The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, April 24, 1931, Image 5

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Choose Your. Own Pieces
: ‘and Slip Covers
With Spring here, you surely want to choose your
new slip covers now. We invite you to drop in and
see the new fabrics. . bright cretonnes, gay chintz, den-
ims and linens.
Perfect tailoring and designing assured in cutting and
fitting for window or chair. fitting for window or cha
Our upholsterers areskilled craftsment. in reco
An extra charge for all find-
vering and refilling.
ings and materials used.
Here is a charming boudoir
chair in gay chintz or cre-
tone covering with flounee.
Ze price is astonishingly
Jow for workmanship.
ik Aaa a al TL A LL bob Ahn
Mrs. F. P. Kunkle, Correspondent’
Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Honeywell and
Mr. and Mrs.
family motored to Binghamton on Sun-
day, where they spent the day with
Mr. and Mrs. George Snyder and Mrs.
Emma, Landon.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Conden, Mr. and
Mrs. "John Isaacs and Mr.
Fred Kunkle were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Isaacs, of Shavertown,
at dinner on Sunday.
The following Kunkle members at-
tended the meeting of the W. C. T. TU.
at the home of Mrs. Z. E. Garinger on
Tuesday: Mrs. C. W. Kunkle, Mrs.
William Brace, Mrs. Ralph Ashburner,
Mrs. A. C. Devens, Mrs. Russell Miers,
Felice Miers,
Austin Wertman, Mrs. W. H. Conden,
Mrs. Frank Hess, Mrs. Charles Herd-
man, Mrs. Victor Rydd.
Mr. and Mrs.
daughter, of Wilkes-Barre, spent Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ellsworth.
Mrs. Fred Ellsworth has been suffer-
ing severely from
neuritis for the past two weeks, but is
re es
Owen Ide, is seriously ili with pneu-
monia. Miss Jane Booth, R. N., of
Wyoming, is the nurse caring for him
This is the third attack of pneumonia
the little fellow has suffered in the
last two years and his condition is
slightly improved at this writing.
Mrs. Karl Anderson, of West Dallas,
is recovering from a broken colar bona
and bruises received in a fall down a
flight of stairs at the home of Rev. and
Frank Whitesell, of Kingston,
Mr. and Mrs. John Frantz, of Dallas, |abqut three weeks ago. Mrs. Anderson, critical.
i i the care ot
spent Tuesd vening with Mr. and | Was confined to bed, under
> os iE > a Rae a physician for a week before she was N
: Selon Be able to return to her home. Mrs. —-iVOoxXen-=
i re on Wunkle, {Who has/ ‘heen Whitesell is a niece of Mrs. Anderson. :
quite ill with bronchitis, is able to be : ve a
out again. Mrs. D. P. Honeywell, of Dallas, en} ap, ang Nps, John Walker, of
: tertained her Rirthday Club at dinner
Orange, N. J., were week-end guests of
Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Crosby.
Grace Dotter, of the senior class of
N. H. S., entertained members at her
home on Thursday evening. Games and
dancing were enjoyed. Those present
were: Misses Emily Casteriine, Jessie
Thomas, Myrle Kresge, Grace Dotter,
Mary Dotter, Prof. J. M. Leese, Prof.
Luther W. Bitler and Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Dotter.
Andy Thomas attended the Board of
Directors luncheon of the Wyoming
Valley Club at Hotel Sterling Monday.
Mr. Thomas says he was informed that
no work will be done on Route No. 192
this year.
A special bake demonstration will
be hed at St./Luke’s parish house on
‘Friday afternoon from 2 until 4 P. M.
by Riffa M. Barkley, staff baking spe-
cialist of Everett Aughenbaugh Co.
who will demonstrate [E-A-Co. flour,
sponsored by the Ladies’ Society of St.
Luke’s. The public is invited. A use-
George Tandon, and on Thursday of ast week. Those pres-
ent were Mrs. Norton Montross, of Lu-
zerne; Mrs. John Smith, of Wilkes-
Barre; Mrs. Fred Makinson, of Forty
Fort; Mrs. C. Fisher, of Trucksville;,
Mrs. Sherman Wardan, of Shavertown;
Mrs. John Isaacs, Mrs. Kiler Rich-
ards, Mrs. W. H. Conden, Mrs. J4/N.
