Sl ent living Past Master of Lodge 61, EF. = TAGE EIGHT _DALLAS POST, DALLAS, PA. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, {93 Dallas Socials Wood's Male Chore, which is giving a number of concerts throughout the back mountain region for charity, will! give a concert tonight in Shavertown | ~ M. E. church. On Monday night the chorus will appear at Trucksville MM. E. church and on Friday night, De- ecmber 19, will give a concert in Dal- las M. E. church. Silver offering will be taken at each of the concerts and the proceeds turned over to the churches of the region for charitable work at Christmas time. The proceeas will “be divided among the churches regardless of creed or denomination. A number of relatives and friends from Dallas and vicinity attended the funeral. of Mrs. J. B. Quick, aged 77, ‘of New Columbus, on Monday. Mrs. Quick was a sister’ of the late M. TL. Yaple, of Dallas, and ‘had been in good health until she suffered an attack “of ‘pneumonia, which: caused her death on Saturday night. Besides her son, Wal- ter, of Elizabeth, N.’ J., (Mrs. Quick leaves her husband, J. B. Quick, New Columbus. Mr. Quick is the old- ‘and A. M., of Wilkes-Barre. © Mrs. Harriett Benscotor and S. B “Rood, of Bloomingdale, were the guests] © of Councilman and Mrs. S. M, Rood, - Main street, on Saturday and Sunday. Jack - Gordon, who . is * working at Elmhurst, spent the week-end with his family. | Mr. and Mrs. Edward Eyerman have ‘moved to Wilkes-Barre for the winter after spending the summer and early fall at Shrine View. Donald Wormley and Rodney Ed- “wards, teachers in ‘Dallas borough sehools, \ last Sunday, where they spent the day © with Mr. Wormley’s parents. Mrs. G. A. A. Kuehn spent the week- ‘end with her son and and daughter-in- Claw, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ammerman, of Allentown. Mr. Ammerman is an en- _.gineer associated with the Pennsyl- _ vania Light and Power Company. / REMOVED TO HOSPITAL ; William - Krause, local farm equip- -ment dealer,” who has been suffering from’ a mental disorder for the past few weeks, was removed to Ransom “hospital yesterday for treatment. HIMMLER THEATRE TONIGHT AND TOMORROW NIGHT " *The Spoilers” me WITH cs GARY COOPER _ NEXT WEEK TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY “Manslaughter” —— WITH — RICHARD ARLEN FRIDAY AND SATURDAY “Santa Fe Trail” FREDERICK MARCH > AND: CLAUDETTE COLBERT motored to Northumberlane * RANSOM NOT A DALLAS BOY Hugh Ransom, recently eletced cap- tain of Qberlin College football squad for 1931, is not a Dallas boy. He was born and raised in Dorrance- ton (now Kingston) and attended the grade schools there. He was gradu- ated from Kingston” High School in June, 1927, and from Wyoming Semi- nary June, 1928. : He is a son of Coray B. Ransom, ot Kingston and Demunds. The past twelve years he has spent a part of each summer on. his father's farm at Demunds. CORRECTION -~In the article which appeared in last week's issue of THE POST compli- menting the Northmoreland township! supervisors on their road construction work, THE POST said that: the .in- debtedness three years ago was $13, 000 and that it had now been reduced to $11,000. The item should have read an indebtedness of $17,000 three years ago, has now been reduced” ‘to $11,000, or a reduction of. $6, 000" in thre years. ‘BEAR CLAIMS DECLINE A eombarivon of food conditions, es- pecially as to Jbeechnuts and other food for bear, is evidenced in the No- vember report of bear damage which lists only two claims as against No- vember, last, when fifty-five bear dam- age claims were received. Last year food was scarce and bear killed eighty- sheep and destroyed 189 beehives. Only five sheep were killed in November, 1930. Dallas Township School Notes ; SCHOOL NI NEWS Freshman and Sophomore Home- Making Classes made a trip to Wilkes- Barre Tuesday morning to visit the markets. The trip was interesting and we feel they that much knowledge was gained which will help in marketing and school lunch courses. The class spent an hour and a half going through Percy © Brown's cafeteria, market and kitchen, after which