The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, February 05, 1932, Image 7

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    ‘at the home of Mr. and
. Sutton.
guests Mr. and Mrs.
family, Rev. Waterstripe on Sunday.
~ Mr. Bruce Crispell is having
Lyme wired for the electric lights.
tt of La Grippe.
i Om; Saturday evening,
party was held at the home of. Mr.
and Mrs. James Coulter
Mary Keating.
The program of entertainment
F cluded dancing, games and cards.
good time was enjoyed by all
color scheme was pink and blue.
Vi LU Fva
Elizabeth Eustice,
tle, Mary Keating, Margaret Quinn,
thur Legg, Hamilton Clemon,
_Cherundola, Debs / Norton,
garet Coulter.
Coming \
tions from Practical Bible
avo i Rebruary 47,..t0. the
NEN rain or shine and bring your friends.
‘Mr. an
i 1a
k 7 ® January 31, 1932, a daughter.
# 2
} Y
§ a Mr. and Mrs. (William Fox on Sunday.
Miss Althia Landon entered the
yo training school for nurses at General
hospital on February 1
be Miss Roannah Landon
this week.
S. Kunkle on Saturday , and
friends in Kunkle.
~ Mr. and Mrs. C. V.
Olin Kunkle home on Sunday.
and her uncle Mr.
'hoopany are
daughter the Dewey Mitchell.
The name of Mrs.
1% sisting hostess.
James Miers was unable to attend
school Wednesday on acount of ill-
James and Clarence Root were kept
out of school last week with an at-
tack of Tonsilitis.
y © February 10.
Admission 25c and 15c.
| popular.
£2 Sealer of Weights and Measure for
Wyoming County.
1 . The Oyster supper given for the
7 benefit of the Ruggles Pioneer Band in
the Church hall at Ruggles was well
and Mrs. J. W.
and Mrs. Al-
bert May, Mrs. Gertrude Thomas, Miss
Floyd Montross, and Mr.
attended. Among those
} from Noxen were: Mr.
{ ; Strohl and family, Mr.
Ora Miller, Severn Newberry,
Strohl, Jr.,
and Mrs. Ira Miller and family.
Earl Richards, Robert
Saturday night and Sunday
‘wenty-Limited” camp on
ge ountain.
the wild life.
| © The basketball games that have been
played in the Turner-Straley hall for
with a score of 24 to 42 favoring Nox-
the past week are — Thursday,
. State Highway employees Vs.
Saturday — Meshoppen vs.' Noxen,
score 28 to 40 favoring Noxen.
teams. Noxen was winner
i: } games with scores 46 to 20 and 39 to
played the teams in
Tunkhannock on Friday. The girls fi-
wk Ba ani Mrs. Tevi Eckert, Mr. and
Mrs. Jenkins of Wilkes-Barre called
Mrs. John
7 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Moyer had as
ie Hawke and
. John Sutton is recovering from
yidanuaty 30, a
in honor of
“their daughter Makearet and her friend.
a late hour a tasty luncheon was ser-
) '/ wéd to: Lillian Connor, Mae Thomas,
eating, Anna Basar, Betty Kis-
Coulter, 'Rose Coulter, Glendoris Kyt-
‘Phomas Lamb, Edward Edwards, Ar-
Ell, Harry Jewell, Larry Flynn, John
Dirkin, Joseph Ide, Roy Dubrick, Del-
bert Simoson, Francis Collahan, Albert
‘Mrs. James. Coulter and hostess Mar-
The Students League of Many Na-
¢ Training
) : 5 School, Binghamton, Sunday morning
il t Outlet Baptist
gra Rin Church, The opportunity of a lifetime
1 ; ‘to hear voices from across the seas
ih and many states. \Original and noth-
I ing like it in the world. Come early,
£43 Born to Mr. and Mrs. Dick London,
Mrs. William Krapf and
ere callers at the home of
is visitihg
friends in Kingston and Forty Fort
Mr. and Mrs. John Morgan of Tunk-
f hannock attended the funeral \of J.
v N visited
Makinson and
* daughter Nelly of Forty Fort'and Mrs.
