a THE DALLAS POST, DALLAS, PA,FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1931. PAGIZ SEVEN BUSINESS DIRECTORY DYER LAUDERBAUGH Auctioneer Call Dallas 209 SURETY BONDS-INSURANCE For Fire Insurance, Compensa- tion, Liability and Automobile, Insurance, Call G. HAROLD WAGNER Phone 72 Dallas, Penna. STAR ROUTE Passenger and Freight Line Centermoreland—Dallas 2 Trips Daily D. A. HONTZ Chas. Newberry General Masonry, Plastering, Chimneys, Fire Places, Sidewalks, Floors, Call 242-R-4 DALLAS Estimates Cheerfully Given Prices Reasonable DALLAS THRIFT & LOAN CO. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR RADIO REPAIRING PUMP WORK HOUSE WIRING MOTOR REPAIRS APPLIANCES & FIXTURES W. E. STRANGE TRUCKSVILLE, PA. Phone Dallas 309-R-16 “A right job at a right price” FUNERAL DIRECTOR ALFRED BRONSON Sweet Valley, Pa. DAY or NIGHT Dallas 363-R-5 Muhlenburg 1-R-5 Sheriff’s Sale Friday, September 18, 1931, At 10 A. M. Telephone: By virtue of a writ of Fi Fa No. 180, October Term, 1931, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Lu- zerne County, to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale by ven- due to the highest and best bidders, Court House, in the City of Wilkes- for cash, at the Sheriff's Sales Room, Barre, Luzerne County Pennsylvania, on Friday, the 18th day of September, 1931 at ten o'clock in the forenoon of the said day, all the right, title and interest of the defendants in and to the following described lot, piece or parcel of land, viz: All the surface or right of soil of, in and to that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Borough of West Pittston, Luzerne County, State of Pennsylvania, bounded and describ- ed as follows: BEGINNING at the corner of Exeter street (now avenue) and Spring street, on the Northerly side of Exeter ave- nue; thence along Spring street North 56 degrees 45 minutes East Two hun- dred fifty (250) feet (or 244 feet, as this course is described in a deed from R: D. Lacoe to Henry J. Luchsinger, from whom title to the within describ- 1896, and recorded in Luzerne County Deed Book No. 349, Page 289,) to a corner on an alley (now known as La- coe street); thence along said Lawu street North 33 degrees 15 minutes West Seventy (70) feet to a corner; thence South 56 degrees 4° minutes West Two hundred fitty (250) feet (or 244 feet) to a corner on Exeter ave- nue aforesaid; thence along Exeter avenue South 33 degrees 15 minutes, East, Seventy (70) feet to the place of beginning. i All improved with a two story frame, shingle roof, single dwelling house, fruit trees, fences, and neces- sary outbuildings. ‘The BEST Gray Hair Remedy is Home Made To half pint of water add one ounce bay rum, asmall , box of Barbo Compound and one-fourth ounce of glycerine. - Any druggist can put this up or you can mix it at home at very little cost. » Apply to the hair twice a week until + the desired shade is ob- tained. It will gradually darken streaked, faded or gray hair and make it soft and glossy. Barbo will not color the scalp, 38 not sticky. of greasy. and does not rub off DALLAS, PA. Membe:» American Bankers’ Association * * ® DIRECTORS R. L. Brickel, C. A. Frantz, D. P. Honeywell, W. B. Jeter, Sterling Machell, W. R. Neely, Clifford W. Space, A. C. Devens, George R. Wright. OFFICERS George R. Wright, President D. P. Honeywell, 1st Vice-Pres. C. A. Frantz, 2nd Vice-Pres. W. B. Jeter, Cashier %* kx Three Per Cent Interest Or Savings Deposits No account too small to assurc careful attention Deposits Payable or. Demand Vault Boxes for Rent Self-Registering Savings Bank Free . First National Bank | PUBLIC SQUARE WILKES-BARRE, PA. United States Depository: Surplus and undivided profits Officers and Directors: Wm. H. Conyngham, President C. F. Huber, 1st Vice President Surplus and profits . Geo. R. McLean, 2d Vice President Francis Douglas, Cashier F. W. Innes, Assistant Cashier Directors Richard Sharpe Edward Griffith C. N. Loveland C. F. Huber W. H. Conyngham Lea Hunt Geo. R. McLean F. O. Smith Francis Douglas T. R. Hillard Wm, W. Inglis Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent 8 Per Cent Interest Paid On Savings Deposits $1.00 Will Start An Account First National Bank] Capital Stock «.ceeeeeees $750,000.00 ...