the Liberty Market was visited. The fol- lowing made up the party: [Misses ' Robinson,- Derloris Craig, Dorothy Elston, Alice Garinger, Helen Girvan, Thelma Kiefer, Antonia’ Koze- mchok, Lulu Meeker, Jean' Ritchee, Jewel Litwin, Kathleen Randall, Inez Boston, Jessie Richie, Elizabeth New- man, Jean Bogart, Almeda -Calkins, Anna Ruth Cobleigh, Elizabeth Gir- Peter Oberst’s BARBER SHOP Is now located in SULLIVAN BUILDING ‘DALLAS, PA. ? Formerly at Fernbrook, Pa. USED 1930 Chevrolet Coupe 1930 Chevrolet Coach 1929 Chevrolet Coach 1929 Chevrolet Coach 1929 Chevrolet Coach 1930 Chevrolet Roadster 1925 Chevrolet Sport Coupe 1928 Chevrolet Coach 1926 Chevrolet Touring 1926 Chevrolet Coach 1924 Chevrolet Touring 1926 Chevrolet Coach 1929 Ford Coupe 1926 Ford Touring 1927 Dodge Sedan 1926 Dodge Roadster 1925 Dodge Touring 1926 Chrysler Touring 1927 Chrysler Coupe 1926 Chrysler Touring 1927 Paige Sedan 1928 Pontiac Sedan 1927 Pontiac Sedan 1924 Hudson Touring 1924 Cadillac Touring 1927 Star Touring 1925 Studebaker Touring 1928 Oldsmobile Coach 1927 Oldsmobile Coach 1925 Buick Sedan 1926 Flint Coach 1924 Hupmobile Coach 1928 Whippet Coupe 1928 Whippet Sedan © 1926 Overland Coach TRU 1927 Chevrolet 1 Ton Coal Body 1927 Chevrolet 1 Ton Panel 1927 Chevrolet 1 Ton Panel 1925 Reo 1 Ton 1925 Reo 1 Ton 1927 Dodge Screen -1928 Rugby Panel .... 10-20 Titan Tractor Used 30x3Y, Tires Roy Stauffer Phone 470 - - - - Wyoming, Penna. p—T 1029 Chevrolet 114, Ton Express USED RADIATORS $3.00 TO $8.00 EACH CARS CKS $1 00 to $3.00 each van, Ruth May Hazel, Margaret Lan- cio, Doris Lauderbach, Ada May Rossy, | Evelyn Ryman, Marie Sayre, Bertha | Updyke and Eleanore Masadiine Jach- imowicz. L —_—— " | MEDICAL INSPECTION Doctor General hospital, and nurse, Miss, have been examining students of the school for the past two weeks. Thomas, of Wilkes-Barre 3asketball season will soon be here and all the students of D. T. H. S. are digging away at their books so they| will be able to play basketball accord- ing to the P. I. 'A. A. rules. —Editor—I. CHRISTMAS CHEER G. Christmas comes os bit once a year, When it comes it brings good cheer. For epery girl and boy on earth, To celebrate our Saviour’'s birth. Santa brings. us “lots. of ‘toys; Fills our hearts with lots of joys, For you know that Christmas Day Chases all our gloom away. : Anny Mahler, 8th Grae; D. T. H. S. WINTER IS C COMING Winter. is omg Summer time is now Upon “the twane. Winter is coming With its ice and snow again. There’s a chickachee a-singing, In the spruce tree by he door. There's no sound of water rushing As it runs slower than before. The ice chains are tightened And the summer’s on het wane, Merry, merry winte is Coming once again. ; Antonia Kozemchak, Fresh- man, D. TF. H.:S. CLASS NEWS SENIOR CLASS The ‘Christmas cards have been reo- ceived by the Seniors and are nearly all sold. Clyde Hoyt and Thomas Lan- don have the record eof selling the most. Raymond Carlin, a senior, furnished the truck to get the scenery forthe junior play. \ WHAT'S THIS? Raymond Carlin coming to school on time one morning in the week. —Reporter, H. S. JUNIOR CLASS Jeane Stark, a junior class member, motored to Binghamton, N. Y. last week-end. The punior class members "are an-| wering the coaches’ call for ball candidates. Mr. coach the boys, while Miss Yove and Miss Wallace will coach the girls. | senior classes of Lehman High School ber 26, LE, Ashmag chireh, basket-| Kester will again | The junior class thanks Mr. and Mrs. | Himmler, Mrs. Girvan and all those] who helped to make their play a suc-! cess on Thursday evening. = Repo rter,:J. R.. E. | SOPHOMORE CLASS | The sophomore class of Dallas Twp. | High ‘School are giving a play for) Christmas Literary. Program: “The Van Dorm Merry Christmas” Characters: Yan Dorm... :.