PAGE EIGHT Advertisements FOR SALE—Sunshine cabinet kitchen range, “water front included, all iu good condition. Price $10. Inquire John A. Girvan, Claude St. Dallas. ..Phone Dallas 6. to 5-29-1t $144 will place you in an independent business. No competition. .Exclu- sive territory. Patented article now selling like wildfire. Large comm;s- sions. Sure quick sales. Money re- quired for merchandise only. Per- manent connection. Address Mr. Moore, Suite 1101, 1420 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. FOR SALE—Ever Ready Automatic Electric Water Pump for shallow well. This pump is practically brand new. It was used only two weeks. Price, $35. M. A. Dymond, Carverton Road, Trucksvilic,. Phona Dallas 195-R-13. 5-29-3t DALLAS POST, DALLAS, PA., FRIDAY, MAY 29. 1931 FOR SALE—Tulips for Hondugts for Memorial Day. Call 360-R-16 Dallas, Pa. Mrs. Giles Moore. 5-29-1t FOR SALE ‘OR RENT—b5-room fur- nished cottage with water and gar- age. White's Ferry Boat. Furnished. Call W. S. Kitchen 32-06 Harvey's Lake. 5-29-tf* ARE YOU INTERESTED in changing your jobs and making good money? J. F. Besecker Co. needs a salesman for your territory-to sell Ford cars and trucks. Apply in person or tele- phone J. F. Besecker Co., Dallas, Pa. 5-29-1t EXPERIENCED FARM HAND—Must be steady and reliable; year around work. C. M. Pallman, R. D. 1, Scran- tton, Pa. °°, 5-29-1t* FREB—Cancer, Diabetes, Piles and Goiter Remedy sent. Tibbins Pharm- acy, Beech Creek, Pa. 5-15-tf FOR SALIE—One fresh cow with calf. Tubercular tested, heavy milker. Frank P. Smith, Kunkle, Pa., Tel 121-R-19. 5-22-2t* FOR SALE — Pittston Range, first- class condition. R. L. Brickel, Phone Dallas 134. 5-22-tf FOR SALE Trucksville, Main road, Wm. Roush- ey home, well builf 8-room, house, lights, bath, furnace, laundry trays, slate roof, large frontage, all for $5,000.00. 10 Acres near Lehman, $350. Some props, goor road. Mrs. Gibbs Bungalo, Lehman ave. fine home, all improvements, hard street, near car and school. $2,800, terms. 20 ‘Acres, Lehman, 8-room, good house, barn, fruit, near Conyngham farms and good road. $3,500, terms. 160 Acres, 8-room house, barn, water, timber, state road, near Ben- ton, Pa. $1,700. Bargain. Dallas, Henry Randall Est., reduced to $3,000. Good deal.— Dallas, Boro. lot, water, foot street, $100 cash, 5 Room House, barn, fruit, 8 acres plow land and 79 acres timber and woodland, all for $3,000. 10 Acres, Carverton, ‘half cash. Good Silo, 10x80 feet, fine condition cheap. Elmer D. Parrish Phone Dallas 230. lights, 40 $400. One- Dallas Socials David Rentchler, one of the men who conducted the Post's subscription campaign and who is conducting a similar campaign for the Tunkhan- nock Democrat, was confined to his bed at the Weaver home on Barker's Lane, over the week-end with a severe attack of lumbago. Mrs. Fred Riley and Mrs. N. C. Stevenson left Wednesday by motor for Endicott, N. Y., where they will visit Mrs, Stevenson’s daughter, Mrs. Peter Fraley. From there they will go to Norwich; N. Y. where they will visit Mrs. Riley's sister, Mrs. Fred Reynolds. Mrs. Floyd Titman was hostess to the Monday afternoon bridge club Tuesday. Lilies of the Valley formed the charming centerpiece for the lunch- eon tables. Bridge followed. The guests were: Mrs. T. W. Gangloff, Mrs. A. L. Turner, Mrs. Steinert, Mrs. G. K. Swartz, Mrs. G. R. Beehler, Mrs. S. B. Davies, Mrs. G. A. Baur, Mrs. Charles Snyder, Mrs. H. L. Scott, Mrs. R. L. Brickel, Miss Florence Snyder. The membership committee of the Y. W. C. A, with Mrs. H. Lee Scott as chairman, afforded