The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, June 12, 1931, Image 4

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    ter are spending a few days at Kitchen
Creek the guests of Mr, and Mrs.
Harry Hielinger. \
* % *
Miss Anna Naugle has returned
from a trip to Washigston, DC:
Sunday school for June 14 at 10 A.
Preaching services for the charge
~ are as follows: Loyalville at 9:30;
eeker at 11 o'clock; Maple Grove at Mrs. Clifford Stan has returned
: {from Philadelphia, where she was call-
ed by the serious illness of her daugh-
ter, Mildred, who is much improved. :
* x 0»
T. E. Ruggles has been confined to
his home with gangrene of his foot.
Miss Florence Edwards, of Sweet
Valley, is Spending a few days with
‘Mrs. S. E. Bronson.
\ * *
During the storm
last Sunday P. M.
ghtning and set on fire, but with the
elp of neighbors was put out before
ous damiage was done. Some of
floor and managers were burned.
ghtning also killed two cows for Jos-
Hagel and one for Charles Smith,
of Loyalville,
Miss Sstella Cease has been ill with
measles, but is much improved.
* % 8
Mr. and Mrs. August Marth, of
Loyalville, were callers at the home of
J. W. Davenport last Sunday.
James H. La Barksis still confined to
his bed.
* * @
ord was received Sunday evening
Mrs. W. S. Root and Mrs. Lillian |
urphy of the death of their brother's
e, Mrs. Stanley Barnes, of Philadel-
p hia, who. has been a sufferer for
montis They left Tuesday to attend =
the funeral services g
* 0% &
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wagner “and
son, Keith, were Sunday callers at
HE: *
Prof. and Mrs. C. W. Potter and
mily, of Montgomery, were enter-
ined at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M.
~ L. Ruggles over the week-end.
3 “ 3 * * *
* >
® ® ®x
Mrs. William Brace, who has been
quite ill the past two weeks, is able
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lamoreaux,)to be out again.
Philadelphia, were Sunday visitors *
at this place. Mrs. Lamoreaux was
fo rly Miss Bethia Ruggles, sister of
-M and T. E: Ruggles.
* =
‘Mrs. Rohannah Landon, who has
been quite ill recently, is much im-
Good Foods at
~ Savings
QUALITY snd SAVING . . . are two
things to consider when buying food .
It’s always a saving to buy good food,
but to buy good food in the A&P way
is always an added economy.
= |Lard 2 i 19¢
mir sears a
| Age
Family Flour E69
Pure Cooking :
Compound 215 19¢
| Bu Creamery 9 lis 55
silverbrook Print Butter 29c¢
S, NO. 1
New v8, No.
£: Full
- Potatoes 1s. C
Ee Pkge 1-1b Pkge
15¢ Nectar Teas 29¢
~ Try It Iced—It’s Cooling—Refreshing .. . and Costs So Little.
ne . | Shredded
1 9 Wheat |
Dn ine | |2T19€
Pillsbury’s Bran ..........c.c...........Phge 12¢
Muffets NT phen 2%
Astor Rice TL phe 20
* Del Monte Sliced Peaches .............2 cans 25¢ ©
1 Package of
Palmolive Beads
Del Monte Crushed Pineapple ............. Can 19¢ -
‘Del Monte Apricots . ...... caver nilige can 23¢ :
C&C Ginger Ale . . . .. i sei h Dols 23¢
Hires Root Beer Extract .......covoon-.- Bot 22¢
Iona Tomatoes .......... oii si le cans 25¢
Quaker Maid Baked Beans ............3 cans 19¢
Sparkle Gelatin Dessert de 3 pkgs 20c
Brillo 7... wie .5 aloe se a ehas Se
Red Salmon ...... mar ean Can 0c
Old Dutch Cleanser .......vooouose....2 cans I5¢ 7
Apple Butter: 1 7 c
Corn Flakes 4r=:25¢
Gum and Candy Bars
| an Coffee
cma ® 25¢ |
Rich, Full Bodied
Prices effective in Dallas, Nozen Shavertown and Vicinity
3 for 10¢c
mw. 1%7¢
Bokar i 29¢
full strength, mellow flavor, satisfying
Mrs. M. D. Williams and little datigh-
worship, 9:30 A. M., with a duet by
Allen, of Alderson;
‘3 Missionary Camp Hiawatha at Lake versary at their home in South Run on
FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1931
A store-wide sale of such money-saving magnitude we strongly
urge every value-wise shopper
Every department i in the store
to come to Lazarus’ Dollar Day!
is represented with unusual
x values in seasonable, style-right merchandise. Bargains for
the Home! For all the Family!
advt. are only a few of the
For Vacations! Listed in this
many sensational sale items.
Hundreds more throughout the store. . . Don’t Miss This June
Dollar Day of Values!
Chiffon and Service Silk
wardrobe. .
lisle hems, with picot tops...
with picot tops.
sports and street wear...
Putty Beige. ...Peach..
Vanity . . Swagger SE
ME XYnite and Metal,
Hosiery for your summer vacation
.service weight, have short
.Putty Beige . Tendress .... 2 F
Sandee Mayfair . Tanblush r
Reve. ... White and Gunmetal. 0
79¢ Women’s Bemberg
SILK HOSE, 2 prs for
Full fashioned, in service weight... .-
most popular and practical hose for
.some are
slightly irregular, but nothing to harm
their wear. Shades of Greige....