<..7.. Arthur Kiefer | Doris Lauderbach George Shultz Ziba Martin Evelyn Ryman atte sels sind Almeda Calkins Th yr Se Robert Girvan Bertha Updyke Mr. Mrs. Van Dorm Uncle Adam Mr. Grinn Mrs. Joy Lois Willis Ada Willis Bump (maid) A number of girls and boys of the sophomore class are going out for the varsity basketball team. Some of the clever players come from this class. —Reporter, D. L. D.T.P.T. A. TO MEET Dallas Township P. T. A. will hoa its December meeting Monday, Decem- ber 15. Primary pupils will give a play. Prof. Jones, of Plymouth, will be the speaker. It is hoped that a large audi- ence will be present as the committee has arranged an exceptionally good program. The meeting starts at 7:45. —_—0 FRESHMAN NOTES The Freshman class deeply regret the departure of a former classmate, Chester Sutton, from their ranks. He has moved to Forty Fort. fais0 returned to Lehigh after spending .lanteed. “| Lehman High School News ASSEMBLY PROGRAM «| December 3, 1930, ‘the junior and 2 | RATES FOR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS words or less. Classified Advertising = — MISCELLANEOUS ~~ FOR RENT-—Four-room house, all irn- provements, $23 per month. Also three-room house, improved, $15 a One insertion, 25 cents for thirteen Over thirteen words, cents per word. Call Dallas 300. enertained the high school for minutes. The first number was a playlet, “Just Before Midnight,” by Francis Randall, Geraldine Cornell, Paul Rice and Benton Hadsell. Readings— “Father's Joy-Ride,” by Elinor Mor- gan, and “The Nightingale and the Rose,” by Ruth Karschner.. In closing the junior and senior quartette sang, “Merry Bells.” i thirty If SURETY BONDS — tract; Bonds, Burglary, Fire, bile, Plate Glass or Liability Insurance, Phone: INSURANCE You Need Surety, Fidelity and Con- Automo- month. Wm. “Sutton, Dallas’ 229-R- 2 ER 12- 12 1t* e room apartment; all steam heat; located Dallas 275-R-13. : 10-31-tf FOR RENT—5 improvements; Call in Trucksville. G. HAROLD WAGNER Dallas 72 Dallas, Pa. PAY CASH for old United States afe stamps used before 1880. Buy any quantity. John T. Jennings, 55 FOR SALE . ORCHESTRA PLAYS Lehrman High School orchestra gave several selections at the Thanksgiving FOR Mayallen street, Wilkes- Barre, Pa. SALE—Atwater Kent All Elec- a 12-ite tric Radio, Modal No. 46 in Pooley ‘Walnut Cabinet, Dynamic Speaker. Complete, $75. Call Dallas 239-R-2. 12-12-11 WANTED HOME FOR DOG—Will 5 give away white and brown male ter- rier, 1% years old, good farm watch service, Wednesday evening, Novem- BRIEF NOTES FOR SALE—Upright Piano, first-class dog or child's pal, to any ‘one who will treat him kindly. ~ Call Dallas condition, $50. Russell Engle, Sha- 180-R-11. ver Avenue, Shavertown, Pa. 12-12-1t WANTED-—~Woman to do ‘washing anda Mildred Riley, freshman i‘has returned to school after illness. Stephen Bambick, a member of the junior class, has resumed his studies after being absent for some time on account of illness. reporter, a brief FOR SALE—Baby Grand Piano, first- | FOR SALE—Model 30 ‘Atwater Kent ironing at her home. ‘Phone Har- Call Dal-| Vey's Lake 221. 12-12-1t class condition. Price $60. las 290-R- g WANTED—Washing and ironing to at home or day work. Mrs. Lulu Moore, Davenport street, Parrish. Heights, Dallas, Pa. 282-R-2. y Battery Set, Pooley Call Dallas 239-R-2. Cabinet, $35. 12-12-1t GRADE NEWS The Kiddie Band and Saxtette Band | FOR SALE—Five-piece 12-12-18 living suite in good condition, $25. Bert Hill, Shavertown. room Inquire 12-12-1t WANTED TO BUY—Young Jersey Cow—giving milk preferred. R. H. of Lehman High School have reorgan-| ized under the direction of C. F. Terry. The Lehman grades will hold their annual Christmas party from 1:00 to FOR SALE—Regular $1.50 size feras, Evans, Aldersen. Phone Centermore~ land 19-R-3. 12-12-1t% FOUND—Fountain Pen. Owner call at Dallas Post Office. 75¢, now until Christmas. Florist, Shavertown. Hill, tne 12-12-1t 3:00 P. M. December 24. Great prepa- rations are being made for their usual guest—Santa Claus. The Lehman grades have the honor of having the highest percentage in FOR SALE—AIll Electric Atwater Kent Radio, No. 47, with Dynamic Speaker. List, $154.50. Bargain, $99.50. J. R. Oliver, Dallas, Pa. 12-12-1t FOUND—A sum of money in Dallus borough. Owner may have same by proper identification and ‘paying this ad. Inquirs Mrs. C. T. Isaacs. 