: : ner pALLAS POST,DALLAS PA, FRIDAY JUNEDS, 1931 ‘PAGE SEVEN —OQUTLET- Sores ov mens omelal iy, vi SF Shop lien fists ot On _Kunkle- tim BUSINESS DIRECTORY Fe T , Mr. and Mrs. Corey Evans have re- turned from Virginia after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sutton, former resi- dents of this place. * * kx Vellas, Arden and James Evans are spending some time with their grand- parents here. * * * * Jesse Hoover has opened a store and gas station on the Lehman-Harvey's i Lake road.’ * x = Roy Evans spent the week-end in Philadelphia. : * * - Mr. and Mrs John Sutton and family recently visited Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Shupp, of Buckwheat Hollow. * * * Those attending church from this place on Sunday evening were Mrs. W. Kocher, Mrs. John Ide, Misses Mar- garet and Ruth Walters, John Sutton and Bradner Roushey. * * * / : Mrs. Clara Ashburner, Grant ‘and i ~ William Ashburner visited ‘the form- I er's brother, Asa Wolfe, who is ill at the home of his sister, Mrs. Chester Hawley, of Pike’s Creek. * Kk % The people of this community want Mrs. Letha Bryant for a teacher an- other year. All the parents are putting up a hard struggle to have her ap- pointed. * me * * * The Lehman-Harvey’s Lake road is now being graded along the side. * wow Leslie Moore called at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Moore, Sunday. * * Harold Hoover and William Ash- burner, who graduated at Laketon high school, have returned from a visit to Washington, D. C., with other students of Laketon. * * * - Tom Traver was a caller at the Ash- burner home on Sunday. . * * * Mrs. Crist Milroadt has purchased a new electric washer. y . * * Mr. and Mrs. John Sutton and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Corey Evans on Sunday afternoon, * 4 _ A new barn owned by Earl Booth, of +4 Loyalville was burned on Saturday night, entailing a big loss to the owner. -Maple Grove- Dora C. Davenport, Correspondent Services: for next Sunday, June 28, as follows: Preaching at 9:30; Sunday school at 10:30; Mooretown, 11; Loyal- ville, 7:30, with Children’s Day ser- vices. . * * x The funeral services for J. H. La- Badr were held at the church last Thursday afternoon and were largely attended. Many floral tributes were in — of Pleasant Hill Council of Jr. O. U. A. M. acted as pallbearers: H. C. Mott, C. H. Wolfe, D. W..Davenport, A. I. Shupp, Albert Holcomb and Cletus Hol- comb. Burial at Maple Grove in charge of Junior Mechanics. .¥ * $ Rev. and Mrs. M. C. Frick attended the funeral services of Mrs. Charles Frick, of Downsville, Md., held at the home of her mother in Westmoor on Tuesday. * The funeral of Mrs. Jane Honey- church was held from her home at Sweet Valley Friday afternoon with largely attended services. Rev. David Menges, pastor of Holy Trinity Luth- eran church officiating. * * * * ok Clifford Ruggles enjoyed a week-end trip to Johnstown. * * ik Miss Evadne Ruggles has returned from a trip to New Jersey and was ac- companied home by her sisters, Misses Frances and Alice Ruggles, who are teachers at Scotch Plains. *® * Larry Etits, of Altoona, is being en- tertained at the home of O. A. Rood. * * * Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Bronson enter- tained friends from Kingston Sunday. * * * Recent callers on Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Davenport were Mrs. Joseph Hagle, Mrs. Frank Moyer, Mrs. Harry Price, of this place, and Mrs. Ida Pollock, of Hunlock Creek. g : # * .% Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Wolfe, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Rood, Miss Lucy Rood, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Cease and daughter, Hstella, of Meeker, were entertained Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Tripp, of Forty Fort. Dinner was served in honor of Mrs. Cease's birth- day. