2g v , FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 1931 - Lake Township School News COMMUNITY ITEMS ~~ Shating and sleigh-riding now reign _ supreme at Harvey’s Lake. Many peo- ple from the surrounding towns have come to enjoy gifts of winter. The first game\ of the P. I. A. A. league opened on\|Tuesday evening. ‘Laketon high played Beaumont high. This evening, Friday, Laketon plays Noten at Laketon. “The pupils are back at Laketon high after enjoying the Christmas and New Year vacation .They are ready for work nad eager for knowledge. 2 ‘Rev. W. S. York has recently pur- archtsed a new Chevrolet six. ~ Clarence Oberst has returned to his Yioriie at Laketon. He has been aid- ing in the contsruction of the new 4 Coat Hanger Company Montrose. £55 Herbert Payne spent New New York on a baying trip. the~ pleasure building at Year's in Gd "ALUMNI NOTES ; 3 ~ Christmas morning found a happy couple, Mildred Hausch and Raymond 5 Garinger, standing at the altar rail We wish them success and a happy life. 5 Of course this joyful season caused] : ‘many of our alumni to come home, but now it is all over. Harry Allen, 29, returned to State College, Clifford Booth, ’26, to Bucknell, Mildred Shas ver went back to Drexel, Genevieve : Wolfe, '28, to Bloomsburg, Adda Gar- inger, ’30, Lillian and Genevieve York 2 and Harriet Stem to Wyoming Semi- mary. : ~ Mary Kuechta, who teaches in Phila- Thin] is “back on the job.” ,Anna Balavage, one of our Zi Yas, injured while sleigh- riding. © Dorman Kocher is convalescing at : ‘his home. Forma Raskin spent the Christmas vacation in New York visiting friends ard relativies. _ Grace Knigh spent New Year's with seniors, Cragel are new members of our class. PINKY'S WORKING HARD SHOVELING WITH THAT LITTLE 1 G\RL'ACRQSS THE STREET VES- AND BEL EVE ME, His HEART IN His WORK, ‘Dallas Township ~ + School Notes "GIRL SCOUT NEWS Elizabeth Girvan ,Scout Scribe The Girl Scouts of Dallas township held their: regular weekly meeting on Tuesday. Miss Robinson, the captain, having a very bad cold, could not aw tend. Miss Love, lieutenant, took charge of the meeting. The scouts have decided to make a trip to the Elmer Meyers High School on Satur- day afternoon to the scout rally. We sure do hope that our scouts appear there in uniform, if not in skirts and middies. SCHOOL NEWS lla Goos, Editor Basketball season has begun and every one is out for all that is in it and to’make the Dallas township high school team better and stronger than it has ever been before. Our first league game will be" played Friday night at Lehman high school. There will be both girls and boys games that night and we hope that every one wilt put his spirit in this game and show people what we can do. sEverybody welcome. : The boys in manual training class have recently made an ironing board for the home-making department. Carpenters are busy putting up a fire escape on the old school building. Miss Woolbert, fourth grade teacher, We hope that able to return-very soon. is very ill at her home. she will be Mrs. Girton has been teaching for hev. : Freshman Class Willard Lauderbach and Robert His- lop are members of the baskétball squad of the boys and Helen Girvan and Antonia Kozemchak are members of the girls squad. : : Joseph Huntzinger and Lawrence Deloris Craig has moved to Kings- | ton, where she will continue school. The 9th grade is having a sleigh- riding party to Thelma Keifer's Thurs day night. i] her parents at Halstead. —Reporter, L. M. What HRN Does This Sign Mean to you? 1 by Mrs. Snowe, teacher of agriculture, his grandmother, 2 AA largest manufacturer of drug store commodities. } Since 10,000 other independently or individually owned J drug stores possess this same exclusive agency in their i. particular localities, these 10,000 Rexall Stores are linked Here's what it should mean! This store, your neighbor- hood store, is owned and operated by fellow citizens of yours who have the same interests at