The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, February 12, 1932, Image 3

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Birthday Party
“Mrs. Clarence Turner gave a party
on Thursday evening, February 4, in
the Turner-Straley hall in honor of
her husband on. his birthday anniver-
f A very large crowd assembled to
surprise him and succeeded in doing
s0. A pleasant evening was spent in
dancing and cards and at a late hour
lunch was served. Mr. Turner received
many gifts. Those who were present:
Mrs. Maude Turner, Doris Turner,
Russell Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Cf Tur-
ner, Fay Turner, Mrs, Leon Turner,
Clifford Turner, Kenneth Turner, Scott
Turner, Paul Turner, Carl Turner, Mr.
and Mrs. N. J. Straley, Mr. and Mrs.
Emery Straley, Mr. and Mrs. Marion
Avery and children, Mr. and Mrs.
George Armitage, Mr. and Mrs. J. N,
Straley, Mrs. Gertrude Schock, Mrs,
Elizabeth Beahm, Mrs. Earl Beahm,
Dorothy Beahm, Mr. and Mrs. Ira
Beahm, Betty Beahm, Warren Beahm,
Mr. and Mrs. Asher Kresge, Myrle
Kresge, Pauline Kresge, Arline Kres-
ge, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Kresge, James
Casterline, Emory Galloway, Robert
Belles, Marguerite Newell, Mariel Lut-
es, Donald Roote, Mr. and Mrs. Andy
Thomas, Mrs, L. L. Loveland, Anne
Czulegar, Margaret Burritt; Lawrence
Andrews, Grace Dotter, George Sheri-
dan, Elwood Hayes, R. S. Crosby, Al-
bert Keiper, Mr. and Mrs. Albert May,
J. E. Newberry, Mary Newberry, Ray-
mond Keiper, Francis Thompson, Ora
Miller, Stella Shook, G. A. Shoox, Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Jones, Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Miner, Junior Miner, Betty Min-
er, Mr. and Mrs. Loren Case, Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Saxe, Evelyn Smith, Rus-
sell Newell, Mr. and Mrs. Loren Fritz,
Junior Fritz, Mr. and Mrs. Clark
Brobst, Mrs. Carl Brobst, Elvin "Bean,
Harry Bean, ‘George Runch, Peter
Yellitz, Albert Hackling, David Mor-
ris, Agnes Lutes, Anna Mullen, Mr.
and Mrs. Floyd Eley, Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Dendler, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Hackling, Ruth Hackling, Sherwood
McKenna, Mrs. Beulah Van Campen,
Mr. and Mrs. William Doty, Jean
Doty, Mrs! G. A. Thomas, Kathryn
Thomas, Floyd Dendler, Bernard Den-
dler, Servern Newberry, Jimmy Wy-
ant, Jessie Thomas, Lawrence May,
Wayne S. Hubbell, Rev. and Mrs. Dei-
sher, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hackling,
Mrs. Earl Johnson, Mr. and Mrs, Carl
Rinaldo Sutliff, Mrs. Lyman
Service to Housewives.
ity Pleases
Many women, when marketing, buy &SC0 pro-
ducts for they know these Quality Foods will please the
family—and the low prices fit the food budget.
an @5C0 Store near you—backed by Forty-one Years of
There is
| 10c Fancy Calif.
Sweet Prunes
2 Ibs 15¢
This bright, meaty fruit is an exceptional value.
“Freshly BakediHot Cross
Buns «= 150
Delicious product of our own
15¢ @sco Pure
Jelly w= 126
A number of varieties to
choose from.
SCO Pure Golden Honey
King Midas Italian Dinner
ASCO Gelatine Desserts
Sunrise Tomato Ketchup
jar 15¢
pkg 29¢
3 pkgs 20c
2 pt bots 25¢
K Heinz Ketchup
19¢ ASCO Peanut Butter
Ky Choice Ripe Tomatoes
tumb 15¢
big can 117%
bot 13e, 19¢
aSCO Fancy Sweet Peas
Ritter or Phillip’s Cooked Spaghetti
&SCO Golden Table Syrup
Gorton’s Prepared Codfish Cakes
2 cans 29¢
4 cans 25¢
can 10c
can 12-1-2¢
12-1-2¢c 4SCO Tender
Sugar Corn
can 10¢
Your choice of Crosby, Golden Bantam, Shoepeg, or
Country Gentleman at this low price.
