hl Dallas Socials ~ Elizabeth Breckenridge, Social Call Dallas 255-R-18 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fahringer, of East Dallas, entertained in honor of their son’s 7th birthday anniversary, Monday. Games were played, after which a sleigh-ride was enjoyed by all. A number of small friends were ~ present. Mr. and Mrs. Eston Adelman visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shaver at Plym- ~ outh, Sunday. Dallas township school was closed last Friday due to a leak in the water line. § Mrs. C. N. Booth, of Lehman avenue, attended the luncheon given by the ladies of the Wilkes-Barre Rotary at the Sterling Hotel, Tuesday. John Jule, Jr., of Parrish Heights, spent the week-end with his grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Jule, of Kingston. Willard Schmoll has returned home after a visit to New York. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brown ,of West Pittston, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Spencer, of Harding, spent Monday with Mrs. J. R. Gibbs. Katherine Shepherd has returned from West Point, where she spent the ~ week-end. Mrs. Eugene Fiske and daughter, Ruth, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Williamson at Harveys Lake. . Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brown, Thursday, February 19, a daughter, Barbara Jean. i Dinner guests of Mrs. Maggie Hildebrandt Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. John Hildebrandt and family, of East Dallas. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Swire, Saturday, February 21, a son. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Sullivan and family have returned home after spend- “several days at Atlantic City, N. J. Nellie Winter, of Newark, N. J, pent Saturday and Sunday with her brother, Willard Winter, of Orchard Knob Farm. Mr. and Mrs. Sandel Hunt and son, Elmer, have returned home after a two weeks’ stay in Florida. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Booth, who are spending the winter with the formers parents, Mr. and ®rs. C. N. Booth, are visiting in White Haven. Mrs. John Wilson is ill at her home on Franklin street. Her mother, Mrs, 1. ‘BR. Rice, of Kingston, is caring for ‘her. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Yosepn: Schmearer are moving from Davenport street to Jackh- son street. Mr. and Mrs. William Schmoll and daughter, Doris, and Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Kocher and son, Junior, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Shupp and mother, of Loyalville. Mrs. Arthur Houck and family visit- ed Mrs. Houck’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wagner, of Wilkes-Barre, re- cently. Eleanor Atkinson, of Norton avenue, is spending a few daysat Harvey's Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ide, of Shrine View, entertained Mr. and Mrs. Eston Adelman, Monday evening. Ida De Reemer spent Saturday Philadelphia. Frederick Baur, son of Mrs. G. A. Baur, who submitted to an operation for appendicitis in General hospital, is improving. James Besecker and son, Delmar, have returned home after spending some time in New York City and Kear- iney, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd W. Bogart en- tertained Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bogart, of Shavertown, Wednesday. GIRLS GLEE CLUB " "ENTERTAINS LAKE SCHOOL Editor in The Glee Club under the supervision of Miss Pauline Davis, sang several selections for the Lincoln and