heart that you have. In an effort to help you to save money on drug store merchandise of the highest known quality, we secured . for you the Rexall Agency in our community. Because of this, you may obtain only in this store, the trade-marked merchandise of the United Drug Company, the world’s together by a common bond. Therefore, this association of Rexall Stores is called a “Chain of Individually Owned Drug Stores.” This is the largest organization of its kind in the world, ‘and is called “The World’s Largest Chain of Individually Owned Drug Stores.” You now realize perfectly that we own our own store, don’t you? We thank you for the generous way you have always co-operated with us in the past and we sincerely promise ‘you that you can sha Save with Safety here, EVANS PHARMACY ) y x Ll ) » Shavertown, Penna Wj The JeXAXL Store 0 0 aed DO HOME FIRES STILL BURN? By Mary Skopic Do home fires still burn? Of course they do in true American homes. I am thinking of a family that is idea. How happy they are. God has a place in that home which is not true of every home. : ; Ele It will not take long to describe this, but the’ reader can. readily read he- tween the lines. The father is kind to every member of his family. The mother has Patience which many peo- ple lack. They start their day with A vali worship. The members of the family going forth for the day are thus put in God's care. What a vast difference that makes. : After breakfast the parents children go about their tasks for thie day. The mother attends her house- hold duties. ‘She does not forget that home cooking makes a more pleasant home’ and goes about her task with a song. Then other household duties, such as cleaning and tending flowers begins. Her table at meal Sime ‘is a source of delight. Things are fixed to tempt one’s appetite. From soup to deserts everything is a delight. Does the father grumble? No! always commends the. mother on the preparation of ‘her meals. ; ¥ The mother also finds time for dress- making and does not neglect the hus- band’s. and son’s wardrobes. Her social activities, of which there are-many, also find a place in her life. People enjoy her company. She finds time to learn readings for others pleasure: to visit the sick, and com- fort those who are in sorrow. She is an ideal wife, mother and friend. “ The husband lives for his family. He helps his wife and acts as a guide and companion for his sons. People and ‘| lions.” He a News of Interest to Students and Parents Lehman Township High School who are his church meetings at any time. When the day’s work. is over they all sit together at the fireside, provid- ing no social duty calls, a book is read aloud, due to the fact that father cannot tax the strength of his eves. times they are religious; ‘historical, romantical. often times and often times they are 5 This family life is ideal, can you find a - more happy family. Although. the father’s salary does not permit them every thing they want, they are contented. They do not need “thrills” or ‘“mil- humble home with flowers blooming people who have - everything their hearts desire as far as but lack love and happiness. NOTES ‘Alberta, Mekeel spent a delightful week with friends at Nanticoke. Myrna Staire enjoyed a week's stay with relatives at Wilkes-Barre. AVIATOR VISITS L. H. S. Thomas Roushey, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Roushey ,of Lehman, spent a week’s vacation at his home! Avia- tor Roushey has spent a’ year and a half at Langley Field, Virginia. * CLASS NEWS Junior Class : The junior class of D. T. H. S. will present their play: at Eatonville in the: near future. 