Plain Black
or Mixed
Fragrant, mild Formosa Oolong Tea.
Orange Pekoe
or India Ceylon
Rich, full-flavored Teas that make a satisfying cup.
Pride of
“+19c¢ ° Ib tin 15¢
100 per cent India Orange Pekoe. Makes more cups per pound.
#2SCD Beans with Pork
Gold Seal Macaroni
4SC0 Tomato Juice
Grapefruit Hearts
&SCO0 Tomato Soup
Your Choice
can |
pkg (
small can |
Buy this group and save eight cents.
Unsliced or
SLICED for Your Convenience.
Supreme Lea
Double Family Loaf
Big double pan loaf—wrapped for your protection
Our Own Bakery Cake Specials
Marble Walnut Cakes
Chocolate Decorette Layer Cakes
each 23¢
10c Glenwood or Smithfield
Apple Sauce
Serve with meat, fowl or cottage cheese.
Ivory Soap
Ivory Soap Flakes
American Toilet Tissue
Woodbine Toilet Paper
20-Mule Team Powdered Borax
4 med cakes 25¢
large pkg 21c : 3 small pkgs 25¢
: 2 large cakes 23c
3 rolls 19¢
3 rolls 10¢c
pkg 5c, 15¢
One 19c qt bot £5C0D
One 10 qt al Both for
Bucket | 25¢
It Pays to buy All your Table Needs in the &SCO Stores,
Where Quality, Economy, Service, and Courtesy Prevail.
| These Prices Effective in Our Stores in
Dallas and Vicinity.
| worth of
| Cease of Plymouth.
| riment.
ning to take shape.
ney Strotz, Stadium superintendent.
Chicago, 1ll.—Chicago’s two big political shows
Headed by Senator Simeon D. Fess, Ohio, Repub-
lican National Chairman, a group of national committeemen arrived today
to look over blueprints and the site of the convention at Chicago Stadium.
A part of the group are shown as they visited the Stadium today.
center of the group, left to right, are—Senator Fess (with hat and glass-
es), Chas. D. Hilles, New York; Edward N. Hurley, head of the Nonpar-
tisan, Citizens’ Association, which landed both conventions, and Mr. Sid-
in June are begin-
In the
cemetery, with undertaker, Myfs. Gladys
Daily in chargge.
Harmony Clfjub of Demunfds
recently, Mrfs. Clara Shook
was also aja invited guest.
Mr. and Mrs.
and Mrs. Chris
Mrs. § Clara, Ashbur/ner had as guests
on Swhday Mr. and (Mrs. Henry Wolfe,
Miss JGenevieve Wjolfe, Mr. and Mrs.
Ralpih Ashburner, / Robert Ashburner,
Mr. @5. Bentelle, Miss Anna Montagne.
George Milbrodft fell and injured his
Mir. William
list] again. A
The students/of the League of Many
Nfations were ¢ntertained at dinner in
vgarious homes.
Those who jcalled at the home of Mr.
nd Mrs. Chyis Milbrodt Sunday were:
Mrs. Gerald/Glenon, Bernard Milbrodt,
Charles Edwards, Thelma, Miller, Mrs.
Fox called o
Fox and Mr.
, Wednesday.
Dora Dymond {is ill at this writ-
I. Fox is on the sick
Mr. and Mis. Harry Palmer had 'as
guests on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
lis Smiley, MTS. Possinger and son, Bil-
lie of Meshoppen, also Robert Ells-
Wyalusing | and
A. daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Bruce -Sutliff on February 4.
Charges Squashed
In the two hearings held in Tunk-
hannock over the alleged illegal deer
killing, C. E. Schooley
Traver were acquitted, there being no
positive evidence given.
