The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, May 22, 1931, Image 6

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    ald Sine Ss School of
j Agriculture LA
Control Garden InsectCabhage root
and related ‘plants, can be con-
olled ‘by the use of tar paper discs,
; yr solution, ‘or tobac-
t your county Sgont for.
ggots, which attack radishes, cab- |
commend that seed potatoes be plant-
‘ed in pieces of about one ounce each,
spacing the hills 9 to 12 inches apart
in the rows. With rows 32 inches
apart the seed requirement per acre
will be about 20 bushels.
Select Suitable Varieties—Lawn
grasses differ in their adaptability to
various conditions and unless the vari-
ties selected are those best. adapted to
B16 department store in New
S13 ork City advertises a weekly
‘Spinach Toy”—a woolly dog, a
‘duck on wheels, or some other
long-felt want which parents may
buy and bring home to good little
Not D ilaconnting the fact that
ood little boys and girls who eat
all of any good healthful food
should indeed have woolly dogs
~ and ducks. on wheels, we offer a
suggestion for modern mothers
hose policy is to make healthful
sods tempting foods — so that
spinach, like virtue, may be its
own reward.
First, a Bang-Bang Lunbheon
Dish—a carrot tent atop a spinach
1 for the young militant to find
Glorifying Spinach
tent flying a tiny paper American
flag. It takes but a moment to
a | grate some fresh raw carrot and
mount it on top of a hill of spin-
ach. If you haven't time to wash
and clean fresh spinach, use. the
ready-prepared canned spinach
which is excellent.
Second, a Mary-Quite-Contrary :
Salad—with a yellow daisy in a
green garden-plot’ for the little
| girl who grows things. The gar-
‘den is an oblong tract of spinach;
the daisy is a hard-cooked egg,
the yolk used for the center, and
the white cut petalwise. \
And third, Egg-In-the-Nest
which is simply. a beauntifully-
poachéd egg in a Test of spinach
and a cut-out paper bird perched
on the dish to admire it.*
F. 0.5. Detroit, plus freight RL
and delivery. Bumpers and
J spare tire extra at small
; Everything you want
or need in a motor car
at a low price
Beauty of line and color
Attractive upholstery | :
551065 milesan hour Quick acceleration
of Fully enclosed four-wheel brakes
" Triplex shatter-proof glass windshield
For Houdaille hydraulic shock absorbers
\ Rustless Steel
More than twenty ball and roller bearings
See your dealer for a
430 to "630
F. 0. b. Detroit, plus freight and delivery. Bumpers and spare tire extra
as small cost. You can buy a Ford on economical terms through the Ford
Finance Plans of the Universal Credit Company.
have led agronomy specialists to re- |
environment of the particular|
: When To Dispose.
Tor Fan
BH at
Of poss
By Prof. Paul G. Riley
Nine out of ten poultry raisers are
better off if they will sell” ‘broilers at
two to two and a half pounds - for
4heavy birds and one and a “half to two
pounds for Leghorns, rather than to
carry them on to heavier weights.
‘One of the 1 mportant reasons for
this is that most brooder houses ‘are
lawn the best TeSultsy cannot. be ex-
‘House Young Calves—In raising
calvés much better results are ob-
tained by ‘keeping them in the barn
|until six months of age instead of
turning them on pasture. They should
have’ clean, light stalls and plenty of
| water and good feed.
8et Summer Bulbs—All the summer
‘flowering bulbs may be set out late in
May. To insure a continuous supply of
gladioli, they can be set at bi-weekly
intervals. The rule is to plant all
bulbs twice as deep as their diameter.
Sow Economically — A convenient
and rapid method of planting: garden|
seeds is by using an ordinary envelope,
sealed and then cut open across one
end. Sowing in excess of the amount
required for a good stand of plants is
poor; practice.
The BEST Gray Bair
Remedy is Home Made
‘To half pint of water add
* oneounce bayrum,asmall
box of Barbo Compound
and one-fourth ounce of
glycerine. Any
can put this up or you can
mix it at home at very
little cost. Apply to the
hair ee, a week until
desired shade is ob-
y dra ;
streaked, faded or gray hair and make it soft
and glossy. Barbo will not color the scalp,
ia not sticky or greasy and does not rub off.
Long life
are included in 5
Merriam Webster,
R\such as agerograph,
$ broadtail, credit
union, Bahai,
Datrogenesis, etc.
New names and
placesare listed such
as on Caton Sandburg, Stalin, Latvia, etc.
Constantly Improved and kept up
“to date.
Get The Best
The “Supreme Authority”
in courts, colleges, schools, and among
government officials both Federal and
452,000 entries including 408,000
vocabulary terms, 32,000 geo sraphical
subjects, 12,000 biographical entries.
| Over 6,000 illustrations, and 100 val-
' sable tables.
/ he 4
NL =
Send for Free, new, richly illustrated
pamphlet containing sample pages of
the New Internationa
G. & C. Merriam Company
Springfield, Mass.
carrying all the chicks they can house,
and then a few more. This over-
crowded cendition doesn’t become
noticeable until the ‘chicks are eight to
ten weeks of age. If the cockerels are
kept much longer than this, the pull-
ots’ are crowded and stunted, and it
means that they come into egg produc-
tion late, that, they are undersized and
poorly developed, and that. colds. are :
‘much more likely to occur.
: The biggest reason, however, is that
as much money, can be gotten per head
for a chicken that is sold weighing
two to two and a half pounds as can
| usually be gotten for the same bird ]
weighing twice that much. - This is es-
pecially true of chicks hatched during
March and April.
