, Lager and Stout,
telephone 33129—are bottlers of high
grade beverages, which have been
of such uniform quality they are
considered standard products amongst
the trade. There are no better.
An air of sociability and good
cheer is noticed every place where
the products of this firm are heing
served among the patrons, as they
are highly palatable and the sparkle
and rich flavors produce a smile up-
on the faces of the ones served that
‘makes for happiness and content-
ment. >
To be able to make certain of get-
ing really pure and wholesome bev-
erages is a boon to any city, At this
plant only most healthful ingre-
dients are used in ‘the process of
manufacture. Analysis proved them
to be absolutely free from anything
injurions and consequently they are
not only health protecting, but health
The satisfying
the products of
taste produced by
this bottling works
Bros. Inc.
is the result of their special process.
After having been put through this
process it is drawn off and then bot-
tled. Thus it has a body and flavor
that is distinctive to these products
and is lackng # others. Many have
searched for a beverage whch would
really give them a substantial satis-
faction and have found it in these
popular: products. The process by
which they are manufactured puts
3 them in a class by themselves.
This enterprise which is u model
of its kind, is one of the best to he
found in this section, being equipped
with all the necessary appliances for
the manufacture of pure, special
beverages in the preparation of which
only the purest and most wholesome
ingredients are used, they are exer-
cising the greatest care in the prep-
aration of thelr products, which
from every standpoint is ‘the best to
be had in this section, for their
purity is unquestioned, while no more
refreshing or delicious beverages
could be asked for than their cele-
brated products.
The old and true saying is that
the best 1s always ‘the cheapest,
go demand their products in bottles.
In Wilkes-Barre at 22 North Frank-
lin Street—they are well-known reg-
istered architects of this section.
An architect’s fee -pays greater
dividends than any other money
expended on construction.
forefathers’ hewed their
When our
homes from: the primaeval forest
they did not think of architecture,
but as the pioneer days have passed
away and the western world has
taken on real civilization ideas of
symmetry and beauty of design as
well as correct building and the add-
ing of the most modern improve-
ments have brought the architect to
the front.
In this age of substitution and the
improper building of many buildings
it. is absolutely essential to employ
an architect so that all the plans
will conform to modern building
codés, so that the best material will
be specified and the work will Le
supervised and properly executed.
Mack and Sahm
A good registered architect can
draw plans for anything you might
have in contemplation from the
humblest dwelling to the finest coun=
try estate residence, public build-
ings, business block, theatre, church
or in fact any kind of building. The
registered architect thoroughly un-
derstands the various styles of
architecture and can give you exact-
ly what you desire. Being con-
versant with the best materials for
building vou - will find that the
gpecifications are made accurately
and through their supervision will
be carried out to the letter.
All the other features of the trade
are equally as well handled and
every detail is given the most paing-
taking care. Honest and straight-
forward in business policies.
Mack & Sahm are prominent in the
commercial world of this section
and we wish to recommend them
to all of our readers who may be in
need of anything im their line.
the world:
store, and for the public con- .