PAGE EIGHT THE DALLAS POST, DALLAS PA. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1931 NEWS OF SOCIAL INTEREST OF DALLAS AND VICINITY | Mrs. John Fuller of Newton is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. William Whipp. * * * Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Parks and daughter Harriet were = registered at the Chalfonte-Haddon Hall, Atlantic City over the past week end. \ Coal and General Raaling A. L. KOCHER Dallas 21-R-2 Mr. and Mrs. John Girvan and Mrs. Bertha, Thomas motored’ to Philadel- phia, Tuesday. * * * Mrs. J. R. Gibbs and Mrs. C. Mec Cracken of Wyoming spent the week end at Philadelphia. ; * ¥ 8 ; / Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Atkinson and family ' and Robert Shotwell spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl At- kinson at Meshoppen on Sunday. |= Naptha Gas For CLEANING PURPOSES J. F. BESECKER CO ! Dallas, Pa. help reduce baking costs. GOLD SEAL 24- 1b Ke ® @® Reduce Baking Costs These special flour prices, effective until Saturday, will You will also enjoy the depend- able, uniform quality of GOLD SEAL Family Flour, suit- able for every baking purpose. AAA AAAAAA VWAAAAY VAAAAAY FLOUR 48-1b $1.15 bag 15°... Co 2 29 8.. 3 The Highest Grade F amily Flour Milled bag 98-1b ‘2.25 ASCO Baking Powder “can 5¢, 10c, 20¢ Quality Canned Vegetables You will want a quantity of these 1931 Crop, High Grade Vegetables at such low prices. ASCO Finest Sweet CORN bl 2 cans 25¢ Your choice of Crushed—Shoepeg—Golden Bantam New Pack—1931 Crop . 6 cans 70¢c All New Pack—1931 Crop Fancy Mixed Vegetables 3 T° 25¢ 6 cans 48¢ Cooked Sweet Potatoes big A) 1-5 6 cans Y3¢ ASCO or DEL MONTE Cooked Spinach 2 big cans 20¢ : 6 cans 85¢ Cut Stringless Beans Finest Succotash Choice Lima Beans Cut Wax Beans ASCO Sauer Kraut Diced Carrots Tender Sugar Corn Choice Tender Peas Farmdals Peas ASCO Fancy Peas ASCO Ripe Tomatoes med can 10e, 6 cans 55¢ Farmdale Lima Beans 2/cans 25¢, 6 cans’ 73¢ Del Monte Sugar Peas 2 cans 29¢, 6 cans 85¢ 2 cans 17¢, 6 cans 48¢ 2 cans 29¢, 6 cans 85¢ 2 cans 19¢, 6 cans 55¢ 2 cans 25¢, 6 cans 73c 2 cans 19¢, 6 cans 55¢ 2 cans 19c¢, 6 cans 55¢ 3 cans 23c, 6 cans 45¢ 2 cans 17¢, 6 cans 48¢ 2 cans 25¢, 6 cans 3c . 2 cans 29¢, 6 cans 85¢ | Two pkgs ASCO Gelatine Desserts and Rubyettes One bottle All for 25¢ Reg. 10c ASCO Peanut Butt 3 tumblers 25¢ er ASCO Cooked Pumpkin Liederkranz Malt Syrup New Pack Seedless Raisins 2 big cans; 19¢ can 35¢ 2 pkgs 15¢ One Can Diplomat and One Can Diplomat Boned Chicken Deviled Chicken Both for 47° GOLD SEAL carton go Eggs 37¢ bl The Pick of the Nests Headquarters for Butter and Eggs SELECTED dozen Eggs 31c¢c Every Egg Guaranteed Req. 17c ASCO Sugar Cured Sliced BACON 1-2-Jb 1 re Reg. 121/5,c ASCO Cider or White VINEGAR + 10¢ " bot pkg Save time. % DOUBLE A FAMILY LOAF Let us do Your Bread Baking. 30-0z. wrapped loaf 10¢ ll Victor Bread . Y Bread Supreme ASCO Pure Fruit Preserves new type 0z jar 16 pan loaf 5¢ wrapped loaf 7c e larae varieties of Quality Foods in the ASCO Stores will make your meal-planning a pleasure These Prices Effective in Our Stores in Err Dallas and Vicinity. al days in Scranton. * - - Mr. and Mrs. William Baker and son Billy have .returned from Pitts- burg where they took Mr. Baker's mother, Mrs. A. D. Baker who has been visiting them. * * * Dorothy Beisel delightfully enter- tained at a bridge shower on Monday night in honor of Jessie Hislop who will be married to Thomas Moore of Dallas on October 14. * * * The Ladies’ Aid Society of Dallas M. E. church, met yesterday with Mr». William Fowler to make final arrange- ments for its chicken supper to be held Thursday, November 12. * * * Lucile Hewitt, a Home Mission Worker, is spending October in Dal- las. October is rally month in the M. E. church and she is leading the var- ious organizations in a rallying of the members. Y , * * * x Among those who attended Blooms- burg Fair Friday were: Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Sheppard, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Harvey, Ruth May Hazel, Guy Kresge, Willard Winter, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey" Coon, Mrs. Fred