L Out lowest broiler prices usually oc-
cur from July 15th to October 1st. If
broilers in June are worth 25c a pound,
poultry 'in August and September is
likely .to be worth 15¢ to 18c. That
means that the April- hatched cockerel
| can be sold in June for 50c, but if the
same bird is kept until Septémber,
when he weighs twice as much, the
probabilities are that we will only get
60c for the same bird. Of course, in
the meantime we have had the pleas-
ure of this young rooster’'s company
and have fed him a goodly amount of
feed. There has been no return for
labor, and we have not even gotten
back the additional feed cost.
Tomato Plants
By The
“The Florist”
322 South Pioneer Avenue
Buy From THE Guy
WHO CAN Buy From You
Any Purpose i
“Home Town Stone
Homs Towne pmmmee mth
—amd if it's PRINTING
; Don't FORGET
High Grade
2x 3
sawing, average
Southern Pine Lumber
$35 per M.
$38 per M,
This is an excellent grade of
lumber, free from knots, uniform
It will pay you to get our prices
and look over the quality of our lum-
ber before you place your orders for
Newell's Lumber Yard
10 and 16 foot
illor rude material gathered from refuse
| found on the dump .No women or chil-
hanna River. The eran of the
‘dump has raised this year to seventy-
five men. Their ruts are constructed|
piles. In some of the huts there are
iron beds pieced together from parts
dren are allowed in the vicinity.
\ Every new load of garbage cast off
there finds scores of scavangers eager-
ly crowding around it searching for
foodstuffs and bits of material to make
the huts more comfortable. Most of
the dump dwellers are men who spend
the winters in the county poor farms
and summer on the dump after they
are released in the spring. :
The only time any of them were ever
known to make more than a Tew cents
a day was during: the past year when
three of them were held as material
witnesses in a murder case which grew
a)-Muay Go.
Convenience makes the home.
Sometime ago our plumbers in-
stalled a range boiler and other
water facilities at the home ‘of
W. J. Gilmore, of Noxen, Pa.
Our galvanized range boilers are
priced from $6.25 up. Let us
furnish low cost convenience for
your home.
Fencing Bargains
We have 350 rods of extra
heavy 48-inch Cattle Fence,
weight 10 lbs. per rod, to sell at
30c per rod in 20-rod rolls.
Our stock of Screen Doors and
Windows is complete.
For the best farm tools, the
Oliver line is hard to beat. Ask
R. D. Major, of Dallas R. D.
Mr. Major is a recent purchaser
of an Oliver three-section har-
Use Maple City Fly Spray
95¢ Per Gallon.
scavangers over a bit of food found
the dump, The witnesses were asked
to furnish bail when they appeared at
the hearing. Unable to do so, they were
placed in the county jail to appear at
the trial. At the conclusion of the trial
they sued the county for witness fees
for every day. served in jail. ‘They
were awarded with $3 a day for every
day thus served or a total of about
$497 a piece. The murder was profit-
able for them if not so good for the
unfortunate victim, for beside having
g00d meals, fair clothes and a warm;
place to sleep while in the Jail, they
also found themselves $497 better off
when they ended their involuntary va-
cation. §
Sleep on Right Side,
Best For Your Heart
If you toss in bed all night and can’t
sleep on right side, try simple glycerin,
saline, etc. (Adlerika). Just ONE dose
relieves stomach GAS pressing on
heart so you sleep sound all night. Un-
like other medicine, ‘Adlerika ‘acts
BOTH upper and lower bowel, remov-
ing poisons you never knew were there.
Relieves constipation in 2 hours! Let
Adlerika cleanse your stomach and
bowels and se how good you feel! Gus-
tav A. Kuehn, Druggist; in Luzerne by:
IR. M. Stapleton, Druggist.
$1000 Reward
Now that we are going to throw on
‘our tables all the fall and winter colors
of the genuine $1.40 a yard Beverly
printed silk to be cleared at 58c some
one will say: “It can’t possibly be pure
silk at that price! {Too good to be
true!” So we offer you $1,000 cash to
test it in every way, and if you fin@
anything in it but pure silk, pure dye,
$1,00000 is yours. Beverly prints are
axtra washable and durable 32 in. wide.
All Pure Silk
For this sale only we will mail you
any number of yards, and colors, at
8c. A YARD
Buy all you can for the future.
i. Navy blue ground with small flow-
2. Navy with white.
3. Black with colors.
4." White ground with our choice of
7. Tan ground with brown any
8. Medium blue ground, beautiful
9. Red ground with beantizul flow-
Will outlast, out wash and outshine
the heavy crepes and tub silks two to
one. Nationally advertised at $1.50 a
yd. To prove that every number is
wonderfully beautiful, let us send you
a piece quickly for your inspection. To
introduce our silk thread we are giv-
mg a regular spool to match.
CRANE’'S SILKS,. 545 Fifth Ave.,
N. Y. City
- — — Clip Coupon NOW — w= —
Goupon for Printed Silk on Approval
YRANE' SILKS, 6545 Fifth Ave,
):N. XY. City.
Without obligation to keep it wend
ne... ....yards Color NO......s-c00
3everly Prints (all pure silk, at 58
sents per yd. on approval.) Rush.
The Perennial
furnish the necessary Protein;
which makes expensive milk.
or any Succulent Roughage.
your Dealer or w
Dairy Problem
Any cow giving a certain amount of milk requires
a definite amount of protein whether on winter or summer
Grass stimulates milk production but does not
. that must be furnished in
the Grain Ration or the cow will draw it from her system,
That is why Red Brand Tico-ga Dairy Feed (with
24% Protein )is the economical feed to use with Pasturage
For further information get a copy of
rite to us for it.
re Dealer
Feeds Manufatcured by