$2,100,000.00 Also all of said defendants rights, title, interest and estate in and to coal lease from H. J. Luchsinger and A. M. Luchsinger, his wife, to Clear Spring Coal Company, of West Pitt- ston,” Luzerne County, Pennsylvania dated February 8, 1890; and in and to all rentals and royalties due or to be- come due to said defendants thereon, from the lands and premises in said coal lease particularly described. the suit of First Wational Bank of Pittston, Pa. vs. Ida E. Luchsinger, Victor B. Luchsinger, Clinton F. Luch- singer, Russell C. Luchsinger, and will be sold by John MacLuskie, Sheriff W. L. Pace, Atty. Legal N otices LEGAL NOTICE | Estates to be audited tice is hereby given that Accounts | have been filed and confiirmed by the Orphans’ Court in the following Es- | tates: | Tuesday, Sept. 8, 1931 Estate of J. Bank & Trust Co. EXxr,; | Harris, Thomas A. Harris, Exr; Louis | Horwitz, Allen Horwitz, Exr; Clara B. | Jacobs, Carl R. Jacobs, Exr; Reuben i Ocksenreider, Anna R. Ocksenreider, { Hudawski or Radneski, | picki, Adm; Mary Zoszak, Kopicki, Adm. Wednesday, Sept. 9, 1931 Estate of John Russell Curtis. Min- ers Bank of Wilkes-Barre, Exr; John T. Huth, Union Savings Bank & Trust Co. Adm; Leroy Berg, Miners Bank of Wilkes-Barre, Adm; Joseph Lebovitz, Helen Lebovitz, Adm; Henry Stern, Mamyme Solomon, Adm; ‘Wilson Brown, Dora Yeager, Charles Yeager, Exrs: Thursday, Sept. 10, 1931 Estate of Michael Roberts, Peoples National Bank of Edwardsville. Adm; Harry R. Hirshowitz, Florence M. Hir- showitz, Joseph L. Hirshowitz, Samuel B. Hirshowitz, Exrs; Emma E. John- son, First National Bank of Ashley, | Exr; John Seaman, Ida Seaman, EXr; | Wm. R. Williams, A. L. Williams, Exr; {Solomon Heller, Ben Cohen, Frieda (Heller, Exrs. The Accounts enumerated and desig- nated in the above list will be audited by the Orphans’ Court in Court Room sons interested shall attend if they see | fit,, and present their claims against such estate, or forever thereafter be disbarred from coming in upon said fund. STANLEY M. YETTER Register of Wills and Clerk | of Orphans’ Court 8-22-3t eee () me eee LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given to all per- sons concerned that Appraisements in the following estates have been ap- proved nisi by the Orphans’ Court of Luzerne County and unless exceptions are filed will be presented for final ap- proval on Tuesday, September 8, 1931 at 10:00 a. m. John T. Rihards, Sr.;John Schultz, J —~ v ed premises is derived, dated March 5, | Seized and taken into execution at in the Or-| {phans’ Court of Luzerne County. No- | Albin Wassmer, Markle | Phillip T. | | Frederick A. Ocksenreider, Exr; Felix | Frank A. Ko- | Frank Al (during the session of Court on the day | and date set, at which time all per- | -Alderson- Employees of Sandy Beach held a clam bake on Tuesday evening in the Sandy Beach Grove. 'A variety ~¢ re. freshments was served after which rides were taken on the various amusements. Those present were Fanny King, Mrs. Davis, Rene Burgis, Thelma Davis, Blanche Weiss, Edna Sprage, Geneviene Ransavage, Mar- garet Jones, Ella Crispell, Arthur Hat- ten, Martin Fahey, William Pugh, Joseph Ransavage, Edward Price, Eli- jah Douglas, Handel Humphrey, Mr. Derhey, Clarence Uudegrone, Frank Samek, Mr. Weiss, William Davis, Mose Goldman, Sam Slamovitch, Steve Mergo, Jack Pugh, Joseph Pugh, Thomas Pugh and William V. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Eipper and daughter, of Akron, Ohio spent Tues- day with Mr. and Mrs. George Smith. A number of young people from this place attended the Dallas District Sunday School Council Meeting at Meeker on Wednesday evening last. Employees of the Harvey's Lake restaurant spent last week in the Po- Cconos. Mary Kutcha left on Saturday for Lakewood, N. J., where she has ac- cepted the position in the city schools there. ¢ Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rescorla and daughter Betty have returned to Wil. es-Barre after spending the summer here. Miss Line Garinger, of Stull, spent Sunday and Monday with her mother, Mrs. A. J. Garinger. Among those who will leave shortly for various schools and colleges Ruth Jackson, Bloomsburg State Teachers’ College; Bethia Allen, Bloomsburg, Adelaide Hausch, Blooms. burg; and Peter Xutcha, Barre Business College. The above were guests of honor at a handker- chief showe heid at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Garinger