Btha Kocher, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Dur-
Ax . land of "Wyoming, were visitors at the
Mrs. Stella Masters of Sweet Valley
Barnhart of MNe-
visiting the former's
Albert Kunkle
was omitted from the list of members
attending the party given for the Sil-
ver Leaf Club by Mrs. Cc. W. Kunkle
and Mrs. William Brace on January
25, and Mrs. Ralph Ashburner was as-
A group of young people from the
Maple Grove Church will give the play
| “Two Days to Marry” at the’ Kunkle
Lig Grange Hall on Wednesday evening,
1 This play has been giv-
{ . en several times and has proved very
ICharles Monroe has been appointed
Morton Whitaker, and Carl Auvil spent
in the
The Noxen-Monroe Sportsmen asso-
ciation placed five hundreds pounds of
grain on the mountains as food for
Monday — Luzerne vs. Noxen. two
in both
The High ‘School basketball teams
nished with a score of 10 to 14 in Nox-
en’s favor. The boys finishea with a
score of 21 to 23 in Tunkhannock’s
favor. : : :
Gomer A. Thomas is on the sick list.
Milton A. Hettisheimer is suffering
from a paralytic stroke. His’ condi-
tion is very serious.
Walter Derby who entered the Gen-
eral’ hospital for typhoid fever early
in December is still a patient there.
He has recovered sufficiently, however,
to be expected home soon.
George Hunt and George Space at-
tended a lawsuit in Tunkhannock on
Monday evening.
Miss Perséth, home economics wor-
ker in Wyoming and Lackawanna
counties, called a meeting at the home
of Mrs. Edward Engleman’s to
line the work that her department does
in the county. Plans were made to
take up this work with the two church
societies for the present. i 5
County farm agent, J. J. Jaquish,
held a conference with the fruit and
dairy men of the community on
Thursday last week.
s =
Birthday Anniversary
An enjoyable event took place on
Friday, evening, January 29, in the
Turner- Straley hall, The occasion was
the birthday anniversary of
Hackling. Dancing and cards were
the features of the evening. The host
was the recipient of a number of use-
ful gifts. Lunch was served to the
following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Dendler, Bernard Dendler, Floyd Den-
dler, Ora Miller, Mr. and Mrs. M. W.
‘Whitaker, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Thomas,
Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Hackling, Mr. and
Mrs. IL. I. Loveland, Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Turner and daughter, Fay,
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Dennis, Nor-
ma Dennis, Phyllis Dennis, ‘Harold
Dennis, Richard Rauch, Mr. and Mrs.
Nathan Straley, Mr. and Mrs. W. S.
Bender, Mrs. G. A. Thomas, Kathryn
Thomas, Janet Thomas, Harry Bean,
Elvin Bean, Mr. and Mrs. John Hack-
ling, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Beahm, Betty
Beahm, Mr. and Mrs. Albert May,
Mrs. Beulah Van Campen, Mr. and
Mrs. Loren Fritz, ‘Loren Fritz Jr,
Mrs. Harry Keiper; Raymond Keiper,
Clayton Keiper, Beulah @Keiper, Mr.
and Mrs. William' Doty, Jean Doty,
Mrs. Carl Auvil, Mary Auvil, Emory
Newell, Mrs. Gertrude Schoch, Albert
Hackling, H. C. Wood, Jessie Thomas,
Anna Mullen, Ruth Palmer, Esther
Palmer, Mrs. Harry Palmer, Edward
Palmer, Louella Palmer, Flora Smith,
Lawrence May,
Galloway, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hack-
ling, and Ruth Hackling.
Mrs.” H.. W. Rozenberg called on
friends last Wednesday and Thursday.
Mrs. Rozenberg was in town on busi-
A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. George Siglin on Sunday, Janu
ary 31. |
William “H. Dienstel son of Angst
Dienstel was recently made general
manager of East Penn Traction Com-
pany at Pottsville. He has been for
a number of years with the Lehigh
Traction Company at Allentown He
also was with the Wilkes-Barre and
Wyoming Valley Traction Company for
some time.
Jessie Thomas is taking a Bisiness
course with the Chicago University.
