alma i THE DALLAS POST, DALLAS, PA. Interesting Bits of ] News From Shavertown Mrs. J. Fred Frace, Pioneer avenue } Shavertown, spent the week end with relatives in Harrisburg. Harry F. Goeringer, Wilkes-Barre realator and owner of a huge tract of ground here, has broken ground for the first of a number of new homes that he will erect on the tract. Herman Van Campen has improved his property with a new coat.of paint. |- Walter Behyjer of Lehigh street is making improvements to. his home. The local volunteer fire company and Relief Association will meet at the Van Campen Storeroom on ..Menday-|: night. All members are urged to atx. tend, 23 ne Br scien William Moline son of Mrs. Kath- ~ eryn Malkemes, was honored at Gir- ard College last week when he way “Young | ‘Malkemes is under the dverage age of” promoted Mw the junior grade. 12 years for this grade. Mrs.” Malke:= mes and Mrs. Anna Pealér: attended ~ the exercises at the institution “last ‘Wednesday. They were the guests of Frank Martz. Besides Malkemes their are Allan Warnar, Daniel and Junior Pealer attending the school from Shavertown. The Improvement Association will meet at the local school house on Fri- day night. The Crocker .family, formerly of Kingston, are occupying the Williams home at Glen View Terrace. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hahn of Pitt- - ston are occupying the Howard Pat- ~ ton home on Pioneer avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Lyons and children of Forty-Fort are occupying an appartment in the Sgarlet building on Main street. Mrs, S. R. Evans and infant son bave been removed to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Evans of Lawn street. Mrs. Walter Cooke and infant son have been removed to their home on West Center street. : Township employees have construc- ted a surface drain sewer on the Wil- liam Ferrell property on Main street, extending the line from the main road to Toby's Creek. The line carries wat- ~ eF from the Goeringer Hill section. S. J. Woolbert has his petitions in. circulation among his friends for the office of Republican Chairman of the Shavertown district. Willard. Garey is most likely to oppose Mr. Woolbert at : tke Spring election. Mr. and Mrs. John Malkemes and ‘inspection garages. family have moved to Horton street, Wilkes-Baire. s Mr. and Mrs. Fred Frace spent the past week end with relatives at Har- risburg. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reed and son, ‘Warren, motored to Easton over the week end, where they visited rela- tives. - Elwood Swingle of Holcomb’s has entered Stroudsburg State Teachers College. He formerly attended King- ston township high school and Blooms- | burg Normal, \ Mrs. Russell Achuff was the guest sof Mrs. Mark Kunkle at Orange last ‘week. S To Inspect Stations It is expected that an official addi- tional man will be sent to each sub- station of the State Highway Patrol next week to do nothing but look after He will not have any other duties than to check up on ‘the work done in the officially appoin- ted inspection garages. : This same work is being assigned to special men to be sent to all of the substations in the State. They will see to it that garages keep up to the standards required in the inspection work. The State is getting “set” to make those who have no inspection certificates regret the oversight when March 31 rolls around and the arrest- period of three months starts. Motorist Complain Motorists of this section are paying plenty for the building and upkeep of their State and county highways. The snow of last Sunday which covered this region warranted the bringing out of snow plows and the cleaning of the road ways, but it seems that they did warrant a little more attention for the highways than was given. The light snow was soon packed hard and! ice and slippery roads resulted. Yet, on hills which are dangerous to driv- ers with or without chains, the piles of cinders remained untouched. It seems that there should be some sys- tem whereby an employee could be notified when a certain hill is slip-) pery so that he might get men on the job and remedy the situation by throwing a few shovels of cinders over the ice covered patch. It would re- quire only