Wash- ington program on Friday afternoon. The selections were well appreciated by the student body. The Glee Club is practicing! very diligently several se- letcions, which they will render at the Dallas Rotary meeting to be held in the near future. \ HIMMLER . THEATRE FRIDAY AND ND SATURDAY ¥ “The Squealer’ WITH JACK HOLT AND DAVIE LEE Also a Krazy Kat Screen Snap Shots, Metro News NEXT WEEK TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY “Around the Corner” STARRING GEORGE SIDNEY AND CHARLES MURRAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY “Remote Control” WITH WILLIAM HAINES -Kunkle~ Mrs. F. P. Kunkle, Correspondent ATTENDED LADIES AID The following Kunkle ladies attended the meeting of the Alderson Ladies’ Aid Society atthe home of Mrs. Philip Thomas Thursday of last week: Mrs. C.. W. Kunkle, Mrs. M. C. Miers, Mrs. W. H. Conden, Mrs. William Brace, Mrs. Frank Hess, Mrs. A. C. Devens, Mrs. Russell Miers and daughter, Fe- lice, Austin, and Mrs. Fred Kunkle. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Elston enter- tained on Sunday :Mr. and Mrs. Stan- ley Elston and children, of Beaumont; and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hess and daughter, Doris; also Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kunkle Sunday evening. dinner on Thursday last in celebration of her birthday anniversary. Her guests were: Mrs. J. S. Kunkle, Mrs. Miss Margaret Kunkle and Mrs. Fred Kunkle Baird, of Laketon, Sunday afternoor. Zel Garinger is confined to his home wit han attack of tonsilitis. SUNDAY SCHOOL GIVES AWARDS Attendance pins and wreaths were awarded members of the Kunkle Sun- day school recently. Those who re- ceived the awards were: For there months attendance, pins, Mrs. Ralph Hess, Mrs. Ralph Ashburner, Robert Ashburner, Mrs. Owen Ide, Jane Ide. For six months: Charles D. Kunkle, Conrad Honeywell; for nine months: Marvin Elston; for one year: Gomer Elston, Clyde Hoyt; for two years: wreaths, Mrs. Frank Hess and Doris Hess. Inez Boston is ill with grippe and unable to attend school. Mrs. Fred Kunkle and daughter, Margaret, visited Mrs. George Risch, of Carverton, on Monday. Mrs. Clarence Roote and daughter, Katherine, spent Tuesday with her cousins, Mrs. Patrick Kennedy, of Par- Miss Eloise Nulton, of Kingston, and Miss Eloise Nulton, of Wilkes-Barre. spent Wednesday afternoon and eve- ning with their aunt, Mrs. W. H. Con- sons, and Harry Davis, of Miners Mills. den. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Conden spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Conden, of Alderson. The latter’s baby daughter, Clarice, who was threatened with pneumonia, is improving. -Noxen- Mr. and Mrs. George Case and son, Clarence, of Kingston spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Phoenix, the latter having just recovered from a severe attack of grippe. Mrs. Gertrude Thomas recently en- tertained Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dur- lin, also. Mr. and Mrs. C. Mackinson and daughter, Nellie ,of Wyoming. Mr. and Mrs. Crosby Walker, of Orange, N. J., were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Crosby. The many friends of Mrs. Ellen Fur- gerson, better known as “Aunt Ellen,” are sorry to hear of her illness, and wish her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Alonzo Meeker is able to be out again, having been confined to her home with a severe cold. The following attended the 15th an- nual Sunday school institute at St. John’s church, Nanticoke, on Monday: Rev. L. W. Yiengst, Mrs. J. Dotter, Mrs. Leslie Loveland, Ora B. Miller, Mrs. M. Thomas and R. S. Crosby. ESCAPES INJURY Mr. and Mrs. Chester Crispell e..