% 7 iN town, and James Kozemchak, also aged ~ 17, of Dallas R. F. D. 4, received seri- moval to Nesbitt West Side hospitay, ‘their Ford automobile was struck by engine hit the automobile carried the . small car down the tracks for a dis- ried to the aid of the young men and “placing them no sound of the approaching engine ~ Entertained at the Home of Miss Laura session was devoted to the business ~ ters of the study book. ~ companied by Mrs. W. ~ Newhart, Mrs. Hattie DeWitt, Mrs. J. - Houghout, carries with it all of the rollicking and amusing laughs that could be crowded GIVE A JOB! Classified Column FREE for Employ- ment Ads: AA a ue PON MORE THAN A NEWSPAPER, Dallas Post. A COMMUNITY INSTITUTION CIRCULATION THIS ISSUE 3871 NET PAID IN ADVANCE PRESS RUN—4,000 AAA AAA AAA rrr 4x 01. 40 "No 50 “DALLAS, POST, DALLAS, PA., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12. 1930 HIT BY LOCOMOTIVE LOCAL BOYS ARE SENT T0 NESBITT HOSPITAL Milton or and James Kozem- chak Have Narrow Escape From Death on Union Street Crossing, Kingston AUTOMOBILE .DE DEMOLISHED Milton Doughton, aged 17, of Shavers ous injuries, necessitating their re-| ‘Wednesday night at '7 o'clock, when a light engine on the’ D., L. & W. crossing at Union street, Kingston. “Both boys received fractured legs and deep head and neck lacerations. Their condition last night was reported favorable. “The force of the empact when the tance of about 100 feet, completely de- molishing it. Passing motorists hur- in their automobiles rushed them to the hospital. Eye witnesses claim that they heard 2nd that traffic had not stopped at the approach of the locomotive. _H. AND F. M. SOCIETIES MET White in Shavertown The Home and Foreign Missionary Societies of the M. E. church met at the home of Miss Laura White, in Shavertown, recently. The morning for each society and enigmas were an- sewered, followed by luncheon. The afternoon session opened at 2 o'clock. Mrs. J. Earl -Newhard led devotions. Mrs. A. C. Kelly reviewed two chap- A pelasing vocal duet was given by Mrs. J. Earl Newhard and Mrs. Fred Houghout, ac- A. Rhodes. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Arch Woolbert. 5 Those who were in attendance were: rs. Ellen. Moyle, Mrs. D. W. Kemble, Mrs.“ W. A. Rhodes, Mrs. W. N. Thomas, Mrs. Nellie Reese, Mrs. J. E. €. Parsons, Mrs. Susan Pethick, Mrs. Harry Brodhun, Mrs. W. E. Bennett, Mrs.