4 force after their Christmas vacation. some of the girls at this school now. We wonder why Melbourne Carey is who know him say, “He practices what he preaches.” He also comforts those blushing ? —Reporter, R. E. County Agent Jaquish, from Tunk- | hannock, visited the school Monday, December 22, and proceeded to the home of Eugene Hilbert for the cull- ing of poultry. He was accompanied the seniors and other high school stu- dents. Later in the day the same com- pany visited the Gold Bond poultry farm at the home of Mrs. Snowe's sis- ter, Mrs. Smith, 7 $= Ernest Brown has been absent from school a few days due to the death of Mrs. Brown. — a Alden Diitz has returned to school after a period of sickness. Several visitors have been visiting school the past week. Reefer dded eed vile dhe de Dr. Robert M. Bodycomb Announces the opening of his new and enlarged Dental Office in the KUNKLE BUILDING Main’Street, Dallas Dreaded dd . Monroe Township H igh School The junior class have had one hun- dred per cent class attendance the past week. basketball : Mr. Austin’s teams are practicing very faithfully. The juniors and seniors have re- ceived their class rings and pins. They are well satisfied. A GENTLEMEN’S ETIQUETTE Doris Fritz, Sophomore Jn the movies or on the street You see them walking, they never speak, They stand in front of you and ask for that A Not even apologizing when they knock off your hat. i 3 When in the restaurant we go “This table Hare" is what they say And yell out, “Oh! Hello,” There goes Miss So-and-So I saw you at the five and ten today. The waiter asks us for the order, We tell him we want pie “Oh! It’s most expensively too high. They say, That’s a quarter, When we stroll along the avenue On the right hand side they walk They point out, “See those two,” You should hear their talk. Their language, it is terrible Their manners quite the same Although you hor- rible, Still boys cannot be blamed. Oa Nr SN COOLIDGE WORDS $2 EACH may think these six short editorials a week, Calvin Coolidge receives $2 2 word. His contract calls for not lcss than 150 ‘words nor more than 200 words daily. He manages to make‘an average of 195 words. Which shows For writing sick and on no account misses | Often: times | These are of the best. Often} Nowhere! Yet they are happier in their in the yard about a small garden than] money goes, The juniors nae rétarned in fuly| Green sweaters are quite the go with : MARGE NEVER LIKED OUR BILL; ; HER HEART HE COULDN'T] 2% WIN; ts BUT WHEN HE TOOK HER 2 : SKATING = : OW vow SUE FELL FOR WM | “A. SEND PINKY A JINGLE = sh sb rE The choicest of ‘California’s Fruit and Vegetables—packed in the prime of their goodness, to bring | you delicious salads, desserts and other healthful foods. LUSCIOUS Peaches 2 oo 3 5¢ | Pineapple OE 39¢ Apricots ge. .45¢C Fruit Salad = 29¢ Spinach 2.3.29¢ | Asparagus Tips oe: 27¢c x ’ 2 Tall Cans. ..35¢ : WHITE HOUSE—EVAPORATED malt h EVERYDAY REGULAR LOW PRICES | RICH CREAMY - : ~ t . Cheese 1b 25¢ {ona Tomaloes: . i. .». i... 2 cans I5¢ Golden Bantam Corn ,......... 2 cans 25¢ lona Lima Beans ..............3 cans 25¢c Iona Tender Pees nl A Re cans 3236 DRIED LIMA © ~~ =. a Beans Sullang Jam na a sai AGP Apple Sauce’ J... ene. Iona Sauerkraut ar Sand cans 1c Pea Beans . sind eh en Wee sacaies .3 Ibs 20c. WHOLE GRAIN ik 1b Sec % Puan Mall vos via nes Ctm 3c CEC. Gingerdle .........c ny bots 25¢ Encore Spaghetti... . ui vs iis 3 cans 23¢ Shredded Wheat cones anna -Phge 10c QUAKER MAID : Hp z cans 3c 1 Beans 13¢, 3c Fleishmann Yeast ..... Royal Baking Powder .......6 oz. can 23c ¢ Sparkle Gelatin Dessert ..........3 pkgs 23¢c Campbell Baked Beans ......... 3 cans 23c WET PACK a pe Mr. Coolidge practices what he preached when President—thrift and economy. Mr. Coolidge is a man of 0 a CTT ooeedeodeedoadocledde few words, but g2 a word ig Shrimp - ean 15¢ Dill Pickles . ..... Fn ee Qt var 25et Guest Ivory ‘Soap i... ivvenioes 6 cakes 25¢ 20-Mule Team Borax ...........Pkge 5c Octagon Soap Powder ..........2 pkgs I5¢c RICH—FRAGRANT—INVITING! Peanu a Nectar Teas: og The Finest Teas of the Orient $ AREY 1 1b. ib. po 4 pkge 13c a 3 pkge 25¢ SULTANA ; : ib. t Butter 1 »19¢ | E AL Coffee Galvanized Pails b 23¢c each 17¢ ® Prices E Shavertown and Vicinity i ffective in Dallas, Noxen, ;