Whipp, Mrs. Charles Herdman.
On Friday evening, April 12, Miss
Gertrude Smith entertained her Sun-
day school class at a party at her
home, Mrs. Olin Kunkle assisting. The
meeting was opened by the president,
Mrs. Frank Hess, when matters of in-
terest to the club were discussed, after
which a-social time was enjoyed and
lunch was served to Mrs. Frank Hess,
Mrs. Ralph Ashburner, Mrs. Raiph Els-
ton, Mrs. Owen Ide, Mrs. Ralph Hess,
Mrs. William Weaver, Mrs. Gideon
Miller, Mrs. Wm. Brace, Mrs. ‘Olin
Kunkle, Eleanor Kunkle, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Smith, Miss Gertrude Smith.
Donnie Ide, little son of Mr. and Mrs.
and Mrs.
Mrs. Charles Wertman,
Ernest Keller and
rheumatism and
“Sold every where”
i. In the Dallas district by |
A) "the following dealers
F. RANDALL, Lehman Center
J. SALAVSKI, Lehman Road
M. VAN NORMAN, Shavertown
F. THOMPSON, Shavertown
JOHNSON’S, Picnic Ground
And Others Soon
Watch for the Golden Sign—It is a mark of
Distinctive Quality.
Most Progressive Dealers Sell GOLDEN
QUALITY ICE CREAM in Bulk and Blue
Banner Ice Cream in Packages.
Phone: Plymouth 9-1116.
ful ‘household souvenir will given those
who attend.
Prof. J. M. Leese/made a “flying trip”
to New York
Martz Airway Lines.
Mr. and Mrs. William Prutzman and
family, of White Haven; Mr. and Mrs.
Russell Perrego and son, Robert, of
Kingston, were Sunday guests of Mr.
and Mrs, Ira Prutzman.
Nora Sickler, Mrs. Hattie Sawyer
are spending some time with Kingston
relatives. !
Mr. and Mrs. James Strohl, Sr., are
remodeling the porches of their home,
changing to the English style of archi-
etcture, making a very attractive ap-
pearance to the property.
Mrs. Sally Keiper, who has been as-
sisting a family at Kingston with
household duties during illness, is
spending some time at her home.
The infant chaild of Mr. and Mrs, C.
Dymond is a patient at General hos-
pital, suffering an attack of pneumonia.
Mrs. Andy Thomas and Mrs. W. Bliz-
zard entertained members of the Twin
Kard Klub at their homes on ‘Armour
avenue, Thursday evening. Winners ot
prizes were: Mrs. Edith Miller, Mrs.
Evelyn Miner, Letha Jones and Mrs.
Hilda, Kresge. Lunch was served to
thirty guests.
A. reception will be held at M. E.
hall on Friday evening, May 1, in honor
of the return of Rev. W. S. York. A
program has been arranged.
A. J. Davis is making extensive re-
pairs and remodeling the aprtment in
the P. 'O. building, which wili be oc-
cupied by Mr, and Mrs. Jeddie McMil-
The following teachers have been
elected for the coming year .in the
local schools: Assistant principal,
Shelly York, of Alderson; Miss Muriel
Lutes, of Bowman’s Creek; Miss Anne
B. Czulegar, Dallas; Margaret Burret,
‘Wilkes-Barre; = Ruth Palmer, Letha
Jones, Given Sickler, Mrs. Villa Mec-
Kenna, of Noxen.
‘Services at St. Luke's on Sunday
will be in charge of Harold Deisher,
of Mt. Airy Seminary, who has ac-
cepted the calil and expects to take
charge after his graduation in June.
Mrs. Deisher is attending college in
Maryland. St. Luke's is fortunate in
securing this fine young couple, and
they will be heartily welcomed to Nox-
en and St. Luke's.
All members of Noxen Glee Ciub are
urged to be present at rehearsal Satur-
day afternoon, as matters of import-
ance to all are to be discussed. g
—Maple Grove-
Dora C. Davenport, Correspondent
Services for Sunday; April 26: Sun-
day school at 10 A. M. Preaching by
the pastor, Rev. gh B. Henry, at 11
~ “Let Toby Do Iit,” the comedy drama
being given ‘by the young peopte of
this place, will be : repeated at “Oak-
dale Hall next Saturday evening, April
Little eGorge oGrdon, 5- vear-old son
of Roy oGrdon, is recovering from a
successful tonsil and adnoid operation
performed at Nesbitt West Side hos-
pital. ; ;
Mrs. Harry Price and Mrs. Frank
Moyer and son, Robert, were Sunday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Wolfe.
| Six deer were seen grazing last week
on the farm of S. E. Bronson.