Riley, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hoyt, Professor and Mrs. Mau- rice Girton, Harry Harter, Frank Hess, Mrs. J, R. Gibbs, Mrs. William Monk. * * * Entertained at Glenview Terrace Mrs. J. E. Hacker, Mrs. E. C. Wil- liams and Miss Verna Lamoreaux, entertained at there home at Glenview Terrace on Saturday night in honor of the seamstresses of the General Hospital, Wilkes-Barre. The guests of honor being, Mrs. William Shepherd, , Theodore Snyder is spending sever- | Mr. and Mrs. Harry Goldberger of the Thrift Store, Luzerne, motored to New York on Sunday to celebrate the second anniversary of the store. They had as their guests their employees; Misses Charlotte Roche, Anna Yakins and Marie Covert. Many places of in- terest were visited and a delightful time was had by all * * * The Entre Nous Card Club held its first meeting at the home of Caroline Morris on Wednesday evening, Octob- er 7th. Lunch was served and prizes were awarded to Mrs. Edna McCarthy, Miss Lettie Lee, and Mrs. Jack Wilson. In addition to prize winners were: Mrs. John Yaple, Betty Warhola, Car} Kuehn, Florence Phillips, Mrs. Thomp- son, Mrs. Durbin, Earl Cairl, Miss Gertrude Wilson, and Miss Morris. Mrs, Cairl substituted for Mrs. Dorothy Hull. | * * *® The first fall meeting of Shavertown branch, Nesbitt Memorial Hospital Auxiliary was' held Friday afternooi, at the home of Mrs. C. S. Behee of Chase. It! was a beautiful fall day, and an unusually large crowd was present. Mrs. Wiese, chairlady called the meeting to order and reports of various officers were read and approv- ed. The meeting was a very interest- ing one and plans were outlined for fall social activities, Mrs. J. H. Smith of Wilkes-Barre, has charge and with the help of her assistants promises-a season of social events long to be re- membered. A card party is planned for the first affair and gives promise of being a huge success. Refreshments were served to 44 members as fol- lows: Mesdames C. S. Behee, A. C. Kelly, C. F. Fisher, J. A. Girvan, E. D. Parrish, Arthur Ide, S. P. Frantz, Al- Plains, Mrs. Sarah Traub, Plymouth, Mrs. Edith Williams, Parsons, Mrs. M. 'A. Yohey, Kingston. The; evening ‘was games and dancing. Refreshments were served to the fol- lowing Mrs. Sarah Traub, Mrs. Edith Williams, Mrs. William Shepherd, Mrs. M. A: Yohey, Mr. and Mrs. George spent playing Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Cease, W. S. Kit- George Johnson, Jr., Viola Lewis, Stel- la Johnson, Mrs. E. C. Williams, How- ard Hontz, Claude Cook,”Mr. and Mrs. J. BE. Hacker, Helen, Hacker, Verna/ Lamoreaux and Edna Cease. James F. Besecker Notary Public Quick License Service Lake Street DALLAS, PA. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Kirk McCarty, | onzo Prutzman, Clifford Ide, Eston Adelman, Ray Shiber, W. L. Tracy, Ernest Johnson, Anna Joseph, B. F. Nulton, Jane Keener, G. Evans, W. H. Baker, R. L. Hallock, J. H. Smith, W. ! BE. Smith, I. D. Hartsock, J."R. Oliver, "J. H. Rau, M. A. Wilcox, J. H. Frantz, D. F. Westover, W, I. Titman, C. T. Norris, J. E. Hildebrant, Marguerite i Frantz, C. A. Frantz, A. N. Garringer, } chen, W. A. Freeman, E. E. Husted, | Elwood McCarty, Francis Lewis, Corey len, Sherman Worden. L. R. Major, E. W. Guernsey, G. L. Howell, C. S. Be- hee, W. A. Wiese. After refreshments Mrs. J. R. Oliver who had charge of entertainment introduced Janet Gar- ringer, thes 6 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Garringer, of Dallas, and she delighted all with her singing and toe dancing. The meeting then adjourned, have been made to hold November meeting on Friday November 6th, at the home of Mrs. Harold Titman of Lake street, Dallas. clever arrangements ul ALMON A. CASE Almon ‘A. Case, 77 died of apoplexy at the home of his daughter, Mrs. afternoon following two weeks illness. He is survived by his children, Mrs. C. O. Brooks of Lansford, N, D., Mrs. William Higgins of Dallas, | Charles Cace of Wilkes-Barre, Mrs. Nan Yates, Addie Case, Mrs: Warren Higgins, Gerald Case, all of Wyoming, ten grandchildren, two gr at-grandchil- dren, a brother Oscar