FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1932, PAGE SEVIWS HE DALLAS POST, DALLAS, PA. The Handy Man THIS OL ALARM CLOCK 19 GOT SOMETHING WRONG WELL, LL TEND TO THAT / Jake De Cake THIS LOOKS LE MORE OF A JOB THAN [ THOUGHT IT WAS BUT [ ; WITH ONLY A HAMMER ANDO A ICE PICK TO WORK WITH / _AINT DONE SO BAD FREE METHODIST CHURCH Sunday School 9:30 a. m. Preaching Service 10:30 a. m. Preaching service 7:30 p. m. - - re. E 5 “According to new State law, all per- sonal tax such as poll tax, School per |. capita tax and Personal State tax with their corresponding valuations, must ~ not be included in land returns. “I am therefore compelled to put all such tax in the hands of the constable * for collection after April 10. Taxpayers are urged to give this (their immediate attention. John Isaacs, Collector, Dall2s Towaustup Go To Church Sunday L OUTLET FREE METHODIST CHURCH Sunday School 10: A M. Preaching service, 7:30 p. m. ~~ 'FERNBROOK PRIMITIVE "METHODIST CHURCH Rev: §. R. Nichols - Sunday ‘School 10 A. M. Morning Worship 11 A- M.- Young People’s Meeting at 6:30 P. M. it : Evening Worship 7:30 P. M. 0 - CENTERMORELAND M. E. CHURCH : H. S. Munyon, Pastor Centermoreland Charge ' DeMuns Church 11:15 A. M. Dymond Hollow Church 3 P. M. Centermoréland Church, 8 P, M. 1 iSermon at 11 o'clock. . DALLAS"M. E“CHURCH Rev. Frank;D. Hartsock, D= D., Pastor /Sunday” School “10:00. otelock.” ‘Epworth League 6:45 0’colck. 7 a ' EAST DALLAS M. E. C Rev. Frank: D. Hartsock, D. D' Pastor: HURGH -- ‘Preaching Service at 9:30 o'clock. a 0 REFORMATION Sunday School at 10:30 o'clock. LUTHERAN CHURCH ' Laketon 9:30 A. M.—Palm Sunday Service. 10:30 A. M.—Sunday School. Thursday Evening, 7:45—Lenten Ser- 0 vice and Public Confession. PRINCE OF PEACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Vespers 3 p. m. Church School 4 p. m. ~) | Z % Zz 2 it ed ee purchase by an individual member of - = that family. #1 Cemng a0 ine You as a mechant should therefore, be sure that your “store news” is bein ed in the hands of ALL of these buyers BEFORE these family decisions” have been reached... To do so economically Concentrate Your Advertising In The ~ DALLAS POST %. delivers your ‘store news’ 4,079 HOMES like these’. Tis in these homes that the vast major- ity of Back of the Mountain’s “buying decisions” are made, whether the pur- chase be one directly concerning every member of the family or an individual 3 we Fo lagh a a Teg } } a) Ih fe “. . and the Dallas Post nl /, IL |e to ¥ potential “buying If FOR YOU I'LL MAKE THE SPECIAL PRICE Of ONE DOLLAR. J a J i fi bo WHAT fo = 7 TAKE TO CLEAN AND OIL AN ALARM CLOCK! ~ p= akes lhe 1 DO YOU 7 ZN ER AN 2 \ cker / .| to the clock: repair man — + Meetings held at Lutheran ‘Church, Main street, Shayertownr = -- : ri * = gi ine = = =. BEAUMONT BAPTIST CHURCH unday Services = Rev. Ira Button, Pastor ~ “Sunday School 10:30 A. M.” Evening Service 7:50 BoM oh aes $T. THERESE’S, R. C. CHURCH Masses at ‘8 o'clock: and 10:30 o'clock, a. m, y Sunday School following first Mass, rr (me TRUCKSVILLE M. E. CHURCH Church School 9:30 a. m. Preaching Service 10:30 a. m. Epworth League 6:45 p. m. Preaching Service 7:30 p. nm. Xa R - a * 0 = : JACKSON M. E. CHURCH Sunday Services at Jackson M. E. Church are as follows: Sunday School 2 P. M. Preaching 3 P. M. Rev. Jam- es Burleigh, Pastor. | #ag 2 plac- . a | ¢ 3 : | ‘ nacle and depart immediately for their § "Services For The Week CHARS | Phone 121-R-12 MARANATHA TABERNACLE Rev. M. F. Rasmussen "“Shavertown, Pa. 2 “The Students ‘Léague of Many Na- tions,” returning from a seven thou- sand mile trip through the south, and on their way back to. Bipghamton, New York, are to give their program here Saturday evening, April 30th. : This splendid agregation of students | from the Practical Bible Training | School is one of the finest ever sent? out by that school and their program | will be -enjoyed by ‘all from beginning | to end. i “k The group is led by Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Patterson, a