havertown- Schwartz, Correspondent The following local men have been Taw to serve on the Grand Jury dur- the “month of January: Thomas re, “clerk, Dallas township; Edward us, driver, Clarence Myers, garage r, both of Trucksville, and Sam J. W olbert, laborer: of this place. OTHER AND "DAUGHTER PAR1Y A mother and } daughter covered disn party will be given at the local M. E. ‘church by the members of Girl Scouts “Froop 9, according to an announcement . made by Mrs. Vester V, Vercoe. Mrs. : F. J. Werner has been secured to tae hostess work. Mrs. Vercoe is with much success in the of a carol club. The dinner held in the near future. MUSICAL at ttn, “The. Junior choir of St. Paul's Lutn- 4 church, under the direction of b. Gt Laycock, choir leader at the church, will ‘present a musical at the church on Tuesday evening, Decem- A: play under the direction of 5 E. Ruff will be given by the os of the Sunday school classes. eo proceeds are to be used to defray ‘expenses of the robes that were recently purchased for the Junior choir. The admission will be fifteen ents and the public is invited to at- dress-length remnants of est silk to be cleared by mail, re- SS. Every desired yardage and : AlL 39 inches wide. piece of genuine $6 Crepe Paris > ‘flat crepe) on approval 3 your inspection, If you then wish 430 eep it mail us your check at only $1.90 a yard. (Original price $6 a yd.). or ‘choose printed Crepe Paris. Every wanted “combination of colors. We will gladly send you a piece to look at. ‘What colors and yardage, please? If u ‘keep it you can mail us check at 5 a yd. (Final reduction. Originally crepes we 90c a va. in this Solo, ie ( 0 not ask for or buy ‘from See the whole piece you are We want to your New York aterarion so tells us 1 you wish to about yourself and de- ibe the piece you want: to see on proval. | Write NOW. Send no oney. To advertise our silk thread CRANE'S | Silks, 545 Fifth Ave. N. Y. City. WEDDINGS , Tuxedos, Full Dress © and Morning Suits David Baum’s Son 290 'S, Washington Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Phone 2-5514 DALLAS, PA. ~ Members crn Bankers’ «Association oe Hk * ~~ DIRECTORS ; : L. Brickel, C. A. Frantz, D. P. i Ho ieywell, W. B. Jeter, Sterling = | Machel, W. R. Neely, Clifford W. | Sue A C. Devens, George R. : Wight. : x * * : OFFICERS ~ George R. Wright, President D. P. Honeywell, 1st Vice-Pres. ; ~ C. A. Frantz, 2nd Vice-Pres. | LT Ww. B. Jeter, Cashier Three Se Con Interest ~ On Savings Deposits No account too small to assuse careful attention Deposits Payable on Demand ~~ Vault Boxes for Rent _Self-Registering Savings Bank Free First National Bank PUBLIC SQUARE . WILKES-BARRE, PA. 1 United States Depository: Surplus and undivided profits ‘Officers and Directors: Win. H. Conyngham, President C. F. Huber, 1st Vice President Capital Stock $750,000.00 Surplus and profits ....$2,100,000.00 Geo, R. McLean, 2d Vice President ° Francis Douglas, Cashier F. W. Innes, Assistant Cashier Directors Richard Sharpe Edward Griffith C. N. Loveland C. F. Huber WwW. H. Conyngham Lea Hunt Geo. R. McLean F. O. Smith Francis Doulas T. R. Hillard Wm. W. Inglis Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent 3 Per Cent Interest Paid On Savings Deposits 1.00 Will Start An Account : Let us send | tend. Refreshment will be on sale. STORK KEPT BUSY The stork has been Kept busy the past week locally with the following births being announced: To Mr. and Mrs. Paul Laux, of Pio- neer avenue, November 28, a daughter. To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Young- blood, of East Centre street, November 26, a son. To Mr. and Mrs. William Knarr,of West Centre street, Novembtr 30, a daughter. : To Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beck, of Hill Crest View, Sunday, November 31, a son. To Mr. and Mrs. Claude ohnson, of East Centre street, November 30, a daughter. Mrs. Johnson before mar: riage was Mildred Holcomb. To Mr. and Mrs. William White, of Trucksville, November 28, a son. Mrs. White was formerly Irene Besteder. BROTHERHOOD TO HELP NEEDY At the meeting of the Brotherhood of St. aPul’s Lutheran church held re- cently, plans for the helping of needy families here for the holidays were discussed. A committee consisting of Charles Dressel, Charles Ayers ana William Deirohlf were named to make baskets. All members of the Brother- hood agreed to bring to the meeting Monday evening money or foodstuffs for the cause. Any one wishing to do- nate money or foodstuffs can do so by getting in fouch with