Last month she won a gold star for
meritorious work.
Mrs. J. C. Benjamin and daughter,
Nancy Patricia were recent guests at
the home of Mrs. T. C. Roberts of
North Franklin street, Wilkes-Barre.
Mrs. C. A. Boston served as traverse
juror last week in Tunkhannock.
Mrs. Dave Traver is seriously ill at
her home with heart trouble.
Calvin Keiper went to the hospital
on Monday to have his injured leg re-
- - *
On Friday afternoon, January 22,
1932, Harry A. Kresge son-of Mr. and
Mrs. Asher Kresge, and Miss Francis
DuBois of Vernon were united in mar-
riage. The ceremony was performed in
the Methodist parsonage at Shaver-
town by Rev. D. M. Corkwell. The
bride was dressed in a very pretty
gown of brown silk flat crepe. She
was attended by Mpyrle Kresge, sister
of the groom, who was dressed in
green. The groom's attendant was
Franklin Patton. The young couple
are making their homes for the pre-
sent with the groom's parents.
Mrs. William Lutes was in town on
Thursday. The beans that she has
for sale are of excellent quality.
Mr, - Abe Smith served as traverse
juror in Tunkhannock, last week.
Mrs. Araminta Roushey was success-
ful in the case against the Insurance
Frank Marcy of Tunkhannock has
secured employment in the tannery
* * *
Ladies’ Aid Program
The Ladies Aid of the M. E. Church
met at the Methodist Hall on Thurs-
day for quilting. A delicious lunch
was served by Mrs, Glen Smith and
Mrs. Albert Ruff.
On Friday evening of last week, the
Robert Belles, Emory
Chicago, Ill.—Eddie Cantor,
famous comedians of the stage and screen, . took
Jolson Jessel, three
“of their
‘and George
simultaneous appearance in the Windy City to get together in a little
/ »~
better individually.
Adult Bible Classes, held their mon-
thly meeting in the Methodist Hall.
large number of members was present.
Following the business session, a pro-
‘gram was given and lunch served. The
committee in charge of the evening.
wds Mrs. Beulah Van Campen, Mrs.
Oliver, Mrs. Ray Wilson, and Mrs,
Bert Scouten, «
Ernest Wright and family are spen-
ding a few days with his father, Thom-
as Wright. 3
. * *
Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Blaine with Mrs.
J. H. Blaine and children, Jean and
Harold, of Courtdale, spent
with Mrs. Lda Phoenix,
ss e) )\
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Traver were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Space
for Sunday dinner.
A *
* 0%
On Tuesday, February 2, a dauzhtery
was born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Webb.
* * -
- Lenten services will begin in the
Lutheran Church on Wednesday even-
ing, February 10, 1932.
te 8 ®
P-T-A Meeting
The regular meeting of the Parent- |
Teacher Association was held on Tues-
day evening. After a brief business
sesston, a short program was given.
Rev. Harold Deisher talked for a
short time on “The Relationship that |
should exigt between the home, ' the
school and the church.” It was poin-
ted out that each institution now feels
independent of each other as a re-
sult of modern methods. This is a
wrong attitude, for unless there is a
union between the three, each must
do with school or church soon is a
The home that has nothing to
thing of the past, while the church
that leaves out the home and school
soon is gone. Likewise, the school
that does not work with the church
eins 4
The camera, man said it was not bad, but
liked them
and home becomes a useless thing. In
conclusion of the evening's work, “The
Home Background,” was discussed. A
number of people Yoiced an interest
in’ the topic.
The Ladies’ Aid Society of = the
Christian Church’ will serve a Fish
supper in the church next Friday ev-
ening. Beginning at 5:30 until all are
served. Price of supper fifty cents.
Every one will be welcome.
* * *
The Home Department of the M. E.
Sunday School will meet next Thurs-
day afternoon at two.
y . . ®
* Mr. and Mrs. George Bulford enter-
tained a number of guests at dinner o
| Wednesday in honor of the Kighty~
fifth birthday anniversary of Mr.
Samuel Bulford.