splendid young couple who have been with the Lea- gue for several years. The following members compose the group, including the above mentioned, Chief Rolling Bear, a Tuscorora Indian is the head Nation; Thomas Ortego, a. Navajo In- dian from Hollywood, California, Miss Evylin Thompson, an Irish girl, Miss Loleta Drake, French, Miss Ruth Gathany, Scotch, Miss Ella Gendrick, Hungarian, Henry Postema, Holland, LaVerne Poole, ex-rackateer and for- merly acquainted with Al Capone dur- ing his wild days, Alvin Rasmussen, Danish, and pianist for the group, Frank Benedict, Cornetist, ~ Robert Seeley, England, Lawrence Miller, Southerner, and | Albert Eisenhart, WELL 1 GOT THE JOB. : HALF DONE ALREADY 50 i! YOU CAN DO it FOR FIFTY CENTS. Evangelist | MB. Lh Prices Reasonable - = THE DALLAS POST he | KEYS C8 WORKMANSHIP | JOHN'S — Shoe Repair Shop | 747 Wyoming Ave. Kingston } over 144 other Chiefs of the Iroquois: oe STAR ROUTE | Passenger and Freight Line ~~Centermoreland—Dallas 2 Trips Daily D. A. HONTZ - CLASSIFIED ADS AT LITTLE COST GET BIG RESULTS Germany. Musical numbers will also be rendered during the service. 3 A special Sunday will be held by some of the League members at the Tabernacle at eleven ‘o'clock to which all are invited. The League will arrive in their own Bus at Shavertown about 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon from York Pay and will be entertained for supper at the home of Rev. and ‘Mrs. M. F. Ras- They will be entertained in overnight morning service mussen. the homes of friends here after the evening service. After the Sunday morning service the members of the League will enjoy : sandwiches and cocoa at the Taber- next engagement which is ‘at Dunmore, Sunday afternoon at three o'clock. | yy Tuesday evening, Bible Class, “First Corinthians.” og > ; Friday evening, Bible Class, “Dispen- sation of Grace.” Saturday evening, Ri 6 1:9 League of Many Nations.” Sunday morning at 11, service by League Members, Sunday afternoon at 3:00, Children’s service. : : : Sunday evening, 7:45, Evangelistic service, subject “The World, The Flesh and The Devil.” @, rrect YOUR FIGURE Comfortably CuAris will give you the smooth, slender- ized figure for which “present dress styles ace designed. It will save you the discomfort, the binding pressure, of the ordinary controlling garment. See this unique, modern foundation. gument in the privacy of your home. “Examine its patented, adjustable features. “A courteous CHARIS representative is always at your disposal. Just write or phone the address below. CHARIS is priced . from $6.95 wp. “nil “Students | SURETY BONDS-INSURANCE For Fire Insurance, Compensa- tion, Liability and Automobile Insurance, Call OE G. HAROLD WAGNER Phone 72 Dallas, Penna. | 2 PRICES are LOWEST | THE DALLAS POST al $1.00 Surplus and undivided profits First National Bank PUBLIC SQUARE ~ WILKES-BARRE, PA. United States Depository: Officers and Directors: Win. H. Conyngham, President C. F. Huber, 1st Vice President Capital Stock - $760,000.00 Surplus and profits ....$2,100,000.00 Qeo. R. McLean, 2d Vice President § Francis Douglas, Cashier F. W. Innes, Assistant Cashier 3 Directors Richard Sharpe Edward Griffith C. N. Loveland C. F. Huber W. H. Conyogham Lea Hunt Geo. R. McLean F. O. Smith Francis Douglas T. R. Hillard Wm. W, Inglis Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent 8 Per Cent Interest Pyid On Savings Deposits Will Start Ap Account MRS. MINNIE KUNKLE DALLASR.D.1 5 Sia 4 First National Bank DALLAS, PA. Membe:n American Bankers’ : Awnociation ; * raat DIRECTORS Au R. L. Brickel, C. A. Frantz, D. P. Honeywell, W. B. Jeter, Sterling Machel, W. R. Neely, Clifford W. Space, A. C. Devens, George R. Wright. 3 OFFICERS George R. Wright, President D. P. Honeywell, 1st Vice-Pres. C. A, Frantz, 2nd Vice-Pres. W. B. Jeter, Cashier *¥ % x ai gE Three Per Cent Interest On Savings Deposits No account too small to assures careful attention Deposits Payable on, Demand a -