of Alderson and a sister, Mrs. Susan Petri of Luzerne. His wife preceded. him in death by twelve years. The funeral will be held at the Dal- las home on Saturday afternoon at 2. Interment will be in Bronson ceme- tery, Loyalville. % ima iiutritreste GIRL SCOUTS PLAN WINTER ACTIVITIES An enthusiastic group of captains and troop committee chairman of the Dallas district, Girl Scouts, met re- ‘cently at the home of Mrs. A. C. Cul- bert, district chairman, to make ten- tative plans for the year's activities. Their first district get-together will be on Sunday evening, October 25, whea all the! troops of this section, their parents and friends will meet for a Scout’s own service in the Shavertown Methodist church. The girls of the Shavertown troop will conduct the service under the direction of Mrs. Vester Vercoe, assisted by Miss Beth Williams, captain of the troop. Another feature of the year will ve a mid-winter play day. Time and place to be determined upon later. portunity for the Dallas Scout work- ers to meet Miss Emerald A. Harper, new director, who was introduced by Miss Marion Gruver, field captain of the Wyoming Valley Council. t Those present were: Mrs. A. C. Cul- bert, district chairman; Mrs. A. D. Hull, captain of troop No. 7; Frances Keeler, captain troop No. 19; Mrs. George Russ, Mrs. A. M. Major, Mrs. and Mrs. Vester Vercoe. nf rt yan J. Major, J. A. Hildebrant, Harry Al- | ACCURATE We take considerable pride when * filling your prescriptions. Here you get your medicine just at the Doctor ordered, from the finest inaredients, full strength and in proper proportions. Evans’ Pharmacy SHAVERTOWN, ‘PA. Day Phone Night Phone Call 222 297-R-3 REMINGTON and UNDERWOOD typewriters at reduced SUMMER PRICES. 45 typewriters to select from, $20.00 up. This is the chance you have been waiting for. HOLDREDGE TYPEWRITER CO. 56. W. Market St., Wilkes-Barre H. J. HOLDREDGE, Prop Zinn Street Trucksville, Pa. PHONES DALLAS METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH i Rev. Frank D. Hartsock, D. D. Minister Sunday School 0:00 ‘o'clock, Public Worship and Sermon at 11:00 o’clock. Subject—“Each One Bearing His Own Burden.” Epworth League Devotional Meeting 6:45 o’clock. Dr. Hartsock will give a Missionary Illustrated Lecture at 7:30 o'clock. About fifty beautiful colored slides | will be used ‘at this service. Subject will be Panama and Costa Rica.” The Sunday School Board will meet at the parsonage Monday evening. Dr. Hartsock will have a service Sunday evening, October 18 for the Boy Scouts. He will show one hun- dred pictures of the Boy Scouts of America. |to attend the service. The monthly meeting of the Official Board will be held Tuesday evening at 8:00 o'clock. ‘a supper to the men on Thursday | evening, October 23. A committee of {men are arranging a program for the | evening. ..Himmler Theatre... THIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Sporting Blood — WITH. CLARK GABLE MONDAY AND TUESDAY Swanee Rivers WITH. W.-B. 3-0615 DALLAS 254-R-2 $64.50 18 inches Cash Price, Delivered Take advanvage of our Easy Payment Plan—pay for your HERCULES furnace while you are using it! ONLY sh DOWN! (Small Carrying Charge On Payments) Heat your home this winter thoroughly, wisely and eco- nomically with a HERCULES pipeless furnace. Always noted for its efficiency, the HERCULES is now the great- est furnace value in Americal MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY! Sears, Roebuck & Co., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Without cost or obligation please send your heating ex- pert to Name. .veeorssese Address... sc .ussrerinsssivs Please call on .. (Insert date) eseseevesssse ———————————— | | GRANT WITHERS | THELMA TODD WEDNES. AND THURS. Secret Call With RICHARD ARLEN | FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Trans Atlantic With EDMUND LOWE William Hine of Dallas, Wednesday | 0 This meeting also presented an op-{" F. U. Zimmerman, Miss Lou Montayne,# The Girl Scouts are ‘invited’ FEY Pig al 4 Advertisements 1 FOR ‘SALE or any kind of farm produce... Will close out at $1.00 per dozen. Risley Major Coi, Dallas 9-9-1t FOR SALE-—Winter Pears and Apples 50 and 75 cents a bushel. Cider for sale by gallon or barrel, we make Cider on Thursday and Friday of each week. We also sell Barrels. Telephone 316-R-23. Carlin’s Fruit Farm, three miles to the right of Fernbrook on the road to Ransom. { / ¢ 18-9- t FOR SALE—One Model 30 Express, 35 Cal. Remington Rifle $20.00; Model 12 Winchester, 20 gauge 2% full, $30.00; New No. 1 Double Ith- aca Field at a good price. Oliver Hardware, Dallas, Phone 239-R-2. 