a few minutes work and the highways would be safe for trav- | eling. : Needs Attention (day at the home of Mr. en the condition of Franklin street in the vicinity of the Lutheran church. ‘Water has been allowed to stand there for the past several weeks due to the Dallas-Shavertown ‘Water Company making repairs to their line. Water, combined with mud makes it almost impossible to get through. Persons of their way to the church and to the trolley ‘station also find it difficult to cross at the particular section. Baseball Meeting Herbert Williams, manager of the local Rural League baseball team has issued a call for a meeting of all base- ball fans in Shavertown at his Justice of the Peace office on Main street, to- night at 8 p. m. Briefs : Mr. and Mrs. George Bronson of Sweet Valley were guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and ‘Mrs. Sherman ‘Wardan. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilhouer and son of Kingston were guests on Sun- and Mrs. Fred Krumelbien of Shag Bark Drive. Much valuable information on the planting, spraying: and pruning of trees and the raising of vegetables was learned by the members of the Brotherhood of the Lutheran church when J. D. Hutchison, agent for the Luzerne County Agriculture Associa- tion was the speaker. As a result big: ger and better crops should be the re- sult here this fall. A large number of members and their friends were pre- sent at the meeting. Refreshments were served. Miss Erma Myers, formerly supervi- sor of music in the township schools, has been named musical director at the Elmer Meyers High School at Wil- kes-Barre. Her friends here wish her success in her new undertaking. | The Keller class of the Methodist church will meet tonight at 8 o'clock. Joint services of ther Lutheran and Episcopal congregations will be held on Wednesday evening at 7:45 at the ‘Lutheran church. A well known min- ister of the Valley will conduct the service. The public. is “invited to at- tend. School Board Meets Kingston township school board held a regular meeting at the Trucksville ¢chool house on Monday night with members Hill, Nichols and Newhart present, Hay and Schooley being un- able to attend. -Immediate attention should be giv- Bills amounting to $297.71 were ord- is the SUNLIGHT To ISINESS ADVERTISING To all that is healthy in business, it means strength and growth; is unsound. withers and consumes that which / A business which is not a good business should not be adver- tised. A business which would not benefit from widespread appre- ciation of its ideals had better ac- quire a new set of ideals. and increased but | ad- vertising is a fierce heat which 5 vital E— ER ¥ Gel SURE mr FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 1932. a At Lazarus. . . New Lily Of France to create. that ? into its loveliest lines. -~ yo CORSET SECTION—SECOND FLOOR ~ South Main =thru to Northampton St. 1 ‘WILKES-BARRE, PA., ae ® ds new Dott and Girdles—are designed . Diaphragm Depression” necessary if : ‘the new high ‘waistlines are to be worn wih chic. withion orannical restraint. 2 tained this ideal in Sorseing of garments of exquisite beauty. Our expert corsetierres will fit you in the foundation garment that will best mould your figure ay of France have at > ered paid. On a motion by Newhart and seconded by Nichols contracts of all teachers and principals will ex- pire at the end of the school year on June 9, This action was taken to comply with a school law to give sixty day notice before expiration of con- tract. It is expected that teachers will be elected at an early date. Mrs. Sherman Wardan of Main street has*been confined to her home the past few days because of illness. Mr. Morgan Cease has been removed from the Wilkes-Barre General hospi- tal to his home where he is undergo- ing treatment. Mrs. George Howe is ill at home on Center street. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Need- ham of Shaver Avenue, a baby boy. Mr. W. J. Scholl of Center street, who has been ill for several weeks Js able to be about and will soon resume his work at Edwards and Company Store, where he is manager. her Mr. Byron Kitchen of Ferguson Ne ~—— 3 : . Avenus; has been ill for Some time, is slowly improving: Committee. were hostesses at a card party given at the Colonial Tea Roem on Tuesday night. The affair was given for the purpose of raising funds to defray summer camp expenses and make it possible for all Girl Scouts to attend. Prizes were awarded at each of twenty-five tables. Members of the Troop Committee are Mrs. Sherman Schooley, Mrs. Martin Porter, Mrs. A C. Dampf, Mrs. V. V. Vercoe, Mrs. Herbert Wiliams, Mrs. Frank Weaver, Mrs. ‘William Geyer. Easter Drama An Easter drama under the direc- tion of Lucille Hewitt, Field Worker, will be presented at the Shavertown M. E. Church on Sunday evening. The characters of the drama are: Spirit of the Christian Church—Mrs. Herbert Williams. Spirit of the Shavertown Church— Mary Magdalene—Pear]l Averett. Frances Fletcher. Two Angels—Helen Bone and Mil- dred Isaacs. Cleopas—Roland Kocher. Peter—Clarence Eckert. Voice of Jesus—Rev. Corkwell. ~Huntsville- The Ladies’ Aid Society will meet in the M. E. Church next Thursday for an all day meeting and quilting. Dinner will be served at noon by Mrs. J. A. Rogers, Mrs: Clarence Eiston, Mrs. Albert Perrego and Mrs. Ellen Kelly. Every one will be welcome. Mrs. Clarence Elston entertained the Wosan's Home Missionary Society on Thurfday afternoon. The Shavertown Girl Scouts Troop | Devotions were | Keener had charge of the lesson and Mrs. H. A. Randall the enigmas. Mrs. George Lamoreux will be hostess next month. The lesson “For All of Life” will be given by Mrs. A. J. Hadsall and Mrs. G. A. Learn will have charge of the Enigmas. Mrs. ‘O. L:. Harvey will open the Mite Boxes. Lunch was served to: Mrs. Asa R. Holcomb, Mrs. A. J. Hadsall, Mrs. O. L. Harvey, Mrs. G. Evans, Mrs. G. A. Learn, Mrs. H. A. Randall, Mrs. H. W. Danks, Mrs. |S. P. Frantz, Miss Jane Keener, Mrs. Albert Perrego, Mrs. Frank H. John- son, Mrs. Clarence Elston. 0 —Kunkle- The children of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kunkle were unable to attend school this week on account of illness. : ~ The three school busses from this section were unable to get through the snow drifts on Monday morning so the children had an extra day of VATA R~—_ Mrs. Ralph Ashburm birthday anniversary on Wed ilast week with a dinner to a few Ifriends. Those ‘enjoying the day were Mrs. Raymond Perrigo of Trucksville, Mrs. Arthur Kocher of Fernbrook, Mrs. Walter Andrews of Mt. Green- wood, Mrs. Owen Ide, Mrs. Wiliam Weaver, Mrs. Ralph Ashburner, Mrs. J. 8S. Kunkle and Mrs. W. S. Kunkle. Ralph Hess is improving his home by the addition of two fine porches on the front. : ‘ Albert Truesdale of West Dallas and Russell Zimmerman of Alderson visited Charles and Allen Brace on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kunkle, Mrs, J. S. Kunkle and Miss Margaret Kun- kle spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Makinson of Forty Fort. Gomer Elston who has been a pa- tient at Nesbitt Memorial Hospital being treated for a broken shoulder, was brought home on Monday and is making a good recovery. The roads in the vicinity of West Dallas and the road leading from Kun- kle to Demunds are so badly drifted that they are impassable. Though these roads have been added to the State system the State has made no provision for clearing away the snow and keeping them in condition for travel. Residents along these roads must suffer much inconvenience as a consequence. School busses and the mail carriers are unable to get through and if a doctor were needed at “any of these homes the only way he could get to them would be wade through drifts that are as high as the Some of the fences in most plates © Back To ; = Old Times Now Serving ‘Our’ Famous World’s Best $1.00 | Table D’hote Dinner Fort Durkee : Yublic Square Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Cras will give you ©, rrect YOUR FIGURE Condoviahly the sn.goth. slender- ized figure for which present dress styles are designed. It will save you the discomfort, the binding pressure, of the ordinary controlling garment. § See this unique, modern foundation Sis garment in the privacy of your home, Examine its patented, adjustable features. A courteous CHARIS representative is always at your disposal. Just write or phone the address below. ; Tom $695 ub |