Mr, and Mrs. Homer Kiine and chil-
dren, of Kingston, visited Mr. and Mrs.
R. G. Roberts last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Roat and Mrs.
Lillian Murphy have returned from a
delightful sight-seeing trip to New Jer-
sey and New York. They also visited
the former's son, Clarence, of New Jer-
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Stevens and fam-
ily, of Kingston, visited Mr. and Mrs.
S. E. Bronson on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. P, Oliver, of Kings-
ton, called on friends here Sunday.
Miss Hilda Ruggles and Mrs. A.
Baliantine were recent callers at Oak-
on Saturday via the |
Miss Anna Naugle visited her sis-
ter, Mrs. Willard Cornell at Meeker on
Adda Garinger, Correspondent
Mrs. Michael Getzman announces the
engagement of her sister, Elizabeth
Balco, of Wilkes-Barre, to William
Laposky, of Laketon. The wedding
wilt take place on April 27.
Ross Garinger is on a motor trip to
Genevieve York has completed a
business course at Wyoming Seminary.
Sterling Kitchen, who is in Nesbitt
Memorial hospital, is somewhat im-
proved at this writing.
Enoch Thomas, Sr., who has been
ill, is convalescing at his summer home
Mrs. A. J. Garinger received word on
Saturday of the death of her oldest
brother, C. P. Ransom, of Tower Line.
Lake senior class is having Firwood
M. E. church, Wilkes-Barre, present
its minstrel in Laketon Gym tonight.
Proceeds go toward Washington trip,
Mr. and Mrs. ' Floyd Thompson and
family, of Kingston, spent Sunday
afternoon with Mrs. Mary Thompson.
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Allen had as their
guests on Sunday Mr. and Mrs, Ray-
mond Garinger. ;
‘Work began on the new roller coast-
er at Harvey's Lake picnic grounds on
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Gwilliam
and son, George, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Rescorla and family are among
those who spent the week-end at their
summer homes here.
“Red” Schwartz
Flying Sparks Ignite Roof
Sparks flying from a field that was
being brned over, flew onto the roof of
the home of Henry Shaver, of North
Lehigh street, last Thursday afternoon
and caused damage to the extent of
$100. The sparks were seen by a num-
ber of neighbors in the vicinity to land
on the roof. When the flames burst
out on the roof the local fire company
was summoned and extinguished the
Performs First Marriage ,
Mrs. Kathryn Malemes, Justice of
the Peace, performed her first mar-
riage ceremony: last. Thursday aft:
noon when she united in hI
Erwin R. Denman, of Beaumont, and
Miss Florence Mae ILong, of West
‘Wyoming. The couple were attended
by Miss Mae Baines, aiso of West
Wyoming. The bride wore a crepe
dress of light green and carried an arm
bouquet. The atendant wore a ‘navy
blue crepe dress and also carried an
arm bouquent. Following the cere-
mony the young couple left on an ex-
tended honeymoon trip after which
they will reside at West Wyoming.
Brief Mention
Mr. and Mrs.:.T. R. Jones and child
have been transferred from Grottoes,
Va., where Mr. Jones is a forester, to
Elkton, of the same state. Mrs. Jones
is the former Irene Hicks, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, Ben Hicks, of Pioneer
* William Grey,
was removed to a hospitai at Philadel-
phia last week, where he will undergo
treatment. Mr. Grey is a World War
The firemen will meet at the school
house on Monday evening at 8 o'clock.
All members are urged to be present.
The Improvement Association’ will
hold an educational meeting at the
“toca school house on the night of May
8. A number of good speakers hava
been secured and the public is urged
to attend. Plans for the organization
of .a Parent-Teacher Association will
also be brought up for discussion.
Hamilton Clemow is erecting a gar-
age on his property on Shaver avenue.