the people of the Wyoming Valley an opportunity to view a collection of rare and antique quilts. The acair was largely attended, many of those present being from Ber- wick, Bloomsburg and West Pittston. Mrs. A. L. Davenport donated the largest collection displaying about forty interesting specimens, Exhibit- ors from Dallas included: Mrs. Laura Patterson, Miss Mildred Patterson, Mrs. Thomas aGngloff, Mrs. Stanley Davies and Mrs. D. F. Westover. ie oe Picnic FORTABLE, THE BIG ATTRACTION ARAN, LB yy APS AT THE. Grounds Harvey’s Lake WILL BE THE NEW AND GIGANTIC SKY ROCKET NEWEST, LARGEST, FINEST ROLLER COASTER IN NORTHEASTERN PENSSYLVANIA—MODERN, COM- SAFE, FAST Merry-Go-Round Kiddie Coaster Dodge-’Em : The Whip TT A ADDITIONAL ATTRACTIONS AT THE GROUNDS WILL KEEP YOU AMUSED HOO Ferris Wheel Miniature Railway Hey Day Caterpiller BENNIE JACOBS AND Memorial Day DAN E -— MEMORIAL DAY — AFTERNOON AND EVENING Listen in at 8:20 overWBRE HIS YELLOWJACKETS COME EARLY ! 1e CSIRO AT DANCING WITH FAMOUS ORCHESTRAS GROUNDS OPEN DAY AND NIGHT DECORATION DAY AND EVERY DAY AND NIGHT FOLLOWING PICNIC GROUNDS Harvey’s Lake SPEND THE DAY ON THE FRESHLY CUT OR POTTED FLOWERS FOR Memorial Day : 10,000 Beautiful Geraniums, and scores of other varieties of cut and potted flowers. ___Phone'Dallas; 213-R-3 ( HILL—The Florist Store and Green House {i pposite St. Theresa's Church Shavertown I. —-—.—“.-." —ae tsi 0G Adopt Budget And Name Teachers (Continued from page 1) teacher of music they would lose the appropriation set aside for, this pur- pose. Edwin Hay" voted no on ‘the mo- tion of dismissal of Miss Myers. This was also true in the case of Mr. Greg- ory, who was also advised of his ‘dis- missal. Appointment Held Up The appoint of a teacher of art was held up until such a time when the board can be able to get in touch with Miss Conrad On the possibility of hir- ing her as a full-time teacher instead of part time as they are now doing. The local board pays Miss Conrad $337.50 per year for two and one-half days of art instruction at the schools per month, whereby it would be ad- visable to secure a teacher for. full time at a saving of approximately $400. The reappointment of Miss Conrad was held up until a later date. New Teacher of Music On motion of Hay, seconded by Ap- pleton, Miss Madge Anderson, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Anderson, of Carverton, a student at the Ithaca School for Music for the past four years, was named to take the place of Miss Myers at a salary of $1,170. was added to the substitute teachers. Howard Leek was reappointed jani- tor for a twelve months period at a list of salary of $100 per month. During the|" summer months he will ‘see to it that the school is kept clean: and to do necessary repairs. 5 : Wilson Cease, «of “Trucksville, a salary of $80 per month. During the three months of summer vacation, Mrs. Hersh, of Trucksville, was named to care for the school building at $180. William - Hunt, of Shavertown, -and William Hewitt, of Trucksville, were named truant officers at a salary “of $90 for a nine month: period. Elect Treasurer On motion of Appleton and seconded by Hay, Joseph Schooley was elected treasurer for the coming term at a salary of $400. Herbert Hill served in this capacity during the past year. No teachers or janitors will be able to draw their salaries in advance, the directors going on record on motion by Hill. Motion by Hill, seconred by Hay, that a list of the teachers reappointed and the newly named be sent to County Superintendent for his