A birthday party was tendered to
Mrs. Lyman Roote on Saturday even-
ing in the Turner-Straley hall.
H. C. Wood, George Rauch, and
James Turrell spent the last week end
at State College.
Beavers Removed
The beavers that remained in Beav-
er ‘Run were removed by the State
last week.
Mrs. David Traver is rapidly im-
T. S. Meyers 'and W. S.
were callers in Mehoopany over
week end. \
Card Club Entertains
On Monday evening, February 8, the
“Twin Card Clubs” entertained their
“better halves” in the Turner-Straley
hall. Sixteen tables were provided and
progressive “Five Hundred” was play-
ed. At the conclusion of seven tables
the scores were taken and the win-
ners determined. Mrs. E. J. Miller and
Harry C. Wood were high scorers, and
Mrs. John Hackling and A. L. Meek-
er the low scorers. 3
During the serying of the sumptuous
and Micheal
| lunch, a birthday cake, prepared by
Mrs. C. A. Boston, was presented to
Mrs. C. L. Auvil whose birthday an-
niversary was on this date. Square
concluded the evenings mer-
Music was furnished by Al-
bert May, Emary Galloway, Albert
Keiper and: Floyd Mansfield. Those
present: Mrs. Harry Palmer, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Hackling, Ruth Hackling,
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Auvil, Mr. and Mrs.
William Doty, Jean Doty, Mrs. E. Y.
B. Engelman, William Reinhard, Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Crispell, Rinaldo Sut-
liff, Mr. and Mrs, Walter Blizzard,
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Meeker, Mr. and
Mrs. Albert May, Mrs. C. L. Boston,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dendler, Ruth
Palmer, Dr. and Mrs. G. H. Rauch,
Mariel Lutes, Mrs. Beulah Van Cam-
{ pen, Charles Van Campen, George Van
Campen, Albert Keiper, H. C. Wood,
Mr. and Mrs. John Hackling, Mr. and
Mrs. Gomer Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. W.
|S. Bender, M. W. Whitaker, Agnes
| Lutes, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hackling,
Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Crosby,
Mrs. Ira Miller, Elwood Miller, Ro-
| bert Miller, Mr. ahd Mrs. C. A .Bos-
{ ton, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Loveland, Mr.
land Mrs. Andy Thomas, Elvin Bean,
Floyd Mansfield, Floyd Dendler, Em-
ory Galloway, Bernard Dendler, Mr.
and ‘Mrs. E. J. Miller, Mr. and Mrs.
Loren Fritz, Junior Fritz, Edgar En-
gelman, Gertrude Thomas, Ora Miller,
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Turner, Mr. and
Mrs. Nathan Straley, Mr. and Mrs.
James Wyant.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dendler and
Notice is hereby given that the un-
dersigned is closing up its affairs,
creditors are notified to present clai
for payment on or before February,
1932. * Petition for dissolution will
presented to the Court of Con
Pleas of Luzerne Co., on .Februs
1932 at 10 o'clock a. m.
C. W. Dickson, Attorney,
Trust Company Building,
Berwick, Pa.
Millicent ¢
family spent Sunday in Binghamto
New’ York.
Mrs. Arba Dimmick is spending
few weeks in Atlantic City.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Miner called
the family of Fred Miner in Endicgott,
New York last Sunday. 30th MT,
Old Resident Dies /
Milton A. Hettisheimer, a mem/ber of
a pioneer family in this section, Dassed
away on February 9. He had suffered
several strokes recently which yesulted
in his death. He leaves a widlow, two
sons, and a number of grandchildren.
