PAGE EIGHT THE DALLAS POST, DALLAS, PA., FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1932. KES PERSONAL SURVEY OF STATE : SCHOOL PROBLEMS (Continusd from Pade 1.) So Saturday, April 9. On april 23 he Fook on April 30. He met schoolmen of the Millersville district on: February 25 and the West Ches- ier district on March 17. : In his tour the State Superintendent is accomplishing a dual purpose, for, in’ addition to getting his first hand information on school conditions in every section he 1s able to tell local school officers just how the Departt- ment of Public Instruction can lend assistance to improvement of rural schools, particularly in such phases that were, impossible of handling be- : fore. Dr. Rule also has opportunity to see where the teacher training re- sources of the various State Teach- ers’ _Colleges may be related as much “as possible for ultimate improvement of instruction for farm boys and girls. ‘He also indicated the need for equa- lized distribution of State subsides as it is related to the poorer and to the wealthier districts. PRIMARY BALLOT iE : PLANS with DRAWN = Ss (Continued from Page 1,) 2 coran, Join J. Heffron, James A. Man- gan. 3 ~ Fourth district, Republican — Leon ‘P.. Nalbach, John CC. Hermansen, ‘George T. Moss, Carl Horlacher, Bruno