ap- proval. Regular Meeting The township school board will meet at the Trucksville school house on Monday night at 8. Held Regular Monthly Meeting Trucksville Volunteer Fire Company And Improvement Association Elect Their Officers TO RAISE FUNDS FOR TRUCK The Trucksville Volunteer Fire Com- pany and Improvement ‘Association at their regular meeting, Friday evening, May 22, elected the following officers to serve the coming year: President, Ralph Hazeltine; vice-president, Harry Brodhun; treasurer, general. fund, Samuel I.awson; treasurer, fire fund, Albert G. Groblewski, Jr.; recording se-retary, N. A. Straub; financial sec- retary, Samuel Reese; fire chief, Max Leonard; assistant fire chief, Boyd Lathaholt; drivers, Glenn Bulford, Walter Billings and Floyd Wells; trus- tees, Earl’ Newhard, [Joseph Bulford, Lee Hessler and William Rhodes. The men of the community did their duty in noble style by giving 100 per cent attendance. The official count of those present was 58 members who gave a rising vote of thanks to those who are working so hard to collect ‘'unds to pay for the new truck. Six solicitors reported that they will tart their collecting campaign in a ew days, and feel that they will be ble to get enough money to pay the alance of $310 still due on the chassis nd also, have a balance to start ne- otiations for new equipment. The association wishes to impress the members that its regular meeting is always the last Friday evening of the month at the lodge rooms of the hose house, Carverton road, unless otherwise stated through the press. Keep this date open, attend the meet- ings and help put the best into the HUNDREDS GERANIUMS (Popular Salmon Color) / MARTHA WASHINGTON VARIETY SEE THEM ON DISPLAY AT OUR STORE RISLEY-MAIOR (C0. “Hardware for Every Wear” DALLAS, PA. town. ~ WEST Decoration Day Specials. REAL BARGAINS IN USED CARS AT Roy Stauftter’s BIG USED CAR LOTS Wyoming Ave., at Fourth St. PITTSTON, Forks of Road, South Pittston, Near the South Pittston Laurel Line Station COME TO OUR USED CAR LOTS ANY TIME——WE ARE ALWAYS OPEN—PRICES WERE NEVER LOWER—ALL CARS GREATLY REDUCED S0-USED CARS T0 PICK FROM—50 PA. ..USED CARS.. 1929 DeSota Sedan 1930 Ford Coupe 1930 Ford Sedan 1930 Plymouth Coupe .. 1930 Olds. Coach 1929 DeSota Stan. Coupe $425 1926 Marmon Sedan ....$445 1928 Olds. Std. Coupe .. $395 1929 Plymouth Sedan ....$385 1927 Buick 5 Pass. Coupe $345 1928 Pontiac Sedan 1929 Essex Coach 1929 Ford Sport Coupe ..$295 1928 Pontiac Spt. Road. ..$325 1927 Olds. Sedan 1928 Durant Sedan 1928 Hudson Coach 1927 Hupmobile Sedan .. 1927 Chrysler Sedan .... 1928 Chevrolet Coach . ... 1927 Olds. Spt. Coupe ...$245 1929 Ford Rd. Rum. Seat $265 1928 Chevrolet Coupe . . ..$245 1925 Jordan Sedan 1927 Whippet 6 Coach .. 1926 Reo Sedan 1925 Overland Ch. 1927 Chev. Std. Coupe . 1925 Packard Sedan ....$175 1927 Whippet 4 Coach ..$145 1927 Chrysler Spt. Road. $165 1925’ Chevrolet Sedan . ...$145 1925 Buick Sedan 1927 Essex Coach 1926 Chevrolet Sedan . ... 1926 Studebaker Sedan ..$135 1926 Chevrolet Coupe ....$135 . .SPECIALS. . 1926 Ford Sedan 1925 Reo Touring 1926 Studebaker Sedan .. 1925 Maxwell Sedan 1926 Chevrolet Coach ....$ .. TRUCKS. . 1927 Chev. Open Express $175 1928 Chev. Open Express $245 1930 Ford Light Delivery $395 1926 Mason Road King ..$ 95 .$185 1927 Ford Open Express. .