2 ter Harriet of Dallas, have been in THE DALLAS POST, DALLAS, PA., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1931. WOODLAWN FARMS ~ Tuberculin Tested “A” Milk The Superior quality of this, milk makes it a health protection . . for it comes to you “with its richness and goodness and purity in perfect condition. WOODLAWN ICE CREAM For The Hol iday Season It's the most delicious ice cream you can buy in your neighborhood. Made according to Woodlawn Farms high- set quality standards. Woodlawn Farm Dairies - Telephones: Scranton 4-1151 Wilkes- Barre 2-2171 -Dallas- 3 Jack Honeywell has returned home after spending three weeks hunting in Bradford county. Miss Susan Nulton is confined at the home of Dan Nulton with a broken leg which she received in a fall re- cently, Lydia, Brunges, formerly of Dallas | but now of Binghamton, New York, was hit recently by an automobile while on her way to church and had her leg broken in six places. Mr. and Mrs. Malcom Thompson have returned home after spending a few days in New York City. Miss Peggy Greenwood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Greenwood of ‘Trucksville is a patient at Nesbitt Memorial hospital where she under- "went a tonsil operation. Mrs. Irene R. Bruce has closed her bungalow at West Outlet and will spend the winter at Tampa. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Parks and daugh- ‘Washington. Miss Lorene Johnson of Harris Hill, Trucksville, had as house guests for the holiday and week end her grand- father, W. F. Bennett of Lenoxville, and Winifred Barry of Lyndonville, N. Y.; Virginia Straube of Lancaster and Paul Smith of Governeur, New York, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Acott and son John attended the funeral of the for- mer’s sister, Mrs. Rebecca Price of Kingston recently. Mrs. J. L. Ryman was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shupp of Ply- mouth on Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Austin of | | i ORNAMENTS 2 For 5¢ 5c Each 10c Each i Bells, Artificial Trees, Poinsettia, * Festooning Etc., Come in and see them. E. WILLIAMS 5c, 10c, to $1.00 STORE 46 Main Street Dallas, Pa. Johnson City spent Sunday at the (home of Mr. and Mrs. Zel Garinger. S. F. Lewis of Xingston was a Dallas caller on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Maier and son Grey- don have returned home after visiting at Endicott, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Strunk and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dungee and son Jack recently motored to Valley Forge. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Meyers of Kingston were callers at the home of Mrs. M. S. Yaple on Sunday. Mrs. Camilla Morgan of Kingston was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Yaple on Thanksgiving, Mr. and Mrs. Lynde Ryman and family of Wilmington, Del, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stone and Nancy Stone of Ithaca, N. Y., were the guests of Mrs. J. L. Ryman on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Cumming had for their guests over the week end Mr. and Mrs. Harry Griffith and daughter of Scranton and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Chamberlain of Wilkes- Barre. ; Mr. and Mrs. John Merical, Mr. and Mrs. ‘Arthur Durgee and son Jack spent Thanksgiving at Scranton. Mr. and. Mrs. Z. E. Garringer spent Grange News wn E BEAUMONT GRANGE lO oO El N Our Grange will hold its regular meeting Saturday evening, December 5th. A program for lecturer's hour has been prepared as follows: Song—The Farmer's Ride. Roll Call—Brothers, True Incidents of bear and deer hunting. Duet—Human Hawaiian Guitars. Recitation—“Sketches by Lamp Lights.” Chorus—*“Roll On.” Relay Race. Solo—“Maud Twister's Two Girls.” Contest—Material For a House. Selections—played on home instru- ments. Recitation—Ruth Clark. An Action Song. Recitation—*“It Pays to Scratch.” ‘A mixed instrument chorus. Prohibition race. Selection by the chorus. Game—Squabbles. 3 A humorous song by the boys. We have dome our part by prepar- ‘ing this program and now we are ask- ing the other members to do their part by being present. : Irene Clark, Committee. several days last week in Bingham- | ton. John Cumming and Floyd Chamber- lain have returned home after a mot- or trip to Rhode Island. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gregg and Mr. and Mrs. George Norton visited Mr. and Mrs. George Bronson of Sweew Valley on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnson of Ashley, called on Dallas friends Sun- day. 3 Mr. and Mrs. John Wilcox and fam- ily have moved to Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stafford of Wilkes-Barre, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mission Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Russell Shaver were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Whitesell of Pikes Creek, Thanks- giving. Mrs. Florence Shannon and daugh- ters of Shavertown are moving into the Mott residence on Lake street. Howard and Elwood Whitesell of Pikes Creek, spent the week end with Williard Shaver. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Terry of Dallas served a Thanksgiving dinner in hon- or of the Casterline family, which was enjoyed by the following: Nathaniel Casterline, Mrs. William Aton, Donald and Irene Aton of Binghamton, New York, Mr, and Mrs. James Rogers, Nel- son, Russell, Lloyd, Harvey, Ruth, Es- ther, Audrey, Willard and Warren Ro- gers of Idetown; George Casterline of Harveys Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Emil Cas- terline, Harold, Nathaniel, Marjorie, Dorothy, Emil and Carl Casterline of Idetown. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Terry, William, Louis, Albert, Mildred and Betty Terry of Dallas, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Casterline of Hayes Corners; Miss Jennie Weaver and Miss Ruth Karschner. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Weaver had as their guests over the Thanksgiving holiday, Mrs. W. D. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stewart and son Norman of Greenville. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Risley of Elmira, New York, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Risley, over the week end. Teachers of the borough schools were entertained Wednesday night by Marion Barney at the home of Mrs. Robert Moore. Ruth Waters and her brother Daniel have returned home after spending sometime in New York Cityy. ) Mr. and Mrs. George Bond of Le- hman celebrated their twentieth wed- ding anniversary on Monday evening. Refreshments were served to about forty guests. Miss Irene Wilcox, daughter of Mr. ‘and Mrs. O. M. Wilcox of Chase, and Harry Snyder, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Snyder of Dallas were united in marriage Wednesday, November 25, at Wilkes-Barre. Mr. Snyder is connec- ted with the ‘Atlantic refining com- pany. They will make their home with Mr. Snyder's parents. Ronald Doll, a student at Columbia University, spent the Thanksgiving re- | cess with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. | Stanley Doll of Norton avenue. Mrs. Blanche Moore of Buffalo, spent several days last week with Mrs. Lau- ra. Patterson of Lehman avenue. SELL YOUR FURS et Cee Russell Newell Noxen, Pa. Highest cash prices paid for pelts, Muskrat, Skunk, Racoon are in demand now. RUSSELL NEWELL Noxen, Pa. Phone, Cent. 9034-R-2 | David ‘Ross of Wilkes-Barre visited AID SOCIETY TO MEET Ladies’ Aid Society of Dalas M. E. church will meet Thursday, December 10, with Mrs. G. A. A. Kuehn. Rev. F. D. Hartsock motored to Danville recently to visit his brother who is seriously ill. ) Miss Elizabeth Breckenridge and Mrs. G. R. Splitt of Jackson, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Elston, son Harold, Frank Bulford and Ruth May Hazel of Huntsville, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Harvey, Mrs. Fred Riley, Nora May Brown, Miss Elizabeth Breckenridge, of Dallas and David Ross of Wilkes- | Christmas Shopping List DON’T To ask for your free shopping list today REMEMBER To : Join our 1932 Christmas Club now open First National Bank Dallas FORGET | Barre and Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Duck- | worth of Wyoming, spent Thanksgiv- | | . | ing with Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Splitt, | | of Jackson, ! Miss Doris Lauderbaugh, who is at- tending school at Berwick, Thanksgiving with her parents. Mrs. Ralph Brickel’s Sunday School Class will meet with Mrs. Claude Cook of Fernbrook, Friday evening. Mrs. Robert Hislop entertained the Dallas Bridge club at luncheon at Villa, Capellini on Wednesday after- noon and at Irving theatre following. Her guests were Mrs. James Oliver, Mrs. Arthur L. Turner, Mrs. Claude T. Isaacs, Mrs. Ralph TL. Hallock, Mrs. Warden Kunkle, Mary Still and Wini- fred Griffith. Ralph Hallock left Tuesday morn- ing for a hunting trip in Pike county. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Vincent visited Mrs. William ‘Whipp recently. Gertrude Simons of North Franklin street, Wilkes-Barre, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Josephine Felkner. See these tree ornaments 2 for Be, 5c and 10c. Williams 5¢, 10¢ $1.00 Store, 46 Main Street, Dallas. spent «Himmler Theatre... TONIGTH—TOMORROW NIGHT Sidewalks Of New York — NEXT WEEK MONDAY AND TUESDAY Sky Line WITH THOMAS MEIGHAN WEDNES. AND THURS. The Spider WITH EDMUND LOWE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Get Rich Quick New Wallingford WITH WILLIAM HAINES —0 Admission Children 10c | | I a —] Advertisements ET STOLEN While attending school board meeting, two automobile robes were removed from my automo- bile. I would like them return- ed for sentimental reasons. Clifford Space. FOR SALE—Round dining room table $4.00; 7 piece bed room suite $20.00; double bed and spring $3.75 E. Wil- liams, Dallas, Pa. 12-4-1t FOR SALE—Furnace in good condi- tion. Inquire Stolerick Brothers, Lehman 1t FOR SALE—Seven room semibunga- low, Trucksville. All improvements large lot and garage, near school and car line. Call owner 277-R-3. 11-13-2t FOR SALE CHEAP—A good steam boiler, $25.00. Telephone 350, Dallas, Mrs. C. N. Booth. 12-4-1t FOR SALE—Will sacrifice Bause pi- ano. Will sell for $50. First class condition. Call 7-3854, Kingston. : 12-4-1t FOR SALE—Dallas Borough newly “built six rooms, lights, bath, steam heat, concrete block garage near hard road all for 2,500. Phone 230. Elmer Parrish, Dallas, Pa. 12-4-2t FOR SALE:—Round .Dinning .Room Table, $4.00: 7 piece bed room suite $20.00: Double bed and spring $3.75. Williams, 46 Main street, Dallas, Pa. FARMS SOLD AND EXCHANGED— List your property with John A. Wil- .liams, 48 Main st., Dallas. 5-12-tf FOR SALE—TFifty colonics of bright Italian bees with the privilege of one or fifty. All bred from a gentle strain and good honey gatherers. All in 10 frame painted hives. Free delivery ‘to purchaser, $6 a colony. Reason for selling lack of, room. Inquire of Samuel Eggleston, Box 14, Alderson, Pa. 12--3-5m FOR RENT—40 acre Dallas Township farm house, barn $17.00. Phone 230. Elmer D. Parrish, Notary Public, 79 Main st., Dallas. 12-4-2t LOST—Set of false teeth some where on Main street Dallas. Finder turn to box A, Dallas Post and re- ceive reward. ¢ 12-4-1t re Rawleigh Home Service business in Cities of Pittston, Parsons, Kingston, Taylor. Reliable hustler can start earning $35 weekly and increase rapidly. Write immediately. Raw- leigh Co., Dept. PN-AN-183-S, Ches- ter, Pa. 4 1t COAL AND GENERAL HAULING— Anything, any time, any where. COAL—N1ut, $9.00; Pea, $7.50; Buckwheat, $5.50, all long ton. Phone Dallas 231-R-8. Ralph Lewis, Shavertown, . 10-16-TF COAL HAULING—AIl 2,000 pounds te ton. Pea, $7; Nut, $9; Buckwheat, $5; Stove, $9.40. Clarence Derby, Noxen, Pa. T7-24-tf FREE—Cancer, Diabetes, Piles Goiter Remedy sent. Tibbins Pharm- acy, Beech Creek, Pa. 5-15-tf low prices. where. MEN'S Khaki Overals Work Trousers MEN’S AND BOYS Hunting Caps Sturdy Shoes ........ $1.98 Hunting Coats sale on easy terms A NEW STORE FOR NOXEN- Newell’s New Clothing Store is the place to buy quality merchandise at We buy for cash and sell for cash that’s why our prices are lower for the same merchandise than else- We will have a complete line of Christmas goods with practical gifts for every member of the family. Hear the famous Crosley Radio for NEWELL’S Cash Clothing Store Next to the Post Office and just as reliable NOXEN, PA. WOMEN’S Rayon Hose House Dresses . . WOMANS’ AND GIRLS’ Dress Socks, 3 pair ....25¢c and | 8 Visit this wonderful Food Market. We ar loaded to the guard with choice Food Stuffs. ® Lare’'S MARKET 188 Main Street Luzerne biuck Roast FRANKFORTS 285 25¢ +3 i PORK LOIN RoasT 1iclh. ROUND STEAK 22¢ Ib. BONELESS VEAL ROAST 22¢ Ib LARGE HAM 13¢ bb SCRAPPLE 10c BB L6g of Lanb 22¢ Ib. BIG LOAF BREAD aC LARD 8¢ Ib. Special New Price on LORILLARD’S 10BACCO Pounds | 1-2Pounds 59¢ 30¢ Remember our CANDY MARKET