the above com- mittee or any of the members of the Brotherhood. Election of officers for the coming year also took place with the following result: President, Lewis Cottle; treas DALLAS POST, DA LAS, pA urer, K. | John Eck. G. Laycock; ° ov sitink not been selected, due to the lateness of the election of the above named officers, this office will be voted on at the meeting on Monday night. Ean Schall and Robert Eck were nomin- ated, but due: to there not being a three-fourth majority the election will again be held. At a meeting on Monday a debate on the question of: ties of Dallas, Shavertown, ‘Trucksville and Parts of Dallas Township Combine Into One Large Community?’ The affirmative side of the question will be taken by L. T. Schwartz and Robert Eck and the negative by Charles Ayers and William Deirholf. The public is invited to attend the debate. Sel tn RT es THEY BAGGED THEIR DEER George Shaver and Herman Van Campen, of Shavertown, spent several days last week hunting in Pike county. Both these hunters returned with a -The office of secretary has | “Shall the Communi-| FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12. 1930 deer, the buck of Mr. about 175 pounds, { Campen weighed close to Orb Trombower, with his father shot a 10-pronged buck at the Pocono’s last week. It weighed about two hundredd pounds. MUSICAL FOR NEEDY Shaver ihe while of Mr. Vau 200 pounds. who while hunting Prof. Ernest Wood's Male Chorus will give a musical for the benefit of the needy families of the community at the local M. E. church on Friday eve- ning, December 12. A silver offering will be taken up which will be used to make baskets of foodstuffs for them. The public is invited to attend ‘this | musical. Prof. Wood will render seve- ! ral selections on the organ. | SCHOOL BOARD REORGANIZES The Kingston Township . School Board held a re- -organization meeting at the Trucksville school house last Monday evening when Wilbur G. Nichols was elected prosiqent for the | oa year in place of Joseph Schoo- ley. Edwin HAy was eclected vice- president, and Granville J. Clarke was retained as solicitor for the board. An appropriation of $100 was made for the Trucksville and Shavertown school libraries, which will be used to purchase books. Tax Collector Neyhart turned over to the board $700 in collections. BRIEF MENTION Rev. and Mrs. Harry F. Henry ob- served their 12th wedding anniversary recently by entertaining six guests at their home at dinner. 5 Esther Haunsick has accepted a position as clerk in the Evans Pharm- acy on Main street. Miss Helen McCord is a patient at the General hospital, where she under- went an operation. Her condition at this writing was reported good. The Ladies’ Aid Society of the Rtg Sr PAGE, SEVEN Methodist church are serving soup dinners to the public every Wednesday ‘at noon. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Clarke, of Forty Fort, and Mrs. Musette Smootz, of Ak- ron, Ohio, were guests ‘last Friday at the home of Mrs. John DeWitt, of Main street. Frank Thompson has opened a shoe repair shop in the Still building at the corner of Main and Centre streets. RHEUMATIC mn NEURALGIC PAINS, fe SPRAINS RED CROSS PHARMACY JOHN A. OLEWELL 5 EAST POPLAR STREET, WEST NANTICOKE, PA, FS rr adizirieeiisisissisdiis IT'S CONVENIENT TO HAVE YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED, PRESSED AND REPAIRED HERE Overcoats Steam Cleaned — Ladies’ Coats Cleaned and Repaired We Do Relining — Try Us First Shulin and Uter Main Street, E “YOUR NEAREST CLEANER, DYER AND TAILOR” ® Luzerne, Pa. Rell lela zzzzzzzizrzzizirizziizi I ellis dss 5 WELCOME TO THIS INN OF HOSPITALITY : 1000 Rooms with Bath No ohiies for cot-bed or crib Double ®4 t0%6 for Third Person in a TOOL. Single $3 1084. “PALL WITH dATH” Near Target Department Stores All Transportation Lines PRINCE GEORGE HOTEL 288 ST & 5TH AVE_NEW YORK—Alburn M.GuttersonMgr. You Can EQUAL Goodyear Quality ONLY in Goodyear Tires The Name “GOODYEAR” inspires a Pride of Owner ship and stands for Quality you can get in no other brand on the market And That is Why Millions More People Ride on Goodyears! 30 x 4.50. 29 x 4.40. 30x 5.25. 30 x 5.00. $7.07 11.34 11.34 GOODFVEAR "PRICED AS LOW AS CHEAPER MAKES because Goodyear enjoyslowest costs through the largest production All Firsts—All Lifetime Guaranteed—Full Oversize 7.87 | 31 x 5.25. | 32x 6.00. | 30 x 5.00. 129 x 5.00. Tubes also priced at History’s Lowest Levels FORD-CHEVROLET SPECIALS J. F. esecker & Co. DALLAS, PENNA. First Speedway Cords