The Senior Class of Lehman hi
School will present “Sound Yopr
Horn” on February 17.
comedy in three acts.
and successful, the other blunfdering
and inefficient. But the real fgcus of
interest is Christian played b
thy Goodwin. She rented the
from Mrs. Van Dyke's agent,
Mrs. Van Dyke played by K
Cornell, unwillingly to havef anything
so “low brow” as a stand o
perty, set out to repudiatg
and dispossess Christian,
that she had a person to
entirely different from fhe wealth-
worshipping group to wpnom she had
And {Christine dis-
Diane (
the lease
she found
eckon with
been accustomed. /
covers unexpected allies in
played by Jane Conner, and Theodore,
niece and nephew of Mrs. Van Dyke,
played by Bud Davis; while the play
romps through hte moments in
to an end that is just right.
Other characters which make up the
cast are:
Drusilla, a little girl about
played by Alberta Mekeel; Phyliss, her
chum, played by Kathryne Anson; Et-
ta Lamb, g waitress plgyed by Mel-
vina Shouldice; Homeh Bird, contact
man for ‘he Empire Bottling Works,
played by 'Hale Bronson.
Mr. and |
October 16, 1931.
2-1-32 |
The #uneral of Dora Kasson wife of
eet Kasson was held at M. E.
| Chure Monday morning at 10 o'clock.
| Interrhent was in Marsh cemetery.
Mr. C. M. Gay of Dallas attended
Ladies) Ad here on Thursday.
Mr. {ard Mrs. Emerson Dailey and
Olive { Montross spent a few days last
week ay Binghamton, New York.
Mrs. Mamie Gay spent the past week
at Scranton.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baird of King-
ston spent Sunday at the home of
Jam¢ss W. Winters.
Mr. and Mrs. George Montross, Ruth
and Florence Montross spent Sunday
with Charles’ Clark at Beaumont.
*red Dymond’'s family is afflicted
with scarlet fever.
Mr. Wesley Schoonover entertained
rer Sunday School Class on Tuesday
svening. .
Mrs. Lewis Shook is spending the
week with Mrs. Emma, Stroh at King-
ston helping care for her mother Mrs.
Ellsworth, who is very seriously ill.
The various orders of this place to-
gether with the schools will observe
Washingtons birthday at the Grange
hall, Friday evening, February 26, an
interesting program has béen prepared |
and Rev. Thomas of Mt. \ireenwood |
has been secured as the spea’ter, while
the Male Quartet will sing.
The funeral of Mrs. Dora Karson was
held in the M. E. Church on Monday.
Rev. H. S. Munyon officiating hér bur-
ial was in the family plot in Hillside
which romance and comedy join hands
Dick Weaver and family, Arline Cris-
pell, Ethel/ Cisco, William Fox, Colum-
bus Hoovfer, Mrs. Fannie Fox, Mrs.
Mary Allen, Mrs. Robert Hoover, Paul
Emmett, Iva Hoover, Mary Ceaser,
Miss Mjlbrodt, John Milbrodt, Mrs.
Ray Kjyafp, Mrs. Lois Krafp.
| -Beaumont-
and Mrs. Harlow Shotwell Jr,
spent Sunday with the former's par-
erty, Mr. and Mrs. Harlow Shotwell.
onrad Hilbert who has been spend-
ing a two week's vacation with his
pfrents, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Hilbert
as returned to his work in New Jer-
f Emma Hunt who has been ill for
the past week is not improving very
Mrs, David Traver of South Run is
in a very critical condition suffering
from complications.
Basket Ball
Three games of basket ball were
played on: Friday evening at the high
school auditorium.
Dallas township boys won over the
Beaumont boys, although the Beau-
mont boys put up a good fight. ' Dal-
las township had an advantage over
our boys as they were very much tall-
er. Our girls team won over Dallas
township girls team. The third game
was Larksville vs. Beaumont outsid-
Beaumont was victorious.
Mrs. Snowe, one of the high school
| faculty has been ill for several days.
« She is on the verge of pneumonia and
is reported no better.
Mrs. Harlow Shotwell has been suf-
fering from rheumatism for the past
several days.
Grange was held Saturday evening
with a nice sized crowd in attendance.
One name was proposed for member-
confined to her bed for several weeks,
John Downs who has been
is not improving at this writing.