- caped serious injury while walking to church Sunday evening, when a speed- ing auto hurled Mr. Crispell to the ground. He was taken to his home by the faulty driver and after an exami- nation by a physician was found to be only bruised. Mrs. John Hetlesheimer, a patient at General hospital, Wilkes-Barre, is much improved at this writing. Mrs. Helen of Binghamton, N. Y., who re- cently recovered from infantile paraly- sis, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Ruff. BRIDGE REPAIRS Last, but not least, we are having the “Old Death Trap, 'the coveres bridge near Orcutt’s Grove repaired. The girders ordered came several feet too short, so repairs are in order in- stead of a new bridge. Apparently it will take an accident, where lives are lost, for us to get a decent bridge. Sleep on Right Side, If you toss in bed all night and can’t sleep on right side, try simple glycerin, saline, etc. (Adlerika). Just ONE dose relieves stomach GAS pressing on heart so you sleep sound all night. Un- like other medicine, ‘'Adlerika acts BOTH upper and lower bowel, remov- ing poisons you never knew were there. Relieves constipation in 2 hours! Let Adlerika cleanse your stomach and howels and se how good you feel! Gus- tav A. Kuehn, Druggist; in Luzerne by R. M. Stapleton, Druggist. Mrs. Charles Wertman and son, Mrs. W. S. Kunkle entertained at called on Mrs. Sarah _ DALLAS POST, DALLAS, PA., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1931 | Mrs. E. J. Miller was hostess to the members of the Twin Kard Klubs on Thursday evening. Winners were: Mrs. I. Devine, Mrs. Sophia Hackling, Letha Jones and Ruth Palmer. Lunch was served to thirty-two guests. Miss Martha Ely had as her guest Miss Halfsinger, of Williamsport, on Sunday. 5 Mrs. Albert Casterline, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gilmore spent Sunday at Drums, visiting: Mrs. Young, who is ill. Noxen Glee Club will meet at high school Saturday afternoon at 2:30. All members please be present. Phil Loveland, Robert Wolfe and William Hoover, of Williamsport, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Loveland. Shirley May Hackling, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hackling, is ill with measles. FAREWELL PARTY A farewel®party was given Rev. and Mrs. L. W. Yiengst on Tuesday eve- ning at the parish house by members of St. Luke's church. Rev. Yiengst and family are leaving for 'Archbald, where Rev. Yiengst has accepted the pastor- ate of the German Lutheran church. A purse was presented by members of the congregation, and the Ladies’ So- ciety gave Mrs. Yiengst a gift of linen. Lunch was served to the following: Mr. and Mrs. William Coolbaugh, Mrs. H. Newell, Beatrice Newell, New Wall Paper Mr. and. Mrs. A. Dendler, Bina Dendler, Mrs. J. Dotter, Mrs. Eva Roote, Mrs. I. Devine, Mrs. E. Schenk, Mrs. A. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Blizzard, Mrs. Sam Blizzard, Mrs. C. L. Boston, Mr. and Mrs. A. Thomas, Adam Kresge, Mrs. C. Auvil, Betty and Mary ‘Auvil, Mrs, E. Miller, Ora Miller, Herbert Osborne, Bob May, Mr. and Mrs. L. Newell Rev. and Mrs. L. W. Yiengst, Homer, Doro- thy and Kathleen Yiengst. There will be no church services at St. -Luke’s church on Sunday, Marcn 1. However, Sunday school will be held at the usual hour, 10:45 A. M. Mrs. Harry Miller has returned tec her home in Richmond, Va. after spending several weeks with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. David Edwards. 