oe Jake De Cake HE DALLAS POST, DALLAS, PA, FRIDAY, APRIL 15,1932. Thank’ For The Buggy tt Ride. PLACES 7 JAKE, | HAVE AN IMPORTANT OUT-OF-TOWN CUSTOMER THAT I WANT YOU TO ENTERTAIN FOR | THE FIRM. YOU KNOW THE BEST OUT FOR A GOOD TIME . 70 GO 50 TAKE HIM I HOPE YOU SHOWED MY CUSTOMER A GOOD: 2 TIME LAST NIGHT. THE WAY, HOW MUCH DID YOU SPEND? [I'LL PAY ALL THE EXPENSE. \ 3 TWO DOLLARS! / BY \ E ONLY TWO DOLLARS. 15 * THAT ANY WAY TO TREAT ONE OF OUR BEST CASH ' CUSTOMERS ? [LL BET THAT YOU MADE HIM . ANGRY AND NOW HE WONT BUY 3 S. : ANYTHING FROM U 7 ad ASE SISRRRRSRERA RS ey TWO DOLLARS WAS ALL THAT ’ HE HAD A THE NEXT MORNING 7 : £ 34 | =! Sie — The Toning of » the MARANATHA TABERNACLE of First Corinthians, the subject being, I CLINTON H. ROBERTS OUTLET FREE METHODIST CHURCH Sunday School, 2 p. m. Preaching service, 7:30 p. m. NOTICE According to new State law, all per- sonal tax such as poll tax, School per capita tax and Personal State tax with, their corresponding valuations, must not be included in land returns. I am therefore compelled to put all such tax in the hands of the constable for collection after April 10. Taxpayers are urged to give their immediate attention. John Isaacs, Collector, Dallas Township \ this Go To Church Sunday FERNBROOK PRIMITIVE METHODIST CHURCH Rev: S. R. Nichols Sunday School,10 A. M. Morning. Worship 11 A. M. Young People’s Meeting at 6:30 P. Mo Evening Worship 7:30 P. M. imeem (Sette CENTERMORELAND M. E. CHURCH H. S. Munyon, Pastor Centermoreland Charge DeMuns Church 11:15 A. M. Dymond Hollow Church.3 P. M. Centerfioreland Church 8. P..M. Nt al) mbes DALLAS M. E. CHURCH Rev. Frank D. Hartsock,” D. D., Pastor Sunday School 10:00 o'clock. Sermon at 11 o'clock. Epworth League 6:45 o’colck. Church, leader, David Brace. Preach- jing at 7:30 o'clock. J EAST DALLAS M. E. CHURCH Rev. Frank D. Hartsock, D. D. Pastor. Preaching Service at 9:30 o'clock. Sunday School at 10:30 o'clock. « 0 REFORMATION LUTHERAN CHURCH Laketon : 9:30 A. M.—Palm Sunday Service. 10:30 A. M.—Sunday School. Thursday Evening, 7:45—Lenten Ser- vice and Public Confession. 0 PRINCE OF PEACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Vespers 3 p. m. N Church School 4 p. m. Main street, Shavertown. Meetings held at Lutheran Church, ; Rev. M. F. Rasmussen | Evangelist Shavertown, Pa. From all parts of the country come reports of Tabernacles being erected. Why is this Tabernacle movement in- creasing without any conserted action by leaps and bounds? We believe it is because there is a heart cry going up to God from all true Christians for a revival of Bible Teaching and Evan- gelism, and God is answering that prayer In the erection of Tabernacles for Bible Teaching and Evangelistic Centers. : You are given a cordial invitation to attend the services at Maranatha Tab- ernacle in Shavertown .next week. The Sunday evening message by the Evangelist will be entitled, “A Great Question.” This message will be a blessing to all who attend. There will be special music and singing. Next Tuesday the Bible Class will study the Twelfth Chapter evening ese mee BOE LQ ’ purchase by an in that family. You as a mechant should sure that your “store news” is being plae: ed in the hands of ALL of these potential buyers BEFORE these family “buying decisions” have been reached . .. To do SO economically Concentrate Your Advertising In The DALLAS POST | > “, .. and the Dallas Post [V)/» delivers your ‘store news’ to 4,079 HOMES like these’. : Tis in these homes that the vast major- ity of Back of the Mountain’s “buying decisions” are.made, whether