12-12-1t banking. * LAUGHS FROM LEHMAN A young girl said to her mother: FOR SALE—Regal Bengal Heater in good condition, $15. James Hand, Mt. Greenwood. : 11-14-tf GET THE LOWEST i on yo coal hauling—delivered any wh long ton—Call Kingston 71386 5 “Mamma, do you know what I am go- ing to buy you for Christmas?” “No,” replied the mother. “Oh! well, I am going to buy a ” FOR SALE—Pop and hickory Main street, 12-5-2¢ corn Parris,’ nuts. Elmer Dallas, Pa. pretty mirror for your dressing table.” “But, my dear,” said the mother, *'T already have one.” “Oh, No!” said the small broke it this morning.” girl, “I The teacher said to a student in FOR SALE OR house, store and ice cream parlor, pool tables. Extra large barn, gar- age. Lights, heat and water in house. Dandy location for restau- rant for right party. Address Box 85, Noxen, Pa. 11-14- t TRADE—I12-room 2 FUNERAL DRECTOR ALFRED BRONSON physics class: “What are the effects of heat and cold?” After a moment the boy replied in an assured tone: “The heat dilates and the cold contracts.” “Very well,” said the ‘teacher, “ and FOR SALE—Four-room bungalow on Sweet Valley, Pa. DAY or NIGHT 3-acres cof land in West Dallas; suitable for chicken farm; 2 chick- en coops; garage; Mrs. Rachel Rey- nolds, R. D. No. 4. 9-19-tf - oa Dallas 363-R-5 now give me an example.” “In the winter the days are very FOR RENT Telephone: ’ short and in summer the days are long,” answered he student. A very agitated woman rang at mid- FOR RENT—Three-room apartment Muhlenburg 1-R-5 Call 80 and bath, heat furnished. 12-12-tf Main street, Dallas, Pa. night at the doctor's door. “Quick, quick, doctor, I believe that my son has swallowed a mouse.” “Oh!” said the doctor, irritated at having his sleep interrupted, “tell him to swallow a cat and leave me alone.” (Too late for publication last week) | ALUMNI NOTES Alan Major, a graduate of 1928, has resumed his studies at Lehigh Univer- sity after spending Thanksgiving with his parents. James Hildebrandt, class of 1929, has | Thanksgiving with his parents. Mr. Hildebrandt is studying enginering. Louise and Emerson Brawn, gradu- Just the thing for Mother for Christmas a” new Air-Way SANITARY SYSTEM Container CARD TABLE COVER 51; LINEN AND LINENETTE GIFTS FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS = No: Cleaner i to Empty Bag or New Shipments arriving next . week for last minute gifts .. MARGARET E. PATTON'S LARKIN PANTRY SHAVERTOWN, PA. For Demonstration Call CHARLES M. THOMAS Local Dealer Phone Dallas 117 Pioneer Avenue ates of 1930, have resumed their stud- ies at Wyoming Seminary. They are both taking college preparatory courses. Lydia Smith, clas§ of 1929, has re- turned to Bloomsburg State Teachers’ College, from which she will graduate in June. Jean Major and Ella Frantz, gradu- ates of 1930, are both taking business courses at Wyoming Seminary. 1 | Undertaking Busi- ness Continued The undertaking business of the laze Harry L. Dailey, of Center Moreland, is to be continued with the same care and efficiency as before his death. All calls will be promptly answered, day or night, and satisfactory service guar- We courtesoly solicit your patronage at any time you may have need. NOW OPEN NEW BRIDGE INN | “Just across the bridge at Trucksville” Luncheon daily from 11:30 to 2, 60c Dinner daily from 5:30 to 7:30, $1.00 CHICKEN AND STEAK DINNERS OR DAILY BY RESERVATION CATERING TO LUNCHEONS, DINNERS, TEAS, BRIDGE, ENGAGEMENT, SHOWER AND BON VOYAGE PARTIES AMBROSE RUTZ JOHN KINNEY Dallas 326 for Reservations N FOLKS, WE'RE OPEN EVENINGS A-La-Carte 8-TILL 12 DANCING JAMES KINNEY Telephone: Call Center Moreland 55-R-2 =n The Publix Toilet Waters, STAPLETON’S LUZERNE, PENNA. WHITMAN'S Chocolates Pens and Pencils Correct Stationery | Perfumes, Perfumizers 7 Athair Aah NN A NR ERIN NINN NPN HAVE Harley Misson Taxidermist MOUNT YOUR GAME No Matter Whether It Is Large Or Small Game, We Give FIRST CLASS WORK at REASONABLE PRICES HARLEY MISSON 6 SHAVER AVE, SHAVERTOWN, PA. RR vY Rubber Goods ORE | 2] Cigars and Cigaretts Ingersoll Watches Greeting Cards EEE] 3 32 Drug Store EERE 5 | EERE H AVE KOVAL The Taxidermist MOUNT THAT DEER HEAD Free Game Tags ond Ca amp Roster EE EP EE PEPE PES PR EE SH ER EY uo Phone 3-R-3 £§