2 Phone: SURETY BONDS — INSURANCE If You Need Surety, Fidelity and Con- tract Bonds, Burglary, Fire, Automo- bile, Plate Glass or Liability Insurance, Call G. HAROLD WAGNER Dallas 72 Dallas, Pa. FOR SALE—Practically new C, B-flat and A Trumpet in first class condi- tion, priced very reasonable. Inquire Dallas Post. Any boy would be proud to own this instrument. 2-27-31-1t FOR SALE—30 heads of mules and horses. Syears old and up. Fred Farrel, Demuns. Dallas 357-R-2. FOR SALE 12-19-tf FOR RENT cently tuned. FOR SALE—Table, buffet, chairs, oil stove and heater. _ Dallas 316-R-23. 91 ACRES, 7-rm. timber. $4, 122 acres, 7-rm. house, barn, 22 acres timber, some stock, tools, near Ben- ton. Trade for house and lot. 20-acre poultry ranch, brooder 125 ft. long, small cottage, near Ben- ton. $1,800. 40 acres, cottage, barn. 45 acres, 7-rm. new house, barn, creek, fruit. Dallas Borough, building lots, $100, cash. house, Gregory Est., 500, terms. $500 down. Centermoreland, $800. near Loyalville. $4,500. ELMER PARRIS, Dallas 2-27-31-1t FOR SALE—Walnut upright piano,re~ In excellent condition. 415. S. Franklin: street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. or Dial 2-9556. Raymond Carlin, 2-27-31-1t barn, fruit Muhlenburg. house, Zr. 2-27-31-2t FURNISHED ROOM — Ts 50. Steam heat, bath, well furnished. 35 Lake street. 2-27-31-1t FOR RENT—Six-room house and gar- age with furnace and stationary range. Inquire, 72 Franklin St. Phone Dallas 292-R-9. WANTED TO BUY—Several young, well developed trees. Spruce, Maple, Birch, to be transplanted at proper season, also top soil and manure. Call Dallas 61. 2-27-31-1t* WANT TO SELL—Your home, lot, farm, ete., this spring? List now with John A. Williams, Real Estate Dealer, 48 Main street, Dallas, Pa. I 1-23-31-tf* % WANTED—EXxperienced farmer, mar- ried, for small farm near Wilkes- Barre carrying farm implements, 3 ' COWS, Reaqy market for milk vegetables FOR. SALE-—Full blooded English Bea-~ gle puppies, 6 weeks old, have to be seen to be appreciated. Will sell only where they will have good homes. Mrs. Centermoreland 42-R-7 C. A. Boston, Noxen. Call 2-20-31-2t and fruit. ‘Splendid opportunity for the right party Address with refer- ences K. D. K. care Wyoming Valley Trust Company, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 2-27-31-2t ROSICRUCIAN MYSTERIES—AII sin- FOR SALE—Black Hawke Manure Spreader—brand new. Will sell below cost. Risley-Major Co. No. cere seekers for the great truth and power known to the Ancients, write for the free book, ‘Light of Egypt,” 26 large number: of fruit. trees. °° For Spring Dallas 60. 2-20-31-2t FOR SALE—Sawdust for sale—$1.25 cash for ton truck load at Mill. W. mailed without obligation to occult students of higher thought and mys- ticism. Librarian 111, Amorc Temple, San Jose, California. 2-27-31-1t* F. Payne Phone Dallas 127-R-12. 