Mrs. Christine Malkemes has had a
of Pioneer avenue,
garage built on her property on Hil
Crest. i
Arbutus is being picked on the hill
sides hereabouts.
Rev. R. M, Corkweli: and family have
moved into the M. E. church ParsoTy
“No Dumping Signs” have Yost
erected in the gulley just off of Lawn
street located on the Steele plot, which
has been used as a dumping ground.
.The ‘Shavertown Aces defeated
Fast Dallas team last Saturday after-
noon on the school grounds by th
score of 7 to 4. 3
Edward Roushey is recovering from.
an attack of scarlet fever. f
Mrs. Mary J. Wicks, of Atlanta, G
has been visiting with Mrs. J. W. Wil.
Jacob Rau spent the opening day of
trout season at Mehoopany and r
turned with a 12-inch trout. :
Sherman Wardan and a party or
friends spent the opening day at Cide
Oliver Williams, Herbert Williams,
Ernest Keller and Bert Steltz spent ih 3
opening day at the Meadows in
North Mountain. On their return a
Ray Isaacs is erecting : 2 votamiyl 9
brick house on Centre street.
Herm Van Campen is laying a
crete sidewalk and grading the
about his property on Main street.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Guernsey ha
ter months in Florida. 2!
Mrs. Walter Booth, Corresp
dren were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cli
ton Brown at Lehman on Sunday.
A number of local men helped figh
forest fire near Alderson.
Frances Smith has been sufferin
from ear trouble the past two weeks
Mr. and Mrs. Hart, of Shickshinny,
were week-end guests at H. E. Paynes.
A. N. Williams came.up from Ni
Jersey to spend the week-end with
family. / %
Mrs. M. R. Williams, Mrs, F. A Ww
‘"iams, Charles Kern, Joseph “Gar
of Harvey's Lake, and A. Di: Marth
and family, of this place, were di ;
guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. N. (Will
on Sunday.
_ Mrs. Charles Randall and asl er,
Tda, spent Saturday with Mrs. ‘George
Hoppes at Kingston.
Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Hobbes, Mr. ‘and’
Mrs. James Sanders and son, ‘Bobby,
of Kingston, were Sunday guests | of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith,
Earl Booth is ill. 3 $i
Rev. C. B. Henry has returned to
this charge again for the next confer-
ence year.
. Mrs. Herbert Williams, ‘haces wi
“jams, Rachel Williams, Robert Wil-
‘liams, J. W. Williams and ‘wife, Mr:
Lucinda Durland, Mr. and Mrs. Erne
Keller, of Shavertown, Mr. and Mrs,
N. A. Staub and family, of Trucksvi
and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Burns 2
family, of Wilkes-Barre, were guests
Sunday of Mrs. Zora Williams, =
Mr. and Mrs. Freas Kinney and M
and Mrs. Clinton McDanieis, of 'W
Nanticoke, were dinner guessts of M
and Mrs. H. E. rym on Sunday.
A farewell reception was given
Tuesday evening for Rev. and Mrs.
Anthony Tvenson at the Primitive Me
thodist church. Short addresses were
given by John Lowe, Myron Steel
George Nobte, Mrs. Lewis Stritzinger,
Mrs. William Berkheiser and | Mrs.
Russell Case. Both Rev. and Mrs.
Ivenson received beautiful gifts and
both responded with appropriate re-
marks. Refreshments were served. bys
the ladies of the church to nearly a
hundred people. . Lr pm
See it before
you buy any
estinghouse Refrigerator
in small apartments and small homes
any refrigerator of its size. It’s a WESTING-
HOUSE “Completely Balanced” refrigerator,
too; from its Broom-high Legs to its conve-
niently flat Buffet Top. Makes plenty of ice
*Price quoted is
f.0.b. factory
Huntsville & Norton Avenues
- Dallas 63
year as compared
#% Make no commitments of any kind until you
have seen this “small-family” WESTINGHOUSE
Refrigerator. Contains more shelf space than
cubes. Also delicious frozen desserts, salads
and frosted beverages. And, with it, you can
save, positively save, from $50 to $150 eack
Pay only 109 down. Divide the
balance over 12, 18 or even 24
months as you prefer. Why be
old-fashioned when it costs less
to be modern? See us for proof of
this surprising economy before
you buy any refrigerator.
to less modern equipment.
Dallas, Pa.