¢ 8s 8
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Culp enter-
tained the officers and Teachers of the
Christian Sunday School on Tuesday
* ® / ¥
The Adult Bible Class of he M. E.
| Sunday School ‘will mee wih Mr. and
Mrs. George E. Lamereaux next Tues-
day evening. v
\ + = =
The Regular weekly church ‘night
service will be held in the Christian
Church, Friday evening. _
Mr, ‘and Mrs. *George Bulford spent’
Sunday evening with .Mrs. William
Bulford and Miss Myrtle Bulford at
* *
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Shaver, Mr. Ed-
gar Shaver, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Prutz-
man and son Frank spent Friday with
Mrs. Celeste K. Prutzman.
® ‘=
eph Manzoni are ilk
1929 Model “A” Roadster,
"Rumble Seat. Good Rubber
and mechanical condition.
Ln a a $149.00
1929 Ford “AA” Truck Stake
Body, New Tires all around
Good running order ..... $215.00
1928 Chevrolet Sedan in perfect
working order. Inspected and
ready to use. Can be bought
OF es. $165.00
1929 Ford Model “A” Roadster,
Rumble seat good rubber
spected and ready
to use
1928 Tudor Model “A” Coach
Overhauled and ready for win-
ter service, the first man with
$165.00 takes it.
1927 Paige 7 pessenger + Sedan
Good car for large family.
Closing price... $90.00
1926 Oakland Sedan a very good
car for Working man. Priced
to move i Ll $75.00
1927 Ford Model “TT” Ton
Truck, Express Body, a Bar-
gain and good Farmers truck
Alcohol—Gallon 50c—Quart 15¢
Pennzoil—Quart 30c
Atlas Tires, One Year Guarantee Against most all hazards.
Acto Gasoline
Clean Carbon, Grind Valves, check Points, Clean Gas Lines on
Ford Model “A” and “AA” for $4.95
Goodyear Tube Patches, Regular 25¢ size,—2 for 25¢
per gallon 14c
‘| Barre, Pa.
A ing been returned by the Sheriff that
the said Court on March’ 14th.
The children of Mr. and Mrs. Jos- |
‘Sealed Proposals will be received by
the Controller of Luzerne County at
his office in the Court House, Wilkes-
Barre, Pa., (and no other place) un-
til 10:00 A. M., Thursday, February 18,’
1932, when they will bé publicly open-
ed and read by the Ciunty Commis- |
sioner for “Replacing Old 4-inch Steam
Line in Undeground Tunnel Between
Court House and County Prison, “in
accordance with plans and specifica-
tions on file ih the Road and Bridge
Department, Court House, Wilkes-
Proposals must be accompanied by
certified check; bank Cashier's check
or trust cimpany’s Treasurer's check
in the amount of one-hundred ($100.00)
dollars made payable to the Treasurer
of Luzérne County. Check of success-
ful bidder will be retained by the
County Controller as a guarantee that
bidder will enter into contract and
furnish bonds for faithful performance
and payment. of material and labor
within ten days of award.
Enyelopes to be marked “Proposal
for Replacing 4-inch Steam Line in
Underground Tunnel Between Court
‘House and County Prison.” : j
The right to reject any or all bids
is reserved by the County Commission-
ers.” Y
Leonard D. Mirgan,
County Controiler.
In the Court of Common Pleas of
Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, Num-
ber 731 December Term, 1931. Libel
in Divorce, a vinculo matrimohii.
Dora R. Pettit vs. Charles W. Pettit.
To Charles W. Pettit, Respondent:
Take notice that an alias subpoena in
divorce in ithe above entitled case ‘hav-
you cannot be found in Luzerne Coun-
ty, you' are therefore and hereby no-
tified and directed to appear before
A. D.
1932, at 10 o'clock A. M. to answer the |
complaint filed in the above matter.
Luther M. Kniffen,
Roy\E. LaRossa, {Ed
. Notice is hereby given to all pdr:
sons concerned that the Accounts in
their Accounts in the Office of the Re-
ister of Wills of Luzerne County,
the following estates have
and that the same will be presented
to the Orphan's Court of said Coun
ty for confirmation on Monday, Feb-
ruary 15, 1932, at 10:00 o'clock, A. M.