. .Grael ...
Wood ..
Lazarus’—Hosiery Section—Main Floor
Reg. and Extra Size
chiffons are dull silk from top to tes, --
-Shades of Matinee
Bloomers - —- Panties
Stepins — Chemise
Dainty garments, in a light, yet firmly
woven quality, that may be washed so
easily., it’s no effort at all to keep
them fresh. All dainty pastel shades.
South Main — thru to Northampton St |
Wilkes-Barre, Pa. |
Ariel. Officers to serve the coming
year were elected as follows: Presi-
dent, Mrs. Clarence R. Elston; vice-
president, Mrs. Ralph W. Shaver; sec-
retary, Mrs. G. A. Learn; correspond-
ing secretary, Mrs. Albert Perrego;
treasurer, Mrs. Harry A. Randall. De-
votions and lesson were in charge of
Mrs. H. A. Randall and enigmas in
‘charge of Miss Jane Keener. Lunch
was served to the following: Mrs.
Frank HH. Johnson, Mrs. H. A. Ran-
dall, Mrs. Albert Perrego, Mrs. S. P.
Frantz, Mrs. O. L. Harvey, Miss Jane
Keener, Mrs. Harold Bertram, daugh-
ter, Betty, Mrs. M. E. Keeler, Mrs. G.
A. Learn, Mrs. Cralence Elston, Mrs.
A. J. Hadsell.
Mrs. Clarence Elston, Correspondent
Church service Sunday. Morning
Kenneth Howell and Miss Virginia
Sunday school at
10:30 A. M.; Epworth Léague, 6:45 P.
* * * 2
Christian church. Morning worship,
9:30 A. M.; Sunday school, 10:30 A.
M.; Christian Endeavor, 6:30 P. M.
* * *
The Ladies’ Aid Society will serve
dinner in the M. E. church next Thurs-
day. Hostesses are: Mrs. Fred Weav-
er, Mrs. George Lemoreaux, Mrs.
George Kostenbauder. TLadies come
early to quilt. Everybody welcome.
TM. and Mrs. Clifford Oberst, son,
George, and daughter, June, of Kings-
ton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
* * *
The B. A. Class of the M. E. Sunday |G. A. Learn,
school will hold a steak roast at the
church next Friday evening.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Keeler, Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Levine, Mrs. Bruce Had-
sell and children, Carlton and Louise,
spent Sunday with Mt. and Mrs. A. J.
#* * *
and Mrs. Kenneth Conway and
son, of Irvington, N. J., have returned
home after spending some time with
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Ferry.
-South Run News-
Mrs. A. J. Hadsell entertained the Rev. D. J. Santmire is holding re-
Woman’s Home Missionary Society onvial meetings at the South Run school
Wednesday afternoon, ‘The yearly re-house where he is attracting large
ports of the departmental secretariesaudiences Syery Hight,
were given, All pledges for the year
were met. Miss Ruth May Hazel was Mr. and Mrs. tel Traver cele-
chosen as the girl to be sent to thebrated their thirty-fifth wedding anni-
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Traver, Robert,
Elmer and Charles Traver, Mr. and
Mrs. Herbert Saxe, Mr. and Mrs. Dan-
iel Traver and Bruce Traver.
Monday evening, June 1. Scores of
friends gathered to help them cele-
brate the occasion and. extend their
congratulations. Music and singing
were a part of the entertainment.
Ruggles Hollow Band played a number
of selections. Later Hymns were sung
by the guests as a group. Both Mr. and
Mrs. Traver received many attractive
and useful gifts.
* *
Mrs, Alvord Smyth wishes to thank
members of Mt. Greenwood Kiwanis
Club, members of the Musicians Fede-
ration and all those who assisted and
extended their sympathy during her
Luncheon was served to the follow-
ing: Mr. and Mrs. Voyle Traver, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Shupp, Mr. and Mrs.
George Ryman, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Bronson, Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Bronson,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rowe, Franklin
Rowe, Clayton Rowe, Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Traver, Margaret and Doris
Traver, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman, Hoover,
Walter and Albert Hoover, Mr. and
Mrs. James Wyant, Mr. and Mrs. John
Dimmick, Mary, Carolyn, John and
Clarence . Dimmick, Mrs. A. E. Dim-
mick, Verna Dimmick, Rebecca Lane,
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Traver, Nancy
Morrow, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Thomp-
son, Mildred and Norma Thompson,
Mrs. John Klopko, Betty Klopko, Clar-
ence and James Montross, Mrs. Harry
Jones, Dorothy Jons, Jessie and
Thomas Derhammer, Floyd Mansfield,
Rday Roushey, Albert May, Elwood
Oney, Walter Hoover, Claude Sorber,
Lucy Hoover, Robert Traver, Isabella
Traver, Fred White, Mr. and Mrs.
David Traver, Emory and Mary Trav-
er, Mr. and Mrs. John Traver, Gladys,
Geraldine, Wilmer, Harold, Velma and
Esther Traver, Mrs. Dora Montross,
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