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Roat, of Scotch Plains, N. J., have returned home after visiting the former’s par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Roat. EJ] * * Miss Joyce Price is visiting her grandmother in Pittsburgh. This is the best home-made ice cream I ever ate. I'll tell you those Boy Scouts sure know how to make ice cream. \ for yourselves. Come to the Dallas Boy Scouts’ ice dream social tonight and find this out verton and vicinity last Sunday. * * * Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Boston were called to New York Monday to attend the funeral of the latter's brother, Oscar Keller, formerly of Mooretown. The many Triends here of Mrs. Mar- garet Armstrong, wife of the late Wil- liam Armstrong, will be grieved to hear of her death at her home in Meeker last Sunday afternoon. She was a woman who endeared herself to all she met and will be greatly missed, not only in her home, but church and Lehman Grange. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon from her late home in charge of her pastor, Rev. Clinton B. Henry. * * * Miss Thelma Gordon left Monday for Bloomsburg to attend summer school at Teachers’ College. HATE ae Miss Anna Naugle was entertained on Sunday by Rebecca Mekeel. o -Beaumont- Mrs. John Downs, who has been sick for some time, has had a relapse. * a * Misses Beulah and Eleanor Good- win spent the past week wiwth Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Goodwin. 7 The Junior Class was entertained at the home of Lester Crispell Thursday evening. * * * ’ A special meeting was held Sunday evening in the Union church. Special music was given by Mrs. Rasmussen on her xelophone. * ¥ #0 Beatrice Shotwell who has been spending some time with her sister has returned home. 5 Mrs. Stanley Mosier, former resident of this place, is 4 patient at the Gen- eral hospital. improved. * * * Alice Traver, of Dushore, is spending some time with her counsin, Miss Marjorie Freace. * A big time is being planned for the 4th of July to be held on the Beau- mont school grounds. The features of the day will be two ball games, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, races and a table pic- nic. Everyone is welcome. bring a basket full. ‘Carverton The annual 4th of July celebration will be held at Mt. Grange Hall. There will be all kinds of sports; also a roast beef dinner and supper. The pub- lic is invited. oS . * * Her condition is much| Come and | Mrs. F. P. Kunkle, Correspondent Freddie, the four-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Roote, was taken ill with appendicitis on Sunday evening and on Monday morning Dr. Schooley, of Shavertown, the attending physi- cian, found him such a critical condi- tion that he had him taken to General hospital, where an operation was im- mediately performed on his arrival. He is doing as well as could be expected. i : —Chne Miss Altheda Nulton, of Wilkes- Barre, spent Thursday afternoon and evening with her aunt, Mrs. W. H. conden. £ —0— Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Durland and grandson, Denton Durland, Mrs. Etta Kocher, of Wyoming; Miss Irene Smith, of Scranton; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dewitt and children, of Mt. Greenwood, were callers at the Olin Kunkle home on Sunday afternoon. -—0— Mrs. Frank Smith and her sister, Mrs. Mary Huston, of Dallas, spent Sunday with their brother, Harry Sha- ver, of Laketon. —_— Mr. and Mrs. ‘W. S. Kunkle enter- tained on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John Morgan, Mrs. Caroline Dixon and twin children, Richard and Ruth, of Tunk- hannock, and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kunkle and son, Paul, of Orange. —(— Mr. and ‘Mrs. C. W. Kunkle, Mr. and Mrs. William Brace and children; Charles, Allen and Caroline, spent Sunday” with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Corby, of West Pittston. Sige Mr. and Mrs. James Hartman, of Scranton, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Kunkle and family Saturday evening. KEEP A BOY AT WORM (ore THB FARM WILL BE TO CALL HIM FIRST vice 3 PRESIDENT IN (MARGE CF CoWé: A beautiful five-passenger car, with longer, wider body, and attractive, comfortable interior. The slanting windshield is made of Triplex safety plate glass. You can now have the new Ford delivered with safety glass in all windows and doors at slight additional cost. The price of the new Ford Standard Sedan is $590, f. 0. b. Detrott. B. Detroit, plus freight and delivery. Bumpers and spare tire extra at low cost. Convenient, economical