Estate of George Russ, South Side
Bank and Trust Company Exr; Mary
| Shukis, Della S. Nalipka, Admx; M.
Natalie Rutter, Miners’ Bank of Wil-
kesBarre, Trustee; Stefania, G. Ches- y
| neski, First National Bank of Pittston, |
[aqm; Mary Novak, -
Ext; ’ Brdderion Ahlborn,
Bo C. Gaertner, Trustee; Louis H. O’-
“Mrs, Catherine O'Connell,
Union Savings Bank and Trust Co.
| Admrs; Michael Lavelle, Mary Wright,
| Adm; Margaret Croston, Lewis Pow-
ell, Exr;¢ Daniel D. Hartman, Jennie
IM. Hartman, Admx; Joseph Conahan,
| Miners Bank of Wilkes-Barre,
Henry W. Barnes, Bank of
| Wilkes-Bar re, Hugo ' Enslin,
at Kurtz and Miners Bank of Wil-
| kes-Barre, exrs; Hannah Jane Long=
|enbetger, Cora, Webster, Extx; Alex
© JAccts.)
Arthur 'Daven-
i Connell,
| Cordie S. Davenport,
Joseph O. Brown
‘port, Adms. of Guardian; Anna Kol-
| onauskas, William Shukwietis, Admr;
‘Jasper Q. Ely, Ruth E. Ely, Extx:
| Paulina, Shura, Michael Shura, Admr;
Michael W. Carroll, Second National
{Bank of Wilkes-Barre, E. =H.
| Jones, s. T. Nicholson and George
| Micholsqn, Trustees.
Register of Wills and Clerk
Of The Orphans’ Court
Do you keep a
Record of
"We have record
blanks for sale
The Dallas Post
| cannot be found in this county,
Van- |
In the Court of Common Pleas of
Luzerne County, No. 3125 October
Term, 1931. Libel in divorce a vincul
matrimonii. Edward E. Miller v. Irene
E. Miller. To Irene E. Miller, res-
pondent: Take notice that an alias
subpoena having been returned by the
Sheriff of Luzerne County, that you
are hereby notified and directed to ap-
pear before the said Court’ on Men-
March 14, 1932, at 10 o'clock a.
to answer
m., the complaint filed in
the above case. Gi
Luther M. Kniffen,
Thomas M. Lewis,
Passenger and Freight Line /
2 Trips Daily
Call CentelmorSlanll 2029.
~~ Photos Made Life Like ?
Hand Colored Cards ®
83 E. Franklin Street
Phone 180-R-4
Call Dallas 209
For Fire Insurance, Compensa-
tion, Liability ana Automobile
Insurance, Call :
Phone 72 ‘Dallas, Penna.
| First National Bank]
LL) at Z
d United States Depository:
Surplus and undivided profits
Officers and Directors:
Wm. H. Conyngham, President
~~ C. F. Huber, 1st Vice President
Capital Stock .. $750,000.00
Surplus and profits ....$2,100,000.00
Geo, 'R. McLean, 2d Vice President
Francis Douglas, Cashier
F. W. Innes, Assistant Cashier
Richard Sharpe Edward Griffith
| C. N. Loveland C. F. Huber
Ww. H, Conyngham Lea Hunt
"Geo. R. McLean F. O. Smith
Francis Douglas T. R. Hillard
Wm. W. Inglis
‘Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent
3 Per Cent Interest Paid On
'. Saving Deposits
$1.00 Will Start An” Account
First National Bank
s = %
Membevs American Bankers’
* xk i |
R..L. Brickel, C. A. Frantz, D. P.
Honeywell, W. B. Jeter, Sterling
Machell, W. R. Neely, Clifford W.
‘Space, A. C. Devens, George R.
= = = ne
George R. Wright, President
D. P. Honeywell, 1st Vice-Pres.
C. A. Frantz, 2nd Vice-Pres.
W. B. Jeter, Cashier
* kk Xx
Three Per Cent Interest
On Savings Deposits
No account too small to assure
careful attention
Deposits Payable or Demand
Vault Boxes for Rent
| Selt-Refiste
ring Savings Bank Free