1-2-31-tf FOR SALE—Four-room bungalow on Farm, East Dallas, Pa. | se Business Directory James Blizzard and daughter, : Best For Your Heart| Lovely patterns and very reason- able prices. “Abso. ... CONGOLEUM RUGS CONGOLEUM BY THE YARD 7 CONGOLEUM RUG FILLER CONGOLEUM HALL RUNNER WINDOW SHADES Green and Duplex G. A. Shook & Co. NOXEN, PENNA. Closing Out 200 Women's FROCKS FROM THE SEASON'S NEWEST CREATIONS $7.75 Values up to $14.95 Also 100 DRESSES $2.95 Values up to $12.95 The Spanier Shoppe 69 Main Street LUZERNE, PENNA. % & % % % % % % % & % % 24 % %$ 4 % % 2 % / % % % & 2 %e % % % @ % % Zs 2 % % 2 % % 2% % % % 7 % % % % % % % % % % % % % & 2 % % % 2 2 % 2 i % % 2 % % % % % % 2 % & % % 8 % bo % % % % Seah Lestrade dd WEER-END erie ide dd ddd 200303030 42040 SPECIALS Fri. - Sat,, Feb. 27 - -28 2 Dozen Tangerines ARE 2 Large Cans Sauer Kraut . ...........25c Elliott Boy Salmon .. am 3 Cans Ritter’s Beans BD TE Toss 3 Tall Cans Milk . ... 0 . ..25¢ | Large Oranges, dozen . Joage Coa. CHEST NUT 10.00 Pea 7.25 Buckwheat 4.75 Phone 21-R-+2 For Service Call LONG ano 37-R-2 FARVER DALLAS, PA. General Store Coal Hauling Moving, Etc. 3 15¢ Pac’ vas Washing Powder eran: .25¢ Lima Beans, 1h... .10c . o © 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ° o Marrowfat Beans, Lb. Onions, Lb... ...... are le 10 Lbs. Sugar ....... Foy rari re dle 3 Packages Corn Flakes sis Ee -.25¢ Lord lo... A Nice Line Of Meats “A STORE WITH LONG & FARVER’S STORE MANY FRIENDS” 9 9 9 WN OR A a SS ld 3-acres cf land in West Dallas; suitable for chicken farm; 2 chick- en coops; garage; nolds, R. D. No. 4. Mrs. Rachel Rey~ 9-19-tf ARXXXRERRRRRHRIEXRRRNNKK FOR BEST RESULTS C. 0. BROWN . East Dallas, 9Pa. R-12. FIRE WOOD FOR SALE — Stove length. I1 cash for a ton truck load at mill uncorded. W. T. Payne Farm, Phone Dallas 127- -2-31-tf ~ Auctioneer Call Centermoreland 2029. ERARAENE IN ENEARIERARAKNNN po age. « house. rant for right party. 85, FOR SALE OR TRADE—12-room house, store and ice cream parlor, 2 Extra large barn, gar- heat and water Dandy location for restau- Address Box £1-14-'t ol tables. Lights, Noxen, Pa. in WHEN IN NEED OF.... Coal And General Hauling (a= Lowest Prices on Long Ton COAL Delivered to Your Bin Prices Per Ton (2,240) Lbs. FRESH MINED Chestnut $10.50 Stove $10.50 Pea 7.775 Buck wheat 5.00 50c additional per ton for de- liveries at Harvey's Lake, Noxen and Beaumont. Weigh Bill With Every Load Clarence Shupp GENERAL HAULING Call Centermoreland 77-R-13 Dallas 316-R-3 3 CALL. ... HOWARD H. PATTON PHONE: 3-R-3 Chas. Newberry General Masonry, Plastering, Chimneys, Fire Places, Sidewalks, Floors, Call 242-R-4 DALLAS Estimates Cheerfully Given Prices Reasonable ALFRED BRONSON Sweet Valley, Pa. DAY or NIGHT Dallas 363-R-5 Telephone: yy} ienburg 1-R-5 % fr Roy Stauffer’ Used Cars ’29 Chevrolet Coupe ’30 Chevrolet Sedan ’29 Chevrolet Coach ’29 Plymouth Coupe ....: ’28 Chev. Landau ’29 Whippet Sedan ’28 Oldsmobile Sedan . ... ’29 Ford Coach ’29 Chev. Roadster ’28 Chev. Cabriolet ’28 Chevrolet Coach ’28 Chandler Sedan ’29 Ford Coach . ’28 Chevrolet Coach .. ’2 Pontiac. Sedan 27 Chev. Landau .. ’28 Dodge Cabriolet ’27 Star Coupe ’27 Essex Coach ’26 Chevrolet Sedan ’27 Dodge Sedan ’27 Chevrolet Coach ’26 Chev. Landau ’27 Pontiac Sedan 27 Star Sedan ’27 Dodge Sedan ’26 Chrysler Sedan ’27 Dodge Sedan ’27 Whippet Coach WE NEVER CLOSE PHONE 470 WYOMING, PA. '26 Chevrolet Coupe ’27 Chev. Roadster 27 Chrysler Roadster . ... ’25 Studebaker Coupe . ... ’27 Whippet Sedan ’27 Ford Coach *27 Whippet Sedan ’26 Dodge Coupe ’27 Ford Coupe ’29 Whippet Coach ’26 Chevrolet Coach ..... ’28 Chevrolet Sedan ..-.. ~ 27 Chrysler Touring ’27 Ford Coupe ’26 Chev. Touring ’26 Chev. Roadster ’26 Chev. Touring ’26 Ford Touring ’26 Ford Roadster ’27 Dodge Touring ’26 Ford Coupe TRUCKS 1 Mason Truck ’27 Chev. Y,-Ton Panel. ’27 Chevrolet Truck ’26 Dodge Panel Truck. ..$125 ’25 Dodge Screen Truck..$ 35 ’28 Chev. Y4-Ton Panel ..$243 Titan Tractor .$125