the pur- chase be one directly concerning every member of the family or an individual dividual member of ~~ L i therefore, al at CoaelBuY be : “Spiritual Gifts.” The Friday night class will study “The. Dispensation of Grace.” Everybody invited and wel- come, BEAUMONT BAPTIST CHURCH : ..Sunday Services Rev. Ira Button, Pastor Sunday School 10:30 A. M. Evening Service 7:30 P. M. ¥ ST. THERESE’S Masses at 8 o'clock, a. m. Sunday School following first Mass, orem iriyiracee, R. C. CHURCH o'clock and 10:30 ——————— (et ree ee. TRUCKSVILLE M. E. CHURCH Church School 9:30 a. m. Preaching Service 10:30 a. m. Epworth League 6:45 p. m. Preaching Service 7:30 p.-m. ~ FOR REPRESENTATIVE SIXTH LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT Pledged to' work for reduction of A the Gasoline Tax =. ® : ; Prices Reasonable - THE DALLAS POST E KEYS EXPERT E YS yorkmansue JOHN'S — Shoe Repair Shop 747 Wyoming Ave.’ Kingston i Pye Fe a JACKSON M. E. CHURCH Sunday Services at Jackson M. E. || Church are as follows: Sunday School 2 P. M. Preaching 8 P. M. Rev. Jam- es Burleigh, Pastor. x FREE METHODIST CHURC Sunday School 9:30 a. m. Preaching Service 10:30 a. m. ‘Preaching service 7:30 p. m. Ha CLINTON H. ROBERTS FOR REPRESENTATIVE SIXTH LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT ——Rledged to work for reduction of tire Gasnline Tax, 5 o a LC CLASSIFIED ADS AT LITTLE © COST. = GET BIG RESULTS f, — “STARROUTE | ‘Passenger and Freight Line Centermoreland—Dallas ~ 2 Trips Daily D. A. "HONTZ i SURETY BONDS-INSURANCE § For Fire Insurance, Compensa- tion, Liability and Automobile * Insurance, Call Ie G. HAROLD WAGNER Phone 72 Dallas, Penna. PRINTING) PRICESare LOWEST | - ~ @, pret YOUR FIGURE Comfortably Cuars will give you the smooth, slender- ized figure for which present dress styles ace designed. It will save you the discomfort, the binding pressure, of the ordinary controlling garment. See this unique, modern foundation garment in the privacy of your home. Examine its patented, adjustable features. A courteous CHARIS representative is ‘always at your disposal. Just write of phone the address below. CHARLS . DALLAS R.D. 1 Phone 121-R-12 3 CHARIS i$ priced [from $6.95 sp. i mad lf YOU Should Keep My| Record The Post has Record Blanks For Sale ~ ow - THE DALLAS POST [First National Bank] PUBLIC SQUARE WILKES-BARRE, PA. . United. States Depository: Surplus and undivided profits Officers and Directors: Wim. H. Conyngham, President C. F. Huber, 1st Vice President Capital Stock .......... $750,000.00 Surplus and profits ....$2,100,000.00 Geo. R. McLean, 2d Vice President Francis Douglas, Cashier ° F. ‘W. Innes, Assistant Cashier . Directors a Richard Sharpe Edward Griffith C. N. Loveland C. F. Huber W. H. Conyngham Lea Hunt - Geo. R. McLean F. O. Smith Francis Douglas T. R. Hillard Wm, W. Inglis Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent 3 Per Cent Interest Paid On CF Savings Deposits 5 $1.00 Will Start An Account - NEED ATT Tt. 3 First National Bank DALLAS, PA. ss B® = Membess American Bankers’ Association x EEE engl DIRECTORS = R. L. Brickel, C. A. Frantz, D. P. Honeywell, W. B. Jeter, Sterling Machel, W. R. Neely, Clifford W. bos A. C. Devens, George R, right, oratonl } SE IBIT oie dis ~~ OFFICERS ig George R. Wright, President D. P. Honeywell, 1st Vice-Pres. C. A. Frantz, 2nd Vice-Pres. WW B Jeter, Cashier ¥ % x | | TI I tn on ~~ i Three Per Cent Interest On Savings Deposits No account too small to assure careful attention Deposits Payable or, Demand Vault Boxes for Rent 3 Selk-Registoring Savings Bank Free] Ps