$125 "SALES — CHEVROLET — SERVICE Water Street Phone 158 Pittston, Pa. S$ was |’ reappointed janitor for nine months at]. Billboard Removal On Narrow Roads Will Be Cleared Great . Extent Of." The . Existing Billboards NO FUTURE ENCROACHMENT Luzeine Narrows To Luzerne Narrows, the principal high- way from Wyoming Valley to Harvey's Lake, one of Pennsylvania’s most de- lightful inland lake resorts, not only will. be cleared to a great extent of existing billboards, but will be safe from future encroachment of this kind of advertising as a result of the ac- ceptance Monday afternoon by the Valley Entrances Committee of Wyom- ing Valley Chamber of Commerce of a plan submitted by B. F. Burgunder, president of Wyoming Valley Poster \ |Advertising Co., of Wilkes-Barre. Briefly the plan submitted by Mr: ~ Burgunder provides for the elimina- tion of all the pillpoards with three exceptions, on the Narrows roaa. Furthermore, the program provides far .{the protection- of the highway slopes: from these uses in the future. Clark Wright Xvans, chairman of “|the Valley Entrances Committee, was enthusiastic in commenting upon .the ‘proposal ‘submitted by Mr. Burgunder. “This is certainly a step in the right direction,” said Chairman Evans, “and meets exactly the objective toward which our committee has been striv- ing. The ‘Narrows’ highway is used by those who travel to Harvey's Lake. The removal of the unsightly bill- boards along the route is a real vic- tory.” Ce James Gansel,, of Shrine View, has been ill for the past week. More With packed with ASCO Foods. nearby. ASCO Store. Enjoy Memorial Day The outing will be more appreciated if the picnic basket is Treat holiday visitors to your best dinner by serving the Highest Quality Food, obtained from your asco Foods PEANUT Reg 7c tumbler Reg. 10c size Oc One Anchor Opener ASCO Freshly Made 13 BUTTER Reg 25c¢ tumbler with each purchase. 21° *ASCO Ginger Ale *ASCO Root Beer *ASCO Lime and Lemon *Puritain Cereal Beverages Stimulating Beverages For Warm Days *Rob Roy Pale Dry Ginger Ale *Quaker Brew Cereal Beverage *Plus redeemable bottle deposit. Cliquot Club Golden Ginger Ale 3 pt bots 25¢. gt bot 15¢ 3 pt bots 25¢, gt bot 15¢ 3 bots 25¢ qt bot 15¢ bot S¢ 4 bots 25¢ 0%0%°0%6%0°%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%¢%e 2 bots 27¢ All 5¢ N. B. C. & Sunshine CAKES & CRACKERS 6 25 COOKED BEEF CORNED can 2]¢ Tasty lunches and sandwiches. RASPBERRY GEMS Ib 37¢ National Biscuit Company Specials 3 Canada Creams Ib pkg 18c [ ® | 0%0%0%0%¢%0%e®2"0 Delicious Taste % Mothers find shiildren like the Oven-Freshness of these Quality loaves from our Own Ovens. Let us do your Bread Baking. Large veal loaf 7 VICTOR BREAD Bis pan laf 5¢ ASCO POUND CAKE CREAMY WILLIAMS SWEET MIDGET COCOANUT MARSHMALLOW LAYER CAKE RICH CHEESE 5 Oc Just the taste you will enjoy. FANCY NORWEGIAN SARDINES FRENCH’S OR GOULDEN'S MUSTARD FARMDALE EVAPORATED MILK each 2 3 can 10¢ jar 13¢ can 19¢ 3 tall cans22¢ PICKLES Regular 35¢ Sweet Mixed Pickles Hom-de-Lite Mayonnaise 15¢ plant. Prepared Regular 5¢ Size Gold Seal Family FLOUR Glenwood at 29¢ jar Firm, crisp pickles with tasty flavor. Asco Preserves # 19¢ A variety of fruits in a pure state. 1/4 pt jar. Made from Fresh Eggs in our own ASCO Mod jar 10¢ A spicy condiment for cold meats. Potted Meats 3 <@» 10¢ Ready to spread for a quick lunch. 12.b bas 39¢ Apple Butter ii 19¢ Delicious on Bread Supreme a5C0 Tuberculin Tested 325 ieee 1 NEW IMPROVED STERNO STOVE AND 3 CANS OF STERNO HEAT All 25¢ For You save 10c .pt jar 25¢ » PVE me For Better Bleaching Suntex bot 15¢ Friday night for NOTICE: Our stores will be closed all day Saturday May 30. in observance of Memorial Day, but open late your convenience. > foes’) These Prices Effective in Our Stores in rr | x Dallas and Vicinity. ae OT