terms through the Authorized Ford Finance Plans of the Universal Credit Company ] 1 Paper Hanging Estimates cheerfully given Merle Shaver ...Nelson Rogers Dallas 121-R-0 ‘H. L. 328-4 DYER LAUDERBAUGH Auctioneer Call Dallas 209 \ FUNERAL DIRECTOR ALFRED BRONSON Sweet Valley, Pa. SURETY BONDS-INSURANCE For Fire Insurance, Compensa- tion, Liability and Automobile § Insurance, Call G. HAROLD WAGNER Phone 72 Dallas, Penna. DAY or NIGHT Dallas 363-R-5 Tel : elephone: yy, fr burg 1-R-5 Chas. Newberry STAR ROUTE Passenger and Freight Line Centermoreland—Dallas 2 Trips Daily Genoral Masonry, Plastering, himneys, Fire Places, Sidewalks, Floors, D. A. HONTZ Call 242-R-4 DALLAS Estimates Cheerfully Given Prices. Reasonable FOR BEST RESULTS C. 0. BROWN Easy Term -Low Rate DALLAS THRIFT & LOAN CO. Auctioneer Call Centermoreland 2029. ~ COAL — ICE GENERAL HAULING Call HOWARD H. PATTON Phone Dallas 3-R-3 The BEST Gray Hair Remedy is Home Made To half pint of water add ELECTRIGAL CONTRACTOR RADIO REPAIRING PUMP WORK HOUSE WIRING MOTOR REPAIRS al APPLIANCES & FIXTURES W. E. STRANGE | TRUCKSVILLE, PA. Phone Dallas 309-R-16 “A right job at a right price” one ounce bayrum, asm: box of Barbo Compound \ and one-fourth ounce of glycerine. - Any druggist can put this up or you can mix it at home at very little cost. s Apply to the hair twice a week until 4 iE the desired shade is ob- ‘tained. It will darken’ streaked, faded or gray hair and make it soft Only one-eighth of the Barre Granite Quarry can be selected for monumental purposes. It must be perfect on four sides. MONUMENTS, MARKERS, VASES, ETC. For appointments at your home Call C. F. LAMOREAUX Harris Hill Rd, Trucksville, Pa.” Phone Dallas 279-R-3 . Parties, Banquets, Dinners,.. Dances, Entertainments 1 Meridian Hall Fee Dallas, Pal a al Expert Catering 1 Hall Rental Prices on Request 5 THE DALLAS POST CLASSIFIED ADS AT LITTLE COST GET BIG RESULTS FIREWORKS WHOLESALE .. Alexander-Wills Co. (44 So. Penna. Avenue Dial 3-7616 Wilkes-Barre First National Bank| DALLAS, PA. Member American Bankers’ Association * 0» * DIRECTORS R. L. Brickel, C. A. Frantz, D. P.§} Honeywell, W. B. Jeter, Sterling ‘Machell, W. R. Neely, Clifford W.§ Space, A. C. Devens, George : Wright. ec a . Ed OFFICERS ‘George R. Wright, President D. P. Honeywell, 1st Vice-Pres. C. A. Frantz, 2nd Vice-Pres. W. B. Jeter, Cashier * kx Three Per Cent Interest On Savings Deposits No account too smal! to assure : careful attefition Deposits Payable or Demand ‘Vault Boxes for Rent Self Registering Savings Bank Free} v SILK SALE 10,000 dress-length remnants of First National Bank finest silk to be cleared by mail, re-{ gardless. Every desired yardage and color. All 39 inches wide. Let us send you a piece of genuine $6 Crepe Paris (very heavy flat crepe) on approval for your inspection. If you then wish to keep it mail us your check at only $1.90 a yard. (Original price $6 a yd.). Or choose printed Crepe Paris. Every wanted combination of colors. We will gladly send you a piece to look at. What colors and yardage, please? If you keep it you can mail us check at $1.25 a yd. (Final reduction. Originally $6 a yd.) All $2 silks, $2 satins and $2 printed crepes are 90c a yd. in this sale. Every color. Do not ask for or buy from samples. See the whole piece you are getting before decicing. We want to be your New York reference so tells us M1 you wish to about yourself and de- pcribe the piece you want to see on spproval. Write NOW. Send no money. To advertise our silk thread we send you a spool to match free. CRANE'S Silks, 545 Fifth Ave. "C. N. Loveland PUBLIC SQUARE = WILKES-BARRE, PA. United States Depository: Surplus and undivided profits Officers and Directors: . Win. H. Conyngham, President C. F. Muber, 1st Vice President Capital Stock... <. i evy $750,000.00 Surplus and prolts ....$2,100,000.00 Geo. R. McLean, 2d" ice President , Francis Douglas, Cashier F. W. Innes, Assistant Cashier Directors Richard Sharpe Edward Griffith C. F. Huber W. H. Conyngham Lea Hunt Geo. R. McLean F. O. Smith Francis Douglas T. R. Hillard Wm. W. Inglis . Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent 3 Per Cent Interest Paid On Savings Deposits N. Y. City. $1.00 Will Start An Account