PAGE EIGHT Dallas Socials 82 Year Old Man Gets James Diamond aged 82 of Orange Deer shot a. 12 prong deer near Tunkhan- nock last Thursday while his who were hunting with him locked on in amazement. sons, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Sutton have re- turned to Dallas and are living in Mrs. Ruff’s house on Main street. Mrs. Timothy LaBar of Main street entertained at dinner Friday, Mrs. Charles Martin, Mrs. Kenneth Martin, Mrs. Willian Weaver, Mrs. Ralph Hoyt of Kunkle, and Mrs. Fred Riley | of Main street, Dallas. Mrs. William Monk and Mrs. J. R. Bibbs, left Thursday to spend the win- ter in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Moore of Nor- wich, New York, called on Mr. Mrs. Fred Riley, Saturday. and Bert Brace of Fast Dallas shot an eight prong deer near Noxen, Tuesday. A. P. Kiefer will return from New York, Friday. Dr. J. S. Fleming is ill. Misses Ruth May Hazel of Hunts- ville and Helen Splitt of Jackson, spent Thursday night with Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Harvey, of Franklin street. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson entertain- ed Monday evening at cards. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McCarthy, Mr. and Mrs. John Durbin, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Thompson of Dallas and Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jennings and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Seaman of Shav- | ertown. A party was held at Mrs. Roy Wag- Iner's, Dallas, Friday evening, Novem- [ber 13. Refreshments was the following: | Mr {Mrs. Charles Martin Mr. Kenneth Martin and daughter nie, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin and Sh We pantry with the #& are in the Good News. these Fill splendid values. Every item is from our regular fresh merchandise, many at special prices that mean real savings for you. Reg. 7c GOLD SEAL ‘MACARONI: Make many interesting), Finest Spaghetti or 2 pkgs 10c nutritious dishes. Phillip’s Cooked Spaghetti 2 cans 10c Italian style in cheese and tomato sauce. ASCO Tomato Juice 2 cans 10¢ Reg. 7c Use for breakfast, sauces or flavoring Pillsbury Pancake Flour pkg 10c A modern flour for light, delicious pancakes. Seald Sweet Grapefruit can 10¢ Florida fruit with all the zestful taste. Gold Medal Wheaties 2 pkgs 23¢ The new, popular, whole wheat breakfast food. ASCO BEANS. Slowly cooked with pork. 2 cans 10e In tomato sauce Reg. 7c Ritr’s Beans 2 cn 10¢ ASCO Tomato Catsup bot 10c Reg. 12%ec. Big value at this price. ASCO Quality Teas Plain Black or Mixed Va-lb pkg Vs-1b pkg 10c¢ 19¢ Orange Pekoe or India Ceylon Va-1b pkg Pride of Killarney Tea ASCO Teas are from the 17¢ 3 5<33c¢ “w19e% « Te world’s finest tea gardens. Select your favorite blend. Reg: 12/,c. Finest Quality ASCO RICE Ib pkg 10¢ Most satisfactory for puddings, soups and other dishes, BIG WEEK END BUTTER AND EGG SPECIAL! GOLD SEAL Eggs carton 4o0¢ The Pick of the Nests SELECTED Eggs dn 2°7€ Every Egg Guaranteed LOUELLA Butter 2 Ibs. 75¢ The Finest Butter in America RICHLAND _ Butter 2 = J0¢ Creamery Prints of Merit Derrydale Butter 2 Ibs. 67c 3 Ibs 97c Farmdale Cut Wax Beans. Farmdale Cut Stringless Beans Mixed Vegetables (Reg. 12Y4c) Karo Blue Label Table Syrup can 10c can 10c can 10c can 10c Reg. 5¢ Fine TABLE SALT Big value. ASCO H ardwater Soap 3 cakes 10¢ Sweetly scented bot. Three for the price of two. The Better Bleach Suntex Usually Ic bags ° or pkgs 10¢ | Reg. 5c Babbit’s Cleanser | 12" 13 10e Very effectual Octagon Laundry Soap Lifebuoy Health Soap Super Suds Rinso Ivory Snow Double Tip Matches Drinking Glasses 5 cakes 27c 3 cakes 19¢c big pkg 15¢, 3 small pkgs 23c big pkg 19¢c, 3 small pkgs 23c pkg 10c 3 boxes 10c 4 for 10c One 19c quart One 4c bottle 4SCO Palmolive Ammonia and Beads pkg. Both for 15¢ Save eight cents on this Quality Combination “Good Cheer” Merchandise Certificates For $1.00 & $2.00, make ji ideal gifts. Now on sale in all our stores. Ask our Managers [} about them. Tad | ci! Re These Prices Effective in Our Stores in Dallas and Vicinity. Lie 4 served to | and Mrs. W. H. Martin, Mr. and | and Mrs. | Min- | THE DALLAS POST, DALLAS, PA., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1931. i children, Robert, and Iline, . | rs. Marshall Martin and Sse Advertisements | A SR RE, STOLEN Loraine. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Weaver, | While attending school board Mr. and Mrs. ) meeting, two automobile robes g ; { were removed from my automo- son Carl, Mrs. Nellie Hoyt and children bile Clarence and Mildred, Mrs. M. H. Mar- | Doloris, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Martin and children, Marillia, Harry Jr., and James Derham and I would like them return- ed for sentimental reasons. tin, Milford, Delaware; Mr. and Mrs. | Clifford Space. | | John Martin, South Dakota; Mr. ViC- | pure tor Ogren, South Dakota; Miss Mary and Virginia Martin, Minnie Martin, Lillian Hoyt, Vera Martin, Mr. Ham- | elton Clemo, Grear, Doris, Bob Pretz- | man, Earnest Martin, Charles Martin | Jr., Howard Martin, Ziba Martin, Mr. | and Mrs. Roy Wagner and children | FOR SALE—Dallas Borough newly | William, Betty and Jean. built six rooms, lights, bath, steam | heat, concrete block garage near | hard road. all for 2,500. Phone 230. | Elmer Parrish, Dallas, Pa. 12-4-2t | | FOR SALE—Seven room semibunga- low, Trucksville. All improvements large lot and garage, near school and { car line. Call owner 277-R-3. 11-13-2t | Sead ph Nees P. T. A. MEETS MONDAY A program of entertainment will be {given by first and second grade pupils iat the meeting of Dallas | Parent-Teacher association | day night in the high school | torium. Miss Gray of the children fur coat, | department of Hoyt Library, Kingston, | fice. for quick ‘sale. Box 16 Dallas will be the speaker. Refreshments, Post. 19.11-1¢ | will be served by eighth ‘grade stu=| | dents. Battery set, cost $180. complete for $5. Call 9833 Will sell | Plymouth | 12-11-1t FOR SALE: — Genuine Lamapacka | borough Mon- audi- on Worn once. Will sacri- | | FARMS SOLD AND EXCHANGED— | List your property with John A. Wil- | .liams, 48 Main st., Dallas. 5-12-tf | o 1 | Himmler Theatre... ror RENT—40 acre Dallas Township | farm house, barn $17.00. Phone 230. | Elmer D. Parrish, Notary Public, 79 | | | | | Main’ st, Dallas. 12-2-2¢ — | | ———rt————— TONIGT—SATURDAY NIGHT Get Rich Quick New Wallingford WITH WILLIAM HAINES NEXT WEEK | MONDAY AND TUESDAY | FOR'RENT:—House on Lake street, | Dallas, three rooms with bath; fur- nished. Rent very reasonable to rea- { liable party. Call Plymouth 9833. 12- 11- 1t | COAL AND GENERAL HAULING— Anything, any time, any where. | COAL—Nnut, $9.00; Pea, $7.50; Buckwheat, $5.50, all. long ton. { Phone Dallas 231-R-8. Ralph Lewis, | Shavertown. 10-16-TF | The Star Witness WITH WALTER HUSTON | | COAL HAULING—AIl 2,000 pounds to | | ton. Pea, $7; Nut, $9; Buckwheat WEDNES. AND THURS. | 35; Stove, $9.40. Clarence Derby, Noxen, Pa. iv Unemployed Benefi fafioren ie 7-24-11 | Side Show WITH WINNIE LIGHTNER | FREE—Cancer, Diabetes, Piles and | Goiter Remedy sent. Tibbins Pharm- | acy, Beech Creek, Pa. 5-15-tf | | | | MAN WANTED:—to establish and operate Rawleigh City Route in Cit- | om | FRIDAY AND Sa TuEDAY | ies of Pittston, Parsons, Kingston, Taylor. earning $35 weekly and increase rapidly . Write immediately. Raw- leigh Co., Dept. PN-AN-183-V, Ches- 12-8-1t Alias The Bad Man KEN MAYNARD Admission Children 10c | AIS ea a Reliable hustler can rar aw W A RRR TTT C2, , AL ) 2 For Chelstmss Give Him A Gift From This Store Belts, Pajamas, Socks, Shirts, Slippers, Hats, Ties, Golf Hose, Caps, Dressing Robes, Silk Un- derwear. BERT ROBINS 73 Main Street LUZERNE, PA. Cigarette Lighters, Curlers, Corn Poppers, Light Bulbs. All colors, Christmas tree light sets. A GREAT LINE OF Tree Ornaments At Greatly Reduced Prices ALSO Flexible Flyer Sleds, Wagons, Skates and practical gifts. Scooters, Skies, Dallas, Pa. | * x MAKE THEM yO ; all ELECT RICAL.., Risley-Major Co. “HARDWARE FOR EVERYWEAR” art Now Join our thous- ands of satisfied customers w h o Save Money on quality food for the masses. Ask any of Lare’s cus- 8 tomers. Lare'$ 188 Hain Street Chuck Roast 12 1-2¢ Lb. Boneless Rolled Rib ROAST 29¢ 1b. Pure Pork SAUSAGE 20¢ 1b. . Shoulder VEAL 14¢ Ib. PORK LOIN 10elb. Shoulder LAMB 14¢ Ib. Best Tub BUTTER 2 1bs. 59¢ | Nice Size Oranges 2 doz. 35¢ Chocolate CANDY 2 lbs. 25¢ Calif. English Walnuts 2 Ibs. 35¢ More for your money at