The Ladies’ Aid held their monthly
dinner at the basement of the church
on Thursday They received many
compliments for the way they have
improved the basement and the Aid
wishes to thank every one who help-
ed do the work.
On Sunday evening the Junior ILea-
gue of The Binghamton Bible School
gave their program at the Union
Church. The church was filled to ca-
pacity and the program was well giv-
Bridal Shower
The shower for Mr. and Mrs. Les-
ter Crispell was held at the home of
the former’s parents, Mr.
of South Run on
and Mrs.
George Crispell
Thursday evening. About one hundred
guests were present.and Mr. and Mrs.
Crispell received many useful gifts.
Mrs. William Smith is
with a sprained ankle, due to slipping
on the ice.
Mrs. Ethel Sweet, and little son, of
Johnston City, New York, is spending
several days with her mother Mrs.
Lorenza Dymond.
Ellis Meeker and Alpha Frear were
visiting Ralph Traver of Dushore on
Mrs. F. P.§ Besteder entertained the |
Corner |
wee” [AEF
51 Public Square
Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
109 N, Washington Avenue,
Scranton, Pa.
-K unkle-
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hess, Mr. and
Mrs. William Miers of this place and
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith and
daughter Agnes of Centermoreland at-
tended the funeral. of Mr. ‘Smith's
brother, Lloyd B. Smith at Bingham-
ton, New York on Saturday. 7
Mrs. J. S. Kunkle spent Sunday with
her sister, Mrs. Alex Johnston and
family of Dallas.
Mr. and Mrs. John Isaacs visited at
the home of Mr. and M¥s. Charles
Heidenrich of Wilkes-Barre on’ Sun-
James Kittle who had a severe. at-
tack of Grip is improving slowly.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith of
Centermoreland spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Hess.
Mrs. Amos Kitchen of Alderson
spent Friday with Mrs. Charles Herd-
Mr, and Mrs.
Charles Sweezy
Wheeler Herdman recently.
Miss Althia entered
training at General hospital, February
1, spent the week end with her
visited and
Landon - who
ents Mr. and Mrs. George Landon.
"Mr. and Mrs. Lindsley Washburn of
Wilkes-Barre and Mr. and Mrs. Archie
Corley /“ana and
Janet were callers at the C. W. Kun-
kle home on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. CharlesRydd of Sha-
vertown called on Mr. and Mrs. Char~
les Herdman and family, Sunday even-
Mrs. William Brace entertained her
Sunday School Class on Saturday af-
ternoon in celebration son
Charles’ thirteenth birthday anniver-
sary. Games and a tasty lunch was
enjoyed by the boys. Of the €ight num=-
bers of the class, there are three sets
of brothers. Those present were: Go-
mer and Marvin Elston, Nile and Har-
old Hess, Charles and Allen Brace,
Charles Mitchell and Gilbert Boston.
Mr, and Mrs. Charles Herdman and
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rydd called on
Mr. and Mrs. John Frantz of Dallas
on Saturday. »
. Mr. and Mrs. Olive Ellsworth spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Brace of Kingston. Mrs. Ellsworth
was one of the hostesses for the Nes-
bit Memorial Hospital Alumni Asso-
ciation reception at the hospital on
Thursday evening.
Mrs. {Howard Roushey, of Shaver-
town and Mrs. Carrie Cole of Mont-
rose called on Mrs. Oliver Ellsworth
Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Makinson, Nelly
Makinson of Forty Fort and Mr. and
Mrs. S. A. Durland, Mrs. Etta Kocher,
Mrs. Kenneth Hessler of Wyoming
daughter Dorothy
of her
were callers at the Olin Kunkle home
on Sunday. 1
C. F. Lamoreux of Trucksville call-
Mortgage the
ship for all
it is worth
before you
give it up.
ed on William Baird at the Olin Kun-
kle home on Sunday, Mr. Baird's heal-
fi has been improving for some time,
Albert Hoover son of Mr. and Mrs.
from the Nesbitt Memorial hospital
arter undergoing an operation for ap-
[Thomas Hoover has returned home