ed hog Na To x i a? ~~ an 2 PAGE THREE ~Trucksville- On Tuesday evening, May 31 the Community Bible Class held the last | meeting of the year. ‘A picnic supper | was served before the study of the lesson. Classes will again start some- time in October. The meeting was held | at the home of Mrs. W. E. How on Mt. Greenwood Hill. John Griffith son of Edward Grif- fith has had measles, is able to be up again, Janet Post daughter of Ben Post is recovered from a attack of measles. B. Ford Johnson and family have moved in the apartment over the store on the corner of Main street and Car. verton Road. Irvin Parsons and family have mov- ed from Harris Hill road to the Wool- bert block on Holly street. The Riday family have moved from Carverton Road to Wilkes-Barre. Many local people will be glad to know that Rev. Herbert Roushey and family of ' Portuguese, Hast Africa have left there about May 1st and are expected to arrive in. the home land about the middle of June. They have been gone five years. Rev. Roushey is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Rou- shey of Shavertown. Steward Yorks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Yorks of Lohman street has been very ill is slowly improving. Mrs. W. E. Dow has recovered from an attack of laryingitis and la-grippe: Mr. and Mrs. Charles daughter Emma ‘and son Nelson spent the holiday in Philadelphia. F. Lewis, Miss Ruth L. Perkins spent Decora- tion Day in Philadelphia. Ladies’ Aid Society of the M. E. Church was entertained on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. M. M. Lloyd on Carverton Road by Mrs. Al. bert Jordon, Mrs. Newel Kester, Mrs. Elizabeth Keller, Mrs. Thomas Knorr, Jr., Mrs. Thomas Knorr, Sr., and Mrs. M. M. Lloyd. Plans were made for a birthday party to be held, June 17.-A beneft tea to be given Mrs. W. H. Hansen at her newly opened ice cream parlor on Holly Street on June 8. The proceeds of this tea to be ap- plied to the building fund. Everyone is cordially invited to attend. Follow- ing adjournment of the meeting re- freshments was served to the follow- ing: Mesdames W. H. Parsons, Guy ‘Woolbert, M. A. Dymond, Frank G. Mathers, Lory Johnson, Elizabeth War- den, George C. Bessemer, J. Roland Crompton, Albert Thompson, Jr., John. son Coolbaugh, ‘Louis Schuler, H. D. Turn, Frank Locke, E.. W. Piatt, El- mer Coolbaugh, Harry Carey, David Wiliams, A. C. Kelley, W. A. Cease, S. ber of her girlhood friends. } D. Finney, M. M. Lloyd, Thomas Knorr Jr., Newel Kester, Misses Grace Deane, Ruth Woolbert and Master Le- roy Thompson. The serving commit- tee for ‘the June meeting will consist of the following: Mesdames: A. C. Kelley, Frank Locke, Frank Mathers, George Metz, Ellen Moyle, J. Earl Newhart. Mr. and Mrs. Erman Reynolds ana family are visiting the former’s par- ents on Mt. Greenwood Road. Mrs. Chares Post entertained at a chicken dinner on Wednesday a num- Robert Davis of Carverton Road has gone to Philadelphia to spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Hoover had as guests at Their home a few days re- cently Rev. and Mrs. O. L. Roberts of .Cleveland, Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs. Allington L. Jones of Columbus, Qhio. | Mrs. Jennie Uldrick eof Edgewood Heights has been removed from Gen- eral hospital to the home of her daughter in Edwardsville. Mrs. Lewis Roushey has been con. fined to her hed with a severe attack ef grippe. Miss Helen Reynolds has returned to her home on Mt. Greenwood for the summer. Miss Reynolds is a student at Goucher College, Baltimore, Md. Mr. and Mrs. David Wiliams, daughter Jessie and son Roger spent the week end and Decoration Day visiting Wilkes-Barre relatives. Mrs. William Hansen is opening an ice cream parlor with a tea for bene- fit of the Ladies ’Aid of the Trucks- ville Methodist Church on June 8. The public is invited. Tea will be served from 2 o'clock until all are served. A silver offering wil be taken. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Voltz of New Britain Conn., spent the week end at the Hansen home on Holly street. Mr. Adam Steltz spent Decoration Day visiting Trucksville relatives. He returned to his home ini Corning, New York. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Jenkins and sons Aran and Evan were Catawissa visitors on Monday. b a ® Annual Reunion yes = nd ai The annual reunion df the Boston- Potter famalies will be held at Ber- neseo Park, near Berwick on Fatur. day, June 8th, Announce Marriage _{Machell is the son of Mr. and Mrs. |Delaware, Maryland, District of Col. | Mrs. A. S. Culbert and Mrs. J. F. | | umbia, North Carolina, West Virginia, Jeter Jr., spent a day recently in New | THE DALLAS POST, DALLAS, PA, FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1932. -Dallas- | York City. Almon Booth, assistant manager of | Announcement is made of the ar- | Sterling Machell of Dallas. | riage of Miss Celeste Levitt of Center | The young ‘couple will make their | Virginia, Tennessee and Kentucky om Mr, and Mrs. W. B. Risley enter. | moreland and Leonard Machell of Dal. | home in Chicago after June 18, where | the way. TURKEY EGGS the local Grand Union store, has heen { 3 ¥ ir je roi - Tra Til - Q ry T y 9 3 2 A p, ZN 3 2 O°, F Appointed shanagor of thie Grand Union tained their sister-in-law, Mrs. Wil- las at Sunbury on January 21, 1932, Mr. Machell will have charge of the liam West of Tunkhannock over the Rev. Mr. Todd performed the cere- {buying of produce for a large restau- store at Hawley. of obliging disposition and leaves Dal- Jas with the well wishes of all for suc- cess in his new venture, He is a young man past week end. ‘On Sunday they mot. | mony. rant. cred to Muncy where they visited re- Miss Levitt was formerly a teach- jlatives. ler in Dallas borough schools. Mr. 3) They will make the trip by motor, {wild turkey farm have gathered 1318 visiting the States of Pennsylvania, eggs for hatching. azarus Sale ERS ountry Over Af $18.00 That Are Sold The | ® Special purchase of high class Porch Gliders. ® Full size frame and stand. @ New and built to our order. e Best Quality COIL SPRING. ® 3 separate back cushions; eo Inside metal arm. e Long suspension to make swinging easy. ® Boxed seat cushion— valanced. ® Heavy quality painted duck covering. e® Double connecting rods on @ Four patterns, each of three colors. eo Heavy gauge chain suspen- : : sion. @ Cushions filled with pure cot- ton. o Easily set up and dismounted. Pa If you are not already convinced that there is one place in Wilkes-Barre for Gliders . . . LAZARUS... this is the time to settle the question, once and for all time! This illustra- tion is the exact replica of the finished gliders. Four patterns in three colors, for your selection. : Mail Orders Filled—Phone Orders Accepted—Dial 2-7171 + Employes of the Game Commissions . “stand. ef }