on Fri- Wilkes-! . ANTIQUES "AND USED FURNITURE At Unusually Low Prices We must move our entire line to make room for the expan- sion of E. WILLIAMS 5-10-25-$1.00 Store Don’t fail to come in early this week and make your selection. E. WILLIAMS Main Street Dallas See Our Ad.On Page 3 Next to Risley-Major Store CARD OF THANKS day evening. Games and music were | | the diversions of the evening. Refresh- | ments were served to about forty. | Each guest of honor received about twenty five handkerchiets. A large group of Epworth Leaguers attended the district Rally at Caver- | ton on Tuesday. : The family of Mrs. Ella Newberry of Noxen wish to thank all those who assisted them during the illness and death of their wife and mother. Irwin Newberry and family. Luzerne Furniture Co Has the Authorized Agency for Crosley Radios Just think, a 1932 8 tube r a dio complete for $49.75 Nat Zelkovitz O nly $1.25 a week to pay Diial 7.8124 T hii's radio For Free must be heard Demonstratiion to be appreci- ated. " LUZERNE FURNITURE CO. 135-137 MAIN STREET, LUZERNE “We Undersell Them All” The modern system of Oderless Dry Cleaning now at your door. Mr. William Baker will represent us in Dallas and vacinity. QUALITY WORK PROMPT SERVICE PRICES REASONABLE SERVICE CLEANERS Phone Dallas 278 Ira D. Cook For COUNCIL OF DALLAS BOROUGH Your Vote Is Respeetfully Solicited Quality Food is Important to Your Labor Day Plans ‘Whether you decide on a picnic, a motor trip to sea- side or mountains, of a quiet day at home, enjoy meals of Pure Quality Foods that are guaranteed to give Satisfaction. Visit your nearest ASCO Store— Where Quality Counts Notice: Our Stores will be closed all day Monday, September 7th in observance of Laber Day. Open late Saturday night to better serve you. Best Lard bs Pure 2 19¢ Best Pink [ Reg. 23¢c Cooked Salmon Corned Beef tall = 10c | Special value for this week. Med. can Cooked can 19¢ For outings or lunches. Your Choice RED BEETS SWEET Peas cans STRINGLESS BEANS E 3 25¢ Flour Prices that Reduce Bak tS GOLD SEAL FLO 12-1b 24-1b { wz DMC Tz IC The Highest Grade Family Flour Milled | Blue Bar Grapefruit Juice can 5¢ Ritter Tomato Soup can 6¢ ASCO Beans with Pork can 6c Imported Norwegian Sardines 2 cans 17e Gold Seal Macaroni 3 pkgs 17¢ Reg. 5¢ Fine Table Salt 3 bags 10¢ ASCO Grape Juice 2 pt bots 25¢: gt bot 23° Your Choice 9 cans 25¢ ASCO or Del Monte Farmdale TENDER PEAS STRINGLESS BEANS Big Can RED BEETS Vine Ripened 116-118 S. Main St., Wilkes-Barre. maa 60) Dial 2-8181 - bg 32 364.50 Cash Price, Delivered you are using it! Mary H. Bircsh, Charles A. Mason, Adolph Zimmerman, Adolph Zimmer- man. STANLEY M. YETTER Register of Wills and Clerk of the Orphans’ Court. mas 3-22-3t : a Pb 2) i Take advantage of our Easy Payment Plan—pay for your HERCULES furnace while onLY $5 own! (Small Carrying Charge On Payments) Heat your home this winter thoroughly, wisely and eco- f nomically with a HERCULES I pipeless furnace. Always : noted for its efficiency, the HERCULES is now the great- ; est furnace value in America! } MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY! Sears, Roebuck & Co., Wilkes-Barre, Pa, Without cost or obligation please send your heating ex- pert to Name! Jesvsiisnsscsssssicornecs ; AQAress... cove vsasvecovica Please call on . ‘es. (Insert date) TOMATOES 4 = 25¢ You save five cents WEEK END SPECIAL! Pineapple 2 ou 39¢ Large luscious slices REG. 15¢ ASCO BEVERAGES (All Kinds) Z bots. 25¢ REG. 15¢ ROB ROY GINGER ALE 2 bots. 25¢ Plus redeemable bottle deposit Thousands of Homekeepers are now using Oven Fresh Bread of our Baking. Let us do your Bread Baking too. Bread large 1c Supreme wrapped 0% TRY A LOAF TODAY Victor Bread Je loaf 25¢ Two Glasses given with every FREE Haif Pound off ASCO Teas. : Plain Black pb : 2x 19¢ 48Co or Mixed Orange Pekoe 1b TEAS or Indian Ceylon pkg 33¢ Pride of Killarney Tea 141 38c ASCO Tea Balls carton 19¢ Palmolive Beads 3 pkgs 10¢ Reg. 19¢ Suntex (the better bleach) big bot 15¢. All = 25¢ Cocoanut Marsh. Layer Cake each Chocolate Icing Layer Cake each Four Cakes One Pkg. Camay Soap 22d Ivory Snow for This special price saves vou thirteen cents You will find a large variety of Foods in the neighborhood ASCO Store. May we serve you? rrr These Prices Effective in Our Stores in | Dallas and Vicinity.