10-9-1t FOR SALE—Nice white potatoes, 60 pounds to the bushel. Price 65 cents. Elmer Parrish, 79 Main st. Dallas, Pa. 9-9-1t FOR SALE—Making Cider every, day. Cider and Vinegar for sale by 221l~n or barrel. Road from Huntsville to Fernbrook. Telephone 267-R-4 9-4-31 to 11-27-31 FARMS SOLD AND EXCHANGED— List your property with John A. Wil- .liams, 48 Main st., Dallas. 5-12-tf FOR SALE—Fifty colonics. of bright Italian bees with the privilege of one or fifty. All bred from a gentle strain and good honey gatherers. All in 10 frame painted hives. Free delivery to purchaser, $6 a colony. Reason for selling lack of room. Inquire of Samuel Eggleston, Box 14, Alderson, Pa. 12-3-6m FOR RENT-—Large six room house, 46 Harris Hill road, Trucksville, fur- nished or unfurnished. Small fam- ly preferable. Call Dallas 212-R-11. 9-9-1t FOR RENT—Six room bungalow, Chesnut street, off. E. Franklin, Shavertown, Garage, built beneath: Steam heat, all modern improve- ments. Inquire K, Malkemes, corner Franklin and Main street; Shavertown. 10-1-tf FOR RENT—Good five room house with lights, bath and garage. Rent for $15 per month plus water rent. ..Apply Ray King, 148 Main street Dallas. 9-9-1t FOR RENT — Housekeeping rooms, reasonable, Main street, Dallas. Call evenings, 290-R-8 10-1-1t FREE—Cancer, Diabetes, Piles and Goiter Remedy sent. Tibbins Pharm- acy, Beech Creek, Pa. 5-15-tf IMPORTANT-—Are you ready for that new home?’ We can now build and finance a new home of “your own choice” and allow you te pay for it as rent. L. A. MgHenry, Dallas, Phone 300. 3t COAL AND GENERAL HAULING— Anything, any time, any where. Phone Dallas 231-R-8. Ralph Lewis, Shavertown, 9-4-TF | The Ladies of the church will serve ! COAL HAULING—AIl 2,000 pounds to ton. Pea, $7; Nut, $9; $5; Stove, $9.40. Clarence Noxen, Pa. Buckwheat, Derby, 7-24-tf WANTED TO BUY—Five or six horse power gasoline engine. Ad- dress Box A. Dallas Post. 9-9-1t WANTED—1wo men to do piece work nailing. crates. 10-9-1t DEVELOPING AND PRINTING—24 hour service. Bring your photo graphic films here for quick Service. Ray King, 148 Main street, Dallas. 9-9-1t NOTICE The South Mountain Sporting Club, having wired and posted their property at Stull, Wyoming County, Pa., hereby warn all people against’ Trespassing on same, under penalty of law. REPOSSESSED FORDSON TRACTOR Inquire H. C. Bachman Osceola Avenue Forty Fort, Pa. Call Kingston 7-7060 furniture for less money. greater economy for you! and Mattresses; General Washers and Sweepers; Radios. Cotton Mattress (full size) $4.75 Simmons Springs (full size) $4.95 Simmons Bed (full size) $5.95 Silk "Floss Mattress (full size) $11.95 Spring Filled Mattress (full size) $9.85 9x12 Axminister Rug (only 3 rugs at this price) $18.75 The Luzerne Furniture Co. 135-137 Main Street, Luzerne Fine Quality Furniture For Less Money! ~~ At Luzerne Furniture Co. r—— We don’t have 3 or 4 pages of advertising to attract your attention—but we do have quality Less overhead means We carry a complete line of Simmons Springs Electric complete line of Crosley Here Are A Few Of Our Prices For This Week: There are many more items See our fine line keeps its overhead low to sell fine furniture at prices so low they are difficult to believe SEE US FIRST FOR LOWER PRICES LUZERNE FURNITURE CO. “LUZERNE FURNITURE CO. UNDERSELLS" Radios; Nat Zelkovitz Large Size Part Wool Blanket $2.95 3 Pc. Jacquard Velour Suite $49.50 6 Pc. Bedroom Suite (con- sisting of bed, dresser, chest, vanity, mattress $69.50 and spring) only to offer at special prices of furniture! THEM ALL” / Dial 1-8124 7 suitable